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Re: Books

I prefer Blood and Gold by Anne Rice, but most of her books are pretty good.
Re: Books

I've actually never read Anne Rice. I don't even remember the last vampire novel I've read. Despite my recent fascination with vampires, there doesn't seem to be any books about them I want to read, mostly just movies like 30 Days of Night, and I want to see Daywalkers so very very badly.

In more book like news, got a fantasy novel called "The Steel Remains" by Richard Morgan (hard to miss who it's by... the title of the book is in black Times New Roman Font, the Author's name is is three times as large, in funky font, in blue lettering), and I'm a little over a quarter through.

It's a bit unusual, but so far I like it. Not entirely sure where the plot is going, as there seems to be three. It is fairly brutal, but some of the most gruesome violence is just hinted, or described vaguely, but should you read into some of those descriptions...
Does the same for sex. I also wonder if the writer is from the UK, as he's used the word cunt in the book. The word seems to be much more taboo here in North America so seeing it outside of erotica just set me back a bit.
Re: Books

I actually just saw 30 days of night recently it was surprisingly good, for what I was expecting.

To not get off topic Anne Rice is weird, for some reason I only like half of her vampire stories despite the fact that they're all about the same people at least the ones I've read. For example I don't care for Interveiw With the Vampire but I like the Vampire Lestat. Don't really get it myself.

I haven't read any of his books, but I do have a grphic novel by Dan Morgan. Black Widow: Homecoming. If it's the same guy I'm pretty sure he is British, judging from what I've read. I think he's pretty good authorwise, but he tends to deal with a bit too much politics for my taste.
Re: Books

In more book like news, got a fantasy novel called "The Steel Remains" by Richard Morgan (hard to miss who it's by... the title of the book is in black Times New Roman Font, the Author's name is is three times as large, in funky font, in blue lettering), and I'm a little over a quarter through.

Heh. I'm currently reading a Richard Morgan book as well, "Altered Carbon," though the German title translates to "The Immortality Program." I got it for Christmas from my uncle, and it's a sci-fi book. Surprisingly many whores appear in it.
Re: Books

Heh. I'm currently reading a Richard Morgan book as well, "Altered Carbon," though the German title translates to "The Immortality Program." I got it for Christmas from my uncle, and it's a sci-fi book. Surprisingly many whores appear in it.

He's got a lot of whore in "the Steel Remains" as well.
Re: Books

I've been reading Interview with the Vampire and so far I like it. I expected the main character to be less sympathetic.
Re: Books

I recently picked up a book at a comic shop, Legend of the Jade Pheonix. And I have to say, it is by far one of the most engrossing and well written pieces of literature I have ever picked up. The book is set in the BattleTech/MechWarrior universe, and it gives out a great deal of detail about the setting and its rules without cramming a thousand pounds of terminology down your throat at the beginning of every chapter. The characters, despite being a set of malignant despicable sociopaths who blindly follow the short sighted neo-Communist Clan philosophy (other than the character named Horse,) are memorable and interesting enough that I remember all of their names even though I would hate them if they were in any other book. The story, though relatively unimportant in the greater scheme of things, is about one of the characters being screwed over by his girlfriend/sister (not making that one up) and then going "fuck the rules!" And going on to become a MechWarrior anyway through a great deal of luck and an alliance with his ex-instructor/girlfriend who hates him more than anyone else in the universe.

I got it for two dollars, and when I looked on Amazon I saw that it went for over a hundred new and in the twenties used, but I could never dream of selling it.
Re: Books

Is there also the strangely explicit sex descriptions and casual talk about cumming into a woman's face?

Yep. He's even got homosexuals from both genders.
The emperor in the story oh so casually was fingering one of his whores while giving some briefing or such to an agent. I almost had to laugh. Especially when he used words like "cunt" and "cunt juices".
Re: Books

After the disappointment of 'The Steel Remains' and a fairly mediocre military sci-fi novel called 'Biohell' I've finally found a good book, though it is the first in a series.

The series is of the Fantasy genre and is called "Chronicles of the Necromancer" by Gail Z. Martin. The first book is called "The Summoner". Quick summary of the plot, Matris Drayke is the second born of the king, but his older brother decides to advance his rise to the throne and kills the king, queen and his younger sister. Tris (as he is called by his friends) manages to escape with a few loyal friends. He then spends much of the novel trying to escape his own nation while being pursued by soldiers that were once loyal to his father, and all the while discovering his own magical abilities. Namely the ability to talk to ghosts, and have them take corporal form to fight for him.

The characters are quite interesting, and the representation of a realistic medieval world is quite engrossing, made more so by the fantasy elements. There also happen to vampires in it, though they are handled much like the vampires in Oblivion for those familiar with the game. They are an interesting bunch and many have been pledging their loyalty to the fugitive prince in this first book for their own reasons (which are explained).

All in all, recommended for those who enjoy a good fantasy or adventure tale.
Re: Books

Ah! Yes! Yes yes yes! Fan-freaking-tastic series! I remember when Gail came in to the store. She's actually local to me and had been doing a signing over at B&N and was nice enough to come in and sign books at the Borders where I work. So we gather them up and I'm standing there after she signs it and it's "Copper." "Hmm?" "Copper." "Yeah, boss?" "Copper, put the book down and wait on the customers." "Oh, right." I was five pages in. And I bought the book and took it home and would steal it off the shelves to read on my break because I did not want to do anything else but read these books. I love the vampires and Jonmarc and Carroway are my absolute favorites. I will admit that it sometimes gets a little confusing with all the charries that get introduced (especially since different people refer to them by different names), but they're paced apart enough that you still have a good sense of who's who.
Re: Books

The vampires are intriguing characters so far, but I agree that Jonmarc and Carroway are awesome! She writes them so damn well. After the first book, I'm also very much enjoying Kiara, and I'm hoping that as the series goes on she doesn't falter in her character. We shall see what transpires.
Re: Books

As of book two, they were pretty set and steady charries, so no worries there. I remember being a bit grumpy at Goodkind for seeming like he was changing Khalan's behavior but thus far, in Gail's books, they're pretty consistent. I have to get into book three yet. Unfortunately, I hit more of a writing binge than a book binge, so I have a lot of novels I need to finish yet. Usually doesn't take me long to get through them when I do, but right now, the creativity outlet is elsewhere.
Re: Books

Is this going to happen every time a Twilight movie comes near and Obe gets his hard-on for pale men with lipstick swinging all over the place?
Re: Books

There's another Twilight movie coming out already? I thought I had at least until next year to gather up ammo.
Re: Books

The sooner this rape of literature and cinematics is over, the sooner we can begin with the coping process.
Re: Books


Also, The Dark Tower series is AMAZING. I am enjoying myself, and since my Mom recommended it, I'll be reading The Stand when I'm through. :3
Re: Books

I don't normally like Stephen King, but the Dark Tower series was very good. So is the Stand and I also like Salem's Lot. The rest are pretty much well horrible in my opinion, but to each their own if you happen to like them.
Re: Books

I'm not a fan of Stephen King either, but I find Richard Bachman rather enjoyable.