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May 19, 2019
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baa7a88b97ba0018f1fb58e337f171bd.jpg Kessa Summersword
HP: 64/64 Armor Class: 23 (Touch: 12, FF: 21)
CMD: 24 (FCMD: 22)
Fort: 7 Ref: 4 Will: 1 (+2 vs Enchantment)
Initative: OoC (+2) AoO: 3
Active Effects: None

Mood: (Internally Screaming, Then Moaning.)
Tag: Machine, Melana

The nude and nervous half-elf inhales sharply as the metal device closes around her, leaving her in a cold... Okay, oddly warm and humming pod as the device shuts out all external stimuli save for Melana's singing, which was somehow enhanced, and leaves her in darkness. She can feel her breasts heave with her chest as she pants, an odd metallic taste in the air. She gasps sharply as she feels something hot and rubbery slithering against her before grabbing her, adjusting her limbs and moving her into position while covering her body with wet and tingling slime as ominous metallic clicking fills the chamber. She felt something prodding her sex and backdoor before the tentacles give her body a rough tug, and her entrance becomes lined up with a long, thick, wet and vibrating rod as it's slowly pushed into her depths. She cries out as her womanhood is entered while the rubbery things coil around her limbs, keeping her restrained.
She suddenly cries out in shock and pain as she feels her sensitive nipples and clit pierced by something, soon followed by a strange pleasure following the rhythms of the rod buried inside her. Far more alarmingly though, is a pair of small tentacles that invade her nose before making her cry out in pure agony as they root themselves in her body before the pain suddenly stops, like a lever in her brain had been pulled. She could feel buzzing... Pleasant buzzing from the tentacles invading her brain.... Telling her that she wanted them to invade her brain... They needed to do that to enslave her mind after all... Her mind getting enslaved was good, according to the voice in her head. Being a mindslave for Melana was good. Being an elf-slut was good. Obeying Melana and her whims was good. The pleasure running through her body was good. Being in the machine was good. The things she was getting told by the voice in her mind was good. It was all good as she began panting heavily, starting to enjoy the pleasure as her own thoughts and resistance began to slip away from the stimulation running through her body...

(Will Save 2+1=3)
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Well-known member
Apr 28, 2019
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Kaga/Mi, Fractured Slave; Location: Blackshield Estate; Tag: Hana and Hazel; Mood: Cautious;
Core States: HP (26/26)[+1 non Lethal]; AC 14; CMD 13; Init: +3; Fort: +2; Ref: +5; Will: +5
Base Save DC: 15; Grade 1: (8/8); Grade 2: (4/6); Grade 3: (4/4) Meta Magics: +1 ,

When told to step back by Hana, Mi begrudgingly stepped away from the bunny. Letting Hana take over. Though honestly it didn't seem to make much of a difference one way or the other, the bunny only laughing at there questions and answering with a seemingly outlandish answer. Internally Kaga had been quietly watching, not wanting to cause to much of a scene even if she wanted Hazel to be free, however the idea of Melana and the rebels working together caught her interest, she wrestled control back from Mi. "Wait, you didn't want to kill Melana... that arrow seemed to be pretty deadly to me. I... I tried to help bring back Ayuna myself and she seemed pretty gone to me. Is, is there any proof that this was your intentions? I'd rather us work together if there is a common enemy," Kaga's tail waved about curiously behind her.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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Hana, Keeper of the Sleeping Spring
HP: 55/55 Armor Class: 25 Initiative Bonus: +8/10 CMD: 28
Panache: 4/7, Charmed Life: 2/3, Stunning Fist: 2/3. Conditions:
- ______________________________________________________________________________________________

"You seem to be in a very good mood. I am sure that killing or abducting people is very fun for you, isn't it. It looks like you think you are safe now?" she pondered. She was pretty sure the laugh had been a fake one, even if it looked perfectly natural to her.

"I am pretty sure that there are twelve noble houses who would be more than happy to keep you alive to take turns torturing you, until you tell them everything you know. Frankly, I think you would deserve it." she shrugged "Or they could break your mind and read your memories."

"What I mean to say is, when I say that I want you to reply immediately, you shouldn't dare to buy time, by lauging, crying, or whatever trick you have to buy time."

"Otherwise, I will give up on getting any kind of truth out of you. And you know what will happen afterwards."
she warned her. While Hana wasn't going to side with the nobles of Hawken in general, sending a serial killer to justice was something she knew to be right - even if justice was a bit too cruel.

"I will be asking questions, and you will be answering them. Immediately.You have already hesistated once. The third time, it is over. Lets start over then."

(Note, if she chooses to take her time Hana will stop the questioning)
"Who is the person who gave you this mission?"

"Why you chose to attack in broad daylight?"

"How you avoided guard detection?"

"Who trained your rebel goons?"

"Who gave the funds to the rebels for all this magic equipment, hirelings, bribes etc?"

"Aside from the cost, who sold them to you?"

"Which nobles are behind the so called 'rebellion'?"

"What is your goal?"

"Who is the leader of the rebels?"

"Which nobles were targeted, what was the plan for each of them?"

"Where are the ones you caught, kept?"

"Why you consider Melana important enough to abduct?"

"How did you plan to turn her to your cause?"

"Where are the rebel headquarters?"


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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Hazel.pngHazel, Mansion Basment, Tag: Kagami, Hana
The shackled girl seems surprised by how seriously the two interrogators are taking the event and any hint at joviality soon fades. She even moves to answer Kagami's question before she is cut off by the hard words of the nude tentacle warrior. She didn't intrupt but she did make her answers clear, even to the rhetorical questions.
Dead eyed head shake.

Dry chuckle, best guess would be disbelief.

An eye roll followed by a reluctant nod, the floppy ears lowering.

A deep breath, long blink, finally a nod.

A simple bob of the head that sent her hair bouncing.
"A older gentlemen known as Wolf. I've never seen him without his mask, and I think he uses magic to protect himself from me and the others that got their orders today." She is quick with her words, though not rehearsed, she seems to have expected this line of questioning and is perhaps a little bored.

"Those were the orders, the plans were given to me pre-made. I didn't expect that we would be doing hits like this before two days ago." She is nonchalant with her words, but her posture is clearly speaks of discomfort, partly from the hard seat, and as if she was expecting something.

