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C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style 3

Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style 3

2 : )
Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style 3

>we picked a massive bitch
Dammit guys

While tempted to try for 4 and get a new character that isn't a cunt, Imma go with 1.
Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style 3

2 it would just be more entretainment to break her in.

P.S. She jiggles I can take an bitch if its fun to watch her.

Edit: woot cow girls ahoy
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Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style 3

EDIT: changing from one to 4 - interested in seeing the over confident bitch get a goblin gangbang GOR
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Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style 3

2, and Diaga, those are some of the same festishes as I've got. :p
Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style 3

I like 4
Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style 3

I'll go with 2. It'll be like Oblivion. With more jiggle physics.
Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style 3

Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style 3

Vote Chosen - 2 - Naked in a dungeon.


Narrator: Ahhh. So thats how Mara starts? Naked in a dungeon does she? I see that many of you are not kind to her. Hoping to break her already? Well let the story begin.

--Narration of Mara--

The golden hued women moaned from where she layed on a slab of rock, her tinies movements causing her perky c-cups, her nipples quite hard in the frozen air, to sway and jiggle as she began to wake up. Giving quite a show to any watching. Sadly, there was no one to watch the elfin women to awaken. Even as the golden elf awoke, her mind dazed even as her eyes weakly open to see the darkened room.

"Ugh... my head.." She groused even as she reached up, or tried to reach up as her arm just flopped by her side numb and suddenly in pain as blood began to rush back to her arm as she jerked and moved. Mara felt her heart spiking, adrenaline beginning to course through her system even as the golden elf begin to jerk and spaz. She desperately tried to move her body even as she felt pains through her arms and legs, signfying that her whole body had gone to sleep. She kept quiet, not wanting anyone to see her humiliating flailing. Not that they would notice as her breasts jerked and jiggled enticingly even with all of the harsh movements.

Within minutes of her struggle, Mara could feel feeling return only "OW! Swyinng!" The golden hued elf cried as she fell to the ground on her arms, a small 2 foot drop but still quite annoying especially as she felt brusings began to form on her forearm and shoulder. Still Mara began to stagger upright, her whole body trembling from the sudden return of feeling even s she took in deep breaths looking cautiously around.

--Mara POV--

I see thick walls, unbroken by paulch between the packly tightened stone. There was an odd orb embedded into the wall it was leaking sickly white light that barely brightened the room. The corners.. No I am not scared of the dark!

"Whoever did this, oh they are going to be pain." 'Unless theres someone in an invisibilty..' I stood still looking but not seeing or finding anything to signify it till the sudden chill. I wrapped my arms around my self.. "Where in SWYINNG is my clothing?!" My scream echoed in the room, breaking any moment of stealth I had and my reawakening. Whoever put me here was going to pay.

--Mara POV end--

The golden hued elf rubbed her arms, goosebumps forming even as she looked around the room, an obvious archway for an exit. Still before she left she gave a quickl look around, not really seeing anything beyond her first perusal. If there was a secret switch she doubted she would find it. She crouched, her legs splayed showing her nicely trimmed bush of bronze hair even as her breasts jiggled as she began to sneak past the room. It may seem stupid to others especially with her scream but better to be a smaller target. 'Damn Eric.' She cursed the human mercenary in her mind even as she walked through the archway, stopping as she saw a tripwire. Stepping over it lightly as she scoffed inwardly at the gall. She looked in the new room, her eyebrow twitching at seeing very similar room, even with the damn stone bed in the middle. But now there were three exits for her to choose and standing here she couldn't*1 differentiate between them from beside from where she stood.

"Whoever has done this to me will pay. I promise that in Vahgyrr's name." Mara growled to herself.


1 - Go through Door ???
2 - Go through Door ???
3 - Go through Door ???
4 - Hit the tripwire and be prepared

Sub Votes:
a - Check the stone bed
b - Try to warm up
c - For some odd reason finger herself (Uses up a hidden stat from the voters.)

