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Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Melana Blackshield, Secret Laboratory, Tag: Kaga/Mi, Oriala, Vivian

"As you should, Oriala, the pure, human body is the epitome of beauty of course.. then again, these exotic additions are tempting.."
She smirked, twirling over the tuft ontop of Kagami's hair. She watched Oriala briefly, but decided her guess had been right.. the hormones of the cock were all that was left needed to keep Oriala going down exactly the road she wanted her on.. and Kagami had.. herself to talk to, so she could focus on one of the others next.. but whom..

She smirked, a bit distracted with just how.. well Oriala was dealing with the situation.. she nodded. "Hmnn tempt me with a good time. Don't you worry, although you may enjoy my property as you please, every inch of that dark meat belongs to me. And I will teach it the ecstasy of obediant pain.. but first, enjoy Vivian as your reward for chosing right. Just let your cock help you decide.. you can do whatever you want to them with it.."
She grinned.. well.. Oriala might find herself struggling with a simple task on purpose in the future.. but for now..

She smiled down at Kagami, soft.. and oddly caring. "Good girl.. good.. there you go. I know it's hard to admit to, but just because it feels bad doesn't make it untrue.
Good girl.. don't worry. I will help you on your way."

She encouraged, again, oddly soft and soothing.. although she didn't seem to miss Kagami leaving out the maid-bit.
"Hmnn. yes. We should go. Oriala, Vivian, finish up then follow me."
She nodded, gently tugging on Kagami's leash.. before nodding to her clothes. "Dress up. I want you both to act more moderatly around the others, gently, slowly encourage them down the way to their true bliss.. That bliss. Look at Vivian."
She encouraged Kagami, and, once the same had dressed as normal, not broken fox-girl again.. there was a firm hand from Melana feeling her ass as she was guided back down the stairs..

But she hesitated, at Vivian's request, tilting her head and chuckling. "Hmnn.. you want to breed me lots of little dragon-soldiers?"
She chuckled... "Third drawer, green potion. The one with an egg.
Don't ask why."

She added, with a dangerous smirk. I'll let Oriala determine the details of that one.. if she wants to!

But for now, slowly dressing up and with Kagami in tow, Melana returned downstairs..

Melana Blackshield, Mansion downstairs, Tag: Kagami, Seena, Hana, Kessa

Melana approached with calm, measured steps once more, adjusting her cloak. "Excuse my brief absense, what is the situation in general. .. Oh, Kessa, I apologize for the turbulent first day."
She nodded, before glancing around expectantly.
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Active member
May 19, 2019
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40c78604fef06adfb668affdb2fa46d8.jpg Kessa Summersword
HP: 64/64 Armor Class: 23 (Touch: 12, FF: 21)
CMD: 24 (FCMD: 22)
Fort: 7 Ref: 4 Will: 1 (+2 vs Enchantment)
Initative: OoC (+2) AoO: 3
Active Effects: None

Mood: Wary
Tag: Would-Be Assassin, Melana

Kessa folds her hands in front of her waist and bows deeply to Lady Melana before giving her report. "We managed to catch the would-be assassin and have brought her back here without much notice nor questioning of the city guard, as we imagine that you will want to question her personally." She states, giving the captive girl a sorrowful, apologetic glance. "While waiting for you, we have attempted to help out by cleaning up the mess left by the bodies of the attempted assassins. I believe that these agents are either connected to the military, or were trained by them, judging from how they organized their retreat." She finishes. "No apologies are needed, my Lady. Sometimes... These things happen, and would-be assassins never believe in scheduling their attempts beforehand. Did you have any luck with restoring Ayuna?" She asks, already fearing that the response will not be favorable as Ayuna was not at her Mistress's side.
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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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6c52f6f93b05545f7844b1c369fc7695.jpgSeena Livy the unbroken Spidergirl, Hawken, Tag: After the Chase, Mood: Serious
Seena searched the bodies with care and helped Hana move them out of the dining room and hallways. (Take 20 on perception to loot) She "borrowed" a longsword and two full quivers of common arrows. When she heard movement from the library, she turned to their captive and whispered: "Good luck. I'm sorry."
She approached Melana with Kessa. "We have also found this note and a ring on the bodies." She handed the two objects over. "These may hold additional clues." Her voice was serious and controlled. Inside, she still felt a pang of sympathy. Yes, she was an assassin. Yes, they might have died there as well. Yes, it was not really her fight. She should just keep her head down and play along, trust in Hana. But had it been up to her, the girl would have died a quick death. Melana was unlikely to be this merciful.
"What's next? Should we hunt down those behind this, or return to our previous assignments?" She stood straight, hands clasped behind her human back, the image of a soldier at attention. Antagonizing the grieving Lady Blackshield right now would be both insensitive, and dangerous.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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Hana, Keeper of the Sleeping Spring
HP: 55/55 Armor Class: 25 Initiative Bonus: +8/10 CMD: 28
Panache: 4/7, Charmed Life: 2/3, Stunning Fist: 2/3. Conditions:
- ______________________________________________________________________________________________

"She is the one who was wearing a mask. She is a spellcaster, and almost escaped us with her trickery. I think Kessa also retrieved her mask..." Hana added.

"May I speak my mind?"
Hana asked "I did promise to ask you not to torture her...I am sure that she is someone's pawn, and I am sure she can be made to see the error of her ways. I suggest prioritizing finding who sent her, and take care of them. It seems that Hawken isn't as safe as one would assume...is there a way to make this mansion more secure? I wouldn't be surprised if they tried attacking again while we are on a mission..."


