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Dark Empire - IC

24933 Kagami, Sheep in Wolves Clothing; Location: Blackshield Estate; Tag: Melana; Mood: Scared;
Core States: HP (26/26)[+1 non Lethal]; AC 14; CMD 13; Init: +3; Fort: +2; Ref: +5; Will: +5
Base Save DC: 15; Grade 1: (8/8); Grade 2: (4/6); Grade 3: (4/4) Meta Magics: +1 ,

Shocked by all the strange devices and contraptions in Melana's lab, Kagami couldn't help but wonder if maybe Melana was using some force outside the arcane or divine. Either way she went about helping as best she could, using what she did know about arcane magics and the vague hints Melana spoke in passing to try and assist. She made sure above all, to stay out of the mistress's way, and not speak up unless she needed to. She was doing her best to be the ideal lab assistant!

[Intelegance Check: 20. Rolling to simulate her trying to piece things together for psionics when she is an arcanist.]
[Spellcraft: 16. To make any meaningful contributions to whatever Melana is doing.]

Name: Vivian the Slut Location: Mansion, Tag: Oriala
HP: 51/51 Armor Class:17/18 with shield Initiative Bonus: +4 CMD: 18 Saves: +7 Fort / +3 Ref / +10 Will Speed: 20ft
Initiative: 16 Conditions:

Vivian followed along after Melana and Oriala, and once inside her Mistress's Lab, she couldn't help but stare in wonder at everything around her. She eyes the demonic circle on the ground, but she didn't question it. It wasn't her place to ask such questions. Instead, seeing that Kagami was helping Mistress with what ever spell work she was trying to achieve, Vivian decided to seek guidance and try and divine on how best to achieve their goal of bringing Ayuna back, yet as she channeled her divine energy and played to her Goddess, she couldn't feel her attempts make contact with any higher forces...

Knowing her spell had failed, Vivian instead gathers purifying energy to her palms, and casts Guidance on both Melana and Kagami!

[Vivian attempts to cast Divination, but fails, so instead she casts guidence, giving a +1 to skill checks.]

Melana Blackshield, Secret Laboratory, Tag: Oriala, Vivian, Kagami

"Help.. yes.. right.. great, help. Do that... "
Melana confirmed with Oriala. She seemed a bit out of it.

Kagami took a closer look at what Melana was actually doing. It seemed, just by the name and her concentrating, this was the equivalent of divination magic, although, guessing by her frustrated sigh, it was not that successful.
Amazingly, Kagami kind of managed to make herself useful without any idea about psionics.. after all, there was only one cluster of crystals, attached to thin metal bows and wire, that could be re-aligned at all, humming ever so slightly when touched.

"Assassines arrow. I've read about it. Why.. why did she do that.. I could.. propably.. resist even such an arrows effects. .. and you! Why did none of you.... no.. I failed to detect the intruders in time. Never expected such an attack.. Heh.. for as this world is beautiful, likewise is it cruel." She mused to herself, still focused primarly on the ash before her, crystals humming above and a sigh escaping her lips as she stared at the table before her.

"Modify Matter." She declared, twirling her hands over the ashes, seeming thoughtful, raising her hands like a musician, playing unknowable music... but whatever she was doing, it didn't work. Finally, she growled out, spinning around.. and glancing around at the three that had accompanied her.

"Huh.. oh.. right. You are there too.. well, I guess the experiment is over... proceed as you desire. What's the point of eternity unshared." She nodded, covering her forehead with a gloomy expression, briefly lightened up as she glanced over at Kagamis work..

"A shame.. you'd make a good lab-assistant slave.. Ayuna never had a hand for that.."
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DM Tag: Team Hana
(I won't be dming the Melana side of things, enjoy frog) [For the rest of you, welcome to the chase sequence. This is a skill challenge, you can attempt just about anything to attempt to make the rabbit lady stop. What you try will be assigned a time value and rolled to determine success. Success will bring you closer to her, but you only have 3 minutes to reach her before the guard comes and mess everything up.]
With half the slaves following their mistress and all of the assailants running away the camera shifts out the door following Hana's progress and lifting up as she starts screaming in the streets. The focus changes slightly, as the bunny woman runs into the moderate crowd of the street, a crowd that has begun to panic at the call of a criminal in their midst by a nude monster-lady. Though just like in any other crowd, there were five brave folks who decided to take action. Confused on what action to take, two of them ran for Hana in an attempt to apprehend the insane nude woman, as the other three rush to the masked lady. Someone else who has some wits about them also runs for the guard. They manage to slow her down significantly, but she keeps going keeping ahead of the girls following her. Hana sees the two men approaching her as they get ready to grab and stop her. Seena meanwhile makes her way parallel to the road easily climbing fences and other small obstacles, even a woman cutting the grass! Kessa's added shouting doesn't do much to rally the crowd to action, but it doesn't cause any more of a hindrance either.
>Rabit woman - starting distance: 120 ft (slowed by 3 men to 115 ft)
>Hana must attempt to avoid being slowed by the two men (20 str to slow, roll by me how you want to evade[my basic idea was escape artist] {shifts of 2 will slow you 5 ft})
>Seena is keeping pace
>Kessa is keeping pace
>3 min. timer starts
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40c78604fef06adfb668affdb2fa46d8.jpg Kessa Summersword
HP: 64/64 Armor Class: 23 (Touch: 12, FF: 21)
CMD: 24 (FCMD: 22)
Fort: 7 Ref: 4 Will: 1 (+2 vs Enchantment)
Initative: 9 (7+2) AoO: 3
Active Effects: None

Mood: Chase!
Tag: Everyone

The disguised half-elf keeps running after her target, sheathing her sword to keep from accidentally injuring some hapless bystander in the crowd as she moves with surprisingly grace and agility around the people in her way. Maybe it's her elven heritage... Or maybe it's her enchanted boots... It's hard to tell.
Under normal circumstances, she'd eagerly stop to help Hana clear up the misunderstanding, but of the three she easily looked the most human. "Not her, the rabbit mask!" She yells out as she rushes past.

