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Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Roger watched wide-eyed, as Leena's bullet killed Brandy. He felt a sense of uselessness at that moment, as if maybe, maybe there was something he could have done to prevent the deaths of his friends. He felt an emptiness in his stomach, and the fierce pounding of his heart in his chest. Tears started to roll down his cheeks, as he slowly took steps toward his dead friend, the only one he thought he could save, and fell down painfully to his knees. He started crying uncontrollably, feeling overwhelmed with the loss of his beloved friend, Brandy.

As his tears started to wet the ground beneath him, he suddenly felt a searing rage tear through his being. He knew who was responsible for this... And suddenly, anyone within a square mile would have clearly heard Roger screaming with an enraged temper, so loud, that it would likely have hurt Leena's ears. He kept screaming at the top of his lungs, until he had no air left with which to do so. He suddenly felt light headed, and ended up going on all fours, on his knees and elbows, panting, while tears of hate and sadness trailed along his face...


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Leena let him be for some time after his outburst, knowing he was angry, though wrong in her belief of why.

She had a feeling Wesker was responsible for this, but was wrong in her assumption RJ was angry with only her for killing Brandy. Still, she had to talk to him.

Eventually he heard her speak, her voice shaky at first. It wasn't timidness, but more of barely contained rage.

"Roger ... let's get the hell out of here ok? Let's find that son of a bitch."

Even if he turned around, she wouldn't meet his eyes. It wasn't because she was afraid of him, but rather that she was emotionally torn apart. She felt bad for having to kill his friend yes, but there was a look on her face that betrayed her. It was the look of someone who had just relived a personal hell that had caused her to become very hostile. The question was, what did that have to do with the Plaga? Unless .... it wasn't her first time encountering them.
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Leena's words were not heard by Roger, his mind was somewhere else entirely. He slowly started to get up, and managed to plant one foot on the ground, taking a kneeling position, feeling exhausted from the whole day's events, the loss of a friend, the exertion from fighting, and the pain still in his back. His head fell once more, and returned to looking at the concrete below, more tears falling. And, with the last of his strength, he moved his hands under Brandy's dead body, and lifted her over his shoulders.

Crying the whole time, Roger carried Brandy, away from the car, and away from Leena, with an intent on going someplace very special to him...


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Leena sighed slightly, then got into her car.

She would track him via his Farnsworth and by visual sighting, she wasn't going to let anything happen to him. Even if it meant getting in the line of fire.

It was then she realized, Roger hadn't taken one with him. Cursing, she moved faster, making sure to not let him out of her line of sight. If she had to she'd extend and track by aura now, and made a mental note when things had calmed down to give Roger a tongue lashing about not taking the device.

((She's making no attempt to stop him, but she WILL follow him.))
Last edited:
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Roger walked for a long time, almost a whole hour with Brandy over his shoulders. Even though he eventually started to feel a strain from carrying her for so long, his determination not to let his friend just rot on the streets kept him going. And with Brandy over his shoulders, Roger continued to cry, even though he ran out of tears. Memories of all of his friends, who he know knew were likely dead, streamed through his mind. The only people he could ever count on, the only people he even loved as a family, were all gone.

Feeling his legs wobble, and his upper body about to give in, Roger continued to push himself to go on, to reach that special place Brandy loved so much. Eventually, he finally reached it, a small forest, with a clearing as a path. Roger walked down that path, large trees hiding the moon above him, and crickets all around, as if singing for Brandy, the girl who'd come through here so often. Roger couldn't help but think the cricket's noise was accusing him as well, reminding him of his promise that he'd never let anyone hurt her... That he'd protect her, even if he had to get in the way of a bullet for her...

He broke his promise, he didn't save her. And now, more tears running down his cheeks, he carried her down the path... And to a lake. Once there, he walked down, into the water, until he was waist deep inside. He took Brandy off of his shoulders, and held her in his arms. Looking at her, his tears falling onto her blood stained shirt, he so badly wanted to see her alive again, so that they might swim in the lake, or just look up at the moon... But even as he stood, waiting in the water, Brandy did not move. He brought her lifeless body up to his face, and he cried into her, sobbing and moaning with grief.