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Melana Blackshield, Mansion downstairs, Tag: Kagami, Seena, Hana, Kessa, Ebil Bunny

"Hmnn. You don't have faith in the Hawken guardsmen?
.. But you are right. I am quite curious."

She nodded, approaching, watching Kessa. "Yes, Assassines are always so terribly inconsiderate."
She noted.. before glancing over to Senna.

"I have not quite decided yet, but chances are that we will split things.. some of you going after the assassines, others continuing the missions. I mentioned briefly earlier how your missions were originally assigned by the military. Kessa here suspects this revolution was trained by the military.. I concur."
She nodded, her eyes narrowed.. before she glanced over to Hana.

"You may all always speak freely with me. Some words have consequences, but that's true for any interaction.

Hawken is safe. But perhaps some have found suspicions of my ambitions ahead of schedule. Of course this mansion can be made more secure.. I never.. expected attacks this early. I am a researcher, far as anyone knows, my military strength is near zero. This attack will correct these assumptions. ... perhaps I should rellocate. Anyway.

By the way you are phrasing your words, you make it blatantly obvious that you've .. debated how to handle this prisoner. I thank you for your loyalty, Hana. Or perhaps it is not loyalty, but wisdom. I can work with either."
She nodded, glancing over to Seena. "This incident occured because I gave Kagami too much freedom. It seems you mistake generosity for weakness and continue to actively scheme against your betters. My patience for your plotting is steadily decreasing, in light of current events. Kessa? My apologies but Seena is not the type that reacts to being punished herself, I'm afraid you'll have to bear your slave-sisters burden. I'll try to make it most pleasant, however, as reward for your duty done in capturing the assassine. But first..."
Melana asserted, before crossing her arms behind her back, before stepping over to the bunnygirl, examining her.

"I know the rational approach, naturally.."
She growled, lifting her hand, her usually calm expression switching over to pure hatred briefly.. "Still awfully tempting to wipe away all of her mind until there's nothing left... but I guess that's not what Ayuna would've wanted.."
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Well-known member
Apr 19, 2019
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Name: Oriala Lend Slayer and Hidden Mongrel Location: Secret Lab Tag: Melana, Vivian, Kaga and Mi
HP: 40/40 Armor Class: 20 / 14 Touch / 17 Flat Footed Initiative Bonus: +7 CMD: 22 / 19 Flat Footed Saves: +5 Fort / +8 Ref / +1 Will
Specials: None

Truly Oriala was feeling the impact of the flood of hormones hit her mind and body with overwhelming force. Her new, masculine equipment had been supercharged with not only size and virility but with powerful hormonal influences on her behavior. Unused to such emotions and urges Oriala felt an overwhelming desire to control, dominate and savagely and deeply fuck. Later perhaps she would gain some control over her new desires but now her mind was focused only on dominating, fucking and impregnating her slave-slut Vivian.

Oriala maintained her grip on Vivian's horns as the kneeling slut gagged on her cock as Oriala groaned with the pleasure not only of orgasming as a male but knowing that Vivian was taking her seed into her belly without any hope of resistance. She smiled down at Vivian as the dragon-slut dripped semen from her face and breasts. The thick load of seed in Vivian's mouth quickly swallowed aroused Oriala particularly causing a further throb and pulse of the huge, dark cock. She retained a firm hold on one of Vivian's horns with her left hand and gripped her face with her right. Oriala's grip was firm and unyielding and she forced her thumb into Vivian's mouth. "Suckle on my thumb slave while your betters decide your fate. You have done well so far. I have decided to breed you now. I will be fucking you at every chance until my seed takes root in your womb." She tightened her grip on Vivian's face for a moment causing a flicker of pain. "No touching yourself slut. Your body is mine and you will not pleasure yourself without my permission. Your pleasure should only be from fucking me or if I decide to give you pleasure."

As she spoke Vivian could watch as Oriala's half limp cock began to throb and grow until it was once again painfully hard, the foreskin pulled back from the massive, glistening head. Fully erect at a massive ten inches Oriala let the throbbing mass rub up against Vivian's cheek even as she suckled the thumb in her mouth. When Melana offered a potion to increase the fertility of the slave Oriala laughed. "Oh yes, yes... let us make sure the little slut bears you dragon warriors Mistress. You can be certain that I will keep her belly full of slaves." Oriala pulled her thumb from Vivian's mouth and pushed her back. "On your knees slut. Legs open, tits presented and hands behind your head and mouth open."

Stepping away Oriala headed over to the the third drawer and took out the green potion. "Thank you Mistress, I will use it on her. I'm sure we will find out what it does..." Oriala looked at Vivian with an equally evil expression. Then walking over Oriala opened the vial and took a deep sniff. Then she held it out. "Drink it slut." Oriala gripped Vivian's nose and pinched it closed. Then she pressed the vial into Vivian's mouth and poured into her mouth. Gripping Vivian's face Oriala closed the slut's mouth and held her mouth and nose closed until the potion was swallowed.


Well-known member
Apr 28, 2019
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25506 Kaga/Mi, Fractured Slave; Location: Blackshield Estate; Tag: Melana, Orilana, Vivian; Mood: Angry/Devoted;
Core States: HP (26/26)[+1 non Lethal]; AC 14; CMD 13; Init: +3; Fort: +2; Ref: +5; Will: +5
Base Save DC: 15; Grade 1: (8/8); Grade 2: (4/6); Grade 3: (4/4) Meta Magics: +1 ,

The sudden shift from antagonist to caring seemed to shock the once rebellious fox. Melana's gentle words of encouragement, the soft petting, and scratching behind her ear. Kaga tilted her head, nuzzling her head against Melana's thigh. "Yes, Mistress..." She felt good, content, peaceful like this. 'That's right, your a good little pet. Mistress loves you, she knows what's best. If you behave yourself she'll give you plenty of love and a place to truly belong,' Mi's soft encouragement finally drowned out any doubts Kaga may have had.

