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From what I understand, it's just a video he tried to make to see if he can actually make it. (It really reminds me of Yakuza, though.)
For some reason, it's currently impossible for him to make it. Guess he's not happy with how it's turning out.
From what I understand, it's just a video he tried to make to see if he can actually make it. (It really reminds me of Yakuza, though.)
For some reason, it's currently impossible for him to make it. Guess he's not happy with how it's turning out.
Well he could go turn base that would work if he pursues it tho he would have to change the controls of the girls to the boys would love a 3 on 3 match that way
Sorry, let me try to explain that again. He's not trying to make a game. He's trying to make a video. But things aren't going well, so it seems he's putting it aside for now.

Actually, turns out I'm super wrong. Boko told me that he is hoping to remake the combat system in GBH when he makes the sequel, and he made the video while he was considering ways to do that. Unfortunately, it's hard for him to make it as part of a game, so he may have to figure something else out.
And I was right, he was totally inspired by Yakuza when making this.
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So as far as we know, GBH (at least this part) is done right? Outside of maybe a couple minor updates here and there. I imagine it's soon to be full steam ahead on UFG 2, then maybe we'll get a GBH 2 afterwards.

As of right now I've been supporting him on Patreon for 41 months, which is almost 3 and a half years, and I've been following his stuff for even longer than that. It's been quite the ride. I'm happy with the way this game turned out and UFG 2 is looking pretty fun as well. He's kinda inspired me to want to make a game myself.
Boko confirmed that he's not working on GBH right now because he's focusing on UFG2. As expected, GBH won't be getting any big updates any time soon.
He also uploaded this nice little screenshot, which is probably based on Alf's first encounter with the maids in CP1. Naisu. Keep in mind, though, this is just a screenshot. It's not part of a video or anything. He mentioned that he may make more screenshots if he feels like it, so I guess this is all GBH will get for now.

He uploaded some more screenshots, so I guess I'll link them here.
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Hey everyone, it's been nearly 2 years since I last posted in this thread. I love that it doesn't feel like it's changed at all.

That said, I followed Boko on Twitter the entire time. Having noticed that CP2 was ostensibly "finished" I decided to return to the game a week ago, for the first time in (again) nearly 2 years. And earlier today, I finally beat the Monster Lord.

So, to sum up my impressions: I love GBH now. Let me ramble a bit about how my playthrough went. You can probably tell I took notes as I played.

- I defeated Shisen at level 55 and fell to 52.
- I defeated Leticia, Millis, the queen, Ciska, Lusy, Camil, Mena, Sharifa&Nathifa, Roletta, and Astrid, and went from 52 to 58, but I had to use hints/tips to beat Shisen and Astrid (the way out of the handcuffs was a blind spot to me). Pardon me if my name choices are non-standard in some cases.
- I equipped the armor set from the chest, defeated Shisen Another and Leticia Another, defeated Auphemia to rise to 63, and defeated Selunelia to rise to 64.
- For balance's sake, I re-equipped my old armor set to defeat Alcia and Sephina, who I had saved for later.
- Lastly, I re-equipped my best armor and defeated the Monster Lord. I had to use items for the first time: 5 Magic Potions and 1 X Potion. I defeated her at about 12 hours of playtime.
- No cheats: no Hero level modification, no enemy parameter modifications. And I only looked up how to defeat 2 of the characters. I played completely in Japanese, by the way.
- I still have a little left to do in CP2 (you may have noticed I didn't say I defeated Shayna) but I'm not in any rush to blow through it. I want to savor it.

The battles were well-balanced, which I'm sure is thanks to Boko's hard work. The only one that I'd complain about is Shisen; I retain my previous opinion from 2018 that her battle is unintuitive. I'll probably elaborate on why some other time.

The battles with Alcia, Lusy, and Camil were probably the easiest ones for me. At least Lusy surprised the first time I battled her, but after that, she was very simple to defeat. And I essentially beat Alcia and Camil on the first try with a conservation approach. That said, this isn't a complaint; from a lore perspective, it's fine that these maids are a little easier to defeat. I had fun, after all.

Now let me talk about the story. I loved CP2's narrative. It was much more refined than when I last played it.

