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Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

First screen on beginnig, no matter if I go left or right and black screen.

Read the last and the first pages and no answer
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

First screen on beginnig, no matter if I go left or right and black screen.

Read the last and the first pages and no answer

I read this message at least a dozen times and I still don't know what you're talking about.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

It means I start game.

If I go right on the normal way on the 2nd screen or so screen goes dark. I can hear her jumping or whatever but can´t see.

same thing for the left If I want to go to the teleporters
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

It means I start game.

If I go right on the normal way on the 2nd screen or so screen goes dark. I can hear her jumping or whatever but can´t see.

same thing for the left If I want to go to the teleporters

..I really don't know what to tell you. I haven't heard of anyone having this problem before, and the code for room transitions is so ludicrously simple and self-contained I can't imagine how it could possibly mess up. Can you give me any more information? Is your computer extremely old? Would you be able to get screenshots or a video of what's happening?
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

Screens attached when I go right after 2nd screen.

If I go back I can see good, but if I fall down I´m stuck in the dark

both from different versions.

Windows 8.1 Nvidia 840M laptop Acer Aspire V.15 I7 processor 8GB

is 64 bit windows


  • Darkscreen1.jpg
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  • Darkscreen2.jpg
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Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

Screens attached when I go right after 2nd screen.

If I go back I can see good, but if I fall down I´m stuck in the dark

both from different versions.

Windows 8.1 Nvidia 840M laptop Acer Aspire V.15 I7 processor 8GB

is 64 bit windows

This sounds like a surface incompatibility with your computer. It sounds like the game only goes dark when you enter a room with the lighting engine active; the first room and the room to the right of it don't use it, but any rooms inside the caves do. I use surfaces for a ton of effects, including the lighting, and unfortunately it would basically be impossible to remove them without neutering the game's visual effects. The strange thing is that there really shouldn't be incompatibility with surfaces anymore, that's an archaic issue; any modern computer should be able to display them just fine, so I have no idea why yours is having trouble with it.

Do me a favor and go into the dark area, then enter fullscreen (should be F4 or F9 I believe) and tell me if that gets rid of the darkness or not. Failing that, try running the game on another computer if you can access one. If neither of those things work, I'd be happy to give you a refund - but unfortunately I don't think this is a thing I can really "fix".
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

F9 Fullscreen saves the day! :D

bon weekend :cool:
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

F9 Fullscreen saves the day! :D

bon weekend :cool:

Okay, excellent - that's a good step in the right direction. Can you grab me a screenshot of the previously-black room after you fullscreen? And also let me know if entering other rooms after fixing it causes a black screen again? Entering fullscreen (or exiting fullscreen) wipes all existing surfaces, so right now it sounds like instead of surfaces being incompatible, the surfaces aren't properly wiping themselves after entering a new room, or something to that effect. This just gets weirder and weirder.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

Okay, excellent - that's a good step in the right direction. Can you grab me a screenshot of the previously-black room after you fullscreen? And also let me know if entering other rooms after fixing it causes a black screen again? Entering fullscreen (or exiting fullscreen) wipes all existing surfaces, so right now it sounds like instead of surfaces being incompatible, the surfaces aren't properly wiping themselves after entering a new room, or something to that effect. This just gets weirder and weirder.

All areas inside fullscreem=okay

not fullscreen=dark room
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

Just gonna leave this here..
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

Just gonna leave this here..

Something here did an uppercut in my table, i dont know what

(ノ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ノ彡┻━┻
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

I really appreciate the preview as someone who has been on the fence about buying. Early demos were nice, but I didn't care for some of the niches. This is definitely more my taste.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

I really appreciate the preview as someone who has been on the fence about buying. Early demos were nice, but I didn't care for some of the niches. This is definitely more my taste.

Honestly Shadow I'm going to stop you with some respect towards Anon, it's really not worth it yet. Save your money or find a copy on the -cough- cheap for now until the game is released. The game is great in two departments, heart and animation but completely falls apart in the fun gameplay or interesting addition department.

I'll take my flak for the review but like what Lewd Gamer was trying to explain is Crisis Point just isn't anything special nor does it stand out. While interesting in design, half of the platforming is just obnoxious, the level design is just barrier corridor after barrier corridor, and the only real saving grace right now is the fact that Anon has been hardcore focusing on new game over animations that aren't half bad and using the new voice actress who... well she's mediocre but she's better than the old voices used.

Like I said, you'd be better off saving your money for now and coming back in a year.

A complaint I got: "just because she isn't some high pitched japanese voice caricature doesn't mean shes bad." No, it's not that she isn't some squeaky little tartlet like half of the games we play on here, it's more that she's too scripted in her vocals and it comes out weird. Sorry, must have a good ear for that crap; unsure.

And another: "No, you don't have a "good ear" for this stuff. You're just petty and judgmental." Remember kids, if you have an opinion and it's bad, you're always going to be wrong. Sometimes I question how many negative votes people would actually get on this site if it wasn't anonymous :)
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Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

Just gonna leave this here..

Hummm that witch lady I already knew, but who or what is below her? :D
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

Hey everyone, just a quick note that me and Orexius will be streaming tomorrow, on the 16th, from 3pm-8pm EST. My goal is still to release this next update by Sunday/Monday, although my wrist has been acting up and hurting a lot lately so I'm trying to be gentle with it. Really hoping it doesn't slow me down too much. Hope to see you at the stream tomorrow.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

Sounds like this is approaching release, looking awesome so far.
I remember back when you were just starting out, giving feedback on the protag's sprite, aah the good ol' days!
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

Sounds like this is approaching release

Sorry, release is still a long ways off. I've been purely focused on creating game content first, but I still want to go back and update a lot of the level designs to be more interesting, and add all of the storyline elements, more collectibles, etc. Admittedly development has been slower than I anticipated, largely due to personal health problems, but that's why I haven't been giving release dates or anything of the sort. I'm hoping to pick up speed on production as soon as my wrist quits acting up, too.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

my wrist has been acting up and hurting a lot lately so I'm trying to be gentle with it. Really hoping it doesn't slow me down too much.

The jokes write themselves don't they?
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

The jokes write themselves don't they?

Lol, :D.

But well, not trying to be party-pooper but...
Isn't the muscle that ultimately works hardest during "that" is the shoulder or the elbow, not wrist?