With a soft moan Kaga was pulled to her feet, she gave Melana a lewd smile. Seemed between the tail pulling and the leash KagaMi both like Melana being a little rough with her pets. "Yes, mistress I understand..." Kaga agreed, slipping back into her uniform... it really didn't feel right anymore... She was a kitsune, this outfit was for a pure-blood... The coat was tight, the pants didn't have room for her tail. She patted the mass of orange fluff behind her, almost apologizing as the pants road up her back, pressing into the base of her tail. The band of her pink panties still poking out. "M-mistress, when you have a chance... can I start wearing something a bit more befitting my station?"

Downstairs Kaga follows after Melana still looking a little dazed from the excitement, made only worse when she catches sight of the cute little friend that the others brought back with them. 'This... might be a bit much for you,' Mi wrested control back from Kaga before the free-fox was able to cause a scene. Although, she continued her dazed, if slightly prideful look around the room, now was her chance to show she could be Kaga just as well as the real thing!

Mi slipped away from her mistress's side, casually approaching the others. Mistress had made it clear this was her fault, but what should she say? Hazel was surly doomed, but it might be best not to actively show support for Melana now... "I apologize for bringing this on you all," Kagami said, eyes locked on the prisoner, "I don't understand, I... I can't condone killing others, what you did wasn't right, but..." She took a deep breath and looked to the others. "It won't bring Ayune back, but thank you for your diligence. The Lady is safe and we can get some answers, and, thank you for whatever kindness you showed her." Finally turning back to Melana. "My lady... I request I assist you in her questioning... I'm to blame for this, so I might be useful in getting some answers as well," Mi felt a little proud of herself. She could seem to be hinting at helping Hazel escape, well Melana would have a faithful servant to help break in the cute bunny. The others might be suspicious of her, but when the well-trained bunny maid revealed herself surly it would boost her standing with them as well!


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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Hazel, Mansion Dining Room, Tag: Kagami, Seena, Hana, Kessa, Melana
The look that met Melana's was filled with disdain and distrust. Then Mi started talking and fear swept away any other expression the girl had. She listened to the request to assist and slumped boneless against Seena who was still carrying her. In moments like a reverse dissolution her soft, floppy ears and puffball tail were once more visible. Showing to all her mixed blood, something she was right to hide when she had any chance of going free. Her emotional eyes were closed now but that didn't stop tears from leaking out between her lids and onto Seena's Cephalothorax. It seemed the attempted assassin had at least the decency to keep her crying silent, or perhaps that was the gag, either way not a sound escaped her lips.


Active member
May 19, 2019
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40c78604fef06adfb668affdb2fa46d8.jpg Kessa Summersword
HP: 64/64 Armor Class: 23 (Touch: 12, FF: 21)
CMD: 24 (FCMD: 22)
Fort: 7 Ref: 4 Will: 1 (+2 vs Enchantment)
Initative: OoC (+2) AoO: 3
Active Effects: None

Mood: Wary
Tag: Seena, Melana

Kessa shoots a stange look over to Seena as if to ask what in the world the Lady was talking about, but only nods her head slightly. "As you wish, my Lady." She sighs, more from frustration than anything else as she pulls the mask out of her haversack and offers it to Melana. She looks over the rather curvy, buxom bunny girl and waits patiently for her Lady to act or to command. While she felt sorry for the rather cute bunny-girl, she gritted her teeth and reminded herself that she tried to kill Melana, and without Melana then Kridlug would be more than willing and quite eager to claim her as a bed-slave. Not to mention that Ayuna sacrificed herself to protect Melana... She hoped that there would be enough of the bunny-girl left to inform them about why they struck against Melana when there had to be so many better targets to choose from... Was it was because Melana was seen as a "soft" target, with no martial guards? Or was there something far more sinister about the dark-haired researcher?
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Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Melana Blackshield, Mansion downstairs, Tag: Kagami, Seena, Hana, Kessa, Ebil Bunny

"We'll find something your size later, Kagami.. hmnn.. thinking about it.. Ayuna was kind of your size.."
She hinted, innocently. But there were more important matters at hand.

"You know Hazel, right.. I am not sure I can trust you in questioning her, no offense." Melana objected, keeping her voice calm and level, as usual. "Then again, perhaps two of you ought to question her before she says something that puts me in a.. mood."
She narrowed her eyes at Hazel.

"Truth is. Questioning you is pointless.
Like I use my servants, you've been used. Those that did don't actually care for you. They are not going to return to you. Prurlen may enjoy your body, but there are other monstersluts, easily available."

She chuckled. "The part I must commend is creating this idea of a resistance as cover. Those that believe it become useful recruits. Of course you'd get in trouble with the Purity division.. unless your true leader is among them, or good friends with them."
She took the mask from Kessa, examining it. "We could gather the bodies, revive them as low-ranking undead, to hunt down their families. That would dissuade future attackers, wouldn't it?"
Melana chuckled.
"Then again, if we punished people for being easily influenced and stupid, no one would make it past their juvenile foolishness."
She considered. "It's getting a little late. Hana, Kagami, I want you to handle Hazels questioning. Kagami knows her best, Hana is smart and I can trust her not to try any nonsense... for now, deliver her to the dungeon, begin questioning her in the morning, or do it in the night, but keep in mind, you cannot trust all information she has gotten either, I expect she was considered expendable."
Melana nodded to the two to untie Hazel from Seena.

