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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Well she certainly caught them there, but Rikke wasn't going to let her slip off the hook so easily "Hum~~ You said it was a new kink you wanted to explore." she'd cover her mouth to hide the silent giggle as the knight ducked under "That along with our little playtime with the cowbell." the rogue alluring leaned closer, one finger slipping under the sheets from above to drag them down.

Still with her final play done, Rikke laughted merrily and kissed Janet on her cheek "Doh~ You're too smart to even prank." with a ever so happy smile she'd stand up from the bed and stretch in a energetic fashion, still if Janet did manage to shrug off some of her embarassment Rikke would finish off her teasing with a fake overly cutesy eyelash flutter at her "By the way... Both sore? Why~ what do you have dreamed up for me, Jan~" she'd grin happily, clearly not hinting at any ill-will, just teasing her.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"N-nothing!" Covering back up quickly she woke Jess who stared lazily around her stunned awakinging only sexier due to her nature. "Aww did Imiss the joke." She frowned but got up quickly and started to dress. "Best get dressed Janet Ms. Genna is gonna wack you with a spoon if you sleep in." Getting up Janet began to dress leaving Rikke to do as she would. Soon enough after Janet and Jessica had left Rikke made her own way out only to be grabbed by Joldra. "Rikke look." Pulling on her in an insistant manner Joldra led Rikke to her room with a door cracked open. Peaking in she saw Venise in her demonic tainted form as a half dozen guards lay about totally exhausted. "You havn't been feeding her well have you." There was almost a scolding tone. "Unlike Jess she has yet to tame her demonic hunger Rikke. See to it that you teach her soon or this could get messy." Turning around sounding almost upest with Rikke Joldra strided off.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Hum~ We forgot to strip her." Rikke shrugged innocently "Seems hangover doesn't effect her quick wits." the rogue smiled warmly to her knight "She caught on pretty much instantly, barely even managed to tease her about it." she'd sigh playfully, pushing aside a well abused green dildo with her foot.

Still with their morning routines done, seemed everyone else was still asleep, until... "Joldra?" the demoness would quickly nab Rikke and lead away to a certain sight.

The heroine could only blink at the view, on her and Jessicas bed rested Venise. Her body glistening beautifully and all around the bed, almost a good dozen of men all rested, clearly still asleep exhausted from what went on inside "She never mentioned having a succubus hunger." the rogue looked on to the clearly tainted girl "Guess that would explain her fascination with Sam." she'd giggle playfully before Joldras tone quickly making the rogue take a bit more responsibility.

"Fine~...." Rikke rolled her eyes playfully at the demoness and entered the room. Inside the smell was... well it was almost above her and Jessicas play-sessions, which was a feat to beat on it's own. Carefully stepping over the exhausted men, she'd sneak up to the bed and sit down near Venise, a brush on the girls cheek to wake her up "Someone had fun I see." she'd smirk at the servant girl.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Venise smiled in her sleep as she slowly came to her eyes glowing with a very soft pink light. "Mistress. Good morning." Venise blinked and struggled abit seeming uncomfortable in her body. "I feel funny everything is just.. off." Indeed it did for seem that Venise was unaware of her stunning bat wings and tail. Thankfully she seemed to be free of horns though Rikke thought she saw something squirm inside her servents folds. "Maybe I over did it Misstress I don't feel myself."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke glanced to the room of exhausted men and snickered "Maybe just a little bit of overdoing." she'd smile playfully to the girl, quickly noting something particulary strange "Ven, relax a moment." Rikke gave her a reassuring look and moved her fingers to the girls folds, looking to feel out what was going on over there... unknown movement in there seemed that extra bit off.

If it's nothing of concern, Rikke would lead Ven out by her hand and into the showers. Keeping a eye out for Jessica
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Relaxing abit Ven leaned on Rikke as she moved her hand down to the well used sex. Her flesh was still puffy from all the use it got the night before. Sliding down ven perfectly soft skin Rikke soon came to her servents shaved sex. Everything seemed normal so far. Exploring the tender flesh brought a slight moan of approval from Ven when Rikke felt something curl around her fingers and gently pull on them. It felt like a tongue and Rikke pulled out gently only to see that indeed it was a tongue.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

While it wasn't for pleasure Rikke couldn't help crack a smile as Ven just silently blushed and gave her body to her. The rogue even couldn't help, but tease her ever so briefly before slipping her fingers between the plump folds. Now more focusing on just feeling Ven out than pleasuring her, the rogue briefly focused with a concentrated look on her face... though just as she was about to dismiss it as her imagination suddenly, something slowly coiled around her fingers?!!

