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Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

About the same time Eve's spouting out, a "Jesus Christ!" comes from Izzy as well and she jumps, both from the sound of the blast, which is right there and back, because, well, shotgun.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

The blast from Claire's shotgun fills the small room causing everyone in the rooms ears to ring for a few seconds. The slug from the shotgun tears through the floor where Leonardo stood less than a second ago. Claire feels no remorse for her action and feels as though a piece of her former humanity has slipped away never to return again.

Leonardo not being an old fool managed to move out of the way just in time. For a few seconds he can feel the beast try to fill his mind again, but he manages to resist the frenzy this time.

From outside Raven calls to Izzy, "C-come on hurry up Izzy we have to get out of here before the police arrive. L-leave the i-idiot to her fate." They can all now hear the sirens despite the ringing in their ears.

Ronny ducks down out of instinct at the blast from the shotgun and quickly turns leaving the house as fast as possible with his ears still ringing from the blast.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

"Why isn't everyone gone yet?" Claire shouted to the others, before turning her attention back to Leo.

"Now you slimy little fuck. You are not the top of the food chain, stop acting like it, and if you help out a little, maybe you won't end up with a final death," Claire hissed, holding her weapon tightly, still aimed at the other Kindred, waiting for the cops to arrive with either her salvation or her damnation.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Still muttering curses under her breath, Izzy grabs hold of Eve and pulls her along with her, heading out of the house. Whether the Torrie goes with or not is up to her, but she's taking Claire's orders and booking. "C'mon," she says to Raven as she passes, heading for the back of the house and taking a hint from Ronny's earlier actions and heading for the backyards. She avoids any of the houses with lights on, which, by now, are probably quite a few, and just does her best to not draw attention to them and especially not get seen. She doesn't want to go too far away, though. It might not be possible to spy on the house and hide but they can at least keep an eye out until the cops leave and hopefully go back for the book after that. Her only other worry is Fletch, but if he's invisible, he should be all right. At least she hopes.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Eve lets herself get led along, still muttering about crazy Kindred.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

"I know where I stand girl. I have something you need, and killing me will only make acquiring that goal harder. Are you willing to let your instincts rule you, or will you show some intelligence?" Leonardo stared at Clair, ignoring the others.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

"For fuck's sake!" Fletch, just like the others, jumped when Claire fired the shotgun. With two steps he fully enters the room and gets in between Claire and the old fart. After a quick growl in her direction he turns to face Leonardo. "Look, we're running out of time. The cops are almost here. You need to tell us where the book is and then come with us. If you don't, you'll get set on fire by the higher ups. That's not a threat," he adds, raising a hand, "this is how they handle things. Now." The large man reaches out and plants a hand on Leonardo's shoulder. "Where is the book about necromancy you recently got?"
Fletch really wishes somebody with more sense of diplomacy would be able to do this. Alas, the only other one left is the stark raving mad bitch with the shotgun.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Raven, Izzy, and Eve head for the backyards of the neighborhood as quietly and quickly as possible. They make it just in time to hear the first police mobile screech to a halt in front of Leonardo's house with it's cherries filling the neighborhood. The three are able to find a nice hiding place in some bushes of the one house without any lights on in the neighborhood.

Another police mobile quickly follows the first and the four officers move up to the door as quickly and safely as possible. When the first officer sees the shotgun through the open front door he moves out of Claire's line of sight shouting out.

"This is the police, put down the weapon and come out with your hands up!"

Ronny meanwhile is nowhere to be seen.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Leonardo looked towards the door and then back to Clair. "Shoot your way out of this one girl." Leonardo stepped towards the front, leaning as though weak on the door.

"Took you long enough to get here. This woman's crazy." Leonardo stepped to the side of the door, giving the police access.
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Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

The police officers all continue to train their guns on the door as Leonardo steps out.

"All right sir we're here to help just step away from the door towards us. You inside drop the gun and come out with your hands up."
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Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Something's wrong. They're way too much on edge, and there's too many of them. Apparently they haven't seen Fletch yet, and he'd very much prefer to keep it that way. As for Claire - ah, fuck her, she's pretty much gone crazy.
Clutching the random book he grabbed, Fletch slowly backs away, trying to get out of the room without being seen by the police officers.

Somebody screwed us over, and good.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Claire tossed the gun to the ground and stepped out the front door, hands raised in the hair, away from her head.

"Evening gents, anyone recognize good ol' Constable Winters?" she said calmly, before glancing at Leo.

"You help us, or they find the body and you fucking burn," she whispered before stepping far enough away from him that the cops wouldn't see her as a threat, even getting down on her knees.

Fuck she hoped they didn't see Fletch. If they found him this whole thing could go right down the shitter. Of course she could always get lucky. At the moment though she'd be content with getting to watch the high and mighty old shit dangle from a tree by his intestines.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

As Claire drops her weapon and comes out with her hands above her head she notices that none of the police officers are ones she recognizes, though they do look legit. One keeps her covered while one retrieves the shotgun from the house and another checks on the old man.