(Acrobatics to weave through the crowd: 17+15=32!)
(Pretty sure I mentioned this, but Kessa moves at full speed in medium armor thanks to Armor Training.)
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6c52f6f93b05545f7844b1c369fc7695.jpgSeena Livy the unbroken Spidergirl, Hawken, Tag: Chase, Mood: Confused, determined
Seeing the crowd shift made Seena uneasy, and she decided to stay just off the main road for now, continuing to shadow her quarry from aside. She wasn't entirely sure what she'd do if she caught the one in the bunny mask, but she wasn't going to let that one get away so easily. (Double move, 80 feet, Accelerated climb: 25)
"Sorry!" She yelled to the woman she almost ran over in the garden. Whenever her running route took her over an obstacle, Seena used the elevation to check on her quarry and whether there were any chokepoints she might be able to block. (Perception: 18 for watching Bunny Mask and looking for places to block her route)
Hana, Keeper of the Sleeping Spring
HP: 55/55 Armor Class: 25 Initiative Bonus: +8/10 CMD: 28
Panache: 5/7, Charmed Life: 2/3, Stunning Fist: 2/3. Conditions:
- ______________________________________________________________________________________________

"Not me, her!" Hana complained, sliding under one of the mans feet, before rushing behind the masked lady!

(32 Acrobatics, and then running after)
24990 Kagami, Sheep in Wolves Clothing; Location: Blackshield Estate; Tag: Melana, Orilana, Vivian; Mood: Somber;
Core States: HP (26/26)[+1 non Lethal]; AC 14; CMD 13; Init: +3; Fort: +2; Ref: +5; Will: +5
Base Save DC: 15; Grade 1: (8/8); Grade 2: (4/6); Grade 3: (4/4) Meta Magics: +1 ,

Kagami watched at Melana tried her best to bring the ashes of her once faithful servant back. It was depressing, but Kagami wouldn't look away. It wasn't until Melana dismissed them all, taking a moment to call out the fox girl for her efforts. Feeling a touch of sympathy for Melana she folded her hands in front of her and bowed deeply to the mistress of Blackshield. "Thank you for your compliments, My Lady." She hesitated a few moments, wondering if she should leave it at that. "I'd be happy to help again should the need arise," She offered genuinely. "I'll take my leave, My Lady," She said quietly. Raising her head and leaving Melana in peace.

She passed both Vivian and Oriala on the way out. Greeting both with a wordless nod. It seemed that they were now master and servant, something Kagami wasn't sure of. Her entire time in service to the Blacksheilds had left her conflicted and unsure of anything, least of all the state of Hawken. The death of the elf Ayune highlighted this to her all the more. The girl had been brainwashed by Melana, destroying whatever hopes, dreams, and personality that had once inhabited that body. The girl who died today was the Ayune that Melana wanted, the doll servant of an elf. Was that girl's death tragic too? Or had this day finally brought freedom and release to the real Ayune... the one Melana had enslaved...

With these thoughts heavy on her mind, Kagami brushed passed the master and servant, unable to say anything to them beyond the polite nod.

Melana Blackshield, Secret Laboratory, Tag: Oriala, Kagami, Vivien

Melana glanced at Kagami, still seeming oddly forlorn. "Right.. yes.. continue with your missions or.. whatever.." She shrugged, staring back at the table before her.

She exhaled heavily, glancing over to Oriala and Vivien. "Guess that leaves you two.. I should have just recruited some compliant slaves, not all this.. mess, going by those that had the great potential.. and.. ah.. nevermind me..." She stepped over, to Oriala, patting her shoulder. "I'm feeling a little out of it, so.. how about you help me guide and discipline the others into proper servitude.. I've lost the one I could trust the most, right now.." she nodded, before leaning in and whispering..

"If you do a good job, I'll let you pretend you're my right hand... rather than my slave." She leaned back, and smirked.
"You could start with Vivien here. She's already nicely obediant and loyal. Thinking of herself as property, not a person. She's an asset of mine and.. I need to know you are one too, Oriala. What do you think, would you like to control her.. those like her, be in charge.. even if it ment having to give your total loyalty to me?" She purred, stepping behind and.. suddenly cupping Oriala's breast, posessively.

Name: Oriala Lend Slayer and Hidden Mongrel Location: Secret Lab Tag: Melana, Vivian, Kagami
HP: 40/40 Armor Class: 20 / 14 Touch / 17 Flat Footed Initiative Bonus: +7 CMD: 22 / 19 Flat Footed Saves: +5 Fort / +8 Ref / +1 Will
Specials: None

Oriala watched as Melana seemed to collapse in on herself. She felt a deep sense of loss and regret not only for the death of the cute and compliant Ayuna but as well to see the great lady so deeply hurt. Oriala nodded to Kagami as the fox girl walked past and then closed and secured the secret door into the inner lab as Kagami left. She stepped forward to meet Melana as the Hawken noble looked up and walked toward her. Oriala paused to clip the leash back onto Vivian's collar along with a brief but affectionate kiss to the cheek. She gave the leash a brief, very light tug to indicate that Vivian should follow Oriala forward. "It saddens me to see you so deeply affected Lady." Oriala responded.

She straightened a bit, standing taller as Melana patted her shoulder and made the offer. Oriala stiffened and looked at Melana as the whispered words struck home. "Truly? Then yes Lady." Oriala whispered and then nodded in quick agreement. "Kneel," Oriala ordered Vivian, her hand tugging the leash downward slightly to reinforce the order. "Yes Lady, I will aid you in the discipline of your servants and slaves like Vivian here. I will be at your right..." Oriala paused and moaned as Melana stepped behind her and cupped her breast. "Oh... Lady... Mistress..." Oriala more than anything wanted to deny the reality of her tainted blood, to rule and control as was her right as a full human. She'd found enjoyment in commanding the slut Vivian so completely and now was filled with desire to serve Melana in every way such that she could guide and discipline the others. Leaning back into Melana Oriala arched her chest to present the full breast to the touch of the Lady. "Yes Mistress. To serve at your right hand I will dedicate my total obedience and loyalty to you."
25054 Kagami, Sheep in Wolves Clothing; Location: Blackshield Estate; Tag: Melana, Orilana, Vivian; Mood: Somber;
Core States: HP (26/26)[+1 non Lethal]; AC 14; CMD 13; Init: +3; Fort: +2; Ref: +5; Will: +5
Base Save DC: 15; Grade 1: (8/8); Grade 2: (4/6); Grade 3: (4/4) Meta Magics: +1 ,

Kagami looked once more at the ashes of the fallen elf, as she left the room. She found herself wondering the near-by hallways, unsure about what where she was going or what she should do any more. Slowly the realization settled in. Ayune had died because of her. Once she came to this conclusion the thought wouldn't leave.

