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RPG Ci-En Loli Shota [ASIMOFU]エストラの迷宮 (Labyrinth of Estra???)

I wanted to try this game but I dont get how ci-en is supposed to work it just charges me few cents and doesnt do anything is it something like I can only start downloading new versions after next month or what?
500 yen is $5

If you're lost I recommend browsing the site in Chrome. Chrome auto-translates pages for you and you can navigate the site in English basically.
yep thats what ive been doing every time I choose the 5$ plan it want me to enter my card info again and only charges me few cents
Is your card approved for international transactions?
yep my card works just fine for dlsite and its japanese version but for some reason ci-en just doesnt let me pay them 5$
It seems to be behaving strangely for me, too. I've even subscribed though ci-en to another creator before as recently as the last few months, but I enter my card info and it just sends me to my ci-en home page and no actual subscribing seems to have happened. Still can't download the demo. I don't seem to have actually been charged anything either, though.

Edit: I was wrong about having used ci-en recently before. Turns out the game I was thinking of was on fantia.
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This is incorrect.

All Battlefuck games do not have this problem. Succubus Affection also does not have this problem as the game gives you incentives to have sex. Most reverse rape games also add compulsory erotic events that can be experienced as another avenue for experiencing adult content outside of losing in battle.

There is no incentive to be raped in Succubus Affection. Choosing to have sex with the characters is not reverse rape, its just straight up sex. If you are playing the game to win, you'll never see the 'rape' scenes in this game, which is the same complaint you had originally.
There is no incentive to be raped in Succubus Affection.
But that's not what I said. I said incentive to have sex, and originally said sexual content. (the post is completely unedited)
While I agree that Succubus Affection is not a femdom game, those are actually design choices.

There are incentives to get raped in FOBS for instance.

And games with simulation elements make it possible to have incentives to get raped as well.
But that's not what I said. I said incentive to have sex, and originally said sexual content. (the post is completely unedited)
While I agree that Succubus Affection is not a femdom game, those are actually design choices.

Having sex isn't the main draw of a femdom/RR game, it's having sex while also being completely dominated. Succubus Affection has both femdom and maledom depending on whether you initiate it or not. Resistance is key to the fetish.

I never said Succubus affection is not a femdom game, infact it absolutely is. The DLsite tags specifically say that it is a 'Reverse Rape' game, which is a tag that isn't always attached to femdom games, but this one is. That is pretty obvious since Zell is involved, whose almost exclusively makes Femdom/RR games, yes i am aware that there are some rare instance in Fobs that the protagonist initiates sex, but it is the rare exception. Most of the time, Having sex is because he is forced to do so in order to clear an obstacle.
Having sex isn't the main draw of a femdom/RR game, it's having sex while also being completely dominated. Succubus Affection has both femdom and maledom depending on whether you initiate it or not. Resistance is key to the fetish.

I never said Succubus affection is not a femdom game, infact it absolutely is. The DLsite tags specifically say that it is a 'Reverse Rape' game, which is a tag that isn't always attached to femdom games, but this one is. That is pretty obvious since Zell is involved, whose almost exclusively makes Femdom/RR games, yes i am aware that there are some rare instance in Fobs that the protagonist initiates sex, but it is the rare exception. Most of the time, Having sex is because he is forced to do so in order to clear an obstacle.
I'll PM you to not derail the thread.
Calling it now, if this game is as good as the demo is, I feel that this creator could stand with Zell999 and Excessm.
Would pass them to be honest. But both are putting out updates more regularly though.
Poring's update should be coming within a month or two, don't count him out, this next update will be massive.
Calling it now, if this game is as good as the demo is, I feel that this creator could stand with Zell999 and Excessm.
with? considering the effort and quality in this demo, i'd say he surpases them.
I wouldn't be comparing apples to oranges. Estra's a 3D action game, Zell999 and ExcessM produce action 2D games. There's massive differences between development of 2D games and 3D games.
So I was able to solve my problem with not being able to subscribe to the ci-en properly. The short, simple solution was to try another browser. I use Chrome normally, and that's what was failing, but once I switched to Firefox I was able to complete the transaction.

To go a little bit more into exactly what was going wrong, Chrome was working fine right up until I put in my card info. After that it diverted to my bank's website, where it had me do its thing to confirm the international transaction. And it was here where something went fucky: in Chrome, after completing this step, it tried to redirect me back to ci-en. Problem is, it would redirect to ci-en's main front page, and not to the purchase confirmation screen like it was supposed to. Through firefox I was able to go where I needed to go, although I had to have google translate open in another window to make sure I knew what I was doing/clicking.

A little annoying, but hopefully that works for others who had trouble buying, too.
You can also buy points on DLsite then go over to Ci-en to spend them.
Btw if anyone interested, on the author's twitter you can find 2 character designs that will likely be in the game somewhere in the future (Centaurus and Harpy, marked as monsters no. 4 and 6)
Nice, glad to see people are covering this game. I've had the pleasure of playing the demo already and all I can say is, what a fucking treat.

The girls are cute and full of character, the scenes are great and don't loop so obviously like 99% of H-games are guilty of, plus the extra bit of depth to them with clothes coming off depending on the enemy/player's HP % is a real chef's kiss. And as a bonus, the gameplay is shaping up pretty well.

Hooh... I just wish that more 3D H-games were like this instead of the vast majority being ass, unpolished ass flung out the door several months early at that.