The introductory lines are the same as last time, but the major difference is that all 4 of the initially accessible locations have descriptions which offer a sense of the Hero's perspective toward them. Also, since it's clearer to me (both on the official website now, and thanks to LIBG (Lusy is best girl)'s explanation to me way back then) that CP2's character dynamic follows from how the events of CP1's story were resolved, the sense of a "plot hole" is absent, and it just feels like there was a period of the Hero's adventures that's deliberately left mysterious but can be occasionally inferred by the player.

The narrative truly shined when it came to the portions that had been added since I last played CP2: the main story content that involves battles with Auphemia, Selunelia, and the Monster Lord. Back in 2018, LIGB said to me in this thread, "I always found it strange how we got to hear so many of Alf's thoughts when he met Sisen. It happened more frequently than any of the other encounters." This was an astute observation. Shisen was the first portion of CP2's main narrative. The only other narrative elements back then were related to the queen's subplot. And even now, I think that the writing for the queen's subplot is fairly simplistic, and doesn't really connect with the rest of the narrative.

Anyway, as I played CP2, I felt as if I watched Boko steadily improve as a writer. The final interaction with the Monster Lord, in particular, was excellent! She's a complex character... she has a cold demeanor, but she's also subtly affected by her feminine instinct which causes her to derive pleasure from bullying men, and her role as an eternal guardian of the absorption equipment is a kind of curse to her. I like that the note the story concluded on is that the Hero will need to fight her over and over, and she'll be forced to do her best to not be defeated each time... and while the Hero has the inner realization at the very end that maybe they can rewrite her internal orders to truly "save" her, his down-to-earth personality stays consistent and he decides to look into that later.

I can totally see a bright future in CP3 where Selunelia helps the Monster Lord be freed of her role, and the magical energy gathered by the ancient mechanism could be utilized by Auphemia to create sexy humanoid monsters that don't harm people, they just, uh... pacify men as part of a new political measure. Maybe the queen could even somehow seize the equipment and try to construct an elite army to subjugate the men of the world. Maybe the characters could even explore the origin of "Void", or encounter the legacies of the female-dominated early era of the ancient civilization.

GBH may be on hold, but based on how popular GBH is and how much care Boko put into the narrative of CP2, I'm optimistic he'll find more inspiration and return to GBH later. Clearly it's still on his mind. But I'm excited for UFG2, too. Sierra~

In conclusion, CP2 is what I always wanted, ever since I played UFG back then and realized I liked Boko's worldview and characterization style: a Boko game with a deeper world. For a while, I'd lost hope that he had it in him to write this kind of satisfying narrative, and I'm so happy I was mistaken.
Hey everyone, it's been nearly 2 years since I last posted in this thread. I love that it doesn't feel like it's changed at all.
Yooo, it’s been so long that I thought you left these forums. It’s good to know you like the game better now.
I don’t remember if I mentioned this here before, but I’m also pretty happy with how the monster lord was handled. It’s great because I was a little worried the monster lord could end up being cliché and forgettable. I think Boko did a pretty good job. He did so well that helping the monster lord is probably what I look forward to doing to most in CP3/Gaiden.

“Hero’s level and item usage”
Wow, so your level increased that much by playing through the game? I knew the level would increase, but I didn’t expect it to increase this much. When you fought the monster lord did you only use the weak MP recovery item or did you use the strong one too? If you only used the weak ones, then it seems those extra levels gave a pretty decent boost to your stats. It should be a little hard to beat her without using that one elixir, after all. If you want the opponents to keep being a decent challenge, then I suggest using the level modification item just to level yourself back down to 55. I think I should ask Boko to reduce the EXP rewards from fights or bloat the level up requirements so the hero doesn’t keep leveling up so much. I assume that he’s supposed to hover around 55 for the most part.

But anyway, when it comes to equipment, you used the right equipment in all of the fights, so that’s a good thing. The crystal gear is only meant for Auphemia, Selunelia, the monster lord and the alternate fights for Leticia and Shisen. I kind of considered asking Boko to add some form of a hint to let the player know what equipment are ideal for the fight they’re having, but I completely forgot about that. I think I’ll try to mention this to him too. Fighting Alcia while using the Crystal Ring just completely ruins that fight...

