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RPG RPG Maker [ B.H.C ] Le dernier saint chevalier (RJ146155)

what's actually the condition for true end anyways, been busy not playing for days.
Perfect completion, no virginities lost ?
Yes. That's it, from what I can tell. And possibly none of your friends get H'd either...?

Updated v1.1 is out on DLsite.
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Ahem, please allow me to correct you kind sir but the fight is not unwinnable.

I didn't say it was unwinnable. I just implied it was blatantly unfair. Especially considering the timing the game decides to pull the encounter on you.

(Right after the first boss fight, on Day 4 or 5. I was at Level 10 with only the Civics tech [5th tech] researched.)

GM: Hey, think you're hot stuff after defeating the first boss? Well too bad! Here's a surprise boss fight, so bend over!

...is what it felt like.

The armored jerk mock you and your incapability of reenacting a worthy saint-like skill, whenever he does that there's a chance you're vexed (blue status icon you're afflicted with when he does the purple skill belittling you) if you attack or defense, the first time you automatically you lose half your clothe (enable you to be raped), the second time instant de-flowering. How do you beat him? Slap his face with that 50 SP first skill you start with whenever your HP fall below 75%, the same skill he mocks you about, and he's stunned 100% of the time, the rest is easy picking. you only obtain like 200 Exp though which is... ehh. (but you gotta keep your virginity so...)

Yes, use the Holy elemental secret ultimate tech, the same element that Léna automatically uses in the beginning of combat for no damage. Real intuitive (not). Especially if you've been reading Mylène's diary which misleadingly states that "Holy (element) has no effect on humans".

It's there, you just haven't payed enough attention to mid battle conversation.

Paid attention to what? All I remember was just Samson going on about Léna smelling like she's in heat and plunging his spear or whatever. And his mooks giving me a hard time because they're hitting me for >1/6 my HP and it takes three Hail/Flame Slashes to kill each (assuming no misses.). And stripping my clothes.

Now I went back to check and Samson says one of three things that are randomly chosen when taunting:

Mhm? Did you smell something? This scent? Oh right, you damn witch! Getting aroused even while fighting us, are you!?

Heh heh, after all your swordwork is just pretense, mere playing at being a knight! You what real knighly swordfighting means to me? Let me carve it deeply into your body!

Hmph, a paladin's power is not as it's rumored to be... Is a paladin not supposed to be one who possess both magic to manipulate the very firmament, and swordwork verging on divine speed?

Third taunt is the only one that might provide a hint, and only for people who paid attention and remembered the flavor text for Shine Thrust (the 'divine speed" part). And even then it sounds like taunting the player into using a useless move, because it's Holy elemental. Or the player might be taken in by the "magic" part of the line and goes on to research magic and imitate Mylène with lightning magic.

(I mean, sure, the Necromancer does something similar, but his case is more intuitive because the game lets you know that Purify is supposed to be extra effective on undead, with the Necromancer' apparent immunity looking kinda suspicious. And Necro panics more and more as you spam Purify, hinting to you that you're on the right track. Also Marie outright tells you that some Purify-immune undead can be Purified with repeated applications of the same anyway, if you didn't mess up and let her be captured.)

When I fought Samson? Didn't get the third "hint" taunt (seriously, why lock it behind RNG?). Got my clothes halfway torn off by the time I dealt with the mooks (three Hail/Flame slash each and I missed like twice). I mean, sure, I stumbled into Shine Thrust out of desperation, but without knowledge of the exact gimmick (like, how you're supposed to figure it out on the first go? At least with map bosses you have items to heal and you don't autolose after missing the gimmick enough times), I wasted my TP trying to stunlock him (because clothes ripped off so I didn't want him to get a turn) and couldn't cancel the instadeath counter when I ran out. (a mistimed heal [putting me above the HP limit for ultimate techs] didn't help either.)

So, to recap, player is supposed to:
1) Get the correct taunt message in time.
2) Realize it's supposed to refer to the Shine Thrust move by remembering a specific flavor text. And not get distracted by the rest of the message. And not get dissuaded by the whole "Humans are immune to Holy" thing.
3) Realize the Shine Thrust stuns Samson (and humans) even if it does zero damage.
4) Realize that Samson can't do shit (other than attacking for damage) if you aren't taunted, so reserve Shine Thrust only when Samson taunts in order to conserve TP (instead of wasting TP trying to stunlock Samson.)

It's a tall order. I think most people just came back for Round 2 on a next run (after BADEND), or reloaded then level-grinded for Thunderflash Slash (no need to bother with the gimmick when you're dealing lightning damage). Or misread the tip and went and research magic. (which also gives lightning magic.)