"I'm sorry, Brandy," he apologized to her, his voice muffled against her, "I'm sorry I couldn't save you... You died because of me... Because I couldn't save you... I lied to you... I told you I'd always be there for you... Always be there to protect you... I'm sorry..." he cried terribly against her, making the dry blood on her shirt wet again with his tears.

Sniffling, he slowly pulled away from her, and looked at her face. He let her lower body go into the water, and used his free left hand to wash all of the blood off of her face. He bared full sight of the monster that showed itself out of her mouth, and felt very strongly, that it was his fault. "Brandy..." he whispered, calling to her, desperately wanting to think that she'd be alright somehow, and end up coming back... When she still gave no response to him, Roger slowly brought her up with his right arm, and kissed her on the forehead. "I'm sorry, Brandy... I'm not as strong as you thought I was... But, I won't give up, I'll try to save Eddy and the others, I swear." his voice was trembling, and he didn't know if he was even strong enough to do that. "I love you, Brandy. I know I never said it much... But, I do... I should have been around more... You did so much for me, and I couldn't even save you..." He hugged the side of her head against his chest, "I'm sorry..."

After some time, Roger knew he couldn't stay in the lake forever. He said his last goodbye to his beloved friend, and let her go... Her body sank, and vanished into the lake...

Roger weakly walked out, and before he even set two steps on land, he slammed his back against a tree, and slid down into a sitting position, bringing his legs up, and hiding his face in his wet legs, crying into them, feeling as if letting Brandy go into that lake was like tearing a part of his heart out...
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

( Alright, I'm quoting, and editing yer shit. Since you're not good at this kind of thing, I'll hold your hand. )

Leena had to abandon her vehicle when he went into the clearing, and continued on foot. She gave him some privacy while maintaining a watchful eye on him, and when he finally left the lake and sagged against the trees, she walked over to him.


She was silent for a few moments, fighting back, not 100% successfully a few tears of her own.

"I know what it's like to lose those you love... But don't let that make you forget about the people you still have. We're all still counting on you... We need you, Roger... We need you to be strong..."

She sat next to him, and wrapped her arm around his back, pulling him into her loving embrace.

"You're not alone, Roger, I'm with you... And I need you, and so do your friends..."

Holding him in her arms, she began rocking back and forth, and soothing him each time he let out a sob, brushing his hair, and rubbing his back.

"Don't give up, Roger... We need you to help us put a stop to all of this..."

With her left hand rubbing his back, she raised her right to cup Roger's face, and gently turned it to look at her directly, using her thumb to wipe off a tear, while still crying many of her own.

"I lost my whole family to these monsters, please don't let me lose you to..."

With that, she wrapped both her arms around his neck, and squeezed him with all the love and warmth in her heart, burying her face on his shoulder, showing him how much she needed him...
Roger swallowed a lump in his throat, and felt comfort from Leena's embrace. His arms slowly wrapped around her, returning her loving hold. "... You're right..." he whispered, and gently pulled away, only enough to look at Leena's face, "I've got to be stronger than this." He placed his hands on the sides of her face, and smiled at her, "And I'll use every ounce of my strength to protect all of you. So long as I live, I won't stand by and pout while you pathetic losers are lost without me." he chuckled, and appeared to be recovering rather quickly, returning to his old self.

He started to get up, while helping Leena to get up with him. He looked to the lake, and while he shed one last tear, he smiled, "I'll keep fighting, and maybe one day, I'll see you again..." he said to the deceased Brandy, his meaning being that he'll be reunited with her once he dies as well.

He turned back to Leena, and nodded, placing a hand on her shoulder, "I said it back at the warehouse, and I meant it. I'll protect you with my life, Leena, I promise I won't let anything hurt you."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

((Ah that works, thanks.))

Slowly she nodded.