"I walked in the front door, no one suspected a human girl walking in the streets." She shrugs with the comment. "The others came in by their own methods."

"No idea, I spend my time keeping my cover with my lover. I'd assume they also were trained by the Hawken military based on how they move." Kagami would recognize the truth in the words, having also recognized the organization. With the captain being the man who shot the crossbow.

"The bolt was handed to me by Wolf, along with the speech and a scroll to make it hard to hit me. I guess that kind of worked. As for the other stuff, I didn't know we had any of that. Well the clothes I wore I bought off my lover's pay for working in the Hawken militia." Her words are earnest, if confused. The side comment being mostly offhanded.

"I just told you they were handed to me, I don't deal with any of that. Really I'm a low ranking soldier with a small blessing from the trickster." Leaning for ward this time her eyes begging to be seen as truthful.

"What nobles? We are a group of monster-blood who are sick of being under the boot of Hawken's nobility! Being used as cannon fodder for this war! Your accusing me of working with one of them? Those MONSTERS?!" She seems to be on the point of outrage at your insinuation, but manages to calm down before the next question. One of the tear stains seem to glisten with fresh moisture.

This time the answer starts quietly looking at her feet. "My goal is to see my friends be freed. I had hoped you and Kagami could be free too." At that point the girl looks up into your eyes again, sadness turning to disgust. "But you've already been poisoned by that monster." She spits on the ground, listening disgusted for the next question.

"Someone known to me only as Tactical, never met them. I've only seen about a score of people in the resistance, and most of them always kept their mask on."

"Stonedal poisoning. Selmee capture and disguise as a slave to be sold to his own mines. Gillstrong drowning. Jouveseul bolt from hidden assassin. Ramières maid armed with a blade. Freesmith burning down his mansion. Pittdal rats, like the way she disposes of her servants. Norac beheading. Larmallac literally getting the life drained out of him, by a man blessed by the Dead One. (a name for the god of undead) I think the other three were Traillur, Undercomb, and Whitbrand. I don't remember the ways that they were supposed to die, but I'm sure it will be announced tomorrow." She listed trying to keep track as they clearly weren't important to her. Just numbers to rattle off, like multiplication tables. The nobles all seemed familiar to Kagami, and Hana would remember some as well off assorted signage through the town. Kagami also recognized the bits of gossip about some of the dispicable things the nobles did mentioned by their prisoner.

"Melana was supposed to be the only one captured and taken from the city. From what my lover told me I was given a powerful assassin's artifact that teleported his mark back to his home. That it was one of five just like it and that the assassin had made thirty identical bolts that killed. His mansion is outside the city, about a half day's walk south on foot. I coould show you exactly on a map..." Though the responce was snappy, it was clear to both women listening it would take a bit of 'encouragement' to get that location out still.

"I don't. Hell, all I know about her was told to me during the briefing. She is some important researcher, and that after an accident she went crazy." She leans back as she says this. Clearly she is as ignorant of Melana's plans as Melana was of the attack.

"I wasn't informed of that part of the plan. My love was supposed to be there to receive 'Lady' Blackshield, but clearly that didn't happen. Then we were supposed to meet back up on the front with the rest of his troops. I hope he realizes when I don't meet him that he'll know we've been made and desert." The last part is said mostly to herself, but she seems to have forgotten to internalize it in the interrogative setting.

"If we have one I've never been there. My best bet would be in the trenches as we mutter the literature that speaks of freedom and defeating the angelic and demonic threats once and for all." The defiant tone speaks of distaste for something. However not a word sounded false. Heck she seemed willing to share almost everything she could during the questioning. The only things she hid was obvious. The name of her lover, something Mi had already delivered to Melana and the location of the assassin's house. Though that could be something looked up as well. There had to be records of well known killers, also KagaMi remembered Melana mentioning something about the bolt being familiar.


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Melana Blackshield, Mansion, upstairs laboratory, Tag: Kessa(primarly), Seena

Melana, having apparently made up her mind, smirked down at Kessa, just watching the work of her machine.. although guessing by her hand-waving along the way, she was subtly controlling the thing..
What was happening inside was anything but subtle. Kessa's lustful moans from the thing steadily, relentlessly fucking aside, there were soft vibrating, squishing noises, the sound of which was intensified for the trapped Kessa.
The same has little time or presence of mind to contemplate how her womanhood was given to Melana's fucking machine. more wet, warm tendrils coiled over her, with now one prodding at her ears.. seeking, demanding entrance into her brain by any way possible.. before thrusting in, making her head jerk slightly to the right.. another tentacle, the other ear.. and her head jerked to the other side.. the slithering never stopped, deep, deeper into her core. Neither did the thrusting and fucking of the wicked device, pumping into her.

Resistance was bad. She knew that, without a doubt, or rather, it was pumped into her, like the machine pumped into her pussy. There was also a spreading sensation of inferiority.. Melana was better. Knew better. Was her superior. She should listen to Melana, always. That's what eager elf-sluts like her were supposed to do. She wasn't supposed to think for herself, she was supposed to let others think for her. Like Melana.. or the machine.. the nice wiggling had been troublesome and in parts painful, when the tentacles invaded her.. but now it was only pleasurable. And she was made to love it. She was feeling incredibly pleasurable, with the fucking of her body and mind. Why not enjoy this, let the machine take care of her and her wayward thinking and she might be able to enjoy more of this in the future...


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
Reputation score
Hana, Keeper of the Sleeping Spring
HP: 55/55 Armor Class: 25 Initiative Bonus: +8/10 CMD: 28
Panache: 4/7, Charmed Life: 2/3, Stunning Fist: 2/3. Conditions:
- ______________________________________________________________________________________________

Hana sighed.

"I guess you are simply a fool. Think about it, a rebellion needs funds. Who can provide them? If we pool all the coin your boyfriend has earned in his life, I doubt it would be enough to buy one of those arrows."