“I can totally see a bright future in CP3...“
I assume that Alf will completely avoid working with Selunelia unless he has to. She’s just not trustworthy. Besides, she probably doesn’t know a huge amount about ancient tech, so he might not need her if he’s lucky. Continuing to cooperate with Auphemia is definitely the safest bet. I doubt that she’ll try to do anything malicious with any of the information he could share with her or the ancient tech she gets her hands on. If she really does start creating sexy Humanoid monsters and starts teaching them her style, then that’s a big win in my book.
I’m not sure what Eiruferu will do once she finds out about what Alf did, but now that we know that the monster lord isn’t the villain, Auphemia is clearly lawful good, and Selunelia doesn’t care about world domination, it seems Eiruferu is very likely to become the main antagonist of CP3.

"Maybe the characters could even explore the origin of 'Void' "
When it comes to void, I think its origin isn’t particularly relevant. I think that it’s just an ability Alf was born with. It doesn’t seem to be unheard of since the monster lord did mention that some humans are just born with unusual abilities in her game over scene. Alf probably just happens to be one of those people. Millis also has the ability to continually raise her defense over time, and Lusy has unusually high physical capabilities but poor magical resistance, which I assume are abilities unique to them. Though in Lusy’s case, this could be a mere birth defect rather than a unique ability...
I think in this case, the question will end up being “Why are some people born with unusual abilities?”. It may happen to have something to do with the world’s magical energy, a side effect of the ancient war, or the effects of some piece of ancient tech that should’ve stopped working a long time ago. Or we’re just overthinking things and these are just abilities we’re supposed to accept as a thing that exists in this world and Boko has no interest in explaining why they’re a thing. Who knows.

A part of me wishes he didn’t stop yet because I’d rather help the monster lord first, but I guess this is a pretty good place to end CP2. It seems Boko hasn’t been feeling super motivated to work on UFG in the past few days, but I hope he’ll feel better and things will go well with UFG too.
When you fought the monster lord did you only use the weak MP recovery item or did you use the strong one too? If you only used the weak ones, then it seems those extra levels gave a pretty decent boost to your stats. It should be a little hard to beat her without using that one elixir, after all. If you want the opponents to keep being a decent challenge, then I suggest using the level modification item just to level yourself back down to 55. I think I should ask Boko to reduce the EXP rewards from fights or bloat the level up requirements so the hero doesn’t keep leveling up so much. I assume that he’s supposed to hover around 55 for the most part.
Yep, it was the weaker one that only heals 200 MP. I deliberately used the weakest one (I still had all my items) to challenge myself, and only did so after I realized over many defeats that there's no way the battle was balanced to work without items. Even so, I still screwed up once and had to use that one health potion. And of course, even with the use of items, I lost several times before I succeeded.

In any case, maybe this victory seems like a testament to the power of a level 64 Hero's stats from your perspective, but from my perspective, it was still by far the hardest fight in CP2. I felt that the fight's balance was in the acceptable range.

Anyway, I personally don't think there's a need for Boko to nerf or remove EXP rewards. While it may provide a little more balance in the short term if the Hero can't naturally exceed level 55, the EXP system has bigger implications. Here's what I think (spoiler for size):

For example, from a lore perspective, everyone (the Hero, and most of the girls) trains over time to increase their combat ability. At first, the Hero was strong enough to beat them all without his armor, but as women's physical abilities were drastically boost over time, he found the fights became more difficult; Boko hasn't exactly said what fights are canon, and he basically scrapped CP1, but in my head canon, the "Another" battles take place near the end of CP2 when Leticia has trained up even more, and the overall increase in battle difficulty from CP1 to CP2 is what pushed Auphemia's and Selunelia's strengths past the point where the Hero could deal with them without his armor and without items. Since the Monster Lord was resurrected at the end of CP2, there won't be any "sudden" increases in the girls' strengths that the Hero can't keep up with, so from this point on, I feel like it's a chance for Boko to return to a dynamic where as time passes and the different plot arcs occur, the Hero re-battles old enemies who have new techniques and deal more damage, and he's expected to have leveled himself up more to deal with them. ...Or maybe you could argue that the girls' strengths are now more or less capped at the level of Auphemia or Selunelia, so he'll just need to wear his full armor at level 55 so be strong enough to defeat any enemy, but I don't see the fun in that. I'd rather see women continue to surprise the Hero with their potential, and for him to need to push himself to keep up with them. That's just my opinion, but in any case, I don't think Boko should just discard EXP; I'd rather he attempted to utilize it in the future.

