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RPG Ci-En Loli Shota [ASIMOFU]エストラの迷宮 (Labyrinth of Estra???)

Oh man I hope it's an orc. Big strong gals is what this title lacks, even going off concepts.
for a "monster girl" concept i still want some big mountain, maybe cowgirl?
well centaur might works on that part i guess
Both slime girl and wolf girl have now super powered versions with pink outlines and slightly different animations. Still don't know how to escape one if you get caught.
The mobs with pink outlines are lusted. The differences are:
1. Lusted mobs act faster;
2. They only use grab attacks;
3. They skip the handjob/blowjob and directly ride on PC.
The lusted mobs are not only generated, but can also be triggered by escaping from normal mobs' ride attack.
The art on his cien also has elf, mermaid (tail?) and succubus as well as the slime, wolf, harpy, fox and centaur.

It seems like hes taking his time so it will probably be literally years until we see the end-product. I think he should do what other devs do and slowly release the game girl by girl on Patreon until the game is like 70% done, this, in addition to sales when the product is done will be much more profitable.

The dev seems pretty upset on twitter about someone pirating the game, post it on a forum somewhere and then complaining about it. Said he was so mad that he couldn't work at all yesterday, i believe he said he was so mad that he did or thought about making it so the file could only be accessed if some full-length Japanese was typed in, which sounds similar to what the creator of BF rpg did a couple years ago.

Let me say a little bit about the subject here.

When it comes to any kind of downloadable program or content, it is an expectation that a large portion of it, possibly the majority will be pirated, its just something that goes with the territory. My suggestion is to monetize your work in a way when you can maximize income from people who are loyal to your work, those people certainly exist and can fund the development of your project through it's entirety. I have been a Patreon supporter of 'Poring' since he was in the middle of development of Devil Legion, this was back when he was making less than 100 dollars a month from subs on Patreon, today, he is raking in $5,242 after the release of his most recent update and was making about $3,000 per month for six months to a year prior to that, we aren't even talking about what Poring will make when he puts the game on DLsite and Steam which is his intention. Hes a guy who updates about once or twice a month and this newest major release came about a year after the last one. So why do i sub to poring? Because i love his vision and his artstyle -- The same could be said for Zell (who has no Patreon that i am aware of) and certainly Asimofu.

I have previously subbed to Asimofu on Ci-en, but there was such a lack of updates at one point that i stopped subbing because i thought he abandoned the game, the next month he posted the trial containing the slime girl and the wolf girl.

If Asimofu makes a Patreon page and updates it more frequently than he is doing so currently on Ci-en, i WILL subscribe to him for at least the entire duration of the development of the game whether it takes several years or not, i know that there are enough people like me who are willing to do the same because i've seen it before with other games that people are working on like Ason and Kenko_Cross who i am also subbed to who also make thousands of dollars on the platform.

I can empathize with working so hard on a project only to have your work stolen, but its really a fact of life in this industry, just rest assured that there are enough dedicated fans in the femdom genre who will gladly shell out 5-10 dollars a month just to get a small glimpse of what is coming next, you simply need to tap into the already existing network that is so underutilized by Japanese H-game developers.
Ah, F95zone and their autism, of course. Can't just stick to terrifying 3D-goblin 'western' games, they also seek to ruin the jap side of the sphere.

"Well waking up to this is fucking awesome. I feel completely shit and betrayed."
"He is also mumbling around saying how angry he is and how we are thieves and basically crying ever since on his twitter."

Well, I mean you are thieves by definition. I also don't understand the need to have every thing translated 100%, it's a short demo and not that complicated to understand. From what I'm reading, F95zone users are also interacting with the dev on twitter and trying to explain how piracy 'isn't really that bad for devs'.

I'm all for the plundering lifestyle, but if a dev gets mad when he catches you out, don't try and act like you're the victim in the situation.

Also, stop the patreon shilling. It's a broken system with far too many restrictions on content creators. At least shill the ruski Subscribestar.
Situations like this can be roughly equated to a slightly attractive coma patient you have no relation to, yet have been encouraged to foot the bill for life support.

Sure, you 'could' throw money at this dormant lump of flesh that may or may not ever wake up and benefit you or anyone else, because you want to see them stay alive.

