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ACT Barbarian Babes

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Re: Barbarian Babes?

I actually enjoyed the Barbarian Babes games and general. Most of them had engaging ideas, but kept rather tightly to their original "vision" which just wasn't...extreme enough.

Case in point: The first Prisinia game was interesting, challenging, well balanced. It was easy enough to win but if you wanted the "special" ending you would definitely have to exert some effort. The only problem was that that special ending was just a bit of clothed spanking. Decidedly boring and unrewarding for the effort. The game over was promising as well, but we didn't get to see Prisinia subjected to any sort of torment, no real interesting or engaging consequences.

Same with Cowgirl and Vampires. I never got a chance to beat 2 before my membership ran out and I no longer had the money to afford it with as few updates as there were. One, however, was engaging, had the same sort of reward system this time with full nudity (still not AS interesting but good). The big problem was that the game over was promising, but still a little bland. It had the same ending for all the characters regardless, even though it was definately an interesting game over screen. FINALLY something very nice was added at the end where you could play as the "bad" character and if you won you got to delightfully torment the cowgirl in a variety of ways. It was fairly extreme, raw, exciting, and very rewarding. If more of the BB games were that way it would be a better world in general.

Same story with the 300 based games, and just about all of them in general. In fact I've been tempted on several occasions to create gameplay-wise "clones" of sorts with more interesting content but I simply don't have the raw artistic talent that this site exhibits and it wouldn't be nearly as good a result I don't think. Just my fifty cents or so. I do find it VERY interesting to have someone apparently from the site here though. :)
Re: Barbarian Babes?

As one might expect, this has generated an opinion in me – one that I am about to give. Also, Blarg, your wish comes true as you are now between the start and end of the argument. :D

if you think my opinion is wrong, prove it, and if i think your proofs are wrong, i'll prove it, this is the way we learn new things and develop our ideas, or at the very least thats the way i like doing it.

Hey, look, we share similar philosophies. *Grin*

Hoping you'll keep trying to destroy his point,
your friendly neighbourhood JohnDoe!

In accordance with the above philosophy, I will do so, until I am satisfied or further argument is impossible.

Now, the actual response to your post.

So, basically if someone was to find this forum barely interesting only for its hentai section, his/her opinion, for reasonable and politely exposed it could be, would be reduced to "moot",

Most humans, that I know of, end up reaching one specific conclusion (among others) on the behaviour of other humans fairly early in their life - namely, that a person doesn’t always say what they precisely mean. You seem to be strangely unaware of this facet of human conversation when responding to Oni, and instead take him totally literally.
Instead of trying to say that none of DarkWarp's opinions on anything matter to anybody, Oni is discounting DarkWarp’s opinion, on this matter, for him personally. He is not attempting to imply that nobody should ever listen to DarkWarp, and he isn’t trying to say that DarkWarp’s opinion in other areas is invalid; he is just stating that he is ignoring DarkWarp and giving the reason why (because Oni doesn’t feel he posts enough for him to care).

It could be that the less ‘direct’ meaning is lost in foreign interpretation, or maybe you’ve just never heard the expression before – you didn’t seem to be familiar with the word moot, after all – …but personally I think you already knew what Oni meant when you responded. I can’t be sure, though, because your argument is ridiculously over-exaggerated, and could only really apply if you thought Oni was trying to tell everybody to ignore all people that do not browse the totality of our forum. Instead, he was stating that he was discounting the opinion of this poster, DarkWarp, in regard to his behaviour on the forum, due to DarkWarp not having enough relevance to Oni for Oni to care what he thinks Oni should and should not do.
With that interpretation of Oni’s post in mind:

completely stripping said person of any human dignity

If someone’s ‘human dignity’ could be stripped from them by being ignored by one person on an Internet forum – or a non-internet forum for that matter – than they never had any human dignity to begin with.

[completely stripping said person of] freedom of expression.

