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Dark Gate OOC Thread

Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Just some reminders to myself about suggestions.

Oh, and don't forget 'Rewrite/think Wilderhearted requirements'. *Grin*
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Hmm, well i think than anyone else could make a better job at your thread at this month, i will be still busy these days. So anyone is welcome to DM you, dont worry i understand it and only hopes than you pass a good time playing with your character

Works for me, and I know the feels. Hope ya get better sooner rather then later ','

So, anyone I can talk to into taking the reigns for a half-shadow demon that kinda is just derping around thus far? >_>;
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

I have been playing with various things in here... and I noticed that mages can make things very silly very fast the buffs a Focus, Specced, Magic Feat (Named Area) gets a flat +3 to every spell level.

With just my stats(Tori) as a base 20/6=3 *rounded down*
1st: (3+3)*1=6
2nd: (3+3)*2=12
3rd: (3+3)*3=18
4th: (3+3)*4=24
5th: (3+3)*5=30

With a +20 Base casting for Element that is enough to gurantee a Casting Auto pass for 3rd level spells add in possible -20 to both Attack and Dodge a starting character could in theory double their chosen stat. For 3 EP a round put on a Succubi and get her fucking someone you could in theory keep that up forever just off unmodified Pleasure Dice.

Is the magic system suppose to be this exploitable?
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Is the magic system suppose to be this exploitable?

There's one misunderstanding: you can't sacrifice 20 attack for +10 casting while doing a buff. You have to use a spell that requires an attack roll to do that.

Otherwise what you seem to have described is... using a level 5 buff? I mean, don't get me wrong, that can be reasonably powerful, but I don't see how using a spell for it's obvious and stated use is remotely exploiting. I guess maybe you're worried about how easy it is to raise base casting, but even for that... you're dropping 20 dodge during combat.

You want to see exploitable mechanics, check out . Which I link as a demonstration that imbalanced mechanics aren't something you need to be really worried about during an RP game. That isn't to say that imbalances shouldn't be fixed, but a certain amount of exploitability is fine... some people like doing that sort of thing. Others don't, but with little to no PvP and hand-picked enemies they don't have to.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

I have been playing with various things in here... and I noticed that mages can make things very silly very fast the buffs a Focus, Specced, Magic Feat (Named Area) gets a flat +3 to every spell level.

With just my stats(Tori) as a base 20/6=3 *rounded down*
1st: (3+3)*1=6
2nd: (3+3)*2=12
3rd: (3+3)*3=18
4th: (3+3)*4=24
5th: (3+3)*5=30

With a +20 Base casting for Element that is enough to gurantee a Casting Auto pass for 3rd level spells add in possible -20 to both Attack and Dodge a starting character could in theory double their chosen stat. For 3 EP a round put on a Succubi and get her fucking someone you could in theory keep that up forever just off unmodified Pleasure Dice.

Is the magic system suppose to be this exploitable?

Those are actually really low numbers for a mage. We've got characters who are adding around +50 to the stats they buff without specialization or feats.

Also, well practiced mages are supposed to be able to successfully cast their high level spells if they need to, it's when they're taking damage and using feats that penalize base casting that the risk is supposed to come in. DG characters are supposed to be able to start out at a fairly high level of competency if you build for it, so it's not so much an exploit as it is the way it was intended.

Also, mage buffs aren't nearly as broken as a few other things that have caught my attention of late.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

That's the thing my Char is a Succubi and for the trade of Enchanter and 1 Enchantment on my weapon I could be puffing out 30 body on a DC 9 and ingore most of those debuffs thanks to Erotic Magus/Wizard.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

That's the thing my Char is a Succubi and for the trade of Enchanter and 1 Enchantment on my weapon I could be puffing out 30 body on a DC 9 and ingore most of those debuffs thanks to Erotic Magus/Wizard.

With Alchemist and one aptitude(efficient wielder) you can get +28 body and +7 armor for 7 EP and no upkeep. And you'll have no chance of failure due to needing a casting check.

Magic can do pretty impressive things, don't get me wrong, but your example is pretty bad.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Which is competency. DG isn't like DnD, where there's always a chance of utter failure. Ye buff doesn't make your character invincible, just a little bit stronger on a temporary basis, and also remember that everything that the PCs have access to is something that enemies may also have access to.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Don't forget of-course, the simple turn time required also. It might seem obvious, but since combat in DG is generally pretty quick and deadly, spending the first round to cast a buff can be a potential gamble. Certain enemies won't give you a second round if a poor decision is made.
(Note: Throwing chairs is a fairly poor first round action... >o> )

For a Succubus when time isn't a significant constraint though, a body buff is probably a good option to have. Not an exploit. Just a good addition to a character if used well. For examples of exploitable, just ask Hafnium about his crazy Fist of the North Star styled warrior skill comboing 1000 damage in one round without any weapons shiz. It was something along those lines at least. He uncovered quite a few forbidden arts during the older versions of the rules.