Another reason to not worry there's too much EXP is that Shisen's first battle has level drain that persists outside battle. I think this means Boko finds the idea of level as a way to represent strength sexy. At the same time, it's hard for a level drain mechanic to be balanced in the current system where the Hero is ideally level 55, which is probably why for the other battles, level drains are reset after the match. Maybe in the future, Boko will add a sexy method to have your levels returned, like maybe you provide Selunelia with some kind of magic orb and she does a reverse level drain on you. Or maybe he'll add a humiliation mechanic where if you're weakened too much (the level difference is too major) there won't even be a battle when you challenge a girl, she'll just humiliate you, like the queen's extra story.

So yeah, my personal view is that GBH is still very much a testbed for Boko's ideas, and I don't think he should overly nerf a feature (EXP is already nerfed... except for Auphemia, it's just 0-1 levels per win) just because it seems to make the battles you leave for later a little easier than they need to be in some case; I'd rather he left it in, and tried to balance it some other way later.

From the perspective of immersion, the level-ups helped me feel like the Hero became a little stronger in order to obtain an edge over girls he'd repeatedly lost to earlier like Sephina and Astrid.

The only character who made me think "whoops, I should've battled her earlier" was Alcia, because I mistakenly believed she was the top maid rather than Shayna (my memory was off) so I left her for later. All in all, like I said, CP2 is a testbed, but if it were streamlined into a balanced experience by Boko later, the player would probably receive more guidance about which girls to fight first, and perhaps encouraged to put off girls they can't immediately beat and return later when their stats are a little better. Different players will always do a little better or a little worse against different girls, so this kind of approach could better accommodate them.

I assume that Alf will completely avoid working with Selunelia unless he has to. She’s just not trustworthy. Besides, she probably doesn’t know a huge amount about ancient tech, so he might not need her if he’s lucky. Continuing to cooperate with Auphemia is definitely the safest bet. I doubt that she’ll try to do anything malicious with any of the information he could share with her or the ancient tech she gets her hands on. If she really does start creating sexy Humanoid monsters and starts teaching them her style, then that’s a big win in my book.
I wouldn't Selunelia say is completely untrustworthy, because she mainly just protects her own interests, and she's always been up front about that. You're right that Auphemia could be a superior choice for someone to cooperate with, as she also develops her own original techniques and conducts a broader variety of research, and has a more moral outlook (lawful good is a nice way to put it... in that case, the Hero is chaotic good). But I felt like I didn't want to leave Selunelia out, so I just came up with that as a possible way to include her. They both helped the Hero in CP2, after all; in my mind, they're the two main heroines. Since the Monster Lord has massive amounts of magic and Selunelia's specialties are magic absorption and original magic, I feel like they'd hit it off. The ancient tech was at least powered by magical energy, so it's possible Selunelia could find some way to help. Of course, it's all up to Boko.

A part of me wishes he didn’t stop yet because I’d rather help the monster lord first, but I guess this is a pretty good place to end CP2. It seems Boko hasn’t been feeling super motivated to work on UFG in the past few days, but I hope he’ll feel better and things will go well with UFG too.
Yeah, while I (like most) enjoy the world of GBH more than UFG at this point, I just want Boko to do what motivates him. If he wants to focus more on UFG, he should; if he's somehow not in the mood for UFG and wants to do a little GBH, he should.

CP2 showed me that if Boko continues to work at GBH little by little, over time he'll polish his ability to express his ideas. In any case, I think I understand why he took a break from GBH. CP2 really feels like it's completely served its role as a testbed at this point, so I don't think Boko will pursue little additions, I think he's more likely to either attempt CP3 or attempt an ambitious rework of CP1-CP2. Characters like Ritica and Senri don't have much of a place in CP1-2 anyway; it feels like the natural next step is for Boko to truly expand the world of GBH. Well, in baby steps, at least. It's always possible CP3 could be abandoned quickly for CP4, like a repeat of CP1.

One random idea for CP3 could be that the Hero is low on money for some reason (maybe because he helped fund Auphemia or Selunelia's research on how to free the Monster Lord, or lent it to his little sister for some reason, or sponsored that school he visited in the extra story, or was scammed by Mena or someone related to Mena) so he returns to the royal capital to take on quests at the Adventurer's Guild, like a quest commissioned by Senri to escort her to the Monster Lord's castle, or a quest to help students from Ritica's school. The capital could have a Lucianan embassy, or an inn that Alcia now works at. But of course, this is just my wild fantasy; maybe Boko isn't prepared to write this kind of full-fledged RPG, and prefers to extend the current inn-based sandbox format.
I'm so confused regarding the Shisen battle, searching through the thread i see that all you need to do is guard, defend and heal when appropriate. But
that just doesn't seem to work...eventually i just run out of MP and she wins. I saw earlier in the thread that the theres a hint that shes low on magic...but i have tried casting void on different dialogue line she has, to no effect. If you skip the battle, it explicitly says she loses to the void ability. But when do you have to cast it, i swear i've tried every combination now. And i have lost 5 times in a row, with seemingly nothing about her attack pattern changing. So frustrating

