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RPG RPG Maker Shota [capture1] サキュバス☆コネクト!! Succubus☆Connect!! (RJ307268)


Jungle Girl
Apr 29, 2013
Reputation score

- Trial and Demo Movie available.

The creator of RJ193834, CRYSTAL FANTASY ~導かれし勇者たち~, has opened up a ci-en page and submitted this new RPG Maker MV game.
From my limited understanding, this game is about a girl who gets isekai'd and has no idea what's going on. She starts exploring her immediate surroundings, eventually ending up at a stone tablet. An aggressive man shows up and starts to assault her, but the stone tablet has a Succubus who resided (or was sealed?) in it. The two make a contract, which transforms the MC into a succubus and fends off the man with her power. She heads to the nearest town and starts doing succubus stuff.

Z, Enter - Confirm, Interact
X - Cancel, Open Menu
WASD, Arrow Keys - Movement
Mouse controls are also available for the above controls (LMB, RMB, LMB on empty spots)
Shift - Hold to walk.
Ctrl - Skip dialogue.

It appears that all H-related content is animated.
Combat in this game is similar to Slay the Spire; a turn-based RPG game.
- Every turn, you will draw cards from a deck constructed out of combat and recover your "MP". Each card has an associated effect (debuffing, attacking, guarding, utility, etc.) and associated MP cost. During player phase, you can play cards for their effects (so long as you have enough mana) or end your turn. When you end your turn, you'll discard your hand and allow the enemy to do their moves. You're able to see the enemy's "intent" of what type of move they're going to do next turn, so you can play accordingly.
- In this game, it looks like equipment slots are used for deck building and artifact-like system (essentially just passives).
- The game features BF mechanics. Once the MC gets her powers, you will be able to do H-attacks. I think H-attacks build up stacks (or was it taking H-attacks?) which are used to transform into the Succubus form, changing her appearance and unlocking additional H-attacks. It's likely that once she becomes more used to her abilities, she'll increase her range of usable H-attacks even when not transformed.
- In addition, the enemy is able to do H-attacks. The MC has a bar underneath their HP, indicating arousal. Some enemies can perform H-Attacks to increase that bar. When the bar is maxed out, the player is in a vulnerable state where enemies' attacks will be empowered to deal more damage (as well as play a H-animation).
The game has a basic crafting system; get mats (either harvesting, monster loot, buying., etc.) then craft crap out of specific recipes.
The game allows seducing any male NPC so long as your Level is high enough. This starts a fight; if you win, you see a H-scene and get EXP.
There's a skill tree, but I have no idea what anything does.
Certain items in the game are on-discovery consumables, which increase your stats.

The trial ends after hitting Level 2, which you get when you reach the town and seduce your first male NPC.
H-attacks from the MC don't change based on your enemy, apparently. If you do a HJ attack on a slime, you'll still do the attack but the animation that plays is a standard one everytime. (Or at least, in the trial.)
H-attacks received from the enemies when you're aroused have that same idea; an empowered H-attack from a slime still does a standard H-animation. This is not the case for Harassments tier attacks though.
In the full release, there's a H-scene for the following : Shota, Tentacles, and Pregnant Sex.
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Jungle Girl
Apr 29, 2013
Reputation score

Game's officially out on 12/18.


Jungle Girl
Apr 29, 2013
Reputation score
The game is now out.
... how do I alert a mod to move this post over?


New member
Aug 26, 2018
Reputation score
I can't play this game with screen really bug for my potato pc can't see anything it's too close need beef pc only
I just play in my phone(new app for play rpg maker expent) screen can't change size this game lock size screen.
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Tentacle Goddess of the H-Section
Staff member
Super Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Thread moved to the H-Games section.


Tentacle God
Sep 10, 2011
Reputation score
I can't play this game with screen really bug for my potato pc can't see anything it's too close need beef pc only
I just play in my phone(new app for play rpg maker expent) screen can't change size this game lock size screen.
for PC, F4 change to full screen will not much bug


New member
Aug 26, 2018
Reputation score
for PC, F4 change to full screen will not much bug
It's can't this game only and my pc really bad if full screen. what ever this game only lock size screen i gonna say 640x400 still 640x400 full screen can't change it too.
pc my problem really auto zoom 150%~ and bug size some animation when play (not in title,menu and cg room)
I play my phone it's lock size screen no problem and no bug still lag(wew it's phone) but it still small size screen can't change it. it's lock size screen really painful.😂😂😂
I test play another game no problem anything can full screen any size. this game only.
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Tentacle God
Nov 10, 2010
Reputation score
How is the femdom/RR content in this game? Is it a main focus or secondary?