Just as the coil was a bout to tighten around the duo of fingers, as if it was a cock about to be milked, Rikke pulled out! Only to tug some of the... tongue?! Out between the folds, a light yelp escaped well as she remained silent with a bright blush, her eyes tightly closed... still the sight was...

'Don't panic... don't panic.. Do not. Panic.' Rikke looked to the tongue slipped right back. While it may have been quite the sensual treat, it was so out of the norm Rikke couldn't help, but be lightly freaked out "A-alright, Ven." she'd quickly gather her composure and give a brief smile to her servant girl. It was time for a change of plans.

"Up we go." Quickly taking her by the hand Rikke helped the girl up and almost using the sudden confusion, helped her up to her feet and almost pushed out of the room?!

Jessica mentioned where she went, so Rikke would take her directly to her lover. If anyone knew about shapeshifting and changes, Jessica would! This was way above Rikkes expertise! "Jess~~" she'd call out in a playful tone, even if a drop of cold sweat rolled down her brow...
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Ven stumbled at the sudden movment her body still slightly sleepy. Still Ven could never say no to her mistress and was soon standing and reaching for a blanket or something to cover up with. As her servent girl began to wake up a little more her eyes lost their pink glow and her spade tail shrank into her body and away. This was quickly followed by her wings as Ven took on her all to familar porportions. It was only now that Rikke realized that Ven had grown nearly a foot in height probably to remain on equal footing with her pile of lovers.

Soon enough wrapped in a blanket Rikke made her way to Jessica who was drawing a hot bath for herself and likely Rikke.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Venise barely even had enough time to drag a sheet off the bed, barely even covering herself as Rikke spurred the girl onwards! Still as they continued to search for Jessica, the changes from before quickly seemed to dissipate? Had Venise created all the adjustments herself for some reason... or was it something deeper. Whatever the answer may be, if anyone could tell her it was Jessica.

Thankfully her lover was fairly easy to find "Jess!" Rikke would lead Venise into the room "We have a situation..." she'd turn to Ven and smile kindly "Ven, can you show Jessica how you looked just this morning?"
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Ven blushed and let the sheet drop revealing her normal apperance. This brought a look from Jessica to Ven and to Rikke. "Okay?...." Ven didn't change nor did she shapeshift into her demonic form. Blinking a few times as she waited for Ven to do as she was told. Nothing happened not even a shiver of skin or anything. "Is Mistress okay? You where acting funny this morning."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Oh..." Rikke blinked looking to Ven "What about your wings and everything?" looking to the girls confused expression, it was quickly becoming clear that whatever happened wasn't fully conscious "Oh er..." Rikke giggled sheepishly "It's alright Ven, enjoy the bath. We'll be there shortly." she'd smile kindly to her and walk over to Jessica, nudging her to follow.

Once stepped aside Rikke would explain everything she saw to Jessica, from the numerous men, to Vens appearance... to the Vaginal tongue. Though if Jess looked sceptical, the later part was certainly too strange to make up...
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Smiling Ven quickly dipped into the warm water and relaxed. Jessica even if she gave Rikke a doubtful look listened intently nodding as Rikke made her discription. "I see I bet our hand maiden here has no idea that she is what she is Rikke. She sure has an intresting mutation. I wonder what it feels like...." Jessica's eyes took on a slight pervy glint that Rikke quickly brushed away with her concerns. "Well we will have to break it to her some how. Though if it comes from you it should be fine. If she knows we can teach her not to pig out as it where.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke gave Jess a brief look "Jess~ This is Ven we're talking about..." a tongue where it should not be seemed a bit too much for the rogue in her current mind-set "And..." the heroine turned to the bathing girl nearby "What she is, can't really be summed up in one word."