Several minutes after she had left, the sullen fox-girl returned. If Oriala, Vivian, and Melana seemed busy, she would nervously wait for them to finish, unless of course she was called into the antics.

Once they were all done, Kagami spoke up, "My lady... I," She thought back to Prurlen, to Hazel the love they had shown her. "C-can you teach me, ... Teach me to be your assistant? she wanted to admit the truth of knowing Hazel but still felt so wrong to get them caught, to betray their trust... She wouldn't do that.

Name: Vivian the Slut Location: Mansion, Tag: Oriala
HP: 51/51 Armor Class:17/18 with shield Initiative Bonus: +4 CMD: 18 Saves: +7 Fort / +3 Ref / +10 Will Speed: 20ft
Initiative: 16 Conditions:

Vivian nodded to Kagami as she walked by, and once Oriala approached with her leash in hand, Vivian beamed brightly at her. She loved being leashed and lead around, it was so degrading and arousing! Vivian blushed cutely as she received the affectionate kiss from Oriala. Vivian said a quiet, "Thank you Mistress." as Oriala pulled away. and she followed after her after receiving the light tug from her leash. At first Vivian stayed quiet as she watched Melana with some sad eyes, It hurt to see her Owner to be in such pain as well!

Vivian swiftly and obediently complied as Mistress commanded her to kneel, dropping to her knees before both her Owner and her Mistress! As Melana offered to lift Oriala's status above the rest of them, Vivian finally said something. "Mistress Melana, Im sure Mistress Oriala will guide my fellow slaves wonderfully! Im sure she will meet all your expectations! I already look forward to her having your permission to command me even more!" If anyone looked closely, they would be bale to see a small amount of nectar drooling down her thighs as she said that.

Melana Blackshield, Secret Laboratory, Tag: Oriala, Kagami, Vivian

Melana smiled, with a hint of sadness, to Oriala. "Ayuna was my slave. To most.. that is a bad thing. But to me.. slave is not a derogatory term. It is someone that gives themselves, devotes themselves entirely to me. There is no greater loss than an obediant soul." She shook her head.

"Ayuna's.. .loss has made it clear that I need to.. rush my plans.. I wonder if the military knows.. Anyway. Truth be told, I believe Ayuna was killed by an assasines arrow and.. these rebels.. How could they get such supplies.. worries for later.
I need loyal slaves.. completely loyal.. Vivian here is nicely broken.. isn't she? And you, Oriala.. I think you will enjoy trading your freedom for the things I can offer you."
Melana smirked, giving Olriala's breast a firm squeeze, leaning forward, nibbling on her neck and cooing:
"Imagine. There being only one person you have to obey and answer to.. the others.. can be yours. This obediant dragon-slave.. you can do with her as you please. Don't damage her or her loyalty to me and I don't care.. why would I not enjoy my property toying with other property of mine?" She purred, before leaning closer, whispering into Oriala's ears.

"I am a shaper. I can change your body, cleanse you.. not entirely.. but no one but me has to ever know of your filthy blood." She purred, her hand sneaking over Oriala's dark skin, shamelessly wandering to cup her soft pussy, not to penetrate or tease her too much.. just to show total posession of her body.
"My slave. My HUMAN Slave. With her pure, dark, beautiful human skin, claiming her birthright. You can be what you were ment to be. My dark General. Admit it. You want to see them on their knees, break their stubborn resistance. You like this and they can be yours. I don't mind you enjoying my property.. as long as you are property too.
" She cooed, suddenly gripping Oriala's cheeks.. and pressing a lustful kiss upon her lips. Was this arousing her?

"Think of more girls as perfect as Vivian here." She praised, leaning forwards.. and pushing two of her fingers up to Vivian's lips, to suckle on. "I must recommend your trainer, nicely broken, no annoying sense of self-worth beyond the pristine dignity being an obediant slave provides her. Vivian.. know that I don't neglect you on purpose, nor did I Ayuna.. it is just that your misguided slave-sisters require more work of me.. and of Oriala." She smirked to the dark-skinned half-elf. "Look at her.. so good and compliant.. but just because she is nicely broken in doesn't mean you cannot reward her by guiding her further. A good slave always craves more guidance. More obediance." Then, she leaned closer to Vivian. She had whispered to Oriala.. only just she whispered to the dragon-slave too:
"You will help her find her true self, understood? She might still be burdened by hesitation and morals... you can teach her that all a filthy monster-blood like you craves deep down is a strong mistress guidance. It gives you purpose. Makes you .. feel good."
She nodded, softly rubbing the back of her boot in between Vivian's legs with a domineering smirk down at her.
"I'm a bit worried she has some needless moral qualms about this. So guide her, help her understand that she shouldn't think of you, or any of your slave-sisters as a person or someone worthy of respect as anything but a slave. Show her what pleasure your submission brings you. Obey.. and perhaps I'll discipline you personally later, as a reward."

She seemed about to say something else.. when Kagami returned.

Melana smiled to Kagami and nodded to the fox.
"Yes, Kagami, I can teach you to be a helpful laboratory assistant. But it is a lot of knowledge you'd have to hammer into your head.. heh.. luckily, I know of a way to help you learn a lot quickly.. if you want. Here, just come to these crystals.."