You're only supposed to use Void once she runs out of energy so you can prevent her from using a move that completely drains you. If you use it early, then you'll just screw yourself over because you can't heal.
I tried fighting her again to check, and I managed to win by using Protect, guarding and healing when I needed to. But I only barely managed to win, and probably would've lost in 1 or 2 turns. It's strange because I remember her being easier. There may have been a balance change at some point that unintentionally made her stronger. Could be the fact protect boosts defense by 35% now, and I remember it being 50% back in the day. Or my memory is just failing me and she was always this hard. Maybe give it another shot with Protect and see how it goes for you. If you still can't win then maybe she needs a nerf of something...

Boko uploaded a very short animation a while ago for Loretta, Camil and Lusy, in which Alf basically gets owned.
If it's canon, then this must be how their first encounter went in CP1. I also think that this is connected to the previous pictures, because after the three maids finished their attack, it's very likely Alcia and Shayna moved in to "finish him off". So I guess the fight basically ended in one turn. That went even worse than it did in the game...
Alf may have been "captured" after Alcia was done with him, or maybe he was captured later on in CP2. Regardless of how it happened, it seems he doesn't even get yelled at if he walks in on Auphemia while she's changing.
Instead, she just gives him this look. Needless to say, this simply reaffirms the superiority of Auphemia's game over scene.

So Sunshaded contacted me about 2 weeks ago because he wanted to give me a hand by translating the profiles, and he basically translated every single GBH character profile on Boko's website on his own. This is great because the older profiles were translated by TOZO. and I think several people here know how bad that can be. I translated the newer profiles myself, but those were also replaced by Sunshaded's translation because I can't help finding my translation to be awkward and stilted. So now all of GBH's profiles on Boko's website are fixed. Huzzah!
Boko even made a profile for the Monster Lord, and Sunshaded translated it too. Double huzzah.

Sunshaded also suggested some name changes, most of which Boko went with:
-Shisuka > Ciska: To avoid overemphasizing the u in 'Shi-su-ka'.
-Astride > Astriede: So her name can, finally, be pronounced properly.
-Sejna > Shayna: Because it sounds like a reference to a real life fighter.
-Ritika > Ritica: Because using a hard c instead of a k gives a more western feel. Plus, it seems the 'ritica' part in crtitical.
-Eiruferu > Eirfeel: At first Sunshaded suggested using Aylfiel, because Eiruferu wasn't romanized properly. But it turns out that Boko wanted to keep the 'Eir' part in her name, because it's a reference to a Norse goddess, and Boko originally wanted to use the name 'Eirfeel'. So that's what we're going with.
-Stansted > Stanted: There's a second 's' in there for some reason. It's gone now.
-Evil-Eye > Mystic-Eye: Evil-Eye always felt like a poor name for this move. Demon eye and magic eye are both probably better. Sunshaded suggested Mystic-Eye, which Boko liked. So now it 'Mystic-Eye'.
-Big Titty Martial Arts > Huge Boobs Battle Arts: PLOT is very important, and we discussed the PLOT a lot. This is the result of our in-depth discussion. I actually came up with the name 'Dynamammaries Battle Arts' hoping to capture a pun that's lost in translation (the baku part of 'bakunyuu touhou' means explosive, and kyonyuu means big boobs. So I combined Dynamite and mammaries into dynamammaries. So explosive mammaries. Needless to say, udder genius). I didn't go with it mostly because the name is just too silly and unsexy.

I think that's everything for now.

After Boko updates UFG2 within 1-2 weeks, I'll probably start working on fixing the rest of the translation for GBH, starting with the first encounter with Shisen. I may end up telling him that she's a little too strong now, but I'll need to make sure of that first. If she really is too strong, then it might be a good idea to make her run out of energy faster, or for her to became weaker over the course of the fight before she completely runs out of energy. Maybe even add a line where Alf notices that she's getting weaker. Might not be a bad idea if it doesn't take too much of his time.
@Yes Yep, Shisen's battle has definite problems. (I wish you'd been there to back me up when I complained about it 2 years ago in this thread!)