Wrong. Oni did not hinder his freedom of expression in the slightest. Oni did not even discount his freedom of expression. Oni merely noted that he personally had no care for the poster’s posts. You chastising Oni for chastising DarkWarp is ironically equally or more damaging to Oni’s human dignity and chilling to Oni’s freedom of expression as Oni’s post was to DarkWarp. If Oni wishes to ignore DarkWarp’s posts, even for a reason like “because he only posts in the hentai section”, he has a right to – and if he wants to say what the reason he is ignoring him is, he also has a right to. Stop trying to block his freedom of expression, maaan!

That being said, Barbarianbabes was not necro-bumping, but adjourning a pre-existent thread with new informations, and considering the fact that ryona is still considered part of the extremely vast specter of what we call hentai it does fit in the section it's posted on.

Saying that BB was not necro-bumping is like trying to argue that hamburgers literally ‘aren’t food’, because they’re bad for you, even though you *can* eat them and have all the other properties of food. BB posted in a thread that was dead; BB has Necro-bumped. Other factors, including the content of the post, are irrelevant. Note that this in itself is neither a problem nor the real reason that people are annoyed with BB’s post.
That is because BB did 2 things wrong:
1. BB responded to a discussion that had concluded while adding no new content to it, over a year after the discussion had ended. This action lies solely in the realm of “actions only made by people who are stupid”.
2. BB suddenly and blatantly advertised their games, without any ‘hello’ or other forms of courtesy, and without providing any other content to the post (not counting the response already noted, which doesn’t help BB in any way).
I can damn well guarantee, that if BB had not responded to the discussion that had ended, and instead of suddenly and blatantly advertising, had said something to the effect of “Oh, hey, an article about us! You might like to know, a couple more games have come out since the last ones listed in this thread; they’re gameX, gameY (etc), if anyone is interested in seeing them.”, then the response would have been considerably nicer. (Someone would likely still have posted his or her annoyance at the advertising/resurrection, but the argument would be one-sided in favour of BB.)

Considering also the fact that there might be people interested in this kind of products lingering(or lurking) around in this forum that won't necessarily post, no one gives you the right to decide of your own accord what people might be interested into, but i guess since their opinion is "moot" that wouldn't matter much.

Oni’s post is not going to stop BB from continuing to post updates if he/she/they actually cared about posting here.
It is Oni’s opinion that no one on this forum is interested in BB.
Having this opinion will not magically cause everyone on the forum who liked BB to suddenly dislike it.
Stating this opinion will not magically cause everyone on the forum who liked BB to suddenly dislike it.
Oni has no special power over the minds of others. He cannot stop someone from deciding their opinion on something for themselves. If someone holding a differing opinion reads Oni’s very-basic statement, it won’t change his or her mind. (Though if it does, that person should probably seek mental help…) If anything, it’ll make them post about how Oni’s post is incorrect because they like it. Hell, somebody already pointed out that they were interested in one of the games, shortly after the post where Oni “decided what people might be interested in”.

Oni is entitled to having whatever opinion of the forum’s position on BB that he wants, no matter how stupid or incorrect. Same goes for anyone else. If it is incorrect, other people’s posts will bring this to light, so it isn’t like BB could get an incorrect idea of the forum’s stance from just one or two posts by one member, without being lazy, or incredibly thin-skinned (in which case, gtfo teh intarwebz). It helps that in this case, as I see it, he is basically correct – a few people enjoy BB, while the rest are ‘meh’ at best.

I checked the thread too, for small it is, and no, they are no the exact same things as far as the thread is concerned, since there are no references to the cowgirl thing sequels or the spartika game, if you really need to make a statement, double check your sources with a cooler head, if you are too angry you might miss something. Also making a new thread for the same thing an existing thread already is talking about is as good as necrobumping.

