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Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"Dingdingdingdingding! We have a winner!"

Christie grins as she signs up for the mission, then realizes that even if the mission isn't particularly hard, it'd probably be easier for her if she had other people to take care of everything.


"Any kind souls out there interested in lending a helping hand to a poor defenseless girl who is in a great deal of trouble because she has to look for some stupid medic?"

*sign up for "The medic needs a medic"*
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

If Christie signs her name, that'll three people, and I can finally get you guys outta this building. :p

Edit: Never mind

Send Pm's regarding that you're ready to commit to a mission.

And name the mission, for my sake. >.>
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


Iris turned her head to see a somewhat younger looking girl speaking to her. Her blonde hair and silly hat made her seem younger then she was to Iris. Trying not to be rude to a possible teamate Iris repsponded.

Yeah I did. Did you?"

* Iris continues to wait.*
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"Yes, I did. Are you prepared?" Lin asked, knowing that she's been assumed as a kid once again.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"That's it? They want us to go out where the monsters are, and don't let us even take a decent handgun with us? Really? How many people have you passed a .32 to that have gone out for a mission, and you've never seen them again?"


"Well, no one, you're the only other ones that are going out there, besides Shiva..."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

They have to be joking...

After checking the board, Jillian notices that her alternative to missions, helping the medic out, seems to not be possible without first rescuing the medic. She then proceeds to check the number of participants allow, and, if they can take a third on that mission, she signs up for it.

(I am presuming I should mark on my sheet that I am now down to 400credits due to purchasing the first aid kit earlier?)
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

River groaned loudly.


"Right, well, fine, give me a .32 and three clips then. But I want you to pass onto your superiors that this is bullshit, and if I don't come back it's all their fault, alright?" She says, looking the girl right in the eye as she does.

She grabs the gun and ammo and stuffs them in her pocket as she leaves, heading back to the lobby to find Lin and see if anyone else had signed up yet.

((Did I even get a check for that? :/ ))
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Lin saw that River is coming back and waved her over.

"This is Iris, it seems that she will be joining us on out mission, you ready?"
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

(She holds the Director in high respect, given your persuasive abilities, it would be impossible to sway her.)

(River has 175 Favor left)

Azure, Jillian, and River are ready to begin?

*Please just say yes, my brain is about to explode, and can't handle big words.*
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Azure looks at the girls beside her and nods to them, pulling her sheet/clothes back on straight again, having ignored the comments about her lack of clothes. She wasn't about to pay for some random trashy clothes when she just had to go back to her hotel room later after this blew over. The only reason she was still dealing with these people at all was for the scoop.


"So I'll be working with you two I guess? I'm ready when you are."

(yes, I'm ready.)
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

I'm read-... Why aren't you wearing clothes?

Jillian asks as she adjusts the straps on the first aid kit.

(I'm ready, and the conversation can continue in it's own thread)
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Lin stared at the woman, surprised that she's about to go on a mission without ANY suitable clothing, she hopes that she knows what she's doing as she waits for her team to ready up.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

As Iris continued to wait with the blonde girl, not really talking much, she saw a red haired girl approach them. This girl, to Iris, seemed like she could fight. Maybe this entire mission wouldn't end with failure. Then again maybe Iris wasn't giving this Lin girl enough credit. Maybe she was usful. Iris figured she needed to give both her teamates a fair chance and do her best.

Iris couldn't help but notice a woman with a lack of clothing that was standing in the room. What was her deal?

* Iris continues to wait.*
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Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

((I didn't think I would succeed, I was just expecting a [persuade check] or something, no biggie))

River walks up to the pair, still a little rattled from the lady at the shop, such an airhead...


"Hey there, I'm River, nice to meet you Iris. We're all set then? Let's go."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

*Having had suitable sleep and listening in on the lecture she wandered about aimlessly for a while before finally deciding upon checking the mission board to see whatever was still up for grabs. She personally hated guns and killing so thats why she only carried the knife for defense and utility.*

(check boards for whatever missions are not filled)
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Since one has been taken, and the other minor one's applicants have logged off, you can take their place and possibly begin if you get two other people.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

[Actually I've been here the whole time -_- but I am logging off soon now.]
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


Jillian is still waiting by the board where she had signed up for the medic mission.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

(problem is i wont be up much longer tonight. its way to late was just trying to show that i'm still here)
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Alright, you guys can go ahead and get some sleep, I'm going to finish up with the group I'm currently trying to rape. :D

I might be getting some sleep to in a couple more hours.