Melana encouraged, leading Kagami to a small chair, which faced her large crystal ball, gently helping her sit down, instructing her: "Just relax." As she.. suddenly tugged on a strap on Kagami's right arm.. then her left, fixing her into place before the fox could react much, smirking, commanding Oriala: "Strip my slave here. After that.. you may listen attentively.. and enjoy OUR slave, Vivian as you see fit. I only wish for you to listen to what I teach Kagami."
As she took a step backwards.

(assuming Kagami doesn't resist too much, Vivian just.. enjoys the show and Oriala does the stripping!)

"A little secret, about me, Kagami. I can read your surface thoughts. Not all of them.. but any of them. I know you knew, or think you knew, those that attacked this place. But shh.. don't worry Kagami. I will not punish you. I know you are kind and well meaning... and thus, I will reward you.

Do you know about the personality parasite power? Of course you don't.. I keep my secrets well hidden. The weakness of this power is that it's duration is.. limited.. but luckily, with the help of my laboratory, I can extend it to last.. forever. It also helps with manifesting the ability."
Melana explained to the restrained fox-girl... before focusing, raising her hands.. and as the crystal glowed and hummed, Kagami found her surroundings fade, as if they were an illusion and Melanas word took shape.:

"We all admire nature. Wild and free. This is right, this is healthy, we think. But it is natural for your wisdom teeth to grow into your skull sometimes. It's natural for you to choke on your food or grow sick when you get old. Nature.. is imperfect. That is an undeniable truth. I have long striven to overcome my nature.. my mortality. And I will help you do the same. The process has already started. Right now, you imagine yourself as a wild, free tree, growing as you please doing as you please.."
Melana explained, focusing her power, the crystals humming subtly.

"That is what you are right now.. but this tree can break in a storm, branches shatter, filthy.. degenerate.. breaking under your own weight. But imagine how much better your life could have been.. if you hadn't grown all free and resistant."


The image in Kagami's mind shifted.
"Groomed. Pretty. Perfectly controlled. A true slave still grows and strives.. but not for themselves, for their mistress. If you hadn't gone off to your little adventure, Ayu could still be...
Again.. I am not angry at you.. but at my own failings.. I should have done this earlier.. more throughoutly."

She exhaled.

"I believe that denying you the perfection and guidance of slavery is more morally corrupt than enforcing it. Do you understand? I'm doing this to you because freeing you from your freedom is not evil.. its what brings me true joy. Now.. let's awaken the nice, pretty groomed you. Awaken a part of you that just like you, has never spent days and weeks being trained, and enslaved and broken, like Vivian here.

She just wishes she could have. Personality Parasite!"

Melana declared, and Kagami felt something push against her forehead. Melana's hand, accompanied by a pressure sliding into her head. And she felt.. weird.. Dimly she noticed that Melana lead her off out of the seat, fastening a leash around her neck, before smirking.. and clipping something to her ear. "What do you think, Vivian, doesn't she look like one of your deluxe sisters on sale?"

But Kagami couldn't pay attention to that, right now. She was distracted by her.


Where the nicely groomed tree had sat, now there was a foxgirl, staring at kagami with an expression she could only describe as eager and submissive.. broken. Just like Vivian. "Finally." The girl smiled. "You've denied your true nature for far, far too long. Why are you so ashamed of what you are? A fox.. a slave? Oh you know what, no point talking about it. You never listend to me, to my.. desires. I'll do what you do.. and just take control."
And with that, the strange fox stepped over, stepping into Kagami, who opened her eyes, looking up at Mistress Melana and her right hand, mistress Oriala. Kagami tried to open her mouth, to speak, to complain. but she couldn't. Not right now. She was busy adjusting her posture to kneel in proper deference. Mistress Melana hadn't even implanted any need to obey her in her head!
Mistress Melana had just known that she would be forever, undyingly grateful for .... it was almost like she'd been given life, by Mistress. Wait, who was she.. she had all of Kagami's memories and abilities. But she was free. Free to absorb Melana's teachings, free to indulge her desires, her overwhelming need to be slave. Perhaps she could even encourage the other Kagami along.. or, if she couldn't ... perhaps it was time for that other Kagami to .. disappear.
Should she keep the name Kagami? perhaps her mistress that evil bitch what am I thinking let me out!
Hush. Perhaps her beautiful mistress would come up with a new name? No, a true, eager slave, like she so badly wanted to become, would offer mistress the convienience of options, like the good, horny fox bitch she was. You are not.... YES. She was. Unlike her other self, she was proud of what she was, not afraid to hide her fox-beast nature. She was proud.. and free.. and even if that other her insisted otherwise, right now, thanks to her mistress, she was the one in charge.. even if she'd fade back into a more insistant whisper later, only able to keep the real Kagami from telling about her..
Oh that would be fun.. what if she pretended to be 'the real one' all the time? Only revealing her true nature when it suited mistress.. oh that was proper fox-pranksterness!

But right now, there was nothing to hide. She was with Mistress newly chosen right hand, and Vivian, someone just as nicely broken as her true false! self.

(Mechanically, the -other- Kagami is all in her head. We will ignore the usual effect of the power in lieu of erotica, but there is one benefit, compulsion or charm effects targeting Kagami allow her two saving throws, her parasitic personality will try to automatically fail against anything from Melana or benefiting her mistress, but attempt to resist anything ment to use her against mistress. If the core-Kagami fails a save vs for example a dominate person but her slave persona makes the same, the slave will assume control briefly, acting as she pleases.)
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25062 Kagami, Addoring Slave!; Location: Blackshield Estate; Tag: Melana, Orilana, Vivian; Mood: Devoted;
Core States: HP (26/26)[+1 non Lethal]; AC 14; CMD 13; Init: +3; Fort: +2; Ref: +5; Will: +5
Base Save DC: 15; Grade 1: (8/8); Grade 2: (4/6); Grade 3: (4/4) Meta Magics: +1 ,

The three girls seemed to be in the middle of something lewd when Kagami returned. She hesitated for a moment but seeing that Melana approached her so readily she asked her question. "I see, your magics is unlike anything I've seen before so that only makes sense." She smiled happily following Melana, unaware of the woman's plans for her. Kagami's attention was rapped on the crystals, the large shiny ball inspiring a sense of wonder in her, just what could it be for? It wasn't until the straps binding her were around her arms that she panicked, "Hey, wait!" She looked to Melana, who by now had told Oriala to strip her. "W-why do, you need to tie me down?" She asked cautiously. The answer was not one she hopped to hear...

