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RPG WolfRPG Shota [ あせろら/Acerola]寝取られ新妻モニカ~ツンデレな奥さんのHなお仕事~(RJ305687)

If you have nothing translated something went wrong. This game is in wolf RPG Maker and MTool isn't the best at grabbing the text from it. The story bits seem to be mostly translated, but scenes seem to be largely undone.
The developer of MTool uploaded a fix a couple of days after release so it now pick all text and translate it properly but I'm not a supporter so the problem now is the file size, but I was just saying that the supposed translation file is just the extracted text to manual translate it and I thought it was the proper translation, nothing is translated.
Okay, what the heck is MTool? I've never heard of it and Google results in an MDOS utility.
Okay, what the heck is MTool? I've never heard of it and Google results in an MDOS utility.
It's a program that translate RPG Maker games using Google translate and other translators without modifying the actual game. here is the link for the thread her in ulmf: MTool
I used that file and what I had translated is mostly story but not scenes. And the person uploaded that file before the fix was out and probably wasn't able to use the new feature that is out for it. I never had to manually translate it.
One thing I gotta say is that her body looks so weird when flat or with boobs. Is anyone else getting that weird vibe like she's a bit too wide? Or at least doesn't look right sometimes?
One thing I gotta say is that her body looks so weird when flat or with boobs. Is anyone else getting that weird vibe like she's a bit too wide? Or at least doesn't look right sometimes?
Bro I had the same feeling the first time I saw her too :LOL: is like she is too small but wide at the same time.
Bro I had the same feeling the first time I saw her too :LOL: is like she is too small but wide at the same time.
I can't Join his Discord, seens like the invited is expired, can u share the translation link ?? please
It's a program that translate RPG Maker games using Google translate and other translators without modifying the actual game. here is the link for the thread her in ulmf: MTool

Mtool keeps getting flagged by my antivirus. Anyone use it without giving their PC herpes?
The software uses a lot of operations such as remote thread injection, hooks, memory modification, and dynamic patching, which are sure to cause a lot of false positives. Every update and every recompile has to be resubmitted with a false positive review request. And there are too many false positives, so please judge for yourselves if the file is safe, Or submit it to security software team for rechecking. I don't want to waste any more time on this kind of thing. Copy and pasted from the developers patreon. I've used it and haven't seen any problems but, always decide for yourself if you are ok with the risk.
Anyway to save edit the file so i can have unlimited days or similar? wanted to see all the content in a single play
Whenever im playing with the guy he is saying something along the lines of "i dont know what Monika is doing" is this an event? or just his signalling he knows the truth? spent some time searching it and couldn't find it
Can you lose your virginity with the lover or its and "love ending" or something? So far I've been only gettin TJ/HJ stuff..
I was going to try losing virginity 1st before diving into the NTR stuff, is that possible?
IIRC you can give virginity to lover. I think you need either high enough lust and then share the bed with lover, or maybe share the bed enough times with him.
Interesting, I'll put this game on 'to buy' list, always glad to have another acerola game.
I wonder if we see Kagura translation at some point?

I'm hoping that Kagura picks this game up for a translation as well. So far they haven't announced any plans for Monica.

An interesting aspect that Acerola has done with this title is that if you interact with the other women (Pink haired nun and cat girl) in the inn (the two doors upstairs) when you're playing Kyle's perspective, you can sleep with them.

So cheating all around it would seem!

So wait, Kyle can have sex with his other two companions or watch them fuck other dudes?

Acerola in turning out to be the Ubisoft of hentai games.

They made a couple of games with good systems, and then proceed to ctrl c + ctrl v their system to every following game.

I mean, their games are always great, but a bit more innovation to each other wouldn't be that hard.

They can be repetitive, but by the gods their art style is super good.
I gotta say its a really high quality game overall.

There seem to be a lot of sideevents in the city. Like a hell of lot. I didn´t try any out, I am only into combat mechanics in these games.
Unfortunately those are a little too easy. You start overpowered and you remain as that until you finished all 4 dungeons.
You can oneshot every enemy squat with the 5 powerpoint skill and therefore you have to play bad on purpose to see H scenes in combat.
That is unfortunate because the quality of it appears great. After finishing the game, I ended up being grappled 4 times but escaped immediately and therefore didn´t see any sexual content xD
Too bad.

If people are into sideevents, I got a feeling they are plenty in high variety.
Considering the official partnership between KG and Acerola, I don't think a new game like this one will be skipped (unless it really do not sell - or maybe hit the same problem that DQM must have encountered). If the partnership was to be stopped, I think there would be an announcement (from KG and / or Acerola). Sadly, as far as we know, KG isn't bound to do all the new release or do them in a set time.
I'll just go with the idea that they just announced to many new project lately (many with short working time due to fan translation existing), and that they decide to avoid making too many new project announcement (there som many peoples openly bashing them on KG discord for the huge number of announced work not yet release year(s) after. Maybe they want to reduce the oil their pour on the fire ?).