"Kessa, with me. Seena.. do as you please, but you might want to observe the fruits of your defiance. You might wish to listen."
Melana nodded, with a chuckle.. before simply turning on her heel, waving Kessa along and turning on her way, glancing over to the half-elf and musing: "A series of unfortunate events, is your life not? You barely arrive here and I turn out to be nearly as bad as your sibling."
She chuckled.

"Disobediance must be punished, naturally. Hana spoke up about it, you remained silent. I thus conclude that you share Seena's sentiment, to a point. Still you remain well mannered and cordial with me, I do quite value that."
She nodded, indicating for Kessa to walk ahead of her, upstairs, to her laboratory, it seemed. Although they ascended another flight of stairs soon. "I guess to show my appreciation, I will share with you a secret, Lady Summersword."
She smiled.
"The reason why I assembled you is that I need strength, strength and potential that I discovered all of you have. Strength that can be loyal to me, as no pure human would be. Strength that would be wasted, if used as bed-pets or pointless labor or shock-troops. I believe each of you could be incredibly strong and incredibly useful to me in fixing this broken world."
She nodded, twirling forth a heavy key-chain, as the flight of stairs ended before a heavy, metallic door. With a heavy clicking and clacking it slowly swung open, inviting Kessa into a hall filled with.. well it seemed a mixture of large, junkish metal bits, almost an attic, although there were other, large, functioning seeming metal things, ticking away in a deep slumber.

"Todays assasination attempt is proof that what I though to keep secret from everyone, others at least suspect. Someone high up in the military... but no concern for now. Now, I need to ensure my servants loyalty, absolutely.. with Ayuna missing, I have less I can trust, and I have less time than expected. Thus.. I will have you use one of my old devices.. To you this might likely feel like a punishment at first, but it will be quite pleasurable later. This will be happening, Kessa. There is no talking me out of it. However, if it will put you at ease to speak about, or ask me something, I will try and oblige you to the best of my ability."
Melana explained at length, approaching what could best be described as a torture-table looking alike metal slab, with huge metal sheets by each side, some sort of pod-like device almost.
"This is a prototype enslavement device. I'd request you undress and enter it of your own volition and I can run it on a less... intrusive setting."
she explained.
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Active member
May 19, 2019
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40c78604fef06adfb668affdb2fa46d8.jpg Kessa Summersword
HP: 64/64 Armor Class: 23 (Touch: 12, FF: 21)
CMD: 24 (FCMD: 22)
Fort: 7 Ref: 4 Will: 1 (+2 vs Enchantment)
Initative: OoC (+2) AoO: 3
Active Effects: None

Mood: Anxious
Tag: Melana

Kessa looks pleadingly at Melana after the lady's rather dark joke... At least she hopes it's a joke... "Please don't punish the children for the sins of their parents, my Lady. Especially in that way." She simply states. Like most, she found the use of necromancy abhorrent at best. She listens to the orders Melana gives to Hana and Kagami, and obediently follows the Lady when she walks off. Kagami seemed different... More submissive... What had happened during the time they were chasing the would-be assassin? Had Melana done something to the fox-girl? And more importantly, would the same thing be happening to her?
For the time being though, she remains quiet and listens to her employer/owner as she walks in front of her, leading the way of sorts. "I agree with Seena to a point. I disagree with the prevailing notion among the nobles and ruling class that those who aren't entirely human are somehow 'lesser' than those that claim to be full human, much like I disagree with the notion that somehow the 'nobles' are better than others simply because they were born into wealth. Each person has their own skills and traits that set them apart. If you have a merchant tend to the fields, they won't have a good harvest. Have the farmer lead an army, and the battle will end in defeat. Have the general run a business, and they won't make a profit. Exceptions exist of course, but you need the farmer to feed the army, and the army to keep the merchant safe. Yet the merchant has the coin to buy the ear of the king and council, thus both the general and farmer have to bend their knee to them. I understand that some are better at guiding and ruling others, but they should keep themselves humble while they do so. There are many stories of cruel kings that have abused their station only to find the very people they thought themselves above rising up and taking them down. There's also many stories of the cruel slave owners that suddenly find themselves on the sharp end of a farming tool or knife by one of the very people they 'owned'. If they had kept themselves humble and remembered that many things care not for social status nor wealth, they might have avoided those grisly fates and been beloved by those around them instead of loathed. You're not nearly as bad as some of the nobles I have seen and witnessed, many of them are so unrepentant and cruel that if I had half a chance, I would slay them myself, consequences be damned."
She sighs before responding. "I wish you luck in fixing this broken world, but the question I have is how you plan on doing so, and what is the ideal world you strive for?"
Kessa shudders slightly as they approach the machine, and her heart sinks at Melana's command. Reluctantly, the half-elf carefully removes her cloak and places it into her haversack, revealing her elven heritage and shape, along with her long, pointed ears. Without her cloak, it's plain as day that she's a half-breed. Her armor, belt, sheathed weapons and shield then go into the haversack as well before being followed by her gauntlets and high-heeled, armored boots. Her outfit is next, revealing her pale skin, lithe yet toned, and well-endowed figure. She blushes as her large breasts are bared, running her fingers through her long, blonde hair in order to use it to conceal her pale, pink nipples as they harden in the cool air. Finally, her plain panties are removed and placed into the haversack as her hands drift down to protect her modesty as her cheeks turn a furious crimson. The now entirely naked half-elf then climbs onto the device, feeling the cold metal touching her skin as she waits anxiously for Melana to activate the machinery...

