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Lord High Inquisitor
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
Reputation score
956 460

Not really under my jurisdiction... but eh, warnings for everybody!


Lord High Inquisitor
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
Reputation score
956 457

Should probably have a mod specifically for that sub, honestly. I've never paid attention to it.


Apr 3, 2018
Reputation score
956 455

Yes it would be great. Translation is really time consuming so last thing you want is to have a band of jerks taking a nice stinky dump on your thread. It's really raging when you know it takes so little time to rewrite a negative troll post into a negative constructive post.


Lord High Inquisitor
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
Reputation score
956 454

Should probably talk with Darkfire about it, if you feel the section really needs a dedicated mod, Hentai section is their show for the time being.
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Apr 3, 2018
Reputation score
956 452

No, they are not that frequent. But I've spent a lot of time on NovelUpdates/reading translated works and I can tell people here have absolutely no idea what translating is.
I don't mind them being ignorant but I do mind them going around killing projects.

And I'm not even talking about the activity between translators being essentially null. You essentially are encouraged to open a patreon and forget about ulmf.


Lord High Inquisitor
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
Reputation score
956 451

Can't blame anyone who does. Pouring all that time into localizing a game for at best a thanks is pretty unappealing. Add in dipshits like those two or the one from a couple months back and...


Jul 5, 2010
Reputation score
956 450

Two posts ago slicer counted "9565 454"...we notice miscounts in the ten-thousands, but that one slipped through? Oh dear. XD


Apr 3, 2018
Reputation score
956 448

I don't have much to say to @DarkFire1004, but if I were to put a basic guideline for moderating the translation part of the forum it would be:

Translators can pick any projects, untranslated, hiatus, or even active so:
-Someone asking a translator to drop a project is bad behavior
-a translator preventing another translator from picking up a project is the same as above

Everyone has an opinion:
-negative feedback is allowed and needed because translation is very subjective and not everyone has to agree with the translator
-mean comments deserve a ban as the time spent to rewrite them into constructive feedback is negligible next to the time spent translating

It would also be great to remind people that translators have to do : Text extraction, Japanese Translation, English Edition, Text replacement, Play-testing
and that it usually takes a team to do it.
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Lord High Inquisitor
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
Reputation score
956 447

Er. no.

First @'ing someone only works spottily at best. I get no alerts when I'm @'ed.
Second, this should be a conversation with said admin not just a list.
Third, banning people for saying mean things is overboard. That said if they are harassing people it's already against the rules, once they've been warned bans can be given out for continuing behavior that is against the rules.


Tentacle Goddess of the H-Section
Staff member
Super Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
956 445

So I got the notification from the @. First off, thanks for handling the situation, Slicer. I wasn't home at the time.

To the point about getting a moderator to handle the translation section, please feel free to apply or recommend somebody. I do not know the translator culture, which I believe is extremely important for a moderator to know to effectively do their job. Most of the rules I enforce there are general H-Game section rules, which works most of the time, but I'm sure it could be better.

That said, that situation wasn't so complex that the first rule of the H-Games section can't just blanket cover that issue.
1. Be respectful to one another.

Self-explanatory. The occasional flame during a heated exchange is fine, but once discussion devolves into personal attacks, posts will be deleted and the instigators will be officially warned. Subsequent incidents will result in a 2 week ban.
People are free to tell translators what they think. It's when they become personal attacks and add nothing to the conversation that it becomes something that requires moderator intervention, which is what happened. Adding a rule like you're suggesting would be akin to adding a rule that didn't allow anybody to criticize the crowdfunded games in the Games Under Construction section, which is completely against the spirit of free discussion. I'd rather a place that occasionally allowed inflammatory remarks, than to sterilize discussion.


Apr 3, 2018
Reputation score
956 444

956 445

So I got the notification from the @. First off, thanks for handling the situation, Slicer. I wasn't home at the time.

To the point about getting a moderator to handle the translation section, please feel free to apply or recommend somebody. I do not know the translator culture, which I believe is extremely important for a moderator to know to effectively do their job. Most of the rules I enforce there are general H-Game section rules, which works most of the time, but I'm sure it could be better.

That said, that situation wasn't so complex that the first rule of the H-Games section can't just blanket cover that issue.

People are free to tell translators what they think. It's when they become personal attacks and add nothing to the conversation that it becomes something that requires moderator intervention, which is what happened. Adding a rule like you're suggesting would be akin to adding a rule that didn't allow anybody to criticize the crowdfunded games in the Games Under Construction section, which is completely against the spirit of free discussion. I'd rather a place that occasionally allowed inflammatory remarks, than to sterilize discussion.
I don't think I'm fit to be a mod and I don't know enough people to recommend someone.
Maybe it's not about changing the rules, but just don't hesitating to call a mod when things are about to get out of hand.

The message I wish to get through though, is that pressing for a translator to drop his project can be viewed as disrespectful. When a self-righteous user arguments that because of the first translator, some hypothetic other translator couldn't pick and finish the project, not only it is false--as anyone is free to translate any game and not every translator is doing so on ulmf--but it's also insulting the translator and killing both the discussion and translation of those games. After that, make your own opinion and judgment.
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Tentacle Goddess of the H-Section
Staff member
Super Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
956 443

I mean, users aren't really hesitating to call for a mod either. The very first post was reported a little over an hour after it was made. Slicer answered the report as soon as he got online.

And again, while I understand that people will find that disrespectful, there's a fine line between expressing your opinion and being a belligerent ass about it. I am fine with a user telling a translator that they're taking too long and perhaps they should allow others to take over the project. It is NOT fine to make rude remarks in the meantime. And as Slicer demonstrated, it was identified and handled in the appropriate manner. If people can't even be allowed to express their opinion in fear of being disrespectful, then there's really no point in even having a forum.


Jul 5, 2010
Reputation score
956 441

The almighty Darkfire in the countdown thread. And he even kept counting. What marvellous times we live in! :D

I don't think the translator section needs a moderator of its own. It is part of the hentai game section and falls under these mods' "juristiction". Obviously I don't know if mods like slicer do something like "patrols" through sections and threads to read any latest posts to find possible rule violations. But that shouldn't be necessary if people properly report posts and any moderator with the proper rights reacts to it.
Of course, if a mod of the hentai section looks at a report ticket and goes "Nah, that's not my section" even though he/she has mod rights in that area, and disregards it without taking a look, that might be a bit of a worry (unless of course that section has its own moderator and one mod is not supposed to act in another's stead).

Also, unless ULMF gets a buttload of moderators all over the forums, there'll always be crappy/insulting posts that will remain for a while before being taken care of. The internet is full of jerks, after all. *shrugs*

And now I'll end it all with a Rena. Because ULMF needs Renas.