"A, reward?" Kagami panted, her exposed nipples sprung up at the mention of a reward. "You, aren't mad?" She asked as the world around her faded... She was home! Melana had shown her to the wonderful endless fields of her youth! Keenly she listened to Lady Black Shield, as they looked at a tree Kagami could remember climbing many times. Nature was wonderful, wild free, perfect just as Melana had said! "It is wonderful," She sighed happily before the conversation turned to the harsher points of nature, the pain, suffering, and death. The chaos, and unforgiving nature. "Those... those are part of nature too," She agreed, her attention shifting once more to the tree... She was that tree? unrestrained, wild, without purpose outside of its own bleak survival... That struck Kagami... The well-groomed tree, on the other hand, it was kempt, trimmed, beautiful, providing service to its owner and thus having true meaning to life. If she had been a well-groomed tree then Ayune would still be here... "I... I'm sorry," She said, "I didn't know... I didn't know they were like that at all," Kagami sighed.

Kagami shook her head, "But, isn't it better for a slave to choose to serve?" She asked, still uncertain about Melana's reasoning, but before long it didn't matter what she thought.

There in front of her was identical looking kitsune... only she looked submissive eager. "Who are you!" Kagami struggled against her restraints a bit, this was bad. Whatever Melana had done, that fox was bad news. She kicked and pulled as the fox approached her, but once the other her stepped into her body stopped moving...

She was Kagami, but she wasn't. Her mistress had given her life, the tiny spark that longed to be a tamed slave, finally able to control her whole body! She could feel the futile struggle of her old self still fighting back, 'Give me back my body you bitch!' Such a noisy disobedient girl, not like her, she loved mistress! She took to her knees bowing all the way to the ground. She didn't say anything, not yet, she needed to show mistress her obedience. To prove her love she kissed Melana's feet, her tail happily wagging behind her as she did so. 'Don't kiss her! I'm not her slave!' The old Kagami still ragged against the idea of servitude. That wouldn't do... she would need to be taught, 'I'm in charge now, let me have time with Mistress. You'll learn to love mistress too... or I'll make sure you never get a turn again...' That seemed to shut her up... at least a little bit.

"Mistress!" She beamed happily, looking up from her kneeling position. "Thank you! I can never repay you for freeing me from that boorish Kagami!" She giggled, "Your humble slave wants desperately to serve you using all her body mind and soul! Would mistress like to give her new slave a new name? Kagami is the name of that unkempt coward. I'm your devoted kitsune! I've come up with a few suggestions: Mona, Kathrin, or Dahlia! Maybe... if Mistress wishes to keep my name you could call me Mi and that wild beast Kaga?" She hopped mistress liked her suggestions, her tail was already wagging like crazy as she waited for Mistress's choice!

"Mistress, how can I serve you first! Kagami was trained in the ways of a maid, so I can serve you there..." 'Don't tell her! Those are my secrets!', 'Shush, they are my experiences and memories too'. Kagami took a moment to brush her tail with her fingers, "But I feel so free finally getting to show everyone my cute ears and tail!" She giggled, "So maybe I should learn how to best be a pet, the old me was so guarded she convinced people she was human! Not me, I love being a cute fox, it's what best suits a slave for mistress after all... Maybe you want to teach me how to help you in the lab?" So many choices! Kagami's talents could be put to such great use for Melana, the silly slave couldn't even ponder where to begin!

When she had a moment to ponder a bit longer she thought about how wonderful her mistress was, how much she wanted to do anything for her! That's when it hit her, Kagami was a bad girl who needed to be shown how to behave... but she was still Kagami... maybe she could pretend to be Kagami some times! Maybe she could even pretend long enough to capture Hazel! Mistress would love a cute bunny slave, especially the taming the bad girl that took away Ayune from her! 'Don't you dare touch Purulen or Hazel!' Kagami growled, flaring up again, but she was weak. In the presence of Mistress the new Kagami was in charge. Mistress would have her bunny, she would make sure of it!
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Hana sees the maneuver the men running at her are planning well before she reaches them, jumping onto one's shoulders and then stepping from person to person over the crowd. Eventually, she jumps into an empty pocket, but it was a very straight path for the time. Seena meanwhile takes a moment to look ahead at what is approaching. She sees an open-air market just a couple of blocks away, one that ends the yards she is running in, and some men carrying a long rusted pipe crossing the street just ahead. Though that and the obstacles in the yards don't give much time for catching up. Kessa simply attempts to make her way through the crowd, which helps, but not as much as Hana's crowd surfing. The men behind the masked leader manage to catch up to her grabbing onto clothes for a moment before she slips away, clearly casting something as her arms perform the somatic components. It seems her mask also fell off as she ducks under the pipe taking her time.
>Rabit woman - lost a large amount of ground, she is now 65 ft from the lead
>Hana is currently in the lead, you gained much of the ground. You need to figure some way around the pipe at chest level.
>Seena the yards will end next round, you do need to deal with the pipe, but the buildings on either side of the intersecting street are 2 stories and close enough to jump (DC 15 Athletics) | You are 25 ft behind the lead
>Kessa gains some ground by weaving, but not much. You also need to avoid getting hit by the pipe. | You are 15 ft behind the lead.
> This round took 18 seconds, putting you at 162 sec.
40c78604fef06adfb668affdb2fa46d8.jpg Kessa Summersword
HP: 64/64 Armor Class: 23 (Touch: 12, FF: 21)
CMD: 24 (FCMD: 22)
Fort: 7 Ref: 4 Will: 1 (+2 vs Enchantment)
Initative: 9 (7+2) AoO: 3
Active Effects: None

Mood: Chase!
Tag: Everyone

Kessa goes for a slide under the pipe before rolling and springing to her feet to continue the chase, running after the de-masked would-be assassin, trying to get a good glimpse of them as she dodges through the crowd.