"Well, not angels, and not demons, right? That only leaves Hawken nobles. And to take it a step further...what kind of rebel would start his rebellion by hiring soldiers? You are too organized for rebels. And too brazen. The attack happend in daylight, so that you would be caught. Then the supposed rebels would be blamed, and the noble who secretly hired you would step in, assuming military control to supress them. Of course, having organized the rebels himself, he would find very easy to catch every one of you, and become everyone's hero, wouldn't he. So, sadly your boyfriend will soon be caught, even if he has already escaped somewhere."

"You should know that Melana isn't like the other nobles however...otherwise you would be dead now, or worse. Anyway, you will show us where the hell this thing is, and we will go there immediately. If you are lucky, we may find your boyfriend first too..."
she offered.

[Persuasion 31! :O]


Well-known member
Apr 19, 2019
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Name: Oriala Lend Slayer and Hidden Mongrel Location: Secret Lab Tag: Vivian
HP: 40/40 Armor Class: 20 / 14 Touch / 17 Flat Footed Initiative Bonus: +7 CMD: 22 / 19 Flat Footed Saves: +5 Fort / +8 Ref / +1 Will
Specials: None

Oriala enjoyed the look of adoration and joy in the eyes of the slut as she claimed her mouth, face and breasts with her thick seed. There was something powerful and strong about marking a bitch in such a fashion and knowing that the slut would carry evidence of her submission on and in her body. And now soon Oriala would plant her seed in Vivian's belly in the ultimate act of ownership and domination. Vivian would carry the evidence of Oriala's power in her body at every moment. It would be wonderful; Oriala's cock throbbed and pulsed to full erection at the thought.

When Vivian gulped down the potion Oriala threw the vial against the wall to crash into a dozen shards of glass. She held Vivian's mouth closed for a long moment, keeping her from taking a breath until she had swallowed the entire potion. Then Oriala gripped both horns and pulled Vivian to her feet. Turning the dragon girl around Oriala pulled her head down to the level of Oriala's hip while she released one horn and twisted her arm behind her back. "Now you are mine slut. Your belly will swell with my seed. Every moment your gravid body will remind you of my dominance and love." She marched Vivian forward using incredible strength and power. Oriala took Vivian over to a table and releasing her arm swept it the top clear with a crash of glass and metal. "Down bitch, ass in the air!" Oriala shoved Vivian face down onto the table. She kicked Vivian's legs open and smacked first one ass cheek and then the other. "Ass in the air, hands down to your sides slave!"

Rummaging quickly Oriala found several lengths of cord. Working quickly she tied Vivian's ankles to the legs of the table and then securely fastened her wrists together over her head leaving Vivian secured and spread lewdly. Once the slut was secured Oriala moved up to the side of the table and gripping one of Vivian's horns turned her to face Oriala. Leaning in Oriala kissed Vivian fiercely and possessively her tongue dominating Vivian's mouth. Pulling back Oriala smiled, her cock throbbing threateningly. "Beg for it Vivian, beg for my love and to be bred."


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May 19, 2019
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baa7a88b97ba0018f1fb58e337f171bd.jpg Kessa Summerslut
HP: 64/64 Armor Class: 23 (Touch: 12, FF: 21)
CMD: 24 (FCMD: 22)
Fort: 7 Ref: 4 Will: 1 (+2 vs Enchantment)
Initative: OoC (+2) AoO: 3
Active Effects: None

Mood: (Mind-Bending Pleasure.)
Tag: Machine, Melana

The naked and restrained half-elf writhes in her confines, moaning heatedly while her is kept warm and pleasured by the tentacles in the machine while the vibrations and squishing noises filled the chamber and her pointed ears. Well, at least two more tendrils appeared and invaded them, cutting off all sound as she felt them all invading her brain and wrapping around it to better alter her for Mistress Melana...
Her body was starting to shudder now, both from the pleasure being pumped into her pussy from the rod impaling her womanhood and whatever was getting pumped into her nipples and clit.
Her mind had recovered a little from the initial assault, but any efforts she could muster were quickly swept aside as the tendrils invading her brain continued to alter... No, correct her thinking for Mistress Melana. She could feel a sense of inferiority taking root deep inside her. Mistress Melana was her better... She knew more than her and was her superior, her MISTRESS, as it was supposed to be. She should always listen to her Mistress, that's what eager little elf-sluts like her were supposed to do, after all. Funny, it was even in her name... Eager elf-sluts were supposed to let others think for them, like Mistress or this wonderful machine... The wriggling and writhing had been unpleasant, even painful at first, but now it was starting to feel soooo good... She was being made to love it, but that didn't matter to her now. All that mattered was that she loved it, needed it... She should stop trying to resist and just enjoy it, the violation and altering of her body and mind to better serve as an elf-slut for Mistress... Part of her started to hope that the machine would alter her further for Mistress, to enable her to better serve as the elf-slut she was... She trembled heavily from the wonderful thought as it caused her to moan loudly... She wondered is Mistress could hear her through this lovely device...

(Will Save: 10+1=11)
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Well-known member
Apr 28, 2019
Reputation score
25621 Kaga/Mi, Fractured Slave; Location: Blackshield Estate; Tag: Hana and Hazel; Mood: Cautious;
Core States: HP (26/26)[+1 non Lethal]; AC 14; CMD 13; Init: +3; Fort: +2; Ref: +5; Will: +5
Base Save DC: 15; Grade 1: (8/8); Grade 2: (4/6); Grade 3: (4/4) Meta Magics: +1 ,

"Sure, you got this," Kagami had shrugged letting Hana take over the questioning. She hopped up on one of the available chairs, fiddling tacitly with a feather duster as Hana grilled Hazel. Several of the answers where surprising, but now with Mi back in control little showed on the girl's face. Once she was done Kagami hopped off her chair, still fiddling with the feather duster, "Hana, the lovers' name is Prurlen. He is a commander I went to military academy with," She sighed, figuring that Hana should have those details filled in at least, "Melana already knows that much." She added, mostly for Hazel's sake. "I agree, if this arrow was meant to teleport Melana then Ayuna should be there instead, and it will be a nice bit of proof for Hazel's story, right. Hana I don't know where you stand on all this, but I think that if Hazel is speaking the truth it would be better to be secret ally's with them, rather then open advisories. Our camp would loose little if we partnered against the nobles. I have, personal, issues with the way the nobles operate as well, yes, but I think we agree that the next step should be going to wherever Hazel directs us." finishing Kagami took a few steps over to Hazel, tickling the girls nose a bit with the feather duster, "Do you think you can send us there?" She smiled softly.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
Reputation score
Hana, Keeper of the Sleeping Spring
HP: 55/55 Armor Class: 25 Initiative Bonus: +8/10 CMD: 28
Panache: 4/7, Charmed Life: 2/3, Stunning Fist: 2/3. Conditions:
- ______________________________________________________________________________________________

"Eh...Kagami, there are no rebels. Rebels don't just appear one day with assassinations, they first start by robbing some caravans to gain equipment, they try to gain popularity to attract others to their cause, and so on. Have you heard any of those happening in Haken? Nope. Hazel, her boyfriend, and other self called rebels were simply tricked by some noble to do his dirty work. Simple as that." she shrugged.

