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ACT Guro [D-lis] Night of Revenge / 魔女は復讐の夜に (RJ405582)

But it might give the dev ideas that can benefit the players. Either that, or the worst thing that could happen is the dev going apeshit and implementing extreme amounts of DRM to prevent further modifications by curious players.

I say do it!!!

And make her a strap-on slave to the nun. :devilish:
This is not a vote. If the guy says he doesn't want to share it, respect his wishes.


Will you change your avatar? It frightens. :(

Also will he do anything with the nun boss?
Someone should share that vid to the dev so it can be made a reality. :D

I wrote the dev about this a while ago, since I liked this particular animation a lot, they said they want to include this too and asked if they should do it as game-over cg or as a normal in-gameplay animation. I told them I would prefer in-game cg, but either way is fine.

idk which version we can get it tho.
The way I followed the conversation the dev has hurt themselves a month back and is just now getting back into making good progress on the game.
Shame really that animation is such a time-consuming process.

Either way I would love to translate this game to English if possible. If there was just a way to extract the game files like you can do with RPG maker games. I dont speak Japanese, but I have a good sense for speech and if I can run it through a machine translator I could polish the thing up. All we need are the menu item stuff anyway. Its not like there is a lot of dialogue in the game.

EIther way, I hope they can make more progress the next months and we can some cool stages, enemies and animations. Would be amazing. Anyone who can actually do spine animation maybe write the dev, if you do it for free they might let you help with some animations.

I for one am just hoping we will be able to play the silver haired chick too eventually.

SUch a shame Jap. devs dont use patreon a lot. Id love to support Dlis and similar devs but I cant use their native support websites.
I think our Glorious DarkFire going Full Australia now...

and wait... did ya say we can play as the silver-haired chick? so... Multiplayer Sidescrolling Hentai RPG?
I think our Glorious DarkFire going Full Australia now...

and wait... did ya say we can play as the silver-haired chick? so... Multiplayer Sidescrolling Hentai RPG?

Silver Hair is a character in the beginning of the game.
Design looks cool.
Id love to play as her as well at some point.

The game is bascially a Bloodborne inspired side scrolling game.
So you get action combat like Salt and Sancturay plus h scenes. Which is pretty dope.
I just wish it was updated more frequently.



Will release new version tomorrow
Silver Hair is a character in the beginning of the game.
Design looks cool.
Id love to play as her as well at some point.

The game is bascially a Bloodborne inspired side scrolling game.
So you get action combat like Salt and Sancturay plus h scenes. Which is pretty dope.
I just wish it was updated more frequently.

no no I know about her it just... this game becoming Multiplayer? I mean... how can two person pleasure each other! with foot? wait...

thanks as always Bless


11/29 Ver 032の変更点



・白の大聖堂 庭園を作成しました。


白の大聖堂's garden area is added
Will add enemy, items in the future

Add woodman in 教区教会
You can test your damage by hit it
Will add DPS check in the future (ex:1 sec damage; 5 sec damage; 10 sec damage checking)



Add new H trap

白の大聖堂 庭園にて追加済です。


Add new H trap's H-scene in Gallery
Can be found in 白の大聖堂's garden area
These traps have 3 different type, will be random active
You can choose what you want in gallery


・新武器 異端審問官の剣 を追加しました。

Add new weapon "異端審問官の剣"
you can get it from white guy in library (different with other white guy)




Add new magic
You can get it from 路地裏's witch

This magic can convert HP to MP




Config can save now
You can change config from title

SaveData's HotTotem is keyboard config
OtherConfigDada us about sound's save

You can copy these and replace it when new version release (Also please back up before replace it)


Target in November completed

〇 アクションエロ1体
△ コンフィグの作り直しと、出来ればコンフィグ部屋の制作(実際に動かしつつボタンのコンフィグが出来る感じ)

Add new H-action
Still working on config system

〇 MAP制作の続き
Working on map


Add new weapon and magic

Target from November to December end


Add new Gameover H-scene
Working on map
Adjust something about system










New area is pretty cool, a lot of enemies. It's like a maze with a lot of vertical gameplay. New H-scene is... unexpected.

A plant....bunny trap....?

Not exactly. It seems like this enemy give MC one of 3 'headband' types (cat ears, rabbit ears, flower).
One of enemies in this location (that enemy was introduced in 0.31), the one with 'black aura' have a new weapon.

It seems like gallery voice over is overlapping quite a bit. Also, I think something wrong is going on with volume level...

This is not a vote. If the guy says he doesn't want to share it, respect his wishes.

Well, to be honest, I didn't want to share a very broken version of my mod. But I ironed out most of issues now and I think current version might be something I want to show off later ;)
Yeehey! Something to look forward for each of the end of the month is night of revenge update, yes!


11/29 Ver 032の変更点

I'm happy you plan to finish the game next year.
But dont rush it.

Are you going to add new stuff into old / existing areas after you finish with 1.0 version?
new enemies?
new h-scenes?

I would love to play more stages or to play as Silver Haired girl from the intro !!
Keep up the good work and thanks :D
I'm happy you plan to finish the game next year.
But dont rush it.

Are you going to add new stuff into old / existing areas after you finish with 1.0 version?
new enemies?
new h-scenes?

I would love to play more stages or to play as Silver Haired girl from the intro !!
Keep up the good work and thanks :D

you need to lurk more my dude
This guy really does some great work~ Can't wait to see what the new year will bring! Wonder if he'll do something special for it
All these new weapons... does Dlis plan on adding new ways to get the second/third tier upgrade crystals? They don't drop from regular mobs and there's only one or two for each upgrade path in total.
All these new weapons... does Dlis plan on adding new ways to get the second/third tier upgrade crystals? They don't drop from regular mobs and there's only one or two for each upgrade path in total.
You can get crystals by defeat bull head demon or white knight(not boss)
These 2 enemy will drop crystal, but not 100% drop
This new trap is right up my alley. I absolutely love these kind of plants/monsters, where the outside appears completely flat/immobile, while it goes to town on the (un)fortunate victim on the inside.