You have replied to two different people while quoting maikochan as if both arguments came from her. The argument that “there was nothing new in the post, everything was already mentioned before the topic was revived” came from moomoo78; maiko just made the argument that the topic was necro-bumped by pointing out that he had continued a dead conversation, without any use of courtesy like one should use when necro-bumping a thread. She did not mention or endorse the argument of moomoo in any way. I’ve already mentioned why I find BB to have been necrobumping and what the problem of BB’s post was, so I won’t go over it again; the reason I’m quoting this is that you’ve attributed a post, and given a response, to the wrong person. Please, if you really need to respond to a statement, double check your sources with a cooler head, if you are too angry you might miss something. ;)

the act of SirOni of attacking DarkWarpalg6's statement, using his relatively restricted interest in this forum as a form of repression.

Oni did not attack DarkWarp’s statement. Hell, he never even responded to the content of DarkWarp’s post, he just stated that he wasn’t going to consider the opinions of people who only browsed the hentai section of the forum. He never stated that DarkWarp could not express his opinion, that DarkWarp was wrong to express his opinion, just that he would not listen to it. Yes, Oni was hostile, but the actual content wasn’t an attack so much as a decision to not argue about it.

Nazism and fascism both used repressive measures […] if you apply this to the idea SirOni has that someone who is part of a minority has no right to speak his mind

One, that statement is an incredibly wild accusation with little resemblance to anything Oni has actually posted, and two, it’s totally incorrect. I’m not even sure what path of reasoning you used to reach that farfetched conclusion. Oni does not have a problem with all, and probably most minorities. Fuck, what do you call “people who watch hentai” if not a minority? Or does he think that –he- shouldn’t be speaking, either?
Oni has not stated or insinuated that DarkWarp should not be allowed to speak his/her/its mind. Oni has stated that he does not care about DarkWarp’s opinion. These are two different things.

And, for reference, the first is not wrong either. A person is allowed to hold the opinion that another should not be entitled to an opinion, or that no one should be allowed to hold a certain view. It is only wrong when someone attempts to remove the other person’s ability to have an opinion, instead of merely talking or arguing about it. And yes, while there are avenues to silence someone online only by talking, like harassment of accounts, this is far from those.

In addition the fact that someone has more credibility don't justify treating those who don't in an hostile way.

It isn’t the fact that he has more credibility that allows Oni to act in a hostile way. It is the fact that he is allowed to express his opinion, like all other people are, that allows him to act in a hostile way. As much as you might seek to deny it, your posts and the post of DarkWarp’s to Oni were all also hostile. As is mine, and those of some of the others. There is nothing inherently wrong with responding to something with hostility; the wrongness only occurs in the eye of the beholder.

I don't care if you care about caring who i might be, but the fact you had to answer me like this already means you care about what i said, since it pissed you off so much

Faulty logic. I am responding to you negatively as well, because I found your post to be factually incorrect, but while having the emotional involvement of your average rock. I do it for the simple reason that I believe it is important for all relevant opinions relating to an argument to be heard, and I noticed parts of your argument that I found broken, and not covered by other’s posts, and had the time to correct you.

i don't like to see people shut up for being a minority when what they say is polite and correct, as it happend to DarkWarpalg6.

DarkWarp was not polite. DarkWarp was confrontational. Confrontational is not polite. DarkWarp was not correct in attempting to cause a chilling effect on Oni’s freedom of expression, according to your own arguments, which was the –only- purpose of his post, unlike Oni’s response which at least contained the information that he was not going to consider DarkWarp’s opinion.

(DarkWarp was also not correct in thinking that Oni found attacking BB to not be worth it. Considering Oni’s demeanour, Oni probably found it to be totally worth it.)

i like trying to be polite (even tho i fail most of the time).

No kidding!
Inciting Godwin’s Law on your first post,
Insinuating Nazism – because yes, that’s what mentioning nazi’s and relating them to a person is -,
In the end you can find all excuses you won't, but they are just that, excuses, as a matter of fact you were just in a bad mood and needed to release the tension on something or someone, but for this i suggest a FPS or beat-em-up, where no one gets hurt from your needless rage.
if you really need to make a statement, double check your sources with a cooler head, if you are too angry you might miss something.
there was no intention of calling anyone a fascist or nazist, you shouldn't focus on the big words.
I don't care if you care about caring who i might be, but the fact you had to answer me like this already means you care about what i said, since it pissed you off so much you had to resort to my knowledge of the language to find a way to respond to an attack that wasn't even aimed at you.