(Sense Motive for Hunch on Kagami: 20-1=19, Nat 20, but the DC is 20... T_T)
(Diplomacy on Melana: 5+17=22)
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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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6c52f6f93b05545f7844b1c369fc7695.jpgSeena Livy the unbroken Spidergirl, Hawken, Tag: After the Chase, Mood: Afraid
Seena felt relieved to have the attacker taken from her, but she started to inwardly panic as Melana started to talk about punishing Kessa. She leaned towards Hana and whispered "Wait for me in one of the guest rooms upstairs, please! You can leave the door ajar a bit or otherwise mark it!" She quickly scurried along behind Melana and Kessa.

She nodded along with Kessa, the young girls case made sense. How much better everything would be if everyone was allowed to prove themselves, regardless of their birth...
She kept quiet for the walk, still thinking. What had made Melana accuse her of scheming? Did Melana believe she would have joined the 'rebels,' had they been real?

Her eyes widened in horror when presented with the machine. She half turned away, but had to face it, The idea of Kessa, such a unique being, becoming altered to suit Melana's needs made her stomach turn. She had to speak up. Had to do something, anything.

"Wait!" She called out. "Lady Blackshield, please let me speak. I... What do you want us to be? Loyal? Or obedient? Allow me to relay a realization I had. On our previous mission, things didn't quite go as well as we would have liked. Two of us fell under demonic influence. Oriala and Vivian, who, if I'm not mistaken, very much embody the ideals of Hawken. They are the perfect image of Hawken slaves, no? Devoted, obedient, fanatical... and so easily subverted! So easily turned to the enemies service! This machine of yours may simulate loyalty, but what if whoever is after you merely overrides your control? Me and Hana remained true to our mission, despite being troublemakers. If you wish for true loyalty, that no mechanical or magic trickery can defeat, then stop this! Kessa... Kessa is someone rare, good in her heart! If you are worthy of her loyalty, she will give it to you! No need to change her mind, and make her easier to control for others as well! Same with me. I agreed to fight for you. I will follow your orders. And I am not a schemer. Why throw it all away for fake loyalty?

You believe that you are superior, don't you? That you should lead, and we should follow. Then why resort to such tricks? You said you have a plan to change this world. Let us hear it. Let us, of our own free will, pledge ourselves to your vision! Only true leadership and vision can inspire true loyalty! Don't take the easy way! You have earned my service, and Kessa would probably gladly serve too. No need for such machines. But if you tamper with our minds, so can others. If you wish us to adore you, to... truly love you, then don't force these false feelings on us.

...I am not speaking in bad faith. If my collar can make you see my thoughts, you know that everything I just said is the truth. I believe you are making a mistake. And I have seen enough to take a guess why. Hawken is suffused with the sexual thrill of master and pet play. You take delight in having us be submissive. I... can understand that. I'm a sensual creature as well. Kessa knows."
She held her head lowered respectfully, a brief smile playing over her lips as she remembered last night. "I'm willing to serve you sexually as well, if you let Kessa go. If we, and Hana, and Kagami, and the others too, if their conditioning can be reversed, can serve you of our own volition, will all of our hearts and our minds our own. Else, we could never be truly loyal, only puppets someone else might take control over away from you. That is all I have to say, Lady Blackshield."

"Wait, Lady Blackshield! Kessa, you still owe me a dance from last night. Please, dance with me, while you are still yourself. And I'm sure Lady Blackshield will enjoy the performance."


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Melana Blackshield, Mansion, upstairs laboratory, Tag: Seena, Kessa

"You are entirely correct in that to each is given their station and talents. You merely refuse to accept that a monsterbloods station is to serve. I consider myself quite humble, circumstances in mind.
The problem in this world arise from constant strife and fear, uncoordinated, chaotic strife. Yet give people peace and abundance, and more strife naturally arises. If people had one enemy against whom to rally, one sole thing to fear and blame all their ills for, I believe they will be united for a greater cause. I strife to first gain the strength to rule this world, then become it's dark messiah. The first part of my experiments was already a success.. baring great magical power beyond the fifth grade of magic, or irreperable damage to my machines, I will never die. Neither will you.
Rather than the demons or angels bringing misery and near-extinction to the human race, I can slay and control them with coordinated attacks of terror designed to instill the maximum amount of fear for the least amount of actual suffering caused.
Over time, my memory as a human being will fade, I will become a mythological being of shadow and darkness, some dark queen, known only to enslave the minds of the innocent. In time, I wont have to hurt many if any of them.. people thinking I will shall be enough.
But first, I need the power to achieve my goals.. because you are right. I need generals, merchants, farmers.. I am a queen, yet, I cannot do all of this myself. There is more nuance to it than this, but none have understood it so far, I doubt a half-elf will."

She shrugged with a hint of wearyness in her smile, watching Kessa strip, with definite, subtly hidden interest int he elf-girl, but before she could go.. into detail, she first focused on Seena, listening to her and regarding her with a calm expression. Whatever could be said about her, she did hear people out to the end.

