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Anime: Highschool of the Dead

Re: Anime: Highschool of the Dead

Fuck yes! Is it the chapter where Saeko tells Takashi how much fighting turns her on?

Next episode will be that, yes. This episode was the split of the group (which interestingly enough seems to be deviating from the manga to push the Saeko/Takashi chapter up to be sooner) with the rest of the group going to Saya's house.
Re: Anime: Highschool of the Dead

Oh god yes, I cant wait for the next episode then. That part is the reason why I love Saeko so much.
Re: Anime: Highschool of the Dead

wait, her breasts were wobbling faster than a bullet moves?

it really is going from obscene to ridiculous.
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Re: Anime: Highschool of the Dead

Incredible, isn it?

P.S: I m also waiting for the next chapter XD
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Re: Anime: Highschool of the Dead

wait, her breasts were wobbling faster than a bullet moves?

it really is going from obscene to ridiculous.

For the record, that scene wasn't in the manga, and even I think it was ridiculous.

But it WAS funny as hell XD.
Re: Anime: Highschool of the Dead

wait, her breasts were wobbling faster than a bullet moves?

it really is going from obscene to ridiculous.

I want to watch the anime now for the lulz.
Re: Anime: Highschool of the Dead

Incredible, isn it?

P.S: I m also waiting for the next chapter XD

Unless some other scanlation circle have picked it up you'll be waiting awhile because XLG aren't translating it anymore because its been licensed in America.
Re: Anime: Highschool of the Dead

Ok, it will be a little more hard to find it the next Monday. Thanks Oni
Re: Anime: Highschool of the Dead

i'm not entierly sure just how much more of this i can whatch. i mean i really enjoy it all except for the massive amount of breast jiggle, but there just going "I wonder how much we can actually get away with". Her breasts had bullet time!

manga > anime because it doesn't have room for ridiculous breast wobble.
Re: Anime: Highschool of the Dead

You might as well stop watching now then, cuz the guy behind the anime's production is all about the breast jiggle.

It's like that because the author demanded it be that way - the guy did hentai, after all. =P
Re: Anime: Highschool of the Dead

i'm not entierly sure just how much more of this i can whatch. i mean i really enjoy it all except for the massive amount of breast jiggle, but there just going "I wonder how much we can actually get away with". Her breasts had bullet time!

manga > anime because it doesn't have room for ridiculous breast wobble.

It looks like the coming episode for Saeko and Takashi will be a lot lighter on jiggly types of fanservice, so stick with it a bit longer.

One thing that interests me is that in the manga, the separation of Saeko and Takashi from the group came AFTER they escape Saya's home after it is overrun, while here it is happening before the group has even reached the home, with a chunk of the group heading to Saya's home and Saeko and Takashi heading to do what they would have done so much later. It makes me highly curious just how things will be changed or done, since it's the first time the anime has made a serious change from the manga (up to this point it had practically been panel for panel and chapter for chapter).
Re: Anime: Highschool of the Dead

It looks like the coming episode for Saeko and Takashi will be a lot lighter on jiggly types of fanservice, so stick with it a bit longer.

However you also said that about this episode, and instead we apparantly got bullet time breasts. Now, I've yet to watch the episode, but to say "keep watching I swear they tone it down a bit," just feels like a lie at this point.
Re: Anime: Highschool of the Dead

However you also said that about this episode, and instead we apparantly got bullet time breasts. Now, I've yet to watch the episode, but to say "keep watching I swear they tone it down a bit," just feels like a lie at this point.

I never said shit about the jiggly fanservice for this episode. I said they'd have CLOTHES in this episode.

Don't be putting words in my mouth you.
Re: Anime: Highschool of the Dead


as you can clearly see by this picture of saeko's breasts dodging a bullet, she is more or less completely clothed.

but there wont be any fight or bath scenes for a while so yeah it will theoretically be lighter on fan service and jiggle and a bit more on drama. Although i'm sure there will still be to much fan service, it will be a considerably more tolerable to much.

You might as well stop watching now then, cuz the guy behind the anime's production is all about the breast jiggle.