Conclusion: Snark and Snide is not polite. Not that politeness is particularly important; it’s very difficult to manage and quite overrated anyway.

As an aside:

In the end you can find all excuses you won't, but they are just that, excuses, as a matter of fact you were just in a bad mood and needed to release the tension on something or someone, but for this i suggest a FPS or beat-em-up, where no one gets hurt from your needless rage.

Never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, - and continue that for a while… – ever, ever state opinions about the state of mind of other people in an argument when you can help it. Psychoanalysis, especially negative psychoanalysis, is inherently damaging to an argument, even on the rare occasions that you get it right.

And I suppose I might as well comment on the actual games while I’m here…

I played Space Girl Interrupt, or whatever it was called, a while ago. I can’t remember much, but while the graphics didn’t impress me, and the gameplay was so-so, I –believe- I enjoyed it overall. However, my memory is terrible and it is quite possible that I didn’t like it. And, yes, the whole ‘only nudity at worst’ part of most of their games is annoying. To me, anyway, there are those that will like it. I could almost think they were going for it just to win the Overly Narrow Superlative of “Best T&A games (that don’t show anything beyond the nudity)”.
Re: Barbarian Babes?

Trap card activated.

Re: Barbarian Babes?

Summary of the thread (2 pages and needs a summary? GTFO)
-members informed of site.
-Members who have played the games tell us they're shit.
-Over ONE YEAR later, user with name 'BarbarianBabes', presumably a/the developer of the games, bumps the thread to tell us information about the site we already knew about, as well as to advertise their games.
-A wild Oni appeared. He used Rage. It was super effective.
I have nothing to add to this discussion, but wish to be part of the shitstorm.
Trap card activated.

Freaking Plus-Repped for these! Plus Reps all around for the amount of insane trolling this shitstorm has brewed!

ah but seriously... I think this thread is summed up perfectly with this...

Seriously you guys... I believe this thread is about Barbarian Babes. I think we should put all our petty differences aside and just agree these games suck... I would rather eat out the rotten asshole of a road killed skunk than help promote these in any way. They're just... bad... like... really bad. In my eyes anyways...

Will probably hang around this thread more just for the lulz. But seriously. What the hell is the dev (assumedly) thinking to see all of this going on, and post up the middle, "oh hay. I'm still here advertising my games! Everyone come look!"
Re: Barbarian Babes?

Do little kittens eat babies and then die of suffocation when a thread is necro'd?
Then who the hell cares?
Re: Barbarian Babes?

Do little kittens eat babies and then die of suffocation when a thread is necro'd?

No, but Domo-Kun does :(


(Yeah, everyone bringed their horseshit on this thread exept me. FIXED ! )
Re: Barbarian Babes?

Wow, I didn't expect my anger to cause such a mass posting.

Anyway, yes I'm a dick like everyone has pointed out, and yes I was going to make a huge post in reply to JohnDoe but I see everyone has beaten me to it and explained pretty much everything I would've said.

So yeah, I'm not going to apologise for my outburst regardless of whether it was wrong to do so or not, but I'll admit that maybe I could've vented my anger/sadness in a more suitable way.
Re: Barbarian Babes?

Douchebag, doubt you'll take it personally so i'm gonna say it straight, you are very redundant in your exposition to the point of almost seeming just longwinded, making your post kind of boring to read, although you have some good ideas and your funny moments. With that off my back after having to go through all that, let's begin this ordeal.