Jungle Girl
Apr 29, 2013
Reputation score
How is the femdom/RR content in this game? Is it a main focus or secondary?
So I honestly haven't went through the game myself, but I did try to immediately cheat and see the scenes.
It's more of a secondary thing; the main thing seems more of the general corruption of the MC over time.
Funny enough, there's one section in the gallery I couldn't unlock by cheating, but it appears to be for non event animations.

The game is also up to 1.05, but I wouldn't know exactly what the patch notes on the DLsite mean.


Tentacle God
Nov 10, 2010
Reputation score
Thats what i figured. Its hard to have a femdom/rr game with female mc.


Tentacle Monster
Nov 29, 2010
Reputation score
EDIT: New info on post
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Grim Reaper
Jul 2, 2012
Reputation score
Well, i was surprised to see this game getting a thread only recently considering how popular the card battle type of games seems to be right now (Slay the spire, Neoverse, Phantom Roses, etc). This game in particular is riding on a wave that Fiel's Choice started with that Princess Synergy game they're developing right now, and it is in just about every way a low effort copy of the concept (there's a reason why Circle Fiel has been working on their own game for almost a year now and it is still stuck on version 0.18, namelly this type of game can't be rushed).

Think of this post of mine as either a mini review or if you will a random wall of text expressing MY impression of Succubus Connect:

What it does well is artwork especially when it comes to Yui the main heroine who is ridiculously cute to the point where you as a player are going to be honestly sorry to see her turning into a cock slave. Honestly what content is there looks fairly good all things considered (i'll get to that later).

Which brings us to something someone already mentioned, the corruption... No Yui won't just go from zero to a turbo slut, in fact she won't go down the route of a slut at all depending on how you look at it (she isn't as innocent as she may look at the start), but will rather do it all with a bit of reluctance seeing how she has her beloved brother to think of (she really, REALLY loves him to the point where it scares even her succubus companion).

Another plus for this game is the lighthearted, easygoing tone it has going for itself all in the manner of "well, it's just sex ya' know, it's not like you'll get eaten or something" thing which fits the overall atmosphere all things considered (Yui IS stuck in a succubus realm after all and everyone in that place succubus or human is rather sexually free and open-minded without forcing anyone into anything non-concensual)... Even the first guy in the prologue that attacks you isn't really a villain, but rather a dude who didn't know that Yui is an outsider without any knowledge of sex being like a greeting in that place, lol (so she went on to clobber the poor guy to death)...

Maps are well designed and the game makes use of some really good assets ranging from sprites and tilesets to a fairly liberal use of light effect custom scripts as well as the obviously custom battle system which is just nice to look at.

Music and sound are overall very nice (Yui's voice actress really nailed her previously mentioned reluctance and assumed naivety).

There are even some really funny dialogues and situations (like the bartender at the local tavern who saw Yui seemingly talking to herself and arguing with imaginary friends and couldn't help but comment on that, or the miss perfect shopkeeper in the local alchemy shop who is actually something entirely else and far from picture perfect). These are just some small tidbits that may not be that important, but i thought them interesting enough to mention just because very few games do that, or rather most H-games don't exactly try to make the dialogues interesting in such small ways probably because those don't serve any purpose in advancing any sort of sexual content/situations.

Anyway after all the good stuff it is time to address everything bad:

- Gameplay: This is by far the biggest gripe i personally have about this game, the fact that the game is just too easy. Within a few minutes you will be wiping the floor with those randos from the town and grinding yourself up into invincibility (you can comfortably start with the guys a few levels above you and get several levels every time you win). Add to that a fairly low variety of cards and you get a fairly boring affair of a game...

- H-scenes: Or rather the lack of them... This game has a really limited variety of H-scenes most of them consisting of disembodied dicks stuffing Yui full of... well flying dicks in just about every orifice imaginable... Aside from battle/after battle flying dicks, there are a few (really few) oneshot event only scenes and that is about it (and even those are fairly vanilla)... Granted what is there looks really good, but still, it only serves to make you wonder just why an H-game has so very little H-content.