"I believe you Roger. I think though ... you mentioned another name earlier, Eddy I think it was? What about him? Do you think we can help him?"

Inside she was wondering though about this other person. Brandy had said nothing about being injected or attacked, yet obviously the plaga had gotten into her somehow. The question was how?

He might be able to tell some kind of question was eating at her, as she seemed half lost in thought on something, even though she had stood and was leaning against him again.

((I'm guessing he'd want to at least TRY to help Eddy, if I got the name right? Figured she'd mention it anyway since I THINK she was there when he asked Brandy about that. If not let me know I'll edit that part out.))
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

( It helps to stay in character. Just remember the character you're playing as, and think of what they'd do or say in that situation. Remember, when not directly playing as yourself in this game, you're an actor, and you have to remain in character if you want to be believable to other actors, and the audience. )

( You've just gotta remember the character you're playing as, or else you're just Keanu Reeves. )

Roger slowly lowered his head, "... I don't know where he is... My only guess is that Wesker got to him, just like how he got to Brandy..." He seemed to go back into an emotional state for a moment, before shaking his head, "I have no idea where he'd be, even if he got away from Wesker. The best thing we can do right now is check back with the BSAA. It's been over an hour, and if they survived the attack, they might know something."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Leena nodded, then after a moment softly asked him a question.

"Roger ... I don't remember her saying that Wesker spoke to her or that anyone matching his description did. So ... how did that plaga get in her? They have to either be forcibly injected or ... well you saw what it tried to do to you."

She shuddered, the thought of one of those things crawling into her .... revolting to say the least.
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Roger raised an eyebrow, "How the hell should I know? Do I look like I carry a fucking monster encyclopedia in one of my pouches?" he then shook his head, "And were you listening to me? We have to check on those BSAA guys we met earlier. If the monsters hit them hard... Then at least we might find survivors." he told her, which might surprise her, as Roger usually only cared about himself, or at least direct friends.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

That snapped her back to reality quickly.

"Your right. I just hope that the Tyrant and ... well I just hope we've already dealt with all of those things, but if there were more ... If they haven't been attacked yet they will be, and we can at least warn them."

She stood, then took off as quickly as she could, stopping only for a moment to be sure he was keeping up with her as they raced back to her car.

((Last post for tonight, I must sleep.))
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Roger more than kept up with her, he actually had to slow down a little just so he wouldn't just run past her. Being a criminal his whole life left him very physically fit.

Once they were at the car, Roger went for the passenger side door, not wanting to waste time with who got the keys, as it was not far from where they were, only a few minutes of a drive away.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Leena climbed in and started the car, pulling back onto the road as quickly as she could. One of the beauties of having a car like hers meant SPEED, and to say she put the pedal to the metal was something of an understatement.

The car shot forward, the mighty engine picking up speed at a constant rate, and about the time one might think they would pass the speed of sound, she was slowing down to pull into the BSAA 'parking lot.'

What greeted them was something of an ugly sight.

Several bodies, both BSAA and Civilian lay on the ground, having been shot in the heads several times, the remains of what appeared to be plaga jutting out from their mouths.

"Just ... fucking great. I wonder if ..."

She was cut off by the sounds of automatic weapons fire behind one of the buildings, followed by the sounds of what seemed to be a struggle.

"Shit, someone is still alive, this way!"

And then she was running again, cutting between two buildings, even as a female scream could be heard that wasn't Leena's.

Each building was probably twenty stories or so tall and darkish in color. Most of it's features were difficult to ascertain with the parking lights very dim and it being night, but what little detail was visible left the impression that this 'base' was a whole lot larger than RJ might have first though it was.
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Leena didn't have the chance to order Roger to follow, as soon as he heard the gun fire, he was already in front, with her following him, as he charged at full speed, drawing his knife with his left hand, and pulling out his gun with his right, just as he usually did, always ready to quickly switch between long range, and close quarters combat.

"Hurry up!" he told her, running at full speed, "We've gotta help them out!"