Or are lucky enough not to pay attention to the tip and only fought Samson at a higher level, so it wasn't even an issue.

Yes it is, the thing is, lightning slash is only avaiable at LV 16 which is a grind , thunder enchantment and 2 other thunder swords comes at weap tech lv 3 and 4 which is too late and too costly.

Any sword beside the holy sword Cecile gave you is too slow. Just spam the skill to stun lock him and chip damage him.

I got Thunderflash Slash at Lv 13. Maybe update version differences. Also one can get Shock (lightning spell) by just upgrading to Magic Tech L2.

(But readme tip suggests the player to prioritize the other techs if going for a virgin run, so, yeah. In any case researching Magic is important for a (1st-playthrough) virgin run anyhow because it lets one access other elements early and also gives the Invisible spell for avoiding enemy encounters. [yes, escaping is a guaranteed success, but it's a very nice QoL benefit and some parts of the game have time limits.])

Don't actually need to beat him the first time anyway.. If you get any ending that isnt the true end you will get NG+ after which gives a level bonus on top of you keeping what equips you have.
He's ridiculously easy the second time around, and youll need to replay anyway to get the other endings.
He's the only thing that makes getting the virgin ending hard anyway, as doing most of the bosses is much easier as long as you still got access to the holy sword. (since it allows you to just ignore the boss mechanics) He's the only exception to that.

I know (after the fact). It's just the whole "purpose-designed to disrupt a virgin run by springing an unfair boss" thing leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Especially since the game goes out of its way to tip the player into exploring the town juuuust so they can fall for the trap.

what's actually the condition for true end anyways, been busy not playing for days.
Perfect completion, no virginities lost ?

Defeat Final Boss while Léna is still a virgin, I think. Don't think one can completely avoid bad stuff happening to the NPCs, unless the warehouse event can be ignored or there's some alternative way of completing that event.
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Warehouse event is time related. If you do it shortly (right after?) receiving the news from the Cardinal, you can save them before they get raped.
The True End actually makes sense AFTER having tried a few Bad Endings.

And it is quite sad... after having ran into several bad endings, it is a fitting true end.
Still quite enjoyed the game overall, particularly the changes that you notice when the city's security is getting low
>particularly the changes that you notice when the city's security is getting low

Can i ask more detail about this? What's the change when the securities is getting low?
Oookay, I've gotten 2 of the flames, is there a path I have to follow in the forest of eternal teleportation?

Edit: Okay, I went a different way after a teleport and got to the third flame, which turned off the teleport, but man that was annoying.
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Reached true end through cheating exp and gold, but even then it was a grind as some of the enemies can still stun lock and kill you, for example the tiger with whips in the temple.

How's the H-content? Is a corrupt run worth it?
Warehouse event is time related. If you do it shortly (right after?) receiving the news from the Cardinal, you can save them before they get raped.

Huh. Looks like they fixed it in v1.1. (couldn't save the two in time on a previous version despite immediately heading into the warehouse at the same evening.) Or more likely v.1.03, after going through the patch notes: "Fixed (potential) odd behavior with the Samson fight in Chapter 3".

(Quadrupled welfare cost [and doubled unhappiness for not providing enough welfare] is still a bit annoying [Thanks for nothing, Lili!], but eh, that's far easier to stomach. It's also funny in a way.)
Someone has reported multiply my links on mega, so my latest account is banned, i have pretty good idea who it was, but i won't start witch hunt, anyway, if for some game my links are down, pm me. i will reupload. image = link to game
Reached true end through cheating exp and gold, but even then it was a grind as some of the enemies can still stun lock and kill you, for example the tiger with whips in the temple.

How's the H-content? Is a corrupt run worth it?

I liked the H-content's quality, and the situations.
Although the biggest gripe, according to others, is that your MC will faint in battle after 2x H, regardless of corruption level or situation.

I haven't had a chance to play through it other than the virgin route - and that was on an older version so I couldn't NG+ it for a corrupted run. I will likely make a review summary if I get the chance to play it again; which based on my current schedule, will *maybe* be in a weeks time?
Huh. Looks like they fixed it in v1.1. (couldn't save the two in time on a previous version despite immediately heading into the warehouse at the same evening.) Or more likely v.1.03, after going through the patch notes: "Fixed (potential) odd behavior with the Samson fight in Chapter 3".

(Quadrupled welfare cost [and doubled unhappiness for not providing enough welfare] is still a bit annoying [Thanks for nothing, Lili!], but eh, that's far easier to stomach. It's also funny in a way.)