That stuff got patched, of-course...
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Okay so I don't have a clue about what I am talking about but it seemed pretty odd that the magic buff system at least is tailored to new guys.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Like I said, DG PCs are supposed to start out pretty competent. Characters on average don't get much more than about 20-30% stronger across the course of a thread.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

So I had a wave of inspiration and/or insanity earlier in work, and decided to ask Tass if he wouldn't mind giving me a go in a GM test thread. Probably a bad idea I know, but I was wondering if another person is interested in joining Tass in the thread. General gist of the setting is;

Basically it's about a quaint little village, either in Badaria or Crolia, roughly in the middle of nowhere. A kind of off-the-road village that's the only civilised stop between town A and city B. Now, this village has a little problem. A necromancer moved into the old abandoned castle up on the mountain and is now forcing the villagers to give him most of their money and produce or they'll all be wiped out. The villagers, living in the middle of nowhere, comply with his demands because a) if they left the village they'd most likely die trying to get to the next nearest centre of civilisation what with them being quaint farming folk mostly, and b) they've lived in this village all their lives and they'd rather not be forced out of it. So they've turned to asking any adventurers who stumble into the village to help them with their problem.

There's more to it than that, that's just the first part, I've got a little bit that's set straight after this sorted out but to go into that would spoil it. There'll also most likely be very little smut planned, if any, if that's a deciding factor for people. You know, what with the majority of the enemies being undead and whatnot. That's not to say there definitely won't be, I just don't want it to be forced into the scenario. Character-wise I'd probably rather not want super saiyan level characters, shit gets ridiculous with numbers, which'll most likely end up frying my brain. I'm thinking mid level, characters with a bit of experience under their belt but not seasoned veterans.

Anywho, if all goes well I should be able to start this on the weekend, Saturday hopefully.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

... For examples of exploitable, just ask Hafnium about his crazy Fist of the North Star styled warrior skill comboing 1000 damage in one round without any weapons shiz. It was something along those lines at least. He uncovered quite a few forbidden arts during the older versions of the rules.

That stuff got patched, of-course...


Well, the fixes for it exist in current proposed DG4 rules. >.>

Neat idea on the test thread, also. I have a relatively non-smutty, medium power-level witch character I'd put up for it but I probably should not join in on anymore threads.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

I have a character or two that would work SirOni though given my own work load I will let others have a shot at it before myself. I know plenty of people want to play and I have a couple games I'm in at the moment so I can wait.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

More rules changes!

Succubus Powers
-Combined Pull Out and Unnatural Resilience to Lead from the Bottom
-Buffed Rhythm, Energetic Foreplay, and Siren's Song
-Buffed Apparent Innocence and reworded it
-Added options to Shapeshifting and Selective Fertility
-Changed Desperate Avoidance to Desperation
-Added Weakening Arousal and Oil Up
-Fiddled with some of them about how they work and ordered them alphabetically

-Added Greater Manipulate, a level 3 Force spell
-Fiddled with Manipulate, a level 1 Force spell

-Made Hafnium alphabetize them
-Added Undead special mutation

-Changed Ranger
-Fiddled with Grandmaster

-Animating corpses made a little bit weaker (Body bonus from 20 down to 12) but now gives them the Undead special mutation

-Added a vampirism enchantment
-Allowed Power and Spell enchants to be placed on any item
-Changed Runes to need to be held and let them grant Aptitudes

Races and Templates
-Fiddled with the requirements for Vampire and Wildhearted
-Gave Vampire and Spectral Daemon the Undead special mutation
-Gave Vampires Phobia: Sunlight and Easily Tired to compensate for their OPness.

-Alphabetized them myself!
-Animate Dead had its base monetary cost halved and had a stipulation for having the Reanimator feat added.
-Added Permanent Machine
-Fiddled with Arcane Shield, Bind Demon, Blizzard, Contraception Ritual, Craft Lightstone, Fertility Ritual, Rainstorm, Spiritual Disruption Field, Wildheart Brew
-Deleted Scry Ritual
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

I am vaguely tempted to suggest that weakening arousal should also deal HP damage at a rate of 1/2 penetrative PP damage dealt and 1/4 foreplay PP damage. Mostly because the idea of giving succubi and certain non-EP drain capable monsters a new route of smutting their opponents into defeat intrigues me. Also because "for that round" kinda requires winning the grapple check in the first place and as such it doesn't have much use beyond escaping an unfavorable grapple where the target is already smutting the character, or for cementing a grapple check that you've already won often enough to begin dealing PP damage to your target.

