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Avarras -Old Version

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Re: Avarras

Anthony made a rather disgusted looking face. "So, that little bastard is back? Lovely..."
Re: Avarras

Bell just shrugged, then winces as the bruise on her shoulder reminds her of its presence. "Bastard? I dunno, he seemed kinda cute..." She says, placing her practice weapons on the rack and hobbles off back towards the house, casting one more look at the obstacle course before she goes.
Re: Avarras

Anthony easily catches up, and follows briefly...For two reasons. One, he wanted to make sure Bell wasn't thrown too far off balance by the blow to her head. And two, to explain his comment. "There's this bear-like creature that shows up every so often around here that resembles the 'pedobear' of human pop culture. Haven't been able to take it out yet."

Depending on how much attention Bell's paying, she might notice him start to reach out to steady her, should she start to stumble. He doesn't actually reach all the way unless she actually falls, though.
Re: Avarras

"Hmm." Bell says, not really paying attention. She was a little unsteady, and was currently focusing on the ground in front of her in order to maintain her balance. She srumbles a few times, catching herself each time, if only barely.

She looks back up to discover that she had made it about two-thirds of the way to the house, and let loose a sigh, turning around and seeing Anthony with a hand out to steady her. "Yeah, not a bad idea. Thing must have clocked me more than I thought." She says, hissing a little as she reached up and touched the bright purple welt appearing under her eye. She then stumbles the two steps over him and wraps an arm up over his shoulder. "Thanks... So what was that you said before?"
Re: Avarras

Anthony takes a moment to adjust to the weight, then starts slowly walking Bell towards the hot springs room.

"We've got something that resembles a pedobear that shows up every now and then. Haven't had any success in permanently getting rid of it."

Anthony shook his head slightly, then, remembering his own first attempt at the course.
Re: Avarras

"I thought Pedobears didn't actually exist." Bell says slowly, able to concentrate some on talking now that she didn't have to work so hard at standing.
Re: Avarras

Anthony tilts his head like he shrugged. "I just know it resembles one. It may be something else entirely."
Re: Avarras

"Mmm..." Bell mumbles agreement, continuing in silence for a bit more. "So how's your day been?"
Re: Avarras

"A bit long, considering I was up part of the night. Guess that's what happens when you crash for the previous afternoon," Anthony replied. "It's also been a bit busy, given that I'd spent a fair chunk of the time trying to gather information."
Re: Avarras

"I guess so, yeah..." Bell says a little hazily, slumping against him a bit more. "...You're warm..."
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Re: Avarras

Unfortunately, Bell's slumping was enough to throw Anthony off balance. While he did manage to twist so that he was the one hitting things...Those things were the doors to the hot springs room, which promptly fell down. Anthony muttered an "Oh, great." before helping Bell over to the edge of the pools. "Here you go. Now, if you'll excuse me...It looks like I've got to rehang the doors."
Re: Avarras

Bell sits there for a moment, collecting herself while Anthony started fixing the door. Then she realizes that she didn't really have a bathing suit, same as the last time she was here. Shrugging, she starts gingerly peeling off her outer layer of clothing. "No peeking now." She says to Anthony, stripping down to her panties and bra and lowering herself into the hot spring, at the same place she had last time. "Aaaah, that's nice..." She says slowly, sinking down until just her head was showing above the edge.
Re: Avarras

If she was watching him, Bell would notice that Anthony seemed to be trying to make sure that even minute details of how the doors were set match up...which is keeping his back towards her. Doors...doors...You, stay down. Doors...

After a bit, though...a dark brown, fuzzy head started to poke out over one of the stones in the room.
Re: Avarras

Bell noticed the bear head sticking up from the same place as last time, but did her best to seem like she hadn't. She leans her head back as far as it would go, and looks over at Anthony. "Ear-bay by the ocks-ray, ollie-ollie-oxen-free..."
Re: Avarras

Anthony glanced over his shoulder, and then his arm snapped over that direction, sending a sharp object that way. There was a small flash upon impact, and the bear was gone.

Unfortunately, the hand that moved was the one supporting the door, which proceeded to inform Anthony of this by falling on his head. "Ow...Gah...That worked."
Re: Avarras

Bell saw Anthony's hand fly out, and she spun around to get a better look, putting her hands on the lip of the spring and lifting herself half out to try and see around the rock. "Did you get it?"
Re: Avarras

"Ow...Yeah, I think so." Anthony managed to get the door set back up. "I'll be back in a bit. I need to go get some ice..."

He walked out and headed to the kitchen area...Where Shiraishi was. "What happened?"

"My klutz streak again," was the response as Anthony headed into the walk-in freezer. Trying to maintain some degree of dignity...And events aren't helping!
Re: Avarras

"Alright, I'll be here..." Bell says, sitting back down and letting the hot water soothe her bruises. She got up quickly once he was gone to grab a pair of towels, using one as a headrest once she got back and dipping the corner of the other one in the water so she could press it against the welt on her face.
Re: Avarras


When Jack made it to Avarras that evening, he'd probably have some questions to ask. Bell was looking bruised. Anthony was seemingly miserable. And Shiraishi was rather amused about something.
Re: Avarras

Jack made his way to Shirashi's residence in good time, having taken about thirty minutes or so to walk it. As he walked in, he noticed the bruises on Bell and Anthony's seeming discomfort, as well as Shirashi's seeming amusement. Narrowing his eyes he spoke.

"Ok, what the hell did you folks have going on here, some kind or wrestling match or something?"

He clearly was being serious, almost with a tone of wanting to know if he needed to be more on alert than he already was.
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