A/N - Here is an update. If anyone knows of a good mapmaking engine thingy magicakagaga that is free it would be greatly appreciated. Also the spoiler at the bottom will contain Lore updates, Character sheet, rolls and other things.

Swyinng - God of Jerkness. This being is a completely fictional god made by the golden hued elfs that didn't want to resort to the coarse language of the 'commoner' species. Ignoring that many of the commoner species speaked different languages and having different curse words due to their development. Anyhow saying Swyinng name invokes a sense dammit and damn from the other races. Most golden elves use this word in multiple variances, using it for finding themselves in strange situations, for finding themselves in bad situations or for commenting on anothers bad situation. Or even when life is just cruel to them they invoke this name.

Vaghyrr - Goddess of Minor to Major Vegeance. This Goddess is quite real but not that powerful. Not much is known about her besides the fact that her curses generally invoke anywhere from minor bad luck and harm to major bad luck and harm but never beyond that. When a golden elf invokes her, they generally mean the major part but will settle for some minor harm. Of course minor for golden elfs is the loss of a few limbs while major generally ends in a death. They consider this minor and major since it does not effect the spirit or soul.

Name: Mara Naaaskein
Gender: Female
Race: Elvish
Class: Warrior
Sub-Class: Graceful Duelist

Description: A goldish colored elf. Mara is by her standards of her race pretty while by other races standards she is seen as beautiful. Her body is muscled nicely to inspire those looking to think of her swift and strong. While she lacks scars to symbolize her experience, her eyes tell enough that she knows how to fight. She has a quite nice breasts of C cup, very perk and firm through they always seem to bounce no matter what she does. Nice shimmering bronze hair with darkish brown eyes.

History: Mara is considered young by her older racial members. Still Mara yearned to be out and doing something instead of settling into diplomacy or graceful magic as others of her race were wont to do. So instead Mara hired a passing human sword mercenary to teach her and in return she would pay him. (More History Given Upon being selected.)

Additional History: Mara while traveling with the sword mercenary continually made him angry with her disdain towards his species until he got to the point where he was no longer willing to accept her money and quite willingly going to leave her where she was. Mara of course challenged him to a duel to force him to continue to server as her instructor and help her throughout the world! The mercenary answered her challenge that if he succeeded then she had to sleep with him continually throughout her training till she managed to defeat. Mara scoffed and fought him, believeing she would win... Mara did not of course, through older then him, she had not nearly as much expierence nor willingness to fight even after a few superficial cuts. Mara ended up waking with her ass on fire more then a few times as the mercenary took her ass for his own, not wanting to get her pregnant and deal with a half-elf child. This continued for a few weeks before Mara finally succeeded in defeating him and as a spiteful women, killing him. With this Mara began her adventures, taking all the money on the mercenaray as her own.

Age: 132
Height: 5’11
Breast Status: C cups and very perky. (And unknowningly cursed by one of her admirers to always bounce and jiggle at her movements, no matter how restraining her clothing.)
Nipple/Areola Status: Small nipples that needs to be drawn out to play. Small Cirlces on breasts that are more dark golden.
Pussy/Ass Status: Virgin, she does not even masturbate, seeing it as somewhat uncouth. Very tight but not virginal her ass is.

Disdainful towards any that fight at range.
Does not like being the diplomatic one of any group she is a part of.
Somewhat Naïve of the world.
Prefers using very stabby weapons, rapiers daggers things to quickly stab in and out.. In and out.

Vitality: 15
Spirit: 13
Strength: 16
Dexterity: 18
Intelligence: 12

Duelist: Graceful [+4 In using finesse weapons. (Dirks, Daggers, Rapiers etc.) Affects Hit %]
Dueslist: Ferocity [+2 in dealing pain using finesse weapons. (Dirks, Daggers, Rapiers etc.) Affects Damage]
Novice: Fighter [-3 to all combat rolls when confidence is broken. +2 to escape]

Racial Superiority [-2 in dealing with other species]

Spot Check: Mara: Area [6]
Recovery Check: Mara: Numb reduction [18]
Spot Check: Mara: Stone Bed [2]
Spot Check: Mara: Tripwire [17]
Spot Check: Mara: Room [17]
Spot Check: Mara: Doors [3]

Edit: *1 - Notice a mistake and forgotten. Changed Could to Couldn't
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Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style 3

Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style 3

Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style 3

4a tripwires when a simple button wouldn't do
Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style 3

Vote Chosen - 4a - Trigger the tripwire and check the stone bed.