"Do I want you to be loyal or obediant? Yes.
I admit that Vivian too needs work, in different ways from you, continue."
She nodded.
"Seena, despite me not saying much of what I think of people, I can read them more easily than you assume. Hana has told me everything I needed to know. I do not need to know details of how you intended to scheme against me, just the fact that you did so. You cannot be truly loyal to me without understanding my ideals, you see. And you have made it clear that even if you understand, you do not respect them."
She crossed her arms.

"I am superior and ment to lead. It is a burden as much as it is a pleasure. You can not understand my vision, because none of you can even remotely understand my determination.. or the pain that lead to it."
She smiled, allowing herself to look.. tired for a brief moment.

"Ayuna was truly loyal to me. With her gone, I need to hasten my plans. I find it strange, that you appeal to me. You are here, now, yes. But what great deeds of loyalty have you done?
I am aware that the outcome of this is a court of puppets, but it was always going to be. If I made you, or if you begged to be mine later. You belong to me already. I would far more enjoy you willingly giving than me taking, yes, but really, you plead a case of devotion? Even if you truly understood me, I believe you would refuse, just to spite me for the sake of it. At least, as long as I control you, I can trust you."

Melana accused, before shrugging again.

"I'll proceed and worry about the results later.. Hmnn? Dance.. well if you want her to dance nakedly, so be it."


Active member
May 19, 2019
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40c78604fef06adfb668affdb2fa46d8.jpg Kessa Summersword
HP: 64/64 Armor Class: 23 (Touch: 12, FF: 21)
CMD: 24 (FCMD: 22)
Fort: 7 Ref: 4 Will: 1 (+2 vs Enchantment)
Initative: OoC (+2) AoO: 3
Active Effects: None

Tag: Seena, Melana

The shy and humiliated half-elf glances over at Melana, wishing that she would get it over with, only to be encouraged to give the spider-girl her dance, much to her own dismay. She gets up off the machine and tries her best to dance with the spider-girl. She recalls the times she watched her mother dance in her silky, flowing outfit. (Admittedly modeled after a harem outift...) While her movements are far more subdued due to her nerves and the pit of dread in her stomach, she puts forth a rather graceful, sensual, and appealing dance. Either it's beginner's luck, or the girl has some potential with the skill if she took the time to develop it. When done, the exhausted and slightly sweaty swordmaiden returns to her place on the machine, trembling slightly as the stay of execution is only serving to extend her torturous dread.

(Perform Dance: 20-1=19, Nat 20.)
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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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6c52f6f93b05545f7844b1c369fc7695.jpgSeena Livy the unbroken Spidergirl, Hawken, Tag: Kessa's death, Mood: Afraid, regretful
Seena wanted nothing more to speak up again, but she knew she'd not convince Melana. Instead, she took off her dirty silk dress, and dropped it to the floor with the websacks holding her gear.
She approached Kessa, taking her hands. Leaning in. "I'm sorry we couldn't do this under better circumstances... I'm sorry for everything."
She pulled Kessa into her expressive and sensual dance, shaking her body to a rhythm only she could hear. Much to her surprise, Kessa kept up easily, flowing with every movement. Soon enough, Seena was into it enough to give voice to everything she wanted to say to the poor girl.

Fear not this night
You will not go astray
Though shadows fall
Still the stars find their way

Awaken from a quiet sleep
Hear the whispering of the wind
Awaken as the silence grows
In the solitude of the night

Darkness spreads through all the land
And your weary eyes open silently
Sunsets have forsaken all
The most far off horizons

Nightmares come when shadows grow
Eyes close and heartbeats slow

Fear not this night
You will not go astray
Though shadows fall
Still the stars find their way

And you can always be strong
Lift your voice with the first light of dawn

Dawn's just a heartbeat away

Hope's just a sunrise away

Seena started to move faster as she sang, her and Kessa dancing around each other, showing off their curves and pulling into each other, their skin touching, only to be ripped apart again by their movement. Seena put all her longing into this dance, all her desire, all her sorrow about their fates severed.

Distant sounds of melodies
Darting through the night to your heart
Auroras, mists, and echoes dance
In the solitude of our life

Pleading, sighing arias
Gently grieving in captive misery
Darkness sings a forlorn song Y
et our hope can still rise up

Nightmares come when shadows roam
Lift your voice, lift your hope

Fear not this night
You will not go astray
Though shadows fall
Still the stars find their way

And though the night sky's filled with blackness
Fear not, rise up, call out and take my hand

Fear not this night
You will not go astray
Though shadows fall
Still the stars find their way

Fear not this night
You will not go astray
Though shadows fall
Still the stars find their way

And you can always be strong
Lift your voice with the first light of dawn

Dawn's just a heartbeat away

Hope's just a sunrise away

Seena came to a stop, exhausted. She had totally forgotten about everything else, only her and Kessa in a moving embrace. She fought to hold back tears as she watched Kessa let go of her and return. "Please, remember your promise! Don't give in! Fight until the end!" She called out, before hanging her head down in despair.


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
Reputation score

Melana Blackshield, Mansion, upstairs laboratory, Tag: Seena, Kessa

"Hmn.. no response and objection? This is how it is."
Melana observed the dancing calmly, with crossed arms, finally closing her eyes. "Watching nude slaves dance should be more enjoyable. Fair enough a vengeance. I ought to steel my heart for many more."
she nodded to herself.

"In the end, you are far more cruel than I, Seena. All you did is make this painful for her to the end."
She nodded, gulping heavily, before reaching out to the pod-like machinery, resting a heavy hand upon it, shaking briefly, before exhaling, standing tall once more.. "Hmn.. thank you Seena.. I think you've just assisted me in the next step of my.. evolution. I briefly considered just curling up and crying and letting you go, but for the sake of this world, my surrender is not an option."
She nodded, before pulling a leaver on the machine.