Maybe she should bring this to Melana's attention? But just because Hazel was told that the arrow would teleport Melana, it didn't have to be true either. It could be simply a way to trick her into comitting murder without having qualms about it. If she gave hope to Melana just to crush it, it wouldn't be any better. Besides, she could probably handle this mission without her getting involved...

"Kagami do you think the two of us can go there, and bring back the servant girl? We don't have much time, if it isn't already too late..."


Well-known member
Apr 28, 2019
Reputation score
25623 Kaga/Mi, Fractured Slave; Location: Blackshield Estate; Tag: Hana and Hazel; Mood: Cautious;
Core States: HP (26/26)[+1 non Lethal]; AC 14; CMD 13; Init: +3; Fort: +2; Ref: +5; Will: +5
Base Save DC: 15; Grade 1: (8/8); Grade 2: (4/6); Grade 3: (4/4) Meta Magics: +1 ,

To Hana's first point Kagami just shrugged, "I prefer not to fight over the existence of the rebels, since it doesn't matter to our goals right now anyways. You are right that time is of the essence, I've a few magic tricks for a stealthy approach, so I believe we are well equipped for such a task as well. I'm ready do depart as soon as our cute little rabbit tells us where we are going," Mi smiled, petting Hazel's ears playfully as she spoke.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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6c52f6f93b05545f7844b1c369fc7695.jpgSeena Livy the unbroken Spidergirl, Hawken, Tag: Kessa's death, Mood: Afraid, regretful
Seeing Kessa writhing in pleasure made Seena's stomach turn and her legs fidget nervously. Her blood turned to ice. She had failed, and Kessa was paying the price. And there was nothing she could do. She lowered her head and legs, heeling before the lady of the house. There was no more defiance in her voice, just flat dejection, with the barest of tremors.
"I... I said I would fight for you. And I did. I fought for you against the attackers. You still think that I don't honor my word? And then you punish Kessa for what you imagine I did? It... is no matter... It's not like I can change anything... I... I don't want to be like them... like Oriala and Vivian. But I guess that is up to you. Go ahead. Put me in next. Or do you want to do it to everyone else first and have me watch?"

"Your grand plan sounds like madness. How will you assume control over all the forces of evil you know, and those you don't know, if you can't even stop your rivals from assaulting you openly."
She hesitated. "If you couldn't even protect Ayuna, who you claim you love so much."
For a moment, she thought she had gone too far. But she didn't care anymore. Her future was sealed, and it was at the feet of this woman. One way or the other. It felt oddly liberating.
"I think there's nothing I can say to make you change your mind, to abandon this quest, but before you make me into your puppet, let me ask you - why? Why not just retire with Ayuna? You clearly have the means to stay out of everything. It would make fewer enemies as well for sure."

Seena was breathing heavily. Every second of this was a weight on her heart. She wasn't sure if she wanted to be around when Kessa exited the machine...


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Melana Blackshield, Mansion, upstairs laboratory, Tag: Kessa, Seena

The fucking, brainwashing machine pulsed insistantly, leaving Kessa's helpless body and mind tingling and vibrating in pleasure as her mind couldn't resist any of the nice alterations pumped into it, lterally, by the lewd tentacles.
Now that her basic, proper way of thinking was established.. a wanton inferior slave for mistress Melana, that was, her better who would make all the hard decisions for her, the brain-washing could work in more detail.. although Kessa realized with a squirting of joyful climax that she'd have to return here later to further her programming for mistress regularly. To make sure all unecessary throughts were scrubbed right out of her brain.
The tendrils of the machine began pouring something into her.. her clit felt hot and swollen, and she realized she was ment to experience far more pleasure and become more easily aroused, her body becoming more helpless and sensitive.. at the same time, the machine insisted she had to always wear her armor. a horny, helpless slave-knight that had to cover up her lust-crazed slut body to properly serve mistress as more than a nice piece of meat. Her thoughts dimmed ever so slightly, forever.. but that was fine, she was a dumb, obediant slave knight. She followed orders, she needed only to be able to think enough to best execute orders, not come up with things on her own. The tendrils also enhanced her body, more pricks over her skin, her arms, legs, injecting something into her as she felt her body strengthen, impossibly so perhaps, for an elf like her, her body writhing in what the tentacles insisted was not agony, but the joy of being made better. Stronger.
Seena hadn't been wrong, her mind becoming nicely open and receptive to influence.. but that was how it was ment to be. An obediant slave like her listened and followed what they were told.
Finally the machine sped up its fucking, as it fed Kessa fantasies of being a slave-knight, a pretty fuck toy in a hard shell going to war, fighting and slaying whatever mistress saw fit. That was her joy and purpose. She was a simple creature, ment to slavishly obey.. even if she hadn't been before, the machines now made her so..

(The changes from the machine increase Kessa's str and cons by +3 each but lower her int and wis by -2!)

"Very good.. she's progressing nicely.. as expected, a weak will.. hmnn?"
Melana turned to Seena.
"You did fight for me. But you also made Hana promise something with no need.. unless you were plotting. This is why Kessa is being upgraded, although I realize to you this feels like a punishment, hence me naming it such."
A thin smile spread on her lips.
"Yes. The others can be guided, encouraged.. thretaened.. But you.. I know someone hard to break when I see them. The next time you make plans against me, Hana will be stepping up for you."