(Acrobatics: 10+15=25)
(Perception: NAT 1=12)

Name: Oriala Lend Slayer and Hidden Mongrel Location: Secret Lab Tag: Melana, Vivian, Kaga and Mi
HP: 40/40 Armor Class: 20 / 14 Touch / 17 Flat Footed Initiative Bonus: +7 CMD: 22 / 19 Flat Footed Saves: +5 Fort / +8 Ref / +1 Will
Specials: None

Oriala rested her hand on top of the kneeling Vivian and stroked her hair idly as Melana spoke. "I understand how a true slave feels and behaves Lady. A soldier, a warrior serves selflessly as well. She devotes herself to her leaders and to a cause. But a slave is more, is more devoted and totally focused on obedience. Ayuna was that perfect slave, that perfect soul. I pray that I can serve you as she did and shape your property, your sluts to be even half the slave that Ayuna was for you."

She took a deep breath as the heady nature of the offer made by Melana took shape. "I am a warrior, a soldier. I understand the need for obedience and action." She shivered and pressed her bosom into Melana's hand. Her sex warmed, softened and relaxed as her body readied itself. Melana could feel Oriala's large, prominent nipple harden and stand proud under her touch. "Vivian... Vivian is a perfect slave slut..." Oriala tugged on the leash to pull Vivian's head up so that she could stroke her ears and along her cheek.

Oriala turned back to Melana and moaned softly as the touch of the hand of her mistress and the implications of the situation swept over her with a rush of arousal. More than anything Oriala wanted to confirm her own purity, to serve Hawken as the pure human that she knew that she was deep in her heart. Oriala would do anything, absolutely anything to sweep away any hint of taint and serve as a human. Not only did Oriala desire to put behind any doubts as to her heritage but she wanted to shape, command and control the corrupted monster blood sluts. She stroked Vivian and shivered again, her own thighs glistening with arousal. Oriala would be a firm but intensely loving mistress even for the rebellious Seena. Anything... anything... Oriala would pay any price...

"I... I swear to you absolute obedience." Oriala's pussy was wet and swollen, her juices glistened over her inner thighs while her clit was a hard, hot little button eager for attention. "I will be your slave, your utter slave. Purge me of all my sin and filth and make me a pure warrior, a pure slave, a pure servant to your will." She moaned, leaning into Melana. "I will love and discipline your property. They will be treated with harsh discipline and total affection. You will shape me mistress, cleanse me and remake me as you desire and so will I cherish and mold your property."

She licked at Melana's hand in submission. "I will be more than your perfect property Mistress. There will be only your desire filling me, motivating me. I will bring the others to their knees. I will be your dark general. I will break them and love them." Oriala yanked on Vivian's leash to bring the slave's head around and into Oriala's groin. The slut could smell the acrid scent of her mistress' arousal. "Mold my flesh Mistress, change me and make me perfect." Oriala leaned in and fiercely returned Melana's kiss. Her hands cupped the firm globes of her Mistress' ass and pulled close, crushing Vivian between them. As the kiss broke and Melana let Vivian suckle on her fingers Oriala looked down. She tugged Vivian's leash again. "Oh Vivian will be perfect Mistress, perfect. Every moment of our mission will be training for the slut. You will be proud of her."

When Kagami returned Oriala looked up and smiled possessively. Already Oriala thought of Kagami as one of her sluts to be dominated, trained and improved through discipline, pleasure and love. She stepped and and bowed slightly as Melana ordered her to strip the fox girl. Oriala leaned in and kissed Kagami deeply and then sensuously, lovingly stripped every stitch of clothing from the fox girl. Then as Melana began to peel away the layers of resistance from Kagami much as Oriala stripped the clothing from her body, Oriala turned and gave Vivian another tug on the leash. "Now while the mistress is busy with Kagami I want you to service me. "Strip and then undress me sensuously. She me how you can please me Vivian."

Melana Blackshield, Secret Laboratory, Tag: Oriala, Kagami, Vivian

Melana smirked down subtly at the handywork of her fox-slave, kipping up her boot to present it to the foxes lips. "Much improved. Silly Kagami. Slaves choosing to submit.. Slaves don't choose. Chosing is something that is done for them.

Hmnnn.. I like all these names, but Mi seems easy enough to roll of the tongue.. plus I enjoy the idea of being able to address both of you. It fits the power too.. You are wholly her, and she is you. Just so you know, don't try to truly rebel against her.. just guide her."
Melana nodded.

"Same as I would have liked to guide her, actually but her rashness forces me to take quicker action too.

Hoh? I didn't know Kagami was a maid.."

she nodded, amusedly. "I don't.. want to replace Ayuna so easily, but I do have a vacant spot..

So you hid your true nature from me, almost sucessfully, you know, I wonder if you could make for a good little infiltrator. We can test you out on your fellow, more resistant slaves to start and then.. oh we will see."

Melana smirked down to the fox-slave.
"It seems the power was quite a success.. I almost don't want to teach you of my desires, see what you come up with on your own.. you already seem to have a few ideas.. tell me, slave Mi." She smirked, reaching down and cupping, caressing and feeling out Kagami's bottom. it was all her property, after all.

She then glanced over to Oriala, a subtle arousal barely hidden on her smile and burning eyes.
"Good, good Oriala. I like your approach. Don't worry about Mi here, she's a perfectly loyal slave-personality.. although the old her might require intense guidance to either accept her new nature.. or slowly fade away."
She chuckled, leaning over to curl a hand behind Oriala's back, her eyes wandering over the arousal evident all over Oriala's body.

"Hmnn.. it seems you are ready to follow me at any cost.." Melana nodded, with a slight flush to her cheeks. "That's the spirit. With my help, you can become an exemplary warrior of Hawken.
My dark vessel.. the process will not be entirely pleasant, of course.. but I know you will endure. ..

Attend us, slaves!"
She demanded, pulling Kagamis head in between her legs, whilest taking Oriala's cheeks in her heands, looking at her eyes.
"This is where our slaves belong, at our feet, between our legs, pleasuring us. Know this, Oriala.. I use them because I love them. These filthy, unclean monsters, slaves to their perverted instincts.. this is better for them. Better to be used and loved than have no purpose at all."

