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Dark Gate OOC Thread

Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

i always thought spirit buffs stuck to the same '3 tops' rule that mage buffs did? If not, would that be a simple solution?
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

See, Tass, the problem with getting all those spirit buffs activated is getting ALL those talents. But giving it the same limit limit that mage buffs have (only 3 active at one time) should be fine.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

All of the fluffy tails!

@Termite and Shrike: But would they run off of the same limit of 3, or a separate limit of 3?
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Needs more playable goblins.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

I would say same limit makes the most sense, both mechanically and fluff-wise.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Depends on why the mages have the limit, I'd say. My assumtion is that they have to màintain concentration, and if that's true, then I would say they should fall under the same limit as well.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

I heard something about fluffy tails here but I see none. ;_;

That said, I agree with powers sharing in the 3 at a time limit, since mechanically and (as a result) fluff-wise they share the same spirit ceiling.

Also, more ritual suggestions:

Fertility Ritual
Ritual Cost: 50 denarii or 4 hours to gather the ingredients.
Ritual Time: 20 minutes.
Ritual Requirements: Healer talent.
Description: The caster performs this ritual on themselves, a willing patient, or a helpless target. If the target is fertile, they automatically become/make their partner pregnant whenever a roll would be required for the next caster's mind/10 days. If the target has neither fertile nor infertile, they are treated as having fertile for the next caster's mind/10 days. If the target is infertile, their/their partner's pregnancy chance dice is changed to 1d20 and they become/make their partner pregnant on a 20 whenever a roll would be made for the next caster's mind/10 hours.

Contraception Ritual
Ritual Cost: 50 denarii or 4 hours to gather the ingredients.
Ritual Time: 20 minutes.
Ritual Requirements: Healer talent.
Description: The caster performs this ritual on themselves, a willing patient, or a helpless target. If the target is fertile, their/their partner's pregnancy chance dice is changed to 1d20 and pregnancy occurs on a result of 20 whenever a roll would be made for the next caster's mind/10 hours. If the target has neither fertile nor infertile, they are treated as being infertile for the next caster's mind/10 days. If they target is infertile, they've wasted either 50 denarii or 4 hours.

Arguments could be made for requiring focus in body, but it felt like these should be a bit more accessible, all things considered, plus body already gets a bunch of cool stuff.

Fiery Chariot
Ritual Cost: 50 denarii
Ritual Time: 10 minutes
Ritual Requirements: Focus in Fire, Conjurer Talent
Description: The caster summons a horse and chariot made of fire that lasts for mind/10 days or until dismissed. It has a body score equal to the caster's mind score, natural flight, 2X Quick, and 2X Pain Resistant, and Resilient. It has Immunity (Heat), a natural torch effect as consistent with the level 1 fire spell, and automatically deals 1d10 heat damage that ignores AV to anything that strikes it in melee, or 2d10 heat damage that ignores AV to anything that touches it directly (unarmed attacks, grapples, attempts to mount the chariot, ramming it into a target, etc.) except for its summoner and up to 1 other person of the summoner's choosing at a time. It is mindless and cannot be ordered to do anything on its own, away from its summoner, except for wait, nor can it be communicated with, it must be directed through its reins for it to move at all. A mage can attempt to cast spells from the chariot, though doing so on a round in which the chariot has moved causes a -10 casting penalty.

Fire looked like it needed some love in the ritual departments, so here we are, the ability to summon a loyal steed that specializes in transportation (and sort of drops the ball elsewhere) and also accidentally set any forest you're near on fire. Was considering changing the last bit to a -20 casting penalty.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

3 powers active total.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Needs more playable goblins.

Implement Cutebolds.

Removing yon buff singularity seems like a wise choice for mages. Making the 3-buff-cap universal is also a good idea.

(EDIT: )
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Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

I'm at capacity right now. While I have no doubts regarding Northern Cross's writing skills or creativity, would any of my assistant GMs like to handle that thread for me?

Same limit of 3 it is then.

Fuck I have a lot of edits to do.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Also: Change the Speed from feet to meters and adjust the area of effect stuff accordingly, yay or nay? I keep forgetting this one whenever I'm near a computer.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Nay. Leave the Speed stuff as it is. No sense going through all the work changing and rebalancing stuff when it works just fine as is.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

It wouldn't be that big a change. I'd have to edit feet into meters (the actual formulas would remain the same) and change 5 feet to 1 meter, 10 feet to 2 meters, ect.

Also, dark gate swim suit calender is happening. The models will be handled by our own Takimaru in exchange for as many posts as he wants, and created using ye olde 3dcg. The current status of it is as follows:

January - Xeon
March - Eleanor/Lani (SirOni)
April - Nala (Blueslime)
July - Skye (RangerPrincess)
August - Elise (Mindflayer)
September - Elysia (Takimaru)
October - Vanilla/Ayame (xgkf)
November -
December - Lenalee/Nadia

undecided - Tamonten/Krig (Hafnium)

Possibly included - Setia (Iggy)

Depending on interest Xeon might get combined into December.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

I'm still shocked that something I suggested (with added input from xgkf) is actually happening.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Nay on the meters, no sense editing things and I think it makes AoE spells really... wonky in terms of fluff.