The problem is i really enjoy the parts other than ridiculous breast jiggle. i don't mind that they got all naked and bathed together or the huge amounts of panty shots, because with what there wearing they would be showing a lot of panty. I can stand anything if i think thats how it could go down (with some artistic license) but those shots he made where like he was trying to hit her but she was to superhuman for her to care.
Re: Anime: Highschool of the Dead

[...]she was to superhuman for her to care.

You guys have spent pages adoring just how badass she is ;3 now when her bewbs go Matrix-badass, you complain?
Re: Anime: Highschool of the Dead

You guys have spent pages adoring just how badass she is ;3 now when her bewbs go Matrix-badass, you complain?

you may have a point, but there is a notable change between the two. She goes from being slightly stronger and more athletic than would be considered possible, as they all do, jumping a little to far and hitting a bit to hard (sure you couldn't actually send the zombies flying like they do but it would kill them and thus serves the same purpose. Then she is actually moving faster than bullets, definite qualitative difference. But I digress, I've always said there was to much fan service, now that its gone to 90% fan service 10% story (where the action suffers because of this) instead of a more 50-50 thing i feel i have a right to make my point and then argue that point and promptly be told to shut up because no one cares.

although an interesting side note: the voice of is also the voice of
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Re: Anime: Highschool of the Dead

You guys have spent pages adoring just how badass she is ;3 now when her bewbs go Matrix-badass, you complain?

Actually yes. Because bullet time tits does not equal bad ass. Especially if they are flopping at such a speed for them to cross in front of the bullet while it is between her breasts.

She herself is still a badass, but I feel that that scene was more damaging to the character than helping. I've so far been enjoying the series, and I even easily got over the naked bath thing because well... it's been one day, it's hard for high school students to suddenly ditch their need to be clean. However all that jiggling and panty shots were believable, more so than what I saw in this episode.

I spent pages adoring how bad ass she was because she was. I even like her new outfit, good solid boots, and the skirt is easy to move around in, and apparently she really likes skirts so I'll let it slide that apparently the military kick ass that owned the house has zero pants in her wardrobe. However, she doesn't even look like she's wearing a proper bra, and that would get rather uncomfortable with all those damn flips, jumps and running that she does.

When this series focuses on drama and combat it does really really well. If it dropped a chunk of its fan service, not all of it mind you just the needlessness of a lot of it, then it could be amazing.

As it stands, anime has proved once again why I am looking so very forward to the TV series based on Robert Kirkman's graphic novel "The Walking Dead", and also back on such directors as Zack Snyder (who managed to put in fan service as well), Danny Boyle, and to some extent George A. Romero (I've lost a lot of respect for that man after reading some of his interviews)
Re: Anime: Highschool of the Dead

you may have a point, but there is a notable change between the two. She goes from being slightly stronger and more athletic than would be considered possible, as they all do, jumping a little to far and hitting a bit to hard (sure you couldn't actually send the zombies flying like they do but it would kill them and thus serves the same purpose. Then she is actually moving faster than bullets, definite qualitative difference. But I digress, I've always said there was to much fan service, now that its gone to 90% fan service 10% story (where the action suffers because of this) instead of a more 50-50 thing i feel i have a right to make my point and then argue that point and promptly be told to shut up because no one cares.

although an interesting side note: the voice of is also the voice of

Nunu ^^;; take a chill pill, I was only kidding.

I agree that the fanservice is way more over the top than it needs to be, and the fanservice is what got me started originally on the manga. But I don't mind putting up with it a bit - although yes, it gets to be too much at times (rippleboob). But I intend to keep watching, because this is a series that I absolutely adore for it's characters and for it's source material, so I want to see it through. I also know that it has epicness to share - several times it's held back, and then unleashed a fury of epicness and excellent animation the likes of which I've never seen.
Re: Anime: Highschool of the Dead

Nunu ^^;; take a chill pill, I was only kidding.

thank you for telling me to stop... i was having trouble doing it on my own. (anyone who knows me knows that i sometimes need to be told what to do)
Re: Anime: Highschool of the Dead

EDIT: Holy shit that episode was great. Anyone who likes Saeko will be totally nutty ecstatic through the whole ep, she was awesome. And there were highly distinct SaekoXTakashi vibes throughout...I'm turning into a Saeko/Takashi pairing fan o_o I prefer him and Rei in the manga continuity, but for the anime, I'm going Saeko/Takashi.
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