Melana nodded.. whilest guiding Oriala and Vivian into the same crystal-sphere Kagami had taken place in, the centre of her power. "Worry not.. there is no need to change your mind, Oriala. You willingly take my gift. You are already a vessel of my desires,.. because so many of them are yours too.. my only failing is not noticing it fully earlier.

Relax, Oriala. As you accept my teachings, your body will accept its cleansing of filth. Oriala.. be the pureblood hawken general in my service you were always ment to be. We are superior to them.. but that also means we need to care for them. Look at how happy Vivian and Mi are, properly broken and without dreams and ambitions. Shouldn't all your property be this happy? This helpless to our will?"
She encouraged Oriala's twisted desires, nurtured them.. leaned to kiss her dark lips once more, before focusing, pressing her hands together. "Their abilities.. their minds, their bodies.. all mine to use as I see fit. You can do as you please to them, becaue they are yours.. you don't have to worry about lying or manipulating them either, Oriala.. you only tell slaves what they need to know. You can't be dishonest to them, only to me."
Melana cooed and, Mi especially, would find that she too was quite aroused, her sex warm and wet and throbbing, as she extended one hand to scratch behind the slave-foxes ear lovingly.. and the other rested against Oriala's temple.

"Pleasure her, Vivian. Help her be reborn in lust, not pain.." Melana nodded, as an almost electrical tingle crawled over Oriala's body, the half-elf ever so slightly shifting in body-proportions, a little less lithe and frail, a little more muscular.. her body felt hot, too hot almost, so that she barely noticed her mistress hand cupping and playing over one of her hard, thick nipples topping plump breasts.. had purifying them engorged her areola a little, or was that just a fetish of Melanas?
"Good Oriala.. let it happen. Relax. Don't fight it. As long as you remain pure in your loyalty, your body will also be purified of all taint. Obediance is purity. Even thinking about disobediance is equal to the old you.. uncertain of your true blood and purpose. Let my will guide you and fill you and you will be pure. Don't resist me, let yourself become beautiful."
It was a minor deception. The bodily changes were independent of Oriala's mental state. .but as long as she believed her purity, her dream of control intrinsically linked to her fealty to her sovereign Melana, military honor, deep desires, and secret fears all uniting to forge chains, far stronger than any iron...
With the tongue of slave-property between her legs and the sight of Melana musing under another obediant piece of property made to service Melana as was their place, Oriala felt her body burn up under the might of her noble lady changing her. This was propably her last chance to fight it, but why fight the fullfillment of your dreams, at the small cost of eternal servitude to one as generous as Melana?
"Behold my right hand, Oriala, slaves, behold her rebirth. You are personal property of hers, just as you are to me. Worry not.. think not, just enjoy the sights and know that your mistress has plans for you."
25111 Kagami, Addoring Slave!; Location: Blackshield Estate; Tag: Melana, Orilana, Vivian; Mood: Devoted;
Core States: HP (26/26)[+1 non Lethal]; AC 14; CMD 13; Init: +3; Fort: +2; Ref: +5; Will: +5
Base Save DC: 15; Grade 1: (8/8); Grade 2: (4/6); Grade 3: (4/4) Meta Magics: +1 ,

The newly christened Mi's tail was waving about happily as Melana gave her name and explanation. 'I'll never server her!' Kaga's angry response was ruining the mood, but like the loving sister she was, Mi soothed the angry inner fox, 'Mistress loves you, Kaga, you'll see that.' This didn't seem to help, Kaga's anger boiling more, 'That bitch tricked me, I wanted to help her and she just wants to kill me and steal my body!' Mi imagined herself reaching out to hug her twin. They where of the same mind, the same soul, just as Mistress said. Strangely, the imagined hug seemed to reach the seething Kaga, the vivid image of her wrathful face calming her bristled tail flattening out as Kaga accepted the embrace. 'We are two parts of the same whole Kaga. Mistress loves us both, she doesn't want you to disappear, she wants you to love her as I do...', 'I will get my body back... I will not be her slave...' Mi just laughed patting Kaga on the head. Their exchange would have gone entirely unnoticed, taking place in there shared imagination, save for Melana who would have been privy to the surface thoughts of the two fox girls sharing the body of Kagami.

Mi eagerly nodded at Melana's surprise at Kagami's maidly talents, "We were a slave once, that's where we learned our maidly duties, as well as learning a slave's place in the bedroom." Mi's eyes were hungry but restrained her exposed pussy swelling and giving off the faint scent of fox excitement. She was restrained though, no matter how horny she got! She would wait for Mistress!

Mi grabbed her tail and pulled it into her lap, stroking it. Not out of a sense of prudishness or misplaced possessiveness, she was proud of her fox features, both Kaga and Mi. "We did weave quiet the web of lies," Mi giggled, "All of the secrets we tried to keep are yours now Mistress. I'll make sure that Kaga doesn't hide anything from you either..." 'don't you dare!' Kaga growled, struggling a bit in the embrace the two had been in. Mi just patted her on the head, 'It's exhausting keeping all these secrets, you were so tired of it you were looking for a place that would accept you. Where you didn't need to hide your fox nature, where you didn't need secrets. Mistress's side is that place!' 'I suppose...' Kaga grumbled, settling back down.

"I can pretend to be Kaga! She might not understand me, but I know her well, Mistress is so cleaver" Mi giggled, she might have had that thought already, but what she said was true. Mistress was far more cleaver then she.

Mi happily wrapped her fluffy tail around Melana's arm, coating it in a cloud-like feeling well Mistress fondled the fox's bottom. "We were a lover to Purulen in the academy. If he and his lover Hazel were so taken by our being with you, maybe I can trick them into trusting me? The bunny Hazel, the one who's voice we heard... I think she would be a great slave for you mistress! We... I have an affection for her. Kaga wants to defend them, from them to 'save' us from you and be Purulen's bride... I don't care so much about Purulen, Mistress needs good female pets, and well Hazel's actions are detestable... that just makes me want to bring her to mistress so she can be punished and made into a good bunny! Then we can both be Mistress's property and it's ok for Mistress's property to love Mistress's property!" Mi was a little nervous admitting she still held affections for the enemy, but she thought her reasoning and goal made it clear that Mistress was more important to her than some rabbit. "If... if Mistress doubts my loyalty to her for still having affection for Hazel, then I will volunteer to deliver any punishment on her you desire myself."