I played the 1.0 version so I assume it either bugged out for you or you remembered it wrong?
Or maybe there's other requirements like having her (or MC) be virgin. I dunno about that part. When I saved them, both were still virgin atleast.
Can someone tell me how in the world u stop the city defense bad end? i tryed every dialogue option and still cant rly understand how it works.
Can someone tell me how in the world u stop the city defense bad end? i tryed every dialogue option and still cant rly understand how it works.
You must upgrade and repair the wall, i think it's at main building (your nun friend), textractor or translation aggregator + ith vnr might help you to understand the story...
You must upgrade and repair the wall, i think it's at main building (your nun friend), textractor or translation aggregator + ith vnr might help you to understand the story...

Talk to the Nun.
I believe it's the first 2 options. One of them is repair 30 after 3 days. One is repair 10(?) after 1 day, but increases citizen discontent.
If you keep losing, the enemies' attacks become stronger. The 4k cost nun thingy makes the barrier immune for 3 days.
Later one, you get a mission to go kill slime. Finishing that mission heals your barrier by 20(?).

Also, do the "research" for knights, and that improves the durability of the walls. As your chapters progress, the enemy attacks become stronger and stronger.
Can someone tell me how in the world u stop the city defense bad end? i tryed every dialogue option and still cant rly understand how it works.

Don't let Defense Rating (防御度) drop to 0. It's the first stat at the second 'tab' (below your HP/MP bars) of the status screen, at the leftmost column.

City Defense starts at 100, and usually drops every day (when you sleep) due to monsters attacking the walls. Increased monster activity (周辺魔物脅威, "surrounding monster threat (rating)", last stat on the second tab at the rightmost column) causes Defense to drop faster. You can alleviate this by completing Sortie Missions, almost all of which will lower Monster Threat when completed. You can also send knight parties out on Expeditions (遠征); most of these will also lower Monster Threat on success.


(Boxed in red: Defense Rating, cyan: Monster Threat Level, yellow: Civics Tech Research Level)

City Defense also drops faster on later story chapters, even at the lowest Monster Threat level (低, "low", written in white font). To compensate you can research Civics, which will strengthen the walls and reduce the amount of Defense loss every day (it also raises income). Talk to the right-hand-side receptionist in the knights' guardhouse to pursue this option:


(Knight orders menu. Highlighted is the research option.)


(Research menu. Highlighted is the Civics tech, which lowers Defense loss per day, increases income and "deploys" weapons [implied to be heavy/experimental weapons, not personal equipments] for the Ordre du Lys Knights. Researching Level 2 costs 2000 ration tickets ["T", the pseudo-currency] worth of resources and takes 3 days.)

Generally speaking, for most chapters, researching Civics as high as possible (including completing sorties for that chapter that unlock higher tech levels) will cut down Defense loss to zero. Thus letting you just chill in bed to farm income.

You can also fix the walls to raise Defense Rating. To do so, talk to Cardinal Cécile (the head "nun") at the Temple de la Reine (the main city "church" at the north and center). The second and third options raises Defense at the cost of resources or unhappiness:


("Repair Walls". Raises Defense Rating by 30. Costs 1000T resources and takes 3 days.)


("Forced labor". Drafts citizens to repair the walls without pay. Raises Defense Rating by 10. Costs 0 resources and takes only 1 day, but raises Citizen Unhappiness ("Discontent") by 10 [game says "20" but it's still 10 even in ver1.10]. )

You can also ask Cécile to erect a barrier, which prevents Defense loss for a few days (3 days, IIRC, last time I checked.). Pick the 4th option:



It costs 4000T though, making it almost never worth the cost. Only worthwhile if you are on the border of losing to Defense 0 and Security 0 (Security drops permanently by 1 each time you let Unhappiness go to 100) and need to buy a few days to fix things.
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i was stuck at raid of orc fort, chapter 5 i think?
how tobeat the boss, got killed with one hit kill every time him change into giant form

edit: nvm, just kill the boss only and dont touch the subordinates
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Alright, I'm at the forest stage, already opened the damn door, go back home, sleep, check the guild thing, no new mission, what should I do next?
kinda pissed 'cause this game's combat so annoying.
ver 1.12 update said there is additional scene but can't find it at recollection room

btw, anyone know how to getsex with baron in the left map? can't get inside his house no matter what i do
btw, anyone know how to getsex with baron in the left map? can't get inside his house no matter what i do

Use up most of your resources (IIRC <500T) and Cardinal Cécile will suggest obtaining some support from the piggy Comte (everyone calls him a pig, including his peasants/serfs). This lets you enter the mansion. The Comte being the Comte refuses to help you unless you sweeten the deal with some couch casting (he also lies saying that's how it worked under ex-Captain Mylène, with them having an alleged prior arrangement). This is repeatable to progress the scenes, and IIRC leads to a bad end if done enough times.
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