Or, you could cop a feel and get it out of your system, and move on with your life.
"Well waking up to this is fucking awesome. I feel completely shit and betrayed."
"He is also mumbling around saying how angry he is and how we are thieves and basically crying ever since on his twitter."

Well, I mean you are thieves by definition. I also don't understand the need to have every thing translated 100%, it's a short demo and not that complicated to understand. From what I'm reading, F95zone users are also interacting with the dev on twitter and trying to explain how piracy 'isn't really that bad for devs'.

I don't think taking the game files and translating them into English makes you a thief but f95 generally has a community that posts full games all the time including full games that are simply translated. Perhaps its the case that the dev didn't understand what the person translating was doing, or maybe he did take offense to his game being modified at all without his permission, either way i don't think the person who is translating 'Kredyn' has any intention on stealing, only helping by localizing a game that as you said should be relatively easy to translate at it's current state, therefore its wrong to call him a thief.

I'm all for the plundering lifestyle, but if a dev gets mad when he catches you out, don't try and act like you're the victim in the situation.

Obviously devs would prefer if their game wasn't being pirated, but i don't know how you can occupy this space and not know that it is happening on a regular basis. I wouldn't tolerate any justification for why someone is pirating my shit either even if they might be correct. The Dev doesn't want you to do it, so whether you continue to do it is your own deal, but don't make it out like you are doing the dev some kind of favor by making something available that they have behind a pay wall, in this regard i completely understand his frustration.

It sounds like Kredyn was doing what hundreds of other people do for other games, they are taking to make the game more accessible to an English audience, this doesn't make him a thief, but he *is* operating on a platform where people are actively sharing his game.

Also, stop the patreon shilling. It's a broken system with far too many restrictions on content creators. At least shill the ruski Subscribestar.

It isn't completely ideal, but its more reliable than other similar services. With a game like this one, with the content being what it is, he'd have to be very careful about screenshots, but i've seen other devs operate on patreon for years and rake in thousands a month there, so in my opinion its the best option.

It seems like Asimofu is utilizing the underperforming Ci-En as his main source of income for the game right now, but Ci-En has issues with a language barrier and other accessibility problems, i'm suggesting that with the right attitude and upload frequency, he could be making several times what he is making on Ci-en.

Despite it's issues, Patreon seems like the best option to me, i don't have an experience with subscribestar, but i can say for certainty that a support base for femdom games already exists on Patreon for similar games.

Situations like this can be roughly equated to a slightly attractive coma patient you have no relation to, yet have been encouraged to foot the bill for life support.

Sure, you 'could' throw money at this dormant lump of flesh that may or may not ever wake up and benefit you or anyone else, because you want to see them stay alive.

Or, you could cop a feel and get it out of your system, and move on with your life.

Really strange comparison, but whatever. Look, i've bought almost every femdom game on dlsite for years now and i've supported devs on other platforms for a similar length of time, i don't do it because i'm trying to get the end-product, if i was simply trying to do that i could do what so many others do which is just pirate it, but i am investing in the dev himself so that its profitable enough that he continues to do this kind thing. Not everyone is willing to do that, but someone has to.

The 'pay for final product' structure is kind of archaic, while there are several Japanese who will buy the final product, and a few people in the west such as myself, most people in the west won't pay for a product in a language they don't speak, they might still be interested in the game, but can't justify spending money on something they don't understand.

As previously mentioned, it isn't about pursuing the maximization of foreign dollars amongst would-be pirates, piracy is way too rampart and cultural among this population right now, what you can do is what many games companies do now, which is offer expanded access to the few willing to pay for it to maximize profit from 'whales' which will partially offset the other losses, by using this model, along with the traditional release of the game when it is ready, you will make several times what you would have otherwise, its just a good business practice right now.