Alsoalso by vague temptation I mean I'm basically suggesting it but haven't given any full thought to the balance ramifications.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Mechanics Question: Do the Shield skill Triple Strike and Shield Slam work together? Triple Strike gives a second shield bash, and since Shield Slam says you can only shield bash I was wondering if you could go for 2 Slams or maybe even a Softening Blow in front all the concussions.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Mechanics Question: Do the Shield skill Triple Strike and Shield Slam work together? Triple Strike gives a second shield bash, and since Shield Slam says you can only shield bash I was wondering if you could go for 2 Slams or maybe even a Softening Blow in front all the concussions.

Yes. Comboing skills works just fine, and each attack that you change with a skill is affected by only that skill. IE: If you Triple Strike, you can do one Softening Blow, and one Shield Slam, and attack 1 wouldn't get the penalties or bonuses for Shield Slam while attack 2 wouldn't get the penalties or bonuses from Softening Blow.

I am vaguely tempted to suggest that weakening arousal should also deal HP damage at a rate of 1/2 penetrative PP damage dealt and 1/4 foreplay PP damage. Mostly because the idea of giving succubi and certain non-EP drain capable monsters a new route of smutting their opponents into defeat intrigues me. Also because "for that round" kinda requires winning the grapple check in the first place and as such it doesn't have much use beyond escaping an unfavorable grapple where the target is already smutting the character, or for cementing a grapple check that you've already won often enough to begin dealing PP damage to your target.

Alsoalso by vague temptation I mean I'm basically suggesting it but haven't given any full thought to the balance ramifications.

Not a bad idea really, though I'll probably think on it some more and shift around the numbers.
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Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

New race proposal here that I thought DG needed, since we have the Su-Ku-Ta, or nekos as I often call them, I thought we needed wolf people that weren't werewolves to be the counterparts to the Su-Ku-Ta, or something to that effect at least. This is the Okami race, descended from the Anudorians just like the Su-Ku-Ta, but they migrated east into the deeps of the jungles of the Amazon, past the rest of the countries.

Anything is subject to change, as what I gave them for stat boosts and whatnot was what I thought they should have for being wolf people.

The Okami are much like the Su-Ku-Ta in that they were once human that were descendants of the Anudorians, and their culture split off just like the Su-Ku-Ta did following their mutations, but they moved far to the east and deep into the jungles of the Amazon instead of staying, and they are a bit more fit than their catlike counterparts as well. Though they number a bit fewer than their more catlike counterparts, there are still quite a few of them, and they have only now just begun to venture out of the deeper portions of the far eastern bits of the Amazon and back towards where the other countries are, so they have heard relatively little of the alien attacks thus far other than what a few people in their attempts to run as far away as possible told them. Their culture took a different turn than the Su-Ku-Ta also in that women aren't treated as slaves to them and are usually seen on the front lines of battle with the men. Also unlike the Su-Ku-Ta they don't shun outsiders outright among their towns and villages, which are spread out quite a bit in the larger clearings of the farther eastern portions of the Amazon, though they don't get many outsiders to begin with in general because they are so far away, but a few have come through and returned to tell the tale of the wolf people to the far east. They don't have firearms, save what few may have been brought and traded to them for something or another, however they do know how to make metal weaponry somewhat. They have many warriors and spirit users which they call shamans, though mages aren't overly rare amongst them either. All Okami also have the tendency to howl at the full moon when they see it, and many howl when having sex.

Stat Adjustments: +8 body, +2 spirit
Racial Talents: Perceptive (For tracking purposes primarily)
Racial Flaws: Mutated, Easily Aroused, Sensitive, Fertile/Infertile, Fetish: large breasts (For males), Fetish: doggystyle (for females)
Racial Skills: Ranger (For tracking purposes primarily)
Optional Racial Mutations: Can choose any number of the following and they must be wolf like in appearance: Tail, Funny Ears, Odd Skin, Fearsome Maw, Reverse Jointed Legs, Strange Face, Night Eyes, and Claws. (Didn't add in whip tongue because I didn't think it belonged on wolf people myself, but it can be added in.)