Most humans, that I know of, end up reaching one specific conclusion (among others) on the behaviour of other humans fairly early in their life - namely, that a person doesn’t always say what they precisely mean. You seem to be strangely unaware of this facet of human conversation when responding to Oni, and instead take him totally literally.
Instead of trying to say that none of DarkWarp's opinions on anything matter to anybody, Oni is discounting DarkWarp’s opinion, on this matter, for him personally. He is not attempting to imply that nobody should ever listen to DarkWarp, and he isn’t trying to say that DarkWarp’s opinion in other areas is invalid; he is just stating that he is ignoring DarkWarp and giving the reason why (because Oni doesn’t feel he posts enough for him to care).

It could be that the less ‘direct’ meaning is lost in foreign interpretation, or maybe you’ve just never heard the expression before – you didn’t seem to be familiar with the word moot, after all – …but personally I think you already knew what Oni meant when you responded. I can’t be sure, though, because your argument is ridiculously over-exaggerated, and could only really apply if you thought Oni was trying to tell everybody to ignore all people that do not browse the totality of our forum. Instead, he was stating that he was discounting the opinion of this poster, DarkWarp, in regard to his behaviour on the forum, due to DarkWarp not having enough relevance to Oni for Oni to care what he thinks Oni should and should not do.

I found this interesting, sometime you get a glimpse of the truth and somtime you do a 180° turn, kinda feels like you're shooting in all directions hitting somthing while not being sure what you're aiming for exactly. You begin saying that i seem to take SirOni literally, being unaware of the human tendency to not mean what they say, then you go back on this saying you personally think that i did know since my argument was so over-exagerated (as it was for not so obvious reasons which you seem to still have managed to miss). In the end it looks like you first take me literally then you realize i might be human and i might not be saying exactly what i mean, it's like a flow of conscience, just to be clear i'm not saying it in a bad way.

With that interpretation of Oni’s post in mind:

completely stripping said person of any human dignity

If someone’s ‘human dignity’ could be stripped from them by being ignored by one person on an Internet forum – or a non-internet forum for that matter – than they never had any human dignity to begin with.

[completely stripping said person of] freedom of expression.

Wrong. Oni did not hinder his freedom of expression in the slightest. Oni did not even discount his freedom of expression. Oni merely noted that he personally had no care for the poster’s posts. You chastising Oni for chastising DarkWarp is ironically equally or more damaging to Oni’s human dignity and chilling to Oni’s freedom of expression as Oni’s post was to DarkWarp. If Oni wishes to ignore DarkWarp’s posts, even for a reason like “because he only posts in the hentai section”, he has a right to – and if he wants to say what the reason he is ignoring him is, he also has a right to. Stop trying to block his freedom of expression, maaan!

...and back you go to a literal interpretation, doing a new 180° turn, but i'll get back to this later since i'm trying to make clean job and don't want to miss something by jumping around your post, and there is more to add.

Saying that BB was not necro-bumping is like trying to argue that hamburgers literally ‘aren’t food’, because they’re bad for you, even though you *can* eat them and have all the other properties of food. BB posted in a thread that was dead; BB has Necro-bumped. Other factors, including the content of the post, are irrelevant. Note that this in itself is neither a problem nor the real reason that people are annoyed with BB’s post.
That is because BB did 2 things wrong:
1. BB responded to a discussion that had concluded while adding no new content to it, over a year after the discussion had ended. This action lies solely in the realm of “actions only made by people who are stupid”.
2. BB suddenly and blatantly advertised their games, without any ‘hello’ or other forms of courtesy, and without providing any other content to the post (not counting the response already noted, which doesn’t help BB in any way).
I can damn well guarantee, that if BB had not responded to the discussion that had ended, and instead of suddenly and blatantly advertising, had said something to the effect of “Oh, hey, an article about us! You might like to know, a couple more games have come out since the last ones listed in this thread; they’re gameX, gameY (etc), if anyone is interested in seeing them.”, then the response would have been considerably nicer. (Someone would likely still have posted his or her annoyance at the advertising/resurrection, but the argument would be one-sided in favour of BB.)