"The Unelightened masses
they cannot make the judgement call
Give up free will forever
their voices wont be heard at all."

Melana countered, as the pod slowly slid closed, enclosing the elf in a metalic sarcophagus, cold steel that... actually, not that cold, a certain warmth accompanied a humming sensation as the thing startled to live, the air within the pod heavy, every so slightly metallic.

"Display obedience,
while never stepping out of line
and blindly swear allegiance
let your country control your mind

-Let your country control your soul!"

Melana sang, extending her arms, before raising them above the sarcophagus, the vibrations intensifying.. as Kessa felt something slithering and gripping her, rubbery, hot textures restraining her, taking hold of her nude body, leaving trails of tingling slime as they.. adjusted her position, a mechanic clicking adding to the suspense.

"Live in ignorance
and purchase your happiness
When blood and sweat is the real cost
thinking ceases, the truth is lost."

She smirked, whilest Kessa felt something prod at her pussy.. and backdoor.. another slightly rough tug adjusting her sex to be in line with a (thankfully) lubricated and pleasantly vibrating rod.. that slowly inserted itself into her, whilest some of the rubbery things coiled all over her body, restraining her heplessly..

"Don't you worry,
You'll be told exactly what to do
I give my people the lives they need
the righteous will succeed"

Melana declared, indicating herself with a hand, whilest a stinging pleasure pierced through Kessa's breasts, into her clit, pouring something into her in the ryhtms of the vibrations pumping into her, but, most concerningly.. something slowly sithered up her nose, leaving a trail of intense pain that.. all of a sudden just disappeared, as if it had been turned off.

"The fires of greed will burn the weak
So we'll make freedom obsolete
Making whole the fabric of society
Collective consciousness controlled as you will see!"

Melana raised a fist.. whilest Kessa felt the steady buzzing of a mechanical device pumping into her body and the tentacle invading her brain. But that was ok. She wanted the tentacle to invade her, because they had to do that to enslave her brain and she wanted her brain enslaved. She wasn't sure -why- she wanted that, but a very insistant voice in her head demanded this. Being enslaved was good. What Melana was singing about sounded good. She could fight these sensations, for now, but her body being forced to feel good under the mechanical fucking worked to subvert her resolve already.. would it really be so bad to become an elf-slut and mindslave for Melanas whims?

(Performance: Sing -untrained-: 24!)


Well-known member
Apr 28, 2019
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Kaga/Mi, Fractured Slave; Location: Blackshield Estate; Tag: Hana and Hazel; Mood: Cautious;
Core States: HP (26/26)[+1 non Lethal]; AC 14; CMD 13; Init: +3; Fort: +2; Ref: +5; Will: +5
Base Save DC: 15; Grade 1: (8/8); Grade 2: (4/6); Grade 3: (4/4) Meta Magics: +1 ,

"I, erm," She struggled a bit, "You'd really like to see me wearing her clothes? I... I'll wear them if that's what M...mistress desires but I imagined you wouldn't want to replace such a precious servant with the likes of me..." She smiled innocently.

Assigned to question Hazel with Hana Mi was a ecstatic, but that wouldn't due, she needed to seem the part of the free-fox for now. "Yes, my lady, I know it wont bring back the lost..." She answered demurly. She picked Hazel up off Seena before the others moved on. Her and Hana heading toward the dungeons. "Thank you, I don't think we've really had much time to chat before, but I appricate you trying to do what's right in this, unfortunate, situation."

The trio found a good room for questioning the bunny girl, a room with a few restraints a few 'tools' and a not uncomfortable looking chair. "Hazel, I don't pretend to know why you did what you did... but," She hesitantly looked back at Hana, "I'll do everything in my power to make sure no harm comes to you," She gently stroked the auburn hair of the bunny before removing the gag form the girls mouth, immediately replacing it with her lips. Giving the bunny a long, slow, sensual kiss gently patting her and stroking her long ears. "Now don't cry, just... if you wanted to kill Melana, why would you let Ayuna die in her place?" Kagami gently questioned.

[Bluff: 27]
[Diplomacy: 32]
(+1 to both cause I know Hazel finds her attractive :p. Throwing off suspicion and trying to get her to be a little cooperative)
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Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2015
Reputation score

Name: Vivian the Slut Location: Mansion, Tag: Oriala
HP: 51/51 Armor Class:17/18 with shield Initiative Bonus: +4 CMD: 18 Saves: +7 Fort / +3 Ref / +10 Will Speed: 20ft
Initiative: Conditions:

Feeling Mistress's hand still controlling one of her horns, Vivian couldn't help but force herself even further down the black cock even though she was already gagging over it! She loved feeling Mistress having power over her, and it drove her to worship Oriala even more! She moaned around the large member, feeling elated and incredibly aroused as she could feel each large glob of cum being shot down the thick cock and then into her throat. Once Mistress was done painting her slave in her seed, Vivian looked up towards her Mistress with large sparkling eyes. If it had been any other slave, it would be hard to see such life still in their broken eyes, but not for Vivian. No this is what she wanted, what she needed, what she had been remade to be!