"I take it she's got more than a bit of succubus in her?" Rikke looked to Jessica curiously "I mean what do I say to her? We'll need to address this together." she'd give Jessica a look, clearly hinting she had a part to play in the following events.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"What do you mean more to her than that?" Jess looked over at Ven and waived at her. "If your talking about the whole DeGravel thing, well I think its to late for that personality to come back. Just look at her Ven is Ven she has accepted who she is now she just needs to accept what she is. Think about it Rikke it won't be to hard for her to accept. She wasn berated and taught to hate demons or succubi. She is a succubus not a demon. Hightly mutated yes but still mostly human." Jess leaned in and kissed Rikke softly. "No worries dear Ill be with you and help where I can. Just don't let it overwhelm you."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

With everything that went down in those blasted ruins and the wars... not mention all that happened to that body, from the shards effects to corruption of the body and mind... calling her just a succubus seemed strange. Still perhaps Jess was right "Oh don't worry, I got it." Rikke smiled encouragingly to Jessica, perhaps simple was the way to go this time "Come on, we could use a hot bath as well." she'd give her lover a shallow kiss on the lips and went on ahead.

Still once they were all there "Ven... there's something we should all discuss." the heroine smiled to the girl kindly and shuffled closer, hoping Jessica would join in as well. With that the rogue would quickly explain a succubus nature, her tone as educational as it was teasing and playful. A succubus nature, the sexual hunger and even the effects of her actions on her... er "Playmates."

"But you're more like me..." Rikke kept a smile, though her mind wandered to how actually few changes the corruption had on her "While Jessica is a much more er..." she'd leave that for Jessica to fill in.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Sadly the bath was at most a two person affaire but Jess took up a position behind Ven and began to wash her back as Rikke tried to inform Ven what was going on. "Ven... there's something we should all discuss."

"Ven your very special... your a succubus... a woman who feeds on sex."

"Oh not just sex any physical pleasure be it a blow job or light teases." Jessica brought her arms down and grouped Ven's substancial chest.

"Uh OHH!" When jerked a little at the sudden pleasure.

"Ah.. yes though its more from the pleasure you give others than they give you." Jessica continued to play with Ven's breasts causing the pink nipples to stiffen quickly and the girl to moan.

"Focus Ven its very important."

"Yes Mistress I will." Ven blushed as Rikke could see the girl tense from the touching.

"Y-your hunger can be managed so you don't hurt your lovers Ven. Its dangerous to feed to much."

"Indeed its like over eating except for our playmates could well die. But your a good girl and won't do that right." Jess twerked a nipple at the end of her words causing Ven to gasp though it sounded like she enjoyed it.

"No Mistress I don't want to do that."

"Good because your just like me Ven. While Jessica is ...."

"Im more potent okay." Jess smiled as she continued to tease Ven who was now teasing herself between her legs.

"J-Just like mistress.... KYAAA!" Ven jerked as she reached a climax causing Jess to smile as the girl came down from her brife high.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke was so out of her element, doing her best to explain in as gentle way as possible what was a succubus and how they lived off... even if she spent so much time among them, the intricacies had escaped the heroine. Seemed she was usually 'pre-occupied' with other features of the succubi, than learning their ins and outs.

With her limited knowledge and Jessicas teases, Rikke was briefly lost... until she'd just sigh casually. Post the light orgasm perhaps Ven would remember this better anyway "In other words, you're special Ven. You have a gift, but with a price." she'd glance to Jessica and then to her "You pretty much grow hungry for sex." in a much more casual manner the rogue continued "During which you will actively try to drain the other persons soul." she'd nod to Jessica "Jess demonstrate."