Kaga, who had been pretty quiet for a while, listening and enjoying the imagined embraced riled up again at the mention of disappearing. 'I told you, she wants me gone!' She thrashed about. Mi soothed her once more, 'Would you calm down and listen... she wants you to embrace me. To embrace the side of you that wants to be a slave, that knows her place as a cute fox at Melana's feet. Mistress Oriala and I just want to help you, but if you won't let us help your mistress has no choice but to get rid of you... You've already proven to be dangerous, getting Ayune killed like that...' That didn't sit well with Kaga at all. 'I killed her? She killed herself, no Melana made her like that! Purulen and Hazel were trying to free everyone and if Ayune hadn't moved we would be free! I wouldn't be trapped in my head either!' Mi drew a deep breath and exahiled, 'You've had me trapped inside you for years Kaga, I know when your feeling guilty, and how you react to that guilt. You didn't kill Ayune, Mistress doesn't blame you for it, and, neither should I. You need to learn to take responsibility for your actions though, and you did bring Melana to their attention.' Kaga, unsure what to say in response, broke away from Mi, choosing to sulk rather than finish the debate.

During the duration of Oriala's training Mi was entirely out of it. The dumb haze of excitement took over her the minute she was pressed to Mistress's folds. The heady smell of sex, the gentle tickle of hair on her nose, the sweet taste of Mistress's sweat. All of it rolled around inside of Mi as she gave sloppy kiss, after sloppy kiss. She paid special attention to Mistress's sensitive urethra but loved the whole of her pussy. Seeing as she was the least of the proceedings, it might have gone unnoticed that Mi was slowly leaking onto the floor, the ecstasy of giving her Mistress pleasure sending her into soft orgasms! 'You really like doing that?' Kaga questioned, returning form her sulk, 'Yes! It's everything I could ask for! Mistress is letting me pleasure her! She is getting excited and horny and letting her slave take care of her needs. It's wonderful Kaga!' Mi excitedly answered. 'Can... can I try?'. Mi eyed Kaga suspiciously. They shared memories, and deep thoughts with one another... 'If you do anything funny, I'll stop you and tell Mistress...'

Kaga once more took over, her tail had stopped wagging, the puddle under the fox stopped growing. The passionate kissing did not, slowly, more methodically, Kaga had started kissing the area around Melana's snatch, before diving back in, using her tongue on the sensitive insides before passionately kissing her sweet spot. Mi would let Kaga finish but took control once the oral had ended. 'Did you like it?' Mi teased. 'Not as much as you...' Kaga sighed, accepting that she was stuck with Melana's fox-slut version of her.
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Name: Oriala Lend Slayer and Hidden Mongrel Location: Secret Lab Tag: Melana, Vivian, Kaga and Mi
HP: 40/40 Armor Class: 20 / 14 Touch / 17 Flat Footed Initiative Bonus: +7 CMD: 22 / 19 Flat Footed Saves: +5 Fort / +8 Ref / +1 Will
Specials: None

Oriala's eyes burned with lust and fanatic loyalty as she met Melana's gaze. She pressed into Melana's hand as it rested in the small of her back her need evident. "The slaves bother me not Mistress save as how they may serve you through my love and command." Oriala stood straight and tall only the quivering arousal thrilling her body keeping her from standing at rigid attention. "Any cost Mistress, any cost is not only bearable but desirable. It is only in service that we have purpose and the harder the service the more we repay our debt. I will endure whatever you require of me. I will be your dark general and the vessel of your will. We have slaves here to discipline, train and love but there are more rebels, the ones that attacked you that must be brought to know the joy of service and love." Oriala moaned as Melana took her head in her hands. Her lips parted as she panted, the tip of the tongue gleaming pink between her lips. "They are dirty, filthy suited only for serving our wills and our pleasure Mistress! We will show our love by letting them fulfil their destinies."

She moved easily and without resistance to the crystal-sphere. Oriala had seen that it had been used to change Kagami into a more willing slave but she was more than eager to be changed and perfected into the pure dark general to serve Melana's will. "I am ready Mistress. Shape me to your perfect form and vessel." She took a deep breath and visibly relaxed emptying her mind of any thoughts but those of obedience and desire. "Cleanse the filth from me Lady, purify me to be purer than the purest in the service of Hawken and of you." Oriala looked down at Vivian where the collared slave nuzzled at her hot, throbbing loins. She smiled and stroked Vivian's head affectionately even as she pressed the slut harder against her lubricated flesh.

Oriala returned Melana's kiss even as her mind swirled with fantasies and dreams, of desires and imperatives as Melana stoked her inner needs and hidden worries. "I would never be dishonest to you Mistress. I will serve you completely and ensure that all of your slaves are loved and broken to their servitude." Oriala twitched and shivered as the power flickered over her body. Her moans grew louder as her eyes rolled back under the influence of the energies that were melding her mind and body to serve Melana. "Strong, powerfull... oh Mistress... so perfect..." Oriala gasped as her body grew stronger and more toned, more powerful in the service of Hawken. "Mmmm... Mistresssss..." Her breasts were hot like heavy weights of sheer liquid fire on her chest. She cupped her own breasts and pressed them up into Melana's hands. Her nipples were painfully hard and the thick, puffy feeling of her areola felt so fitting and wonderful.

"Beautiful, so beautiful. Please complete me Mistress, let me be your obedient general." Oriala wanted nothing more than to purge away all the doubts and worry about her heritage and become fully pure in service. She gave herself willingly to the tingling power that crackled around her. Willingly she accepted the chains of emotion, loyalty and emotion. Willingly she accepted the changes to her body as the power of the Mistress brought Oriala to fulfilment. Reaching down Oriala began to press Vivian along her wet slit, rubbing and moving her along her clit.