1. The discussion isn't concluded until the thread is closed or cancelled, since the simple fact of being allowed(seen you like this word a lot) to post means you can do it whatever you might think and as i have previosly stated there was indeed new content added in BB's post, just saying no for the sake of negating won't make your point, you need to prove it, the thread is small check it there are indeed similar names, but there are also new ones not previously mentioned, i know a wall-o-text is hard to make, but please don't be lazy.
2.And i can guarantee if he said hi he would have gotten the same treatment, now since none of us has the ability to know what "would" have happend "if" something happend...nah, i'll be here all night if i start this...

Oni’s post is not going to stop BB from continuing to post updates if he/she/they actually cared about posting here.
It is Oni’s opinion that no one on this forum is interested in BB.
Having this opinion will not magically cause everyone on the forum who liked BB to suddenly dislike it.
Stating this opinion will not magically cause everyone on the forum who liked BB to suddenly dislike it.
Oni has no special power over the minds of others. He cannot stop someone from deciding their opinion on something for themselves. If someone holding a differing opinion reads Oni’s very-basic statement, it won’t change his or her mind. (Though if it does, that person should probably seek mental help…) If anything, it’ll make them post about how Oni’s post is incorrect because they like it. Hell, somebody already pointed out that they were interested in one of the games, shortly after the post where Oni “decided what people might be interested in”.

Oni is entitled to having whatever opinion of the forum’s position on BB that he wants, no matter how stupid or incorrect. Same goes for anyone else. If it is incorrect, other people’s posts will bring this to light, so it isn’t like BB could get an incorrect idea of the forum’s stance from just one or two posts by one member, without being lazy, or incredibly thin-skinned (in which case, gtfo teh intarwebz). It helps that in this case, as I see it, he is basically correct – a few people enjoy BB, while the rest are ‘meh’ at best.

And i have my opinion on SirOni's opinion, and you have your opinion on my opinion on SirOni's opinion, and i have my opinion on your opinion of my opinion on the nuclear fusion...wait...never mind, what i mean is everyone post their opinion thats the way a forum works, now that we discovered hot water, lets move on. Oh, before i forget, SirOni's opinion does influence other people opinions, because thats the way humans work, thats the what advertising is about.

You have replied to two different people while quoting maikochan as if both arguments came from her. The argument that “there was nothing new in the post, everything was already mentioned before the topic was revived” came from moomoo78; maiko just made the argument that the topic was necro-bumped by pointing out that he had continued a dead conversation, without any use of courtesy like one should use when necro-bumping a thread. She did not mention or endorse the argument of moomoo in any way. I’ve already mentioned why I find BB to have been necrobumping and what the problem of BB’s post was, so I won’t go over it again; the reason I’m quoting this is that you’ve attributed a post, and given a response, to the wrong person. Please, if you really need to respond to a statement, double check your sources with a cooler head, if you are too angry you might miss something.

That last sentence was funny(not being sarcastic), too bad the rest was wasted time, check this:

Except that it was NOT new information, while I agree with with you that it seems as tho Sir-oni was venting, his/her point was valid. I have read through this thread and every game listed in the bump post is previously listed elsewhere in the thread. Which in fact had not been posted in for quite some time, so yes it was a nercro-bump

The guy necrobumped this thread, there's no way about it. It looked like he was trying to pick up a conversation that had been dead for over a year as though nothing had happened. It's bad forum ettiquette to necro threads without good reason. In this case, he could have just as easily made a new thread advertising his games, and I'm sure people would have been completely fine with it, as 99% of the people on this forum had likly forgotten this thread and it would have been treated like new information.

They both confront me on the necrobumbing part so i am answering both and there is no problem in that, since my answer can easily apply to both (and it still works for you too) for it proves with facts that it was not a necrobump, what's your problem, should i had credits at the end of every post?