"I am not yet powerful enough to complete my goal, that is very true. Not strong enough to protect you all.. but in time I will be."

She narrowed her eyes when Seena said 'claim you love'
"Would you? Would you stay out?
Seena, whilest you hear the moans of Kessa's mind melting away, I'll ask you.. what'd you do if our positions were reversed, if you had my resources and power."

She suddenly spun around, pointing a finger at Seena, growling, uncharacteristically angry for a moment.

"And NO. 'be friends with everyone' doesn't work. Monsters like you need to be chained.. for your own good."


Active member
May 19, 2019
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baa7a88b97ba0018f1fb58e337f171bd.jpg Kessa Summerslut, Mistress Melana's Slut-Knight
HP: 71/71 Armor Class: 23 (Touch: 12, FF: 21)
CMD: 25 (FCMD: 23)
Fort: 8 Ref: 4 Will: 0 (+2 vs Enchantment, +2 vs Fear)
Initative: OoC (+2) AoO: 3
Active Effects: None

Mood: (Mind-Breaking Agony/Pleasure)
Tag: Machine, Melana

The elven slut loudly cries out as the machine relentlessly continues fucking both her body and mind, delightful vibrations and tingling spreading through her flesh and brain as the machine continues to pump changes into her. Building on the corrections the machine has already made, she could feel the device correcting her thinking further. She was already an eager, inferior slave that needed Mistress to do all the hard thinking for her, issuing orders that a slave like her would eagerly obey, but she could feel the machine taking things further... As she suddenly tensed up and shuddered in the throes of a brain-melting, explosively wet climax, she realized that she'd need to come back to this machine over and over again to make sure she continued thinking the correct thoughts and so Mistress could improve her further. She had a strange sensation of loss in her head, like she'd forgtten something about en... Engi... Complicated building stuffs... As well as dun... Dunge... Some smart stuffs that sluts didn't need anyway. She panted heavily with her tongue hanging out as the machine continued to relentlessly torment her, far from done with the captive...
She could feel something warm being steadily pumped into her, making her clit and mons swell to an obscene size as the machine changed her so that she always needed to wear her armor, making an ever-willing elven slut trapped in a hard metal shell in order to best serve her Mistress. This didn't make any sense to her, but it wasn't her place to think, only obey as commanded like a good slut-knight. She could feel numerous pricks all over her body, pumping something else into her as her body tensed in distinctly not agony, but joy in being changed to better serve Mistress. Still, she loudly cried out in a mixture of painful but eager moaning. Her mind was becoming far more open now, eager and receptive to influence, especially by Mistress, but that was all how it was supposed to be. Good slut-knights listened and did as they were told. She could feel the machine speed up pumping the rod into her depths while she fantasized about being a great Slut-Knight... A lovely, sexy, ever-horny valkyrie going to battle and war in her Mistress's name as she struck down all those that opposed Mistress's will... That was her joy... That was her purpose... She was Mistress's Slut-Knight, a simple inferior elf-slut that kneeled before Mistress and obeyed her commands. Was she always... Like this...? Didn't matter as she paid the thought no more mind and it quickly slipped away, purged by the machine as it continued making her into a dumber, obedient, inferior elf-slave slut-knight...

(Will: 7=7, post stat adjustment.)
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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
Reputation score
6c52f6f93b05545f7844b1c369fc7695.jpgSeena Livy the unbroken Spidergirl, Hawken, Tag: Kessa's death, Mood: Afraid, regretful
Kessa's moans did their best to break through the almost paralyzing fear, to arouse Seena, but all she felt aside from that briefest tingle in her crotch at the memory of a better moment, was sorrow, perhaps even jealousy, that it wasn't her that mad her moan like this. She had wanted to spend more nights with Kessa, to help her get over her fear, but she'd never get to do that. Whoever came out of that machine, would not be the same.

She breathed in sharply.
"And why not at least try to be friends? Why immediately turn to the worst of suspicions? You are half right. There are monsters, that need to be fought, but you cannot tell them by their bodies, or their birth. Only their minds."
She chuckled.

"The funny thing is - to me, you are the monster. What would I do if I was you? I am not. I was taught that evil is excess. Unnecessary."
She made a wide-armed gesture.
"Look around you, at the ones you've gathered for your cause. Is any of this necessary? It's not like anyone of us needed an excuse, let alone be brainwashed, to fight against the demons and corrupted. Kessa would have served dutifully, I know it. But you didn't even give her the chance to prove herself. Even I... might have accepted my place here. I had already accepted that I was going to spend the rest of my life in the penal guards. I would have fought for you, capered for you, even pleasured you - all you had to do was ask. None of this would have been necessary, if you weren't such a manipulative bitch who gets off on toying with other people!"

She took a deep breath, having talked herself red-cheeked and gasping for air.
"Now, if I was in your position? When? Where? I guess... you are right. If you have anything worth fighting for, I would too. But I would never think myself able to control the entire world, to enslave the forces of good and evil to my will. I guess if I was Lady Blackshield, I would work to reform Hawken. But not with your methods."

She stepped closer to Melana, towering over her, though her head was still bowed.
"If the two of us were reversed right now... if I had the power, had you at my mercy..."
She looked Melana straight in the eyes, raising her hand, gripping the air before her, like she was wrapping her fingers around Melana's throat, but without actually touching her.
"Would I push you into your own machine to stop your madness?"
Seena sighed and lowered her hand and her head again.
"No. I wouldn't. I would never. And whatever I would do to you, I wouldn't claim it was for your best. That's the difference between us. If you want to call it weakness, go ahead. But this hubris is why you will fail, or lose yourself. I don't have to kill you, or destroy your mind. You will do that to yourself, in time."

Seena folded her legs and lowered her body, taking on a submissive pose again.

"It starts small. The ways you hurt yourself. Whoever will step out of that machine, will be less powerful, less useful, just less than Kessa was. No matter what you do to her body to compensate, how much focus you impose in her mind. Without her own fire, she will never know true loyalty and dedication. Or truly love you. What a sad little person you are. You forgo true love in favor of an illusion. Is that's all you are about? Illusions? Is nothing about you real? Have you hid your true self behind a mask of lies and secrets so long there is no difference any more?"