As Mistress stuck her thumb into her slaves mouth, Vivian suckled on Oriala's thumb, obediently following Mistress's orders. She was visibly excited as Mistress declared she would impregnate Vivian! "Thank you Mistress! I'll faithfully carry your children in my womb!" After she said this, her lips wrapped around Oriala's thumb, making her words slightly muffled. Some pain shot through her as Mistress's grip on her face tightened to a painful level, but Vivian didn't do anything about it, only accepting it and moving her hand away from her burning, excited, and needy cunt. "O-of course Mistress, I'm your toy to play with!" Although she wasn't pleasing herself anymore, she unconsciously started to slightly hump the air in anticipation for her breeding.

Vivian continued to suck upon Oriala's thumb even as Oriala's cock grew rock hard once more. If she wasn't about to be bred, then she honestly would have loved to suck another thick load of cum out of it, but she wanted to save as much seed for her womb as she could, so instead when Oriala rubbed her cock along her slave's cheek, Vivian lovingly leaned her head against it, and a free hand went and rubbed up and down the other side of the cock. Once Mistress took back her thumb, it was easy to see that she had some trouble restraining herself from once again worshiping the easily 10 inch black cock hanging in front of her face. Her eyes were constantly switching between Mistress and her cock, only broken out of her cock shock when Mistress's next commands came! "Yessss, Please Mistress, just breed me till Im nothing more than your black dragon baby machine!" As she said this she moved her body, shifting to sit up straight on her knees with her legs spread apart, her back arched to push out her sizable breasts, and her hands lacing behind her head. She opened her mouth wide open, ready for the fertility potion that would seal her fate as Mistress Oriala's baby breeder!

Vivian's eyes traced Oriala's every mmovement as she stepped away, grabbed the potion from the drawer, and then walked back towards Vivian. She was practically glowing with excitement as Oriala stopped in front of her. Vivian opened wide as Oriala pinched her slave's nose closed and started to pour the potion down Vivian's throat! Vivian kept on gulping the potion down as it was poured, shivering as her fate was sealed to carry a black bun in her oven! Vivian made sure to gulp loudly as Mistress held her mouth and nose close, showing her loyalty to the futa that owned her entire being!


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
Reputation score
Hana, Keeper of the Sleeping Spring
HP: 55/55 Armor Class: 25 Initiative Bonus: +8/10 CMD: 28
Panache: 4/7, Charmed Life: 2/3, Stunning Fist: 2/3. Conditions:
- ______________________________________________________________________________________________

Hana tagged along, wondering how exactly she ended up being the one to question the girl. Luckily she had the fox-girl together, which was not really lucky since they were in love, judging from the kiss.

"Kagami, leave this to me." it seemed like the best option

"Well, I already did as I promised. You better give up, and tell us everything. Every time you hesitate, I will assume you are lying. Who sent you?" she demanded.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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Hazel.pngHazel, Mansion Basment, Tag: Kagami, Hana

The rabbit girl doesn't help nor hinder as she is lifted from the spider's back. Though Hana is able to see confusion wriggling the expressive face as Kagami adjusts her grip to carry the would-be assassin. The black cat jumps off the table as the pair start moving toward the basement, running ahead of them. The reek of formaldehyde thickens as the trio makes their way downstairs, heck it seems to originate from here. The only door ajar also has light streaming from it as the cat slinks through the crack.
The man inside stands just under six foot tall, though the way he is bent and with the hunch in his shoulder he could probably straighten up to be much taller than that. His back is turned to you, obscuring his features, but the three girls can easily see the stained white lab coat he wears that hangs in tatters down to his knees. From beneath the coat his brown trousers stick out, ending before reaching his sock on the left where it seems there is a large tumor sticking out. The socks are simple white affairs with thick brown stained shoes protecting his feet from any spills and other accidents. The cat is nowhere to be seen, but the man doesn't seem to have noticed either the cat's entrance nor your peeking in. He continues muttering to himself about the molar density of various fluids. The room is clearly his lab, a sparsely furnished affair with a metal standing workbench and some glass tubes, with a burner causing one to boil green liquid within. The most startling addition to this room would probably be Cris and Sevia suspended in clear liquid and black tubes running into their mouths. You decide it would probably be better to leave this man to his work and go elsewhere.

Searching some of the other rooms the smell does dissipate a little, and there is one room suitable to the interrogating endeavor. The room is furnished with three chairs and the one cool metal chair bolted to the stone floor is equipped with built-in manacles. The key hangs from a nearby hook along with a whip, paddle, and a feather duster. As the kitsune locks her in the chair horror plays across Hazel's features a look that quickly returns to confusion with the sorceress' words. As KagaMi kisses the prisoner, the former manages to steal her breath away. The bunny girl clearly wasn't expecting the passion which conflicted with her circumstance to this degree. She still looked confused as her lips were freed from the heavenly embrace and she could finally breathe cleanly again. Her cheeks still held clear evidence of her recent tears but as the questions were asked it seemed she was unable to restrain laughter. She would have been doubled over laughing as hard as she was if the chair permitted. The two interrogators had to wait as the floppy-eared girl slowly recovered her breath, then she spoke gasping between every word. "She-ahh-not-haa-dead." It took another minute before she was fully coherent again. "I wasn't sent to kill Melana, but to capture her. As for who sent me, the rebellion did. We were one of thirteen attacks on noble houses today. This one was supposed to be assumed she was dead so we could try to turn her to our cause without interference. We never expected her to have more than the one guard and her pet elf. You all being there was quite a deadly surprise and we paid in blood for that mistake." She sat back then a little defiently. She didn't seem to fear the two girls before her. Then again they both looked like monsterbloods to her, perhaps there was the hope of a common hatred for the nobility.