Oni did not attack DarkWarp’s statement. Hell, he never even responded to the content of DarkWarp’s post, he just stated that he wasn’t going to consider the opinions of people who only browsed the hentai section of the forum. He never stated that DarkWarp could not express his opinion, that DarkWarp was wrong to express his opinion, just that he would not listen to it. Yes, Oni was hostile, but the actual content wasn’t an attack so much as a decision to not argue about it.

I'll answer with just a quote to this...

I'm not in the mood to take crap from someone who only posts in the hentai section (PbP section doesn't count), you're the equivalent of a /b/tard so your opinion is moot.

One, that statement is an incredibly wild accusation with little resemblance to anything Oni has actually posted, and two, it’s totally incorrect. I’m not even sure what path of reasoning you used to reach that farfetched conclusion. Oni does not have a problem with all, and probably most minorities. Fuck, what do you call “people who watch hentai” if not a minority? Or does he think that –he- shouldn’t be speaking, either?
Oni has not stated or insinuated that DarkWarp should not be allowed to speak his/her/its mind. Oni has stated that he does not care about DarkWarp’s opinion. These are two different things.

And, for reference, the first is not wrong either. A person is allowed to hold the opinion that another should not be entitled to an opinion, or that no one should be allowed to hold a certain view. It is only wrong when someone attempts to remove the other person’s ability to have an opinion, instead of merely talking or arguing about it. And yes, while there are avenues to silence someone online only by talking, like harassment of accounts, this is far from those.

Phew, that was a long wait but here we are at long last. A wild accusation indeed, but did i actually accuse anyone of being a nazi? Hmmm...i wonder...
I did say that SirOni's behavior was resembling a feature of nazism, in this case a verbal repression of minorities, now i your interpretation it means i called him a nazist, but that is also a featur of fascism, so now i'm calling him a fascist, but nazism and fascism aren't the same, so which one is it?
Damn, this is getting complicated, but try to stay with me, oh, wait, i forgot russian(u.r.s.s. if you prefer) communism and how can we forget about china and more than half the african continent...:eek:
Oh my god, so what the hell did i call him now, i don't know anymore... who am i? what am i doing here? whats the square root of greek phi?
*deep breathing*
Once again i must say you pay too much attention to big words.:)

"I was just elaborately calling SirOni and asshole for calling DarkWarpalg6 a /b/tard."

Hah, the power of human's malice, always trying to see the worst in other's words. :(

It isn’t the fact that he has more credibility that allows Oni to act in a hostile way. It is the fact that he is allowed to express his opinion, like all other people are, that allows him to act in a hostile way. As much as you might seek to deny it, your posts and the post of DarkWarp’s to Oni were all also hostile. As is mine, and those of some of the others. There is nothing inherently wrong with responding to something with hostility; the wrongness only occurs in the eye of the beholder.

Man thats just sad, and you were doing so well, by following that reasoning, someone is allowed to come knocking on your door and beat you to a bloody pulp cause he is 2m tall, can lift 3 times his weight over his head, and is a blackbelt 9th Dan, being hostile without having been offended or caused distress is always wrong, it's one of the basic principles of civilized societies. The fact that we simply ignore it and do as we please don't make it a good thing, besides, since i only post in the hentai section too, i didn't like being called a /b/tard, so my hostility was barely justified in case you wanted to answer that way.:p

Faulty logic. I am responding to you negatively as well, because I found your post to be factually incorrect, but while having the emotional involvement of your average rock. I do it for the simple reason that I believe it is important for all relevant opinions relating to an argument to be heard, and I noticed parts of your argument that I found broken, and not covered by other’s posts, and had the time to correct you.

The fact that you are not emotionally affected doesn't mean you don't care, you care enough to make a wall-o-text to answer me, so what i said affected you, whatever the reason might be, and your next answer will just prove this logic being even more correct, you can only get hurt by trying to disprove this logic with such simplistic measures.

DarkWarp was not polite. DarkWarp was confrontational. Confrontational is not polite. DarkWarp was not correct in attempting to cause a chilling effect on Oni’s freedom of expression, according to your own arguments, which was the –only- purpose of his post, unlike Oni’s response which at least contained the information that he was not going to consider DarkWarp’s opinion.