-The story: This game isn't really about Yui, or rather it isn't her story. If you don't know what i mean think TES 4 Oblivion where you aren't the main protagonist but rather a helper to someone else's road to power/return to power/reclaiming legacy type of plot. In this game you're essentially a helper of an amnesiac succubus conveniently named Sakyu (Yui named her as such) whose soul was apparently sealed into a forest monument and whose body was shown to be sitting on the succubus rulers throne (this isn't really a spoiler since it happens like 5 minutes into the story) which makes it painfully obvious who she really is/was and that she probably had her body and power stolen by someone who previously served her (this part is fairly easy to see trough even if you didn't really pay much attention to the story)... This isn't a problem per say, but i didn't think that Sakyu was interesting enough of a character (she is your typical airheaded casual demoness with no planning ability to speak of) to be a story's driving/central point (Yui's problem of returning to her own world is sort of forgotten after a while).

Conclusion: Seeing how i've got nothing more to say, i'll just give my own evaluation presented numerically: I give this game a 7 out of 10... It is by no means a bad game, BUT it isn't all that good either. As i said there is plenty to like, but there is also a lot to dislike and that makes the game seem incomplete and like i previously mentioned a cheap knockoff of Princess Synergy which even in its super early state has far more to offer than this already complete game...

Note#1: As i always say, this is MY opinion and nothing more, so people who disagree are free to do so and give their own take on the game if they want to if they aren't happy with my own (i rarely if ever do any sort of review, and if i do and when i do it is only for games i have had high hopes for and into which i invested quite a bit of time because during the years i have become really picky on what i will spend my time on so i might appear a bit too hard to please, but i personally call it "having standards" ,simple as that)...
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New member
Dec 20, 2020
Reputation score
I can't play this game with screen really bug for my potato pc can't see anything it's too close need beef pc only
I just play in my phone(new app for play rpg maker expent) screen can't change size this game lock size screen.


New member
Dec 20, 2020
Reputation score
Do not needlessly bump threads.
It's can't this game only and my pc really bad if full screen. what ever this game only lock size screen i gonna say 640x400 still 640x400 full screen can't change it too.
pc my problem really auto zoom 150%~ and bug size some animation when play (not in title,menu and cg room)
I play my phone it's lock size screen no problem and no bug still lag(wew it's phone) but it still small size screen can't change it. it's lock size screen really painful.😂😂😂
I test play another game no problem anything can full screen any size. this game only.


Jungle Girl
Oct 28, 2016
Reputation score
I both agree and disagree about the game difficulty.

Most battles tend to be simple, there's just a lot of them.
But the last boss is as if from a different game. Not only you can only attack indirectly, but healing is a must.

Also, it seems ハンティングタイム skill is buggy enough to stack trace (it seems to happen when '"afterItem":[106]' is being processed).
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May 8, 2018
Reputation score
I can't open skill tree
Getting "maximum call stack size exceeded" bug


Tentacle Monster
Nov 29, 2010
Reputation score
from last one

Managed to get the last 3 sex cards and the knight scene. The only thing i'm missing is the fairy quest for the last chest, possible to open the FINAL chest in the middle from the well.

Still don't know what to do with the pink fairy or what do i have to do


Jungle Girl
Jan 28, 2015
Reputation score
I'm also at wits end about those two chests.

I ran around in the forest for a bit, the part with the bridge seems to have a hidden path where you have to follow only blue arrows that indicate an exit until you reach another Map with a bridge over a lake. There is a fairy which gives also a small dialogue. The next section was more straight-forward. Kill the mobs, which gives a piece of a map, proceed in random directions until you have all and follow that order (Correct order is Lower Left > Bottom > Right > Top Left > Top).
There is a small boss which I defeated but afterwards there is no npc I could find to turn this Quest in. Either the game bugged out like at several other occations before that or I missed the correct npc. Visited all Fairies in the Forest, the Mushroom and also tried a bunch of npc back in the City. Might check later if the newer Update (1.06) helped with that matter or something went terribly wrong.

For everyone who isn't bothered by this, here is my save (I hope those are the correct ones for the Gallery). All Scenes unlocked, all sex cards and pretty much maxed out Skilltree wise - just broke lol.
Maybe someone finds out what to actually do with the last chest, the Screenshot translator I use isn't making much sense at the condition.

Edit: You're standing next to the NPC where you can replay the seduction scenes, some of them vary with each time you select them.