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

As they rounded the corner, they saw three more bodies, each with a plaga half shot out. However, one of those people still infected was still standing, and had grabbed one of the female agents. From the looks of it, she appeard to be the same one from before, Alyssa.

Said person grabbing her was about six feet tall, and built as wide as a truck. Most of his clothing was torn to shreds, rendering it impossible to determine exactly what he'd been wearing, other than it had been green in color. He also had a significantly different approach to things than what Brandy had done.

While Brandy's plaga had only had two pincer like protrusions, this one had four that were as thick as the guy's beefy arms each. They had clamped over the front of her face by the time either of them could react, yet Alyssa was still able, for the moment, to prevent it from keeping her still long enough to implant her.

The host was trying to change that, throwing several HARD jabs into the young woman's midsection, trying to knock enough wind out of her to immobilize her.

Leena took three shots at the leg of the guy, but he seemed to ignore it. Her aim faltered slightly, and Roger likely already had figured it out before she even said.

"I can't get a head shot on it at this angle without hitting her. If you can, take the shot."

It was likely a waste of breath, but she had to say it anyway.
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Roger didn't stop in his charge, noting the woman in trouble, kept his speed, even as Leena fired her shots into the man's leg. He leaped upon the man's back, and wrapped his left arm around the monster's neck, using the other to bring out his knife, "Die!" he shouted, and in quick succession, stabbed the man right in his mouth, where the parasite was trying to worm it's way into the guard's mouth.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

There was a high pitched screech, unlike anything either of them had ever heard, RJ's attack seeming to do the trick. The host staggered back in pain, the parasite all but destroyed from the stab, and with a crash it went down, twitching twice before laying still.

Alyssa remained against the wall, mouth still clamped tightly shut, not seeming to realize the immediate danger was past.

Leena walked up to Roger and patted him lightly on the shoulder.

"Nice job, now ... let's see if we can snap her out of it?"
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Roger turned his head to look back to Leena, raising an eyebrow, before turning back to the woman he had saved, and walking over to her. He put his hand on her shoulder, to try and get some kind of response from her. Although, he was ready for her to respond violently. "Hey, wake the hell up!" he told her, "You're safe now, and the least you could do for us saving your sorry ass twice is give us a thank you."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

She did respond with a swing, opening her eyes as she did, and suddenly stopped in mid swing, only a few inches from being 'close' to connecting.

After a moment more, she realized exactly who it was in front of her.

"OH! Sorry, I uh ... thanks ... Roger was it?"

She still seemed slightly out of it, perhaps more rattled than she wanted to admit to them right now, even as she double checked her body to be sure the plaga hadn't found some way to get into her. When she was sure it hadn't, she shakily stood.

"We were clearing out the remains of the Tyrant when about thirty of them attacked. They just came out of nowhere, some of us didn't even have a chance. I don't know how many might be left as of right now, I got herded away from the others. I... I've never seen the plaga act so intelligently before."
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

She did respond with a swing, opening her eyes as she did, and suddenly stopped in mid swing, only a few inches from being 'close' to connecting.
Roger's head was already quickly being drawn away when her attack began, "Hey-what the fuck!" he exclaimed, "That would have been an eye for an eye. Pay more fucking attention to what's happening around you next time, or your head might get removed from your shoulders." he scolded her.

After a moment more, she realized exactly who it was in front of her.

"OH! Sorry, I uh ... thanks ... Roger was it?"
Roger shook his head, "None of your business, just tell me what the fuck happened while I was..." Roger's eyes averted looking at her for a second, but quickly recovered their focus, "Busy."

"We were clearing out the remains of the Tyrant when about thirty of them attacked. They just came out of nowhere, some of us didn't even have a chance. I don't know how many might be left as of right now, I got herded away from the others. I... I've never seen the plaga act so intelligently before."
Roger twisted his lips, and sheathed his knife in the strap on his right thigh, "They're new weapons made by the son of a bitch who has a death wish. And what you're going to do is tell us where any more survivors might be."