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ACT Guro [D-lis] Night of Revenge / 魔女は復讐の夜に (RJ405582)

I'm having trouble with the game menus again. Was it pressing the "I" key to escape or do I have to select something first before I can leave the config screens for equipment/skills?
I'm having trouble with the game menus again. Was it pressing the "I" key to escape or do I have to select something first before I can leave the config screens for equipment/skills?

Left click the equipments/skills and press spacebar to exit the equipment/skills section (just spam both till u get out XD)
I hadn't touched this since 0.08 and a lot has changed since then.

New weapons besides the oversized greatsword is nice. I like the serrated sword myself. I don't think we can use the weapon upgrade stones yet (or at least I can't seem to find a way at present).
As for the new enemies and traps, the oversized fatso with the chained woman can be countered with some practice. I have less luck with the pistol hunter and the red six arms. The nun's weapon up close doesn't actually hit so if she isn't charging up for the fireball (which I can't counter) she's easy prey then.

The painting trap I've seen a variant of in Unholy Disaster, but this one has its charms.
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Oh ma~ the Painting trapped looks so gorgeous , wish more Hentai games adapt it ;D
i know this was mentioned before, but i've completely forgotten how to do a visceral attack/devastating counter after you dodge and get the !? from an enemy. how do you manage those again?
i know this was mentioned before, but i've completely forgotten how to do a visceral attack/devastating counter after you dodge and get the !? from an enemy. how do you manage those again?

You don't. That was cut like half a year ago because it was overpowered as hell.
Now all you can do is parry and then counter.
I'm having trouble with the game menus again. Was it pressing the "I" key to escape or do I have to select something first before I can leave the config screens for equipment/skills?

I think it's spacebar. Select something on the menu, then keep keep pressing space bar until you have exited.
Stupid question. How do I back out of the menu? Opened the pause menu with I, equipped a ring, now I can't do anything. Can unequip the ring or pick a diffrent slot for it, but no key seems to actually confirm or close the menu.

edit: Still haven't found the key, but using a controller A is cancel, and B is confirm, which is the worst it has ever been.
i remapped all the in-game controls to stuff that might see use by an actual human being, but UI-controls sadly don't seem to be able to be changed.

Well, atleast I can switch potions with the D-pad and attack with X now. Block is on the left-bumper where it belongs.

All i can say is that the movment controls (walking, dashing, jumping) are terrible. The platforms you can stand on don't stand out from the background at all. Many of the actual ledges that you can mount don't line up with where they appear to be (most noticeable with the tree in the first stage)

The H-stuff is ok, but it needs a zoom-in command and a decensor.
Combat feels like it'd be much improved if you could dash out of the combo at any time, or if the oombo looped after the third hit.

All-in-all. good theme, ok H, poor gameplay.

I'd also be interested if there's an english UI version. There's a lot of tutorial-lights that would probably be useful if I could read them.
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Needs a zoom in? Did you not notice the text on screen that says "Press Spacebar to Zoom in?" Also, it's also Spacebar to close out of the menu. If that doesn't work it's probably because you're in the process of equipping something. It's usually a two-click process to equip something. And yeah, those menu mechanics are a bit clunky and really need some fixing.
Needs a zoom in? Did you not notice the text on screen that says "Press Spacebar to Zoom in?" Also, it's also Spacebar to close out of the menu. If that doesn't work it's probably because you're in the process of equipping something. It's usually a two-click process to equip something. And yeah, those menu mechanics are a bit clunky and really need some fixing.

Mistyped. Meant to say 'needs a better zoom-in'

As-is, half the time it zooms off-centre, so you need to use the arrows (or right-stick) to look at the action.
Kinda defeats the point.
Mistyped. Meant to say 'needs a better zoom-in'

As-is, half the time it zooms off-centre, so you need to use the arrows (or right-stick) to look at the action.
Kinda defeats the point.

I have this problem only at first flower wall trap.the camera don't follow mc when she's stuck on the trap, it goes too much to left.
I have this problem only at first flower wall trap.the camera don't follow mc when she's stuck on the trap, it goes too much to left.

That seems to be a common issue with this game, mostly for the flower wall traps.
Speaking of, kind of a shame these traps are only located in two areas: The beginning and the forest. Hope the dev applies them for more location placements. :D
That seems to be a common issue with this game, mostly for the flower wall traps.
Speaking of, kind of a shame these traps are only located in two areas: The beginning and the forest. Hope the dev applies them for more location placements. :D

they are suitable in that locations,they will seem out of place in other areas. every area should have it's unique traps.
I wouldn't mind them popping back up, but I like the enemy variety.
Like if a swamp show up, then the rose worms can make a guest appearance.
In my opinion the game needs "after defeat" stuff, like changues on the position, become the new meat shield of the guy with an axe, things like that
In my opinion the game needs "after defeat" stuff, like changues on the position, become the new meat shield of the guy with an axe, things like that

Well that's most likely a planned feature, remember that the game is still in beta and the developer is doing his best to update it.