Seena shivered, but continued.
"Whatever you do to me, the same holds true. My strength, which has served you well and could grow under your tutelage - will be diminished without a clear mind. A warrior needs their own fire. Without, nothing remains. But I don't think that matters to you, You will still choose illusory strength over real one. Enforced focus over natural adaptability. How can you hope to succeed if you diminish the potential of all those who would help you? You said earlier you wanted to retain and foster our potential. Another lie? Do you yourself even know? This is your hubris. You think you can forcefully improve us."

She thought of Hana, so desperately trying to contain Seena's vast sadness, to impart any hope. To turn sadness to joy. She might have failed on much of that, but she was still more successful than Melana would be if she enslaved her and simply ordered her to be happy.
"...but it takes two to do that."
Seena breathed out.
"To foster love and potential, to turn a spiteful little girl like me into someone who has found her place... that takes work, and time, and effort. Every attempt to make it easy will fail."

With that, she breathed once more. She wondered if Melana was only entertaining her to enjoy her pained attempts to explain her feelings before she enslaved her next. She thought back to Hana, to her night with Kessa, to Kagami's resistance to Melana, to Vivian and Oriala, who despite their weak-willed slavishness were clearly filled with some spark of love. This group might have become a force to be reckoned with, and without such tricks. None of it would have been easy, but...
"Some things are worth the fight, worth the effort." She breathed out.


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
Reputation score

Melana Blackshield, Mansion, upstairs laboratory, Tag: Kessa, Seena

Melana's lewd, diabolical machine kept fucking proper thinking into Kessa, tentacles writhing and wiggling and encouraged her, new ideas accentuated and empowered by lewdly throbbing climaxes.. which the slut-knight yearned to experience more of in the future.. yes.. she loved the machine, she had to return to it regularly to be the perfect soldier for Melana.. with a hint of delight she noticed the idea sliding into her subconscious.. even if someone were to abduct and brainwash her,.. or worse! Free her from this programming in some misguided attempts, she'd still try to return here and enslave herself all over again later, she realized..

The elf-knight slut needed her metal armor. without it her tingly, sensitive body was all exposed for all to use.. and using her was primarly mistress privileague, secondarly her slave-sisters and Melana's chosen. And thirdly, propably the machine itselfs. Finally, with a powerful vibration and gushing of lewd juices, the tentacles began withdrawing, having fucked Kessa into a horny slut-knight, wanting for orders.. and she recieved them, the divine ambrosia of her world, Mistress words.. and her words were Kessa's command:
"Very well then, slave. Rise from my machine.. and onto your knees, whilest I discuss with your less.. progressive slave sister."
Melana encouraged, as the tentacles slowly withdrew, the metal-appendage lounging deeply within her -mostly- withdrawing, leaving her to clumsily wiggle off of it for a long moment, before Mistress one gentle arm caught her, steadying her.. onto her knees, one gloved hand playfully brushing through her hair. "A good, obediant slave now, aren't you? Don't worry, we aren't done.. but you'll have to earn more of mistress attention, understood? Now.."

Melana turned to Seena and insisted: "All of this is necessary." Melana nodded, extending one hand with almost a bit of dramatic flair. "You still struggle to understand. Yes, you see me as the villain. That is my goal. When did I ever claim I was trying to do good, or be a hero? I will be the villain this world needs.

Yes. You would not push me. You would not do what is necessary, because you could not live with yourself afterwards. It is easy being the hero of a story. Everyone craves to be it. To do good. But to accept that you'd serve the world better by becoming it's villain.. that takes more effort."

She stared Seena down.

"The only hubris is you believing you can change the world without making sacrificies. That you could change the world without it changing you first. I don't think you are weak... the weak would not stand up to me. But I believe you are incredibly naive... also fairly jaded."
She twirled a finger. "Let's pretend I have the ability to read the gist of your thoughts at all times. I would know that you loathed this place, loathed me, from the very start and anything but my total submission to your desires wouldn't have forged your agreement, contrary to your claims."
She shrugged.

"Oh, I'd have prefered taking Kessa the way I made Oriala or Kagami mine, with... more finesse. Your actions ruined that. The blight of your resistance took away her chance at,.. as you put it.. willingly submit.. that said, tinkering on her will be enjoyable and useful in it's own ways. Do not assume I am not resourceful enough to turn this into a victory.. and more importantly.. Do not underestimate the value of a brainwashed slave without questions or hesitation. Compared to for example you, happy to scheme against me."

"No Seena. I do not think that I can forcefully improve you.. I know I can. A general needs to adapt. Soldiers need to follow orders. All things need to be balanced. It seems your words are designed to hurt me.. and in that I see just how successful this punishment of yours really is. An important gift in this world is the ability to listen, really listen, to what people are telling you."

She nodded. "Yes, true obediance and loyalty takes time and a lot of work. But the thing you seem to fail and understand is.. said work can be done AFTER one's mind belongs to me. I do not need the affirmation of others praising me and begging to be enslaved, begging to be mine."
She tipped her chin. "-fun as it is..

Anyway. Seena, the most important thing about changing ones mind is to first understand what motivates them. Why they do what they do. Most of your words to me, are wasted, because you do not argue with me. You argue with who you imagine I am."

She shook her head.

"And your imagination of me is twisted, partially by my own design, admittedly. But mostly.. you make it so very easy."
She smiled. "Who knows... if you had truly tried to understand, you'd seek to and even be truly able to understand my mind. As is, you cut at my shadow with empty words. Well.. If you truly wish to play this game... I have listened to you, but it is not understanding or pleasantries you wish for.. but to hurt me. Very well, so be it. If one aims a sword at me, I have to respond, should I not?"
She placed a hand upon her chest and bowed.
"I shall oblige. I checked your backround, before inviting you here.. how I gathered all of you, none wondered, did you? well, I spoke with a Hawken Officer, fresh from a long campaign a few months back.. turns out, Seena.. you are the very last of your kind."
She remained silent for a long moment, before tilting her head.
"Would you like to know how the last few of your race died? Or should we do this after the second to last person that ever cared for you is done cuming her mind away in preparation of her eternal servitude to me? No.. no.. I have a better idea!"