Narrator: Welcome back to another excerpt of Mara's story. Last time we were with Mara we had her awakening naked in a dungeon without any clues or why she is there. She woke and moved forward and now she has a choice of doors. BUt instead of going through any of the doors...

--Narration of Mara--

The golden hued women blinked as if awakening from something for a moment shaking her head and not noticing the sudden grayness of the world recoloring Mara felt a little bit apprehensive. She could see the tripwire that she had dodged before by spotting it and easily stepping over the ankle high, for her, trip-wire. Still she was naked in a dungeon as her stiff nipples and goosebump arms signified from the cold dungeon air. 'Why couldn't this place be a bit warmer?' She groused to herself, her thoughts of anger being broadcasted for all to hear that were telepathic. Unluckily for her she had quite a crowd trying to decide her actions.

--Mara Pov--

"This tripwire is undoubtly going to signal the guards... or whoever is the guardians of this place.. or it could just be a trap and cause something to fly out of the walls.." Even as I looked around, I could feel a scowl marring my beautiful face as those swyinnged light orbs were pockted in the walls like before. And like before there was only one of the swyinnged things! "What I would do to know the simple elven light.." I again spoke aloud even as I looked at the tempting tripwire.

"Kaaligh" I yelled, invoking the goddess of confused luck! Hoping that she would grant me a boon even as I grabbed the tripwire and pulled!

--Mara POV end--

The womens tits bouncing and jiggling entincingly, almost supernaturally from the sudden arm movements as the tripwire was pulled. The golden hued elf heard the noise of a shwoop even as she let out a yelp she felt a dart enter her back. She quickly reached to grab and pulled the dart, wincing a bit as she felt the strange exit and she looked at the needle like dart. It was hollow and even in the dim light she could see the small container that it was filled with was empty. Mara grimaced as she realized she was poisoned with something and yet she could not feel any difference yet. Must not be very fast acting even as Mara could see the broken string of the trip wire. Taking the string and yanking it out of its wall she collected a good 4 feet of string.

Moving over to the stone table, while the room looked exactly the same as the other one besides the more doors to choose from. She felt that maybe the stone table could be hiding a secret. Looking at the stone table closely and quickly, Mara felt herself smiling as she found a hidden stone button. Hitting it, caused the side of the stone table facing towards the door to the ?north? Inside the new opening of the stone table Mara saw a small pair of black panties. Her elfin senses told her the black panties were black panties. They were also too small for her and would be pressing heavily against her pussy and squeezing her asscheeks.


Primary Vote: Action
A. Go through Door ???
B. Go through Door ?north?
C. Go through Door ???

Secondary Vote: Posion from Dart Effect (Resist 12 vs Poison 16 - Dart has moderate effect.)
1. Milky Milk (Begins to cause Mara to swell slightly and begin moderate lactation - Won't notice till attention is drawn)
2. Bigger big (Begins to cause Mara ass and breasts to swell moderately. She won't notice till attention is drawn)
3. Horniess up and away! (Begins to cause Mara to feel her pussy dampening and dripping. She will notice right awy.)
4. Dizzy Clutz (Makes her light headed and dizzy upon entering another room.)
5 - Strictly Optional - She is affected by all of them. (Warning this will make it harder on her.)

Reasoning for why Mara won't notice the poison effects on 1 & 2. She has a curse on her to not notice her breasts constantly jiggling.

Tertiary Vote: Wear the Black Panties
a. Wear them.
b. Do not wear.

