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Candyland CYOA

Re: Candyland CYOA

Mix between B and C. Otherwise C.
Re: Candyland CYOA

Kari grabs a stick of air gum quickly and starts chewing it. The worm starts to suck Kari in deeper. Just before she got out of arm's reach of Emily, Kari grabbed on tightly to Emily's hands, using the swallowing forces of the worms against each other. The efforts of the worms were all in vain however, for the events that were about to transpire would surely cause them to expire.

There was a small rumbling sound in the distance getting louder and closer towards the girls. It was hard to make out from below the tall grass, but it appeared to be a couple of dark-armored knights riding towards them on what appeared to be animal cracker horses. The knights drew their red hard-candy swords and sliced the worms in half, just narrowly missing each of the girl's swallowed feet. The knights continue riding forward through the tall grass as Kari slid out of the dead worm's mouth and helps Emily out of hers before hugging each other.

The knights start to circle back towards the girls.

What should they do?:

A. Wait for the knights to return and thank them.

B. Dive into the nearby river and avoid the knights.

C. Other.
Re: Candyland CYOA

Re: Candyland CYOA

A, they hold hands and are ready to jump into the river.
Re: Candyland CYOA

A. Hopefully that dark-armor means rich dark chocolate goodness and not... well... evil achiness
Re: Candyland CYOA

So, as the knights ride towards them they hold out their candy swords and point them towards the girls.

"Get on the ground NOW sluts!"

What should the girls do now?:

A. Comply with the knights' commands.

B. Attempt to retaliate.

C. Try and run away.

D. Other.
Re: Candyland CYOA

Re: Candyland CYOA

D. Were not sluts! What kind of knights are you!? We just nearly died in an avalanche! And just now we were nearly eaten alive by fucking gummy worm snakes! EATEN ALIVE, YOU HEAR ME!? WERE VICTIMS, INNOCENT VICTIMS! And arent knights supposed to be chivilorous!?

And if they get pissed/threatening, fall back to C. and haul ass.
Re: Candyland CYOA

Fighting isn't going to end well. If they're calling us sluts, complying probably isn't going to end well either. So... C. Run Away!
Re: Candyland CYOA

(D) But talk over the Terms and Conditions of Surrender...

Who am I now captive of? Where am I being taken? How many times per day can I expect to be: Fed, Groomed*, or raped* ?

*if applicable
Re: Candyland CYOA

Emily and Kari began to run off along the river towards the sea and away from the knights. Immediately, the knights took pursuit after the girls, readying their swords. They caught up quickly, and rode alongside them before whacking them on the back of the head with the hilt of their swords; the girls fell to the ground unconscious.

Many hours later, Emily awoke in a very dark cell. The first thing she noticed was that she was completely naked. Her wrists and ankles were bound to very hard and smooth-cut black rock candy shackles. The floors and walls were made of the smoothest black rock candy bricks. Emily shivered as her bare exposed feet and heiney laid against the cool bricks. The only light she saw was the faint light shimmering through the bars on the small window to the door to her cell.

What should she do?:

A. Try and escape.

B. Lie there and wait.

C. Look around the room in her loose shackles.

D. Other.
Re: Candyland CYOA

C. Lets make sure we're not above a fire before we try to jump out of the frying pan, yes?
Re: Candyland CYOA

C. And it couldn't be licorice ropes. Even f we hate, we can still eat out of it faster and easier then hard candy. And why is everything always out to rape us? I mean come on! We just recently barely survived an avalanche! Give us a break! :eek:
Re: Candyland CYOA

C Stop complaining tenta, this is an ero Cyoa, be a man and accept than your ass will be always a target
Re: Candyland CYOA

C Look for anyone else in the room, then escape with them. Don't want a snitch to rat us out!
Re: Candyland CYOA

Emily crawled around the dark cold room, inside she only saw a small feeding trough and an empty chmaber pot made of candy similar to the texture and feel of Smartees candy. Then, she could hear somebody walking down the hall outside towards the door.

What should Emily do?:

A. Wait as close as she could to the door.

B. Pretend to be asleep.

C. Struggle against the shackles.

D. Sit against the wall.

E. Other.