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Big Sis
Nov 10, 2008
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Alright guys and gals. Breasts. Wonderful right? Well through the ages people have come up with some strange names for them.

My personal favorite? Jubblies. My fave non english is Oppai!

Your turn!
Re: Breasts

Aww, I can't believe it doesn't have mine up there.

I always refer to them as "Delightful chesticles"
Re: Breasts

Bosoms, Melons, Milk factories, Busts, Fun-Bags, Knockers, Boobies, Jugs, Nipples, Jubblies, STONKING GREAT TITS!!!
Re: Breasts

Re: Breasts

Re: Breasts

I immediately assumed that Obe was the one who made this thread. Shame on me.

Also, draggy-udders.
Re: Breasts

I immediately assumed that Obe was the one who made this thread. Shame on me.

Also, draggy-udders.

No one blames you except me.


Also, my friend calls them gerbils. He's never explained to me why or how it makes sense. I keep my distance when we're on the topic of bewbz because he always feels like it's necessary to blurt it out as many times as possible before the topic ends for maximum annoyance to everyone in the conversation.

Like an IRL troll! :O
Re: Breasts

I do the same with Jubblies. 'Cept it will always be at the most random point on the conversation, catch everyone off guard, and we all start laughing and can't stop.
Re: Breasts

Dockyard Rivets.
Re: Breasts

"Chesticles" eh Toxic? Looks like I'll be stealing that.
Re: Breasts

i used chesticles in class the other day
Re: Breasts

It's spreading :)

I love it, I started it a long while ago as a joke, but now I can't stop using it
Re: Breasts

I've used Chesticles and Breasticles for a couple years, myself
Re: Breasts

Umm what?
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Re: Breasts

yeah i'm not sure you can claim to be the first person to use chesticles. its possible you thought it up all on your own, but so did someone else and they did it first.
Re: Breasts

I don't mean I started it period, I just meant I started my personal usage of it as a joke. But yes, I will lay claim to have thought it up without having heard it first. I can clearly remember the very the discussion and how we moved the word to become what it is now.
Re: Breasts

I also use chesticles. I'm pretty sure I first saw it being used by nunu on the first forum.

For the record, I love breasts. This topic is relevant to my interests. But needs more pictures:-

Re: Breasts

My mom first referenced them as chesticles when i was 13 or so. Since then I've heard a lot of funny ones from her. Including "Over the shoulder boulder holders" to replace teh word bra.

EDIT: OH GOD SHRIKE. I LOVE YOU. That's the first place i saw the word and it stuck to me. JUBBLIES!