A/N: Inventory added to spoiler below. Also for voting I would like to see it as Primary Vote, Secondary Vote and then Tertiary Vote. IE. A1a like so. Also the string Mara has picked up she has coiled into a loose circle and knotted.

Kaaligh - The Golden Elf's Goddess of Confused Luck. Or to be more specific, fuck decision making and lets do this. This goddess is not that famous and is not very powerful as most golden elves do not like invoking her. It shows them as uncertain of themselves and that they have to rely upon another. Still notable worshippers of Kaaligh will always have a neutral balance in the luck department never getting too lucky and never getting too unlucky.

Name: Mara Naaaskein
Gender: Female
Race: Elvish
Class: Warrior
Sub-Class: Graceful Duelist

Description: A goldish colored elf. Mara is by her standards of her race pretty while by other races standards she is seen as beautiful. Her body is muscled nicely to inspire those looking to think of her swift and strong. While she lacks scars to symbolize her experience, her eyes tell enough that she knows how to fight. She has a quite nice breasts of C cup, very perk and firm through they always seem to bounce no matter what she does. Nice shimmering bronze hair with darkish brown eyes.

History: Mara is considered young by her older racial members. Still Mara yearned to be out and doing something instead of settling into diplomacy or graceful magic as others of her race were wont to do. So instead Mara hired a passing human sword mercenary to teach her and in return she would pay him. (More History Given Upon being selected.)

Additional History: Mara while traveling with the sword mercenary continually made him angry with her disdain towards his species until he got to the point where he was no longer willing to accept her money and quite willingly going to leave her where she was. Mara of course challenged him to a duel to force him to continue to server as her instructor and help her throughout the world! The mercenary answered her challenge that if he succeeded then she had to sleep with him continually throughout her training till she managed to defeat. Mara scoffed and fought him, believeing she would win... Mara did not of course, through older then him, she had not nearly as much expierence nor willingness to fight even after a few superficial cuts. Mara ended up waking with her ass on fire more then a few times as the mercenary took her ass for his own, not wanting to get her pregnant and deal with a half-elf child. This continued for a few weeks before Mara finally succeeded in defeating him and as a spiteful women, killing him. With this Mara began her adventures, taking all the money on the mercenaray as her own.

Age: 132
Height: 5’11
Breast Status: C cups and very perky. (And unknowningly cursed by one of her admirers to always bounce and jiggle at her movements, no matter how restraining her clothing.)
Nipple/Areola Status: Small nipples that needs to be drawn out to play. Small Cirlces on breasts that are more dark golden.
Pussy/Ass Status: Virgin, she does not even masturbate, seeing it as somewhat uncouth. Very tight but not virginal her ass is.

Disdainful towards any that fight at range.
Does not like being the diplomatic one of any group she is a part of.
Somewhat Naïve of the world.
Prefers using very stabby weapons, rapiers daggers things to quickly stab in and out.. In and out.

Vitality: 15
Spirit: 13
Strength: 16
Dexterity: 18
Intelligence: 12

Duelist: Graceful [+4 In using finesse weapons. (Dirks, Daggers, Rapiers etc.) Affects Hit %]
Dueslist: Ferocity [+2 in dealing pain using finesse weapons. (Dirks, Daggers, Rapiers etc.) Affects Damage]
Novice: Fighter [-3 to all combat rolls when confidence is broken. +2 to escape]

Racial Superiority [-2 in dealing with other species]

Mara Inventory
Two 4 Ft of String (Use to be 8 feet as a tripwire.)
Unknown Magical Too small Black Panties.

Trigger Tripwire: Mara: Dodge: 4 +(18 Dex Bonus = 18/6 = 3) 3 = 7) 7
Trap Dart: Mara: Resist 10 + (Vit Bonus 15/6 = 2.5 = 2) 2 = 12
Trap Dart: Dart: Poison 16
Spot Check: Mara: Stone Table 11
Intuition Check: Mara 2
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Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style 3

With respect to order
Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style 3

Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style 3

B5A! KEKEKEKEKE!!!!!!!!!! >:-D