(DarkWarp was also not correct in thinking that Oni found attacking BB to not be worth it. Considering Oni’s demeanour, Oni probably found it to be totally worth it.)

DarkWarpalg6's post was not aggressive, it didn't include "please", "sorry" or "thank you" but it was incredibly polite for iternet's standards, especially since he didn't use offensive words, but offered his opinion on Sir Oni's opinion as i offered my my opinion on SirOni's opin...damn...

(What's more you have it wrong in the parentheses, dark uses an interrogative form referring to what oni might think, but an affermativeform about what he himself think, but i bet this was just a misunderstanding on your part.)

No kidding!
Inciting Godwin’s Law on your first post,
Insinuating Nazism – because yes, that’s what mentioning nazi’s and relating them to a person is -,

In the end you can find all excuses you won't, but they are just that, excuses, as a matter of fact you were just in a bad mood and needed to release the tension on something or someone, but for this i suggest a FPS or beat-em-up, where no one gets hurt from your needless rage.
if you really need to make a statement, double check your sources with a cooler head, if you are too angry you might miss something.
there was no intention of calling anyone a fascist or nazist, you shouldn't focus on the big words.
I don't care if you care about caring who i might be, but the fact you had to answer me like this already means you care about what i said, since it pissed you off so much you had to resort to my knowledge of the language to find a way to respond to an attack that wasn't even aimed at you.

Conclusion: Snark and Snide is not polite. Not that politeness is particularly important; it’s very difficult to manage and quite overrated anyway.

There you go, Godwin's law, now i see why nazism was so important in your exposition, it's not just big words but big people saying big things about big words, hahahaha.(Sorry about that, must have sounded really bad but with all your talking about people not being influeced i just couldn't keep it in).
That aside i'm the first one to say i'm not good at being polite, making my point yours is theft.:eek:

Never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, - and continue that for a while… – ever, ever state opinions about the state of mind of other people in an argument when you can help it. Psychoanalysis, especially negative psychoanalysis, is inherently damaging to an argument, even on the rare occasions that you get it right.

And where is the fun in that???
Oh wait i should try to be informative and constructive, not have fun...doh...

*Heavy breathing*
Phew, that was tough...
Re: Barbarian Babes?

wrong or right it was still a necrobump and now the thread is a complete flame war.... good times:D

Edit: the link in the following post made me laugh hystarecly (sp?) for some reason
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Re: Barbarian Babes?

*arrives in my skimpy orange-with-blue-edging g-string bikini, lays out a towel, lays back to get my tan from the ever spreading flamewar*

It never ceases to amaze me just how quick people here are to find any reason to go all on each other.
Re: Barbarian Babes?

Good to see us all getting along.
Re: Barbarian Babes?

Like fire across the galaxy the Flame Wars spread...

Flame Wars

Seeking recruitment for their Barbarian Babes armed forces, the command

staff post recruitment ads in a distant starport known only as ULMF.

However, this only serves to enrage some of the local populace, who take up

arms against the regime and attempt to oust them from their homes. Others

in the port side with them however, causing an almighty battle to begin and

ravage through the port, for while the loyalists to the BBAF are

outnumbered, the battle takes to the streets and fighting rages from building

to building, causing neither side to be able to make much advance...

In orbit, others watch on, waiting for the fighting to come to a close to

advance their plans...
Re: Barbarian Babes?

Lets all calm down... and stop fighting so much ok? Seriously this is the stuff I saw in High School that was just silly and stupid. There will always be things people disagree about or find annoying. However, I must quote the AVGN...


Live with it.
Re: Barbarian Babes?

Incubus, that was the funniest thing i read on a forum since 2002!

Just wanted to let you know.
Re: Barbarian Babes?

Typing too much causes carpal tunnel.

And Lucas is awesome, as usual.
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