The last one steps toward Claire and while putting the cuffs on reads her rights. After the cuffs are firmly in place he shoves her to the ground roughly and begins to pat her down taking anything she may have in her pockets out. Finally he leans in close to her ear and whispers.

"Constable Winters is dead remember, and unless you want her that way permanently I suggest you be quiet until we get you to where you're going. Understand?"

With that he easily gets her to her feet by the grabbing the cuffs and yanking her up roughly. Finally he takes her to the car and shoves her in the backseat. His partner gets in and they take off for towards the hospital, meanwhile the other two simply nod at Leonardo knowingly before getting into the car and taking off in the same direction without even looking anywhere in the house.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

'Well shit... this is a bad situation' Claire mused to herself, sitting in the back seat trying to listen through the plastic barrier to whatever the two "cops" in the front seat were talking about. She kept a look out for any chance of escape, any chance to get the hell out of here.

She sat calmly in the back, watching out the windows, watching the two false cops. She didn't know what was going on, and that bugged her the most. Either the Prince was backstabbing her... and the others, or that old bastard was into something he shouldn't be into. Either way, she had to get out of this mess.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Crouching in the dark of the yard, Izzy watches the squad cars pull up, shriking back a little as the red lights flicker through the evening gloom. She strained hard to hear anything from the front of the houses outside of the cops shouting at Claire, at that point, watching and listening for the point when the cruisers took off. One pulled away and then it was just a matter of waiting for the other to leave, too. Probably going to be taking statements and the like. She huffed out a sigh. This was probably going to take a while, though, she hoped, not all night. In the meantime, she kept an eye out for any sign of Fletch, Ronny, or Claire. ((Since, well, she doesn't know Claire got hauled off yet.))

Once the second car could be heard pulling away, she waits a minute or so more for it to round the end of the block before making her way back toward Leonardo's house, debating heading in the back window, but figuring why bother and heading around toward the front door again.

((Just doing that so you know her actions once you *are* ready to nudge the scene along.))
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

From the backseat Claire could barely hear the two cops talking to each other, only catching parts of the conversation as the mobile made it's way toward the hospital.

"....Claire....Frieda....yeah though she's looked....Prince....hopefully not....fire....bitch....execution."


As the last police car left from Leonardo's house, the lights in the neighborhood slowly turned off one by one. The residents having returned to their normal existence ignorant of the predators that currently stalked about their neighborhood. Leonardo stood weakly by the front door as the cops took Claire away.

Raven followed behind Izzy as she began to make her way back towards the front of Leonardo's house. Meanwhile Eve apparently frightened by the way the evening has gone continued to lay in the bushes.


Fletch stood perfectly still in the hallway trying to piece together what was going on. He saw one of the cops come in and grab the shotgun from where it lay on the floor, without even taking a look at anything else in the house.


Ronny emerged from his hiding place and got into the car he had taken earlier that night. Starting it up he drove as normally as possible around the block stopping like your typical gawker, to watch Claire get handcuffed and put into the back of the cruiser. As the car pulled away he felt torn for a second as he tried to decide if he should follow Claire or try and return to the house to get the book for the Prince. Finally deciding that he wouldn't be able to do anything to help Claire he drove around the block once more in the hope that the neighborhood would quiet down enough to get the book.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

(((I was watching and waiting on you to post >.>;; )))

Eve stood shakily and followed the couple back over to the house. "This is not good, not good..." she muttered. "Alright, lets get that book and the new Kindred and let's get out of here. I don't want those cops to come back." She wasn't sure what to say about Claire and settled for, "Well, we could try and get Claire back first, or should we call one of the Elders before we do something wrong and get fried?"
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Claire gave up trying to listen. Each word she managed to catch only made her angrier, and so she simply stopped. Anger was not going to help her out of this one. She looked out the windows, straining her neck to look behind her.

No one. The others hadn't followed her.

"Well. I should have seen that coming," Claire muttered to herself before laying flat on the seat, placing her feet against the window. She began to try and force her hands out of the cuffs biting her lip hard enough to draw blood as pain flared from her wrists.

As she worked on her restraints, Claire began to smash at one of the side windows with her boots, trying desperately to escape.

In the back of her head though, she knew she wasn't getting out of this so easily.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Izzy drops her pace as Eve catches up with them. "Book first, then we should probably wrangle him to the Elysium, same as they did with us our first night." She glances over to the other woman. "Besides, maybe getting the book will get us brownie points we can cash in to help us bail Claire out. We weren't supposed to be here anyway, so knowing she was arrested before they do probably won't be a good thing." She squares her shoulders. "Much as I don't like it, we have our orders. We'll follow them and then worry about fixing this up. The longer we wait, though, the less time she's got."

She rounds the front of the house slowly, truly making sure that the cops were gone and things were quiet again. Heading for the front door, she'll see about finding the owner of the house and seeing if he wants to talk now that things are quiet or if they were going to have to do things the hard way.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Eve nods, "I really don't like this. It's almost as if someone set us up. The cops got here awful quick..."