I'm trying to be as respectful as possible but once again, i don't know how Asimofu could have operated in this space for as long as he has and not already acknowledge the rampart piracy which is just part of the equation, throwing a public fit and talking about adding japanese-oriented restrictions which will lock out *all* foreign support isn't going to work and it will piss off the people who are willing to shell out some money per month to support him -- some of whom he's already blocked on twitter.
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I'm trying to be as respectful as possible but once again, i don't know how Asimofu could have operated in this space for as long as he has and not already acknowledge the rampart piracy which is just part of the equation, throwing a public fit and talking about adding japanese-oriented restrictions which will lock out *all* foreign support isn't going to work and it will piss off the people who are willing to shell out some money per month to support him -- some of whom he's already blocked on twitter.

At this point he's rapidly losing that right by transforming into a massive manchild that's literally shitting and pissing all over himself in a tantrum due to something he has zero control over.
Never support bad behavior.
I'm hoping he just calms down, but its already been 2+ days of complaining and making statements about 'betrayal' if you even post on a website that anyone shared a link to his game on, as if there are a bunch of websites dedicated to simply talking about games and nobody ever offered to share a link.

The only version of his games i own are ones i paid for and have never shared. If he has an issue with Gaijin playing his games at all he needs to just say so just so i know where we stand and i'll never send another dollar his way.
I think devs obsessing over internet piracy have it wrong since it's a fact of life: if it's digital or can be made digital it will be pirated. But the people who try to convince the dev that it's actually good for him are also wrong- they're not gonna change his mind, if he ever does change his mind about piracy and/or gaijins it will come out of his own self reflection, not anyone telling him stuff he doesn't even want to hear. On the contrary, when constantly pushed people tend to become more stubborn.
Well now I am withdrawing support from his Ci-en because now I am worried that he is going to put a gaijin blocker in.
Just so you guys are aware, Kredyn is the guy who makes drain mansion. F95zone has a policy where the only games they are allowed to post must be in english. So for them, its either a translation or no thread and discussion at all.

As for the dev's behavior... seriously? Your game is literally 5 minutes or less in terms of content. You charge per month not per release. I guess no one has ever been scammed by a hentai artist charging for demos? Clearly we have no need to obtain demos for free or anything.
F95zone has a policy where the only games they are allowed to post must be in english. So for them, its either a translation or no thread and discussion at all.

I don't think that's correct. Posts that users make must be in English, or with a translation provided. Similar to our own rule. There's nothing in the rules about posting non-translated games that I could see.
I don't think that's correct. Posts that users make must be in English, or with a translation provided. Similar to our own rule. There's nothing in the rules about posting non-translated games that I could see.

  1. Before making a request, check to see if the version has already been uploaded or requested
  2. Don't ask for games / comics / others that haven't been released yet
  3. Games / comics / others must be understandable by English speakers
  4. Don't ask for newer versions in the game thread, instead create a request
  5. Failure to follow the "Request Template" present on each section, will result in rejection
As for sources. I have tried to upload games there and also request only work for games that are translated as well.

I mean you could try rules lawyering but from my year browsing the site, I've not seen a single non-translated game being discussed that wasn't in the translation section of the forum (as in games to be translated\translation requests). You can't post a thread about a game without the game being ready\available for download with links you provided and again the game must be in english.

It is possible that there may be a section of the forums I've overlooked but it doesn't look like there were many options available for F95zone users. Some developers make threads on their own game (similar to here) and there's no forced rule stating that the full purchasable game must be available for download to have a thread (as evidenced by some developer lead threads not being required to give the patreon exclusive versions of the game).
I think Its Fine for the Developer to be frustrated, anyone would be frustrated if people are stealing their stuff. I dont think attempting to "block" the gaijins is the answer though. even if they put in a block, people will still find a way past it and you'll just piss off the people that are trying to support you. I think this game is beautiful and its something I've been really looking forward to, I've supported Poring on Patreon and I'd probably support them on Patreon if they got on the platform. I dont think we should rush to end our support for him just because hes frustrated because then I think we'll accidently end up isolating him. (Idk maybe If there was a Mass exodus of Western Subscribers then that might get some attention but from my understanding not alot of gaijins subscribe via Cien. ) I think if we try to show that we support him despite the pirates then that might help.

other than that, It'd be nice to get more updates from him. because as mention before, that long vanish made me lose hope.

Some interesting development, turns out Asimofu had planned translation to Eng earlier, he wanted to have DLsite deal with the translation.
It's a shame things went as they did with him and the f95 thread.