She extended her arms over towards the machine, her eyes widening, a positively evil grin spreading on her lips. "Kessa, my slave.. Rise now. I command you to greet Seena and act as if nothing just happened to you towards her. Your slave-sister misses the old, unenslaved you..."
Melana nodded, eyes transfixed on Seena. "By the way, that whole last of your kind thing was a lie. Truth is, a few spider-folks with low military value are uninteresting to Hawken. The only one who saw your potential was me.. Seems I was mistaken as well. A soldier that wants her queen to change to fit her whims is useless.
Oh and before your next idea is to try and lash out and get all murdery.. it is as pointless as your resistance."


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2015
Reputation score

Name: Vivian the Slut Location: Mansion, Tag: Oriala
HP: 51/51 Armor Class:17/18 with shield Initiative Bonus: +4 CMD: 18 Saves: +7 Fort / +3 Ref / +10 Will Speed: 20ft
Initiative: Conditions:

Vivian didn't flinch or recoil at the sound of glass shattering against the wall, no she was too excited to focus on anything but her Mistress. Once her nose was pinched closed and her mouth held shut, the entire potion was swiftly downed in just a few gulps, as Vivian was just as excited as her Mistress for her to drink the potion! Just as Mistress's cock was throbbing in front of her, Vivian's loins were a waterfall as juices ran freely in anticipation!

As she finished, a strong force coming from her horns pulled her upwards, making her stand up as Mistress used her beautiful horns like handlebars! She loved the harsh way the Mistress treated her, turning her around and then using one hand to lock her arm behind her back! Vivian was made to be dominated, and dominating Oriala was! Vivian was surprisingly flexible thanks to her various trainings, so she felt no pain, some discomfort sure, but it was a wonderful reminder of her place in life! "Mhhhh!! Im yours, I belong to you! Im your property! I'll never be able to forget the feeling of your progeny and love in my swollen belly once it starts growing!" Vivian could already imagine herself being bred again and again, stuck in a cycle of Mistress using her cock to force her children into Vivian's eager womb once it was empty!

With her dominate hold over Vivian, Oriala had no problem form Vivian as she forced her slave forwards, towards one of the tables. Vivian did flinch slightly as the avalanche of utensils and vials was swept to the floor. "M-mistress, M-maybe we shouldn't bre-" Vivian's concern for her other Mistress's equipment was cut short with Oriala's command! She moaned as she was shoved into the table. Starting to lose herself to her needs, Vivian's concern was swept away with Oriala's commanding presence and her forceful movements. She arched her back to make her ass more accessible, slightly swaying it, trying to tempt her Mistress to to take her then and there! But she had other plans, kicking her feet open, and coloring her large, soft and white ass cheeks bright red with slaps! "T-theres truly no going back for me~" Vivian's voice trembled as her Mistress tied her legs to the table and her hands behind her head. Even if she had wanted to stop her breeding, she had just lost all control over what was happening which sent shocks of pleasure through her brain. Mistress's kiss was sudden and surprising but welcome, Vivian's tongue passionately explored her Mistress's, trying to taste every bit of her!

Vivian was left panting, mostly in need and only somewhat with a shortness of breath once the kiss had been broken. "P-please Mistress! I want to be loved, I wa-, I need to be bred! Put me in my place, make me your offical bitch, a slave to your love by breeding me! Force a baby into my belly! Please, please, breed your bitch!" Vivian's voice grew more and more passionate as she spoke, her own love for her Mistress was dripping from her voice as she begged!


Active member
May 19, 2019
Reputation score
75608041105201918.jpg Kessa Summerslut, Mistress Melana's Slut-Knight
HP: 71/71 Armor Class: 23 (Touch: 12, FF: 21)
CMD: 25 (FCMD: 23)
Fort: 8 Ref: 4 Will: 0 (+2 vs Enchantment, +2 vs Fear)
Initative: OoC (+2) AoO: 3
Active Effects: None

Mood: Exhausted
Tag: Machine, Melana, Seena

Her thoughts scattered and meager resistance destroyed, Kessa could only find her body and mind being trained to want and yearn pleasure like the machine was giving her. Yes, she loved the machine... Needed the machine like she needed Mistress to order her and guide her. She needed to return to it regularly in order to make sure she remained a perfect soldier for her beloved Mistress. Especially if someone else were to try and abduct her... Or brainwash her into trying to betray her Mistress! Or even worse... Try to "free" her... Such a horrible thought made her shudder despite the sexual pleasure coursing through her.
She needed to keep her armor on... Mostly as something to contain her wonderful, sexy body that was reserved for Mistress's use, her slave-sisters, and finally whoever Mistress chose. Well, obviously the machine itself too, but that was Mistress's device. Finally, in a powerful shuddering that sent her reeling over the edge once again, the tentacles began to withdraw from her hot, slime-oiled body while the long and thick rod slowly eased it's way out of her now gaping, well-used pussy. Well, almost. She had to remove herself the rest of the way before trying to stand on trembling and unsteady legs as Mistress herself caught her and eased her onto the ground where she knelt, much like a knight would before their lord as stringy fluids dripped from her gaping, bare, and engorged sex while small trickles of milk leaked from her overstimulated nipples and full breasts.
Mistress said some highly smart-sounding phili-something-or-other stuff to Seena, but it wasn't being addressed to her, so she ignored it. She only stood up and walked over to the naked drider girl with a steadier, sexily swaying gait when commanded and warmly (yet stickily) gave her friend a warm, slightly stronger hug as she presses her large breasts into the drider, not really caring about the fact that she's completely naked, covered with tingly slime, or that her body might brush against those hairy, arachnid legs.
"I missed you, Seena... It feels like I haven't seen you for days..." She almost purrs. "You really need to stop fighting with Mistress. I think you'd really get along better with her if you'd just be nicer to her and stop trying to fight her so much."