"A little bit, won't hurt anyone, but if you take too much you might kill the person." She'd lean closer to the likely blushing girl "Thats why we never even consider taking more than needed. Understood?" waiting for an acknowledgement from her servant girl the heroine smirked wickedly "Good." with sharp eyes she'd look to Jessica "Now, Jess. Can I count on you to vollunteer for the drain?"
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jessica winked at her "Of course as long as you fill me back up." She batted her eyes at Rikke before pulling Ven into her lap. "Kiss me Ven and don't hold back. Think of it like training yes." Rikke's handmaiden began to kiss Jessica her lewd body pressed against her lover's. Soon enough both girls had worked up a blush and between kisses Jessica spoke. "Feel it Ven that urge to pull on it?" Ven nodded before moving to suckle on Jessica's breast. "Oh goddess Ven... you'v been practicing." Jess's eyes took on their dark glowing hue. "Umm thats my life energy my soul... OOOhhhhh... just open yourself up an.. and feeD a little." It took a little time bug soon Ven's eyes had a pink glowing hue to them as her tail and wings started to form. "V-Very good..... don't take to much ju--j---jsut enoguh." Pushing Ven off her self Jess was flush her own wings and tail fully manifested she panted. Looking at Ven she spun the girl around and placed her on her now manifested cock. "Kyaaa!" "Good girl Ven time for some rewards." Slowly Jess began to pump into Ven sending her large tits waving in the air. The sight was almost irrisitable as her lover fucked her sevent right before her eyes. Looking to Jessica she could see the open invite....
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke perhaps took too much delight looking to the duo tease each other. The heroine would stand up and look from the side, as if a overwatcher making sure everything went just right. A pervy smile crossed her face as she looked on, her lower lip subtly bit down. Seemed Jess had slightly underestimated, just how silken and dizzying ven can be... heck after the sudden change, perhaps even Rikke wasn't sure what Venise was capable of now.

Though as the teases escalated Rikke far before Ven, noticed Jessicas changes as well... especially one particulary grand tool. Rikke would snicker slightly and look to the cock grow as the kiss grew greedier and deeper, it was around now Jess would just go for it. Her eyes sharpening with anticipation, Rikke placed one finger on her lips and her other hand on her hips, awaiting the next event...

Suddenly a slightly jolt ran across Rikkes body as she felt something brush over her inner thigh, looking down Jessicas tail tip. The cock-head already out and leaking slightly looked up the heroine, as if begging for that exceptional embrace. Looking down with a sly smirk and purple spark in her eyes, Rikke gently moved her hand form her hips and to the tip, gently tickling beneath the crown as if it was a small creature. Though her finger motions would slowly move the tail closer and closer to her folds.

Though her stance could only hint, the girls body couldn't lie. Rikkes exceptional and plump petals sparkled lightly from within, the heavenly entrance open ever so slightly inviting into it's tight embrace. An invite the tailcock seemingly needed to accept the gently tease of her finger, lead the tail closer and closer to the folds, and just as it reached the goal it sought... Rikke would use her finger to spot the gentle pressure from the tail.

The tail kept the pressure onwards, pushing against the finger blocking the way from the exceptional pussy for a brief moment... before finally giving up "Good, stay there." Rikke smirked wickedly and removed "Behave or you and your master won't get a reward." with that Rikke would move one finger to the top of the crown and slowly grind the tip up and down her folds, gently spreading them as teased her slit with the eager tail.

Speaking of rewards, Ven was certainly getting hers. Preoccupied with the tail, Rikke completely missed the initial penetration as Jess was now railing Ven all too eagerly. Between the sight of her lover completely fucking Ven out of her mind and Rikkes own made teases, it wouldn't be long for her own needs to surge.

However there was something else she wanted to see first, with a dominant step, Rikke approached the duo from the side and stood next to Jessica, leaning closer to her lover as it spurred Jessica to turn and kiss Rikke while keeping the fuck going nearby "Hum~~ I told you I'm not making things up." she'd look down to the fucked girl, taking note of the changed features.

"M~~ Jess. I think Ven should experience both ways of draining." she'd slide her hand down Jessicas body to the base of the cock, now utterly soaked by the combined juices of their sex "Besides, I saw how you clinged to that dildo upstairs. How long has it been since you indulged in your femine side?"
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess was panting as she spoke her efforts making Ven squeel in delight. "We all make sacrifices for the ones we love." Jess looked enraptured by her efforts the false cock swelling as it reached a point of no return. A loud grunt echoed out as Jess rammed home forcing herself deep in Ven and dumped her load of spunk. Pulling out the cock was limp and slowly melded back into her body. Leaning back as Ven sank into the tub a look of bliss on her face Jess smiled.