Here are my personal tips on how to defeat her:

1. If you fall below level 55 because of level drain, load a previous save. Every level counts. Alternatively, battle some other heroines, and come back to Shisen later with a level that's above 55. It shouldn't be hard to consistently win at 60+, if you know how.
2. Hope she doesn't use Kyuusei (MP drain) many times outside of her mandatory turn 5, 10, 15 drains. Luck is indeed a factor...
3. Hope you manage to guard (rather than need to heal) on turns when she uses her strongest attack, Oboro Sange. Guarding dramatically reduces its damage.
4. Guard and use Heal Plus when necessary. Don't guard on turns 5, 10, or 15 because doing so doesn't reduce the damage you take from Kyuusei. Instead, use Heal Plus, or if you already have enough HP, Protect. Keep in mind that you can't "refresh" Protect; you need to wait until it wears off before you can re-use it.
5. Turn 16 is always Oboro Sange, so guard it. Ideally, just have enough HP by turn 16 that you'll survive when you guard; it's likely you won't have any MP left by then. Once turn 16 is over, she'll stop attacking; just use Void afterward, and then repeatedly attack until her HP reaches 0.

@Libg Nice to see you had a similar impression after you battled Shisen. She's too strong for somebody who just started GBH, that's for sure... Especially if they don't want to use a walkthrough or cheats.

I've seen people say they think GBH isn't even designed to be balanced--that players aren't expected to be able to win unless they use the built-in cheats. Admittedly, the main reason for this is probably all the "convenience" options Boko added (instawin conversation option, Onedari/Plead animation picker) and the fact that victory/loss usually have zero consequences. But I think that another major factor is the fact that Shisen is most players' first opponent.

Anyway, when I played CP2 recently, I actually went to the trouble of analyzing the problems with Shisen's battle. Now seems like a good time to post what I typed up.

For the record, when I first fought and eventually beat Shisen, I didn't carefully read the walkthrough text file. I purely relied on a vague memory that I was supposed to stall for time and at some point use Void. In fact, at first, I thought that I was supposed to use Void earlier in the battle, but I eventually accepted that it had zero effect on how she behaved, or how often she used Kyuusei, so then I solely tried to stall for time.

Sure, it wouldn't have been that difficult to win if I'd played CP1 or had battled other girls first, and was thus very familiar with the combat system and how to most efficiently stall for time. I say this because I noticed that after I returned to battle Shisen later on, I was so familiar with the battle system that I could defend, cast Protect, and heal on the turns that maximized subtle advantages and minimized subtle disadvantages. For example, taking advantage of the fact that defend has no effect on Kyuusei to take that turn to cast Protect or Heal Plus.

Even so, with ordinary equipment at level 55, it was usually down to the wire. I didn't even know what turn was the "final turn"--I died to her attack on turn 16 several times, not realizing I was just a moment away from victory. In total, I probably battled her ~30 times before I won.

I don't know how anyone could be expected to know they just need to stall for time, when she's clearly on a loop with her turn 5, 10, 15 Kyuusei... it would crazy to not think she'd just continue this into turn 20, 25, and so on! Oh, and let's remember that she's the only heroine in GBH who permanently level drains you, so you have to either save-reload or cheat your way back to 55.

There's no question in my mind that this is the most unreasonable battle in CP2, and a poor introduction to GBH.

My conclusion is that there are 2 major ways this battle could be improved.
1. Add a clear hint that you just need to survive, like the Hero thinking, "Is it just me, or is she slower than she was before?" (Yep, this is similar to the example Libg just came up with. Remember, I typed this up in late May, and I'm just editing it to post now.)
2. Put the bandit's cave lower down in the list of 4 locations, so that players don't immediately visit it. The Luciana Empire's castle is probably a much better starting point for players to familiarize themselves with efficient use of MP.
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Thanks for all the tips guys, was very helpful.
Yeah, from what you are saying it seems pretty difficult for lvl55 to beat (which is what i was trying at). I also didn't notice the MP drain as being periodic... seeing as she just seemed to do it randomly on top of those periods.

The rest of the fights seemed reasonable in the game, especially once i got to around 60 in level. I havent beaten the monster lord yet, but i've only tried once.