Well-known member
Apr 19, 2019
Reputation score

Name: Oriala Lend Slayer and Dark General l Location: Secret Lab Tag: Vivian
HP: 40/40 Armor Class: 20 / 14 Touch / 17 Flat Footed Initiative Bonus: +7 CMD: 22 / 19 Flat Footed Saves: +5 Fort / +8 Ref / +1 Will
Specials: None

Oriala pulled back from the kiss and slapped Vivian, not hard but enough to sting as she protested Oriala's treatment of the lab equipment. "Slut, what business do you have worrying about how I claim you? You will learn to obey and thank me." Immediately Oriala pulled Vivian back by one horn, twisting her head around so that the dark warrior could plant a harsh, teeth grinding kiss that drew the coppery taste of bruised and cut lip. She held the kiss and then released it, gripping Vivian by the back of the neck and forcing her head down against the table facing toward her. "Once you are pregnant there will be no return for you Vivian. You will be my breeder to love and control. We will soar in the service of our Mistress to Her glory and the greater glory of Hawken."

As Vivian begged Oriala leaned over from the side and kissed Vivian's cheek. She stroked the dragon-slut's hair and then moved down to caress the long, smooth expanse of her back. "Your life will be one of love and joyous service Vivian. Your place is at my feet, sucking my cock and whelping my bastards. You will serve my harsh and loving will." Oriala leaned down and kissed Vivian again on the cheek and then moved behind and between her legs. Oriala cupped Vivian's butt cheeks and squeezed and groped them. Then she gave each rounded globe a sharp slap and pulled back just a bit. Vivian felt strong hands on her inner thighs, pressing her further open before cupping her mons and folds. Oriala spread open Vivian's swollen lips with one hand and ran the fingers of her other hand back along Vivian's dripping channel and over her clit. Rubbing hard with her thumb Oriala pressed three fingers into Vivian's pussy. "Tight, wet... I'll plug with one of the glass rods you after I plant my seed to keep your belly full."

Oriala rubbed and fingered Vivian for a while, the hot mass of her cock throbbing now between Vivian's spread legs. Pinching Vivian's clit and spanking her ass again Oriala reached up and placed the palm of one hand down into the middle of Vivian's back. She pressed down with all of her considerable strength holding Vivian even more securely for her breeding. Pulling back Oriala arched her hips to bring her massive cock up between the dragon-slut's buttocks. She rubbed the massive member back and forth, pleasuring herself with Vivian's soft flesh. With each thrust Oriala spanked her breeder to press her ass flesh against Oriala's cock like a lewd version of a tit-fuck. Not speaking Vivian could hear Oriala's breath coming hard and deep as her excitement grew. Her thrusts in the channel of Vivian's ass cheeks grew longer and the head began to press back closer and closer to slipping free and pushing into Vivian's sex lips. Again and again Oriala teased Vivian until finally the massive, hot head of her cock jerked and plowed instead through Vivian's puffy and juicy folds. Pausing for a moment and catching the head on the entrance to Vivian's pussy Oriala pulled back a bit and continued to rub the throbbing mass of her cock along Vivian's furrow. Back and forth Oriala worked her cock against Vivian, abusing her clit with the head and coating the shaft with Vivian's oils of desire.

"Now my breeder slut, my love, mother of my child... take it!" With that Oriala pulled back and with a single fluid motion slammed her cock into Vivian's sex. Oriala's masculine length was far larger than the average man being easily ten inches in width with a obscenely wide and flared head standing proudly from the folds of her foreskin. The room was filled with the wet squelching sound of penetration as Oriala gripped Vivian's hips with both hands with enough force to leave deep, massive bruises as the futa warrior forced every in of her dark, hot meat into Vivian's breeding hole.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
Reputation score
6c52f6f93b05545f7844b1c369fc7695.jpgSeena Livy the unbroken Spidergirl, Hawken, Tag: Kessa's death, Mood: Afraid, regretful
Seena listened to Melana drone on with a bowed head. She remained silent even as Melana invoked the death of her people. Seena just chuckled afterwards.
"Now it's your turn to throw stones at shadows." She said, her head still lowered. "Your words hold no sway over me."
She lifted her head and looked at what was once Kessa embracing her. Her first instinct was to push her away, but it would be wrong to punish this girl for what Melana did. Instead, she gripped not-Kessa's head and pushed it between her breasts, closing her eyes, taking in the scent of the half-elf's juices. After a while she let go and stepped back.
"It's ok, I... I guess I'll be like you soon. Then we can play more." She said to not-Kessa, stroking her wet blonde hair. It was some consolation, knowing that she'd cherish the new Kessa once she was like her.
She turned to face Melana.
"You say I have not tried to understand you, to listen to you? Since the very beginning all you have spewed forth was lies and poisoned truths. You are right, I have given up trying to truly understand you. Or to dissuade you. There is evidently nothing I can do. Nor have I tried to hurt you, though if you feel attacked, maybe your skeleton is thinner than you think it is. Or maybe you are looking to be hurt. Maybe you want everyone to hate you so you can feel right about lashing out at them. I don't know. I don't care, anymore. This is going to end the same either way. I feel... oddly free. I can say all the things I wanted to say for a long time, because it doesn't matter. I will be your drooling little pet, like Kessa, like Hana, like the others. We'll coo over you and beg at your feet and watch helplessly as your enemies maul you to death. And don't think you can put any of this on me. I was willing to go along, to not cause trouble. I murdered for you, remember? You gave the order. And yet, nothing would ever have been good enough for you, I am starting to think. I didn't make you turn Kessa. You did it. You wanted this. Nothing I could have done would've changed it. You say I wanted your submission? No, I want my freedom, and Hana's and Kessa's too, after you introduced her to me. I don't care about masters and slaves. Maybe hierarchies are natural. But with Hana, and Kessa, I met, for the first time in a long time, people who did not view me as either, but as equal, as lover. And whatever your brainwashing does, there is no better feeling than being appreciated thus."
Her eyes hardened even as a smirk spread over her face.
"But you are right in one respect. If I had the choice of being your mistress or your slave, I'd rather be the mistress. But I don't get this choice."
She lowered her head again.
"And you think I will get violent over it? You really think I am an animal, don't you? Sorry to disappoint you, again." Seena grinned.
"So here we are, talking past each other, because you don't believe a word I say, and I don't believe a word you say. It's oddly amusing, I must admit. Fitting. Like the two of us were destined for one another."