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Candyland CYOA

Re: Candyland CYOA

Re: Candyland CYOA

well, when in doubt. Dont nascar go right
Re: Candyland CYOA

Emily leads the boy down into the cave on the left. As they descend through the tunnel, it gets progressively darker. Before long, they were left in complete darkness. However, as they wandered forward through the darkness, they feel the land quake and see an explosion illuminate the cave far in front of them briefly before going dark again.

What should they do?:

A. Advance forward...

-1. Recklessly.

-2. Cautiously.

B. Return back to take the other path.
Re: Candyland CYOA

2. Cautiously! You don't want to go boom all of the sudden!
Re: Candyland CYOA

A2 put the guy in front just in case
Re: Candyland CYOA

Emily cautiously approaches through the darkness, holding the boy in front of him. He squirms and protests, "H-Hey! What's the big idea?!"

Emily blushes and then releases him, "S-Sorry..."

They eventually emerge in a large dimly-lit cavern. Throughout most of the cavern floor flowed a large amount of hot, bubbling soda. Embedded in the walls and ceiling were large veins of Mentos ore. Before them was a rickety, old cinnamon wood scaffolding bridge that looked like it could collapse at any second. The bridge extended into the dark abysmal darkness of the cave. They were entering the abandoned caverns of the Mentos Mine.

What should they do?:

A. Continue forward.

B. Go back.

C. Look around.

D. Other.
Re: Candyland CYOA

A, Grab some of that mentos ore first and once we are across the bridge toss it into the soda to destroy the rickety bridge and prevent gobbling pursuit.
Re: Candyland CYOA

Emily decides to look around. She notices a rather unstable chocolate stalactite hanging from the ceiling, just above the bridge. Aside from that, she notices a hidden chocolate stairway carved out of the cave walls leading down the cliff next to the bridge.

What should they do?:

A. Proceed across the bridge.

B. Descend the stairs.

C. Go back.
Re: Candyland CYOA

Emily grabs the boy's hand, "Come on, this way!"

The boy squeaks and complies, not really having a choice in the matter. They carefully descend the chocolate stairs. With every step down, they feel noticeably warmer due to the heat of the rivers of soda flowing along the base of the cave. Emily and the boy start sweating profusely.

"... S-So... h-hot..."

"J-Just bear with it..."

Once they arrive at the bottom, they stood upon a a shore of hot chocolate dust bordering the river of molten soda. They feel a draft of fresh air blowing near a tunnel further down the shore. In the other direction, they saw a collapsed stalactite forming a bridge over the river to the other side.

Where should they go?:

A. The tunnel and a possible exit.

B. Across the bridge an towards the dangerous unknown.
Re: Candyland CYOA


Emily looks to be the man in this group
Re: Candyland CYOA

She tugs on the boy and leads him to the exit, "Come on, let's go."

The boy whimpers as they walk through the tunnel, the air starts feeling less mustier and sweeter-smelling with each step. They see the light at the end of the tunnel and emerge from a cave at the base of a cliff and into the wild Taffy Jungle. The trees were a wide variety of bright colors and formed a tightly knit canopy of leaves above, on the ground was a dense overgrowth of brightly-colored candy foliage, and dangling from the canopy of trees were thick vines of laffy taffy. The soil was dark, and soft to stand on, the texture, look and feel of it being that of a chocolate brownie.

What should they do?:

A. Proceed into the dense foliage.

B. Climb up to the canopy of trees using:

-1. A vine.

-2. Tree trunk.

C. Set up camp near the cave entrance.

D. Other.