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Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Your char has a dark-based power, just like my char. However, your char can't control it (and on top of that, he's insane), so he can expect to be detested.
Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

He can control his special ability but he can only access it when he reaches a certain amount of anger or if his life is in danger. And he's not so much as insane, its the shadow that drives him to doing all of it. He just wants to find a place to live peacefully and alone.
Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

I'm not refering to his "limit break". I'm refering to his usual power. It's pretty much permanently active, and heavily influences Oni. Grave has a "I won't be controlled" policy, and respects few people. They will surely clash.
Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Ah okay, I get you now. Though to be fair my character doesnt tend to get on well with anyone either, for obvious reasons.
Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Lol I wasnt actually trying to base it on what happened, I was basing it on a bit of one of my classes for an TRPG I'm working on, my anger and my hatred for pretty much everything. Though it does seem like that. Now all I need to do is wait for Burr to accept and when I properly come back online I can join in and kick ass. Oh, and the character is pretty much me in real life, minus the demon knight ability :p

Yeah, I notice the parental issues there but I really wasn't going to say anything. As Host did point out, it does...seem to parallel certain things.

As for getting along with him, eh, I figure Copper'll try. She'll work with just about anybody, but if she doesn't like you, you'll know it while she does. So long as nobody hurts her friends, they get to keep their teeth. And skin. And, well, are you familiar with "To the pain"?
Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

As everyone should. It's a fantastic story!
Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Lol then try to stay more than six feet away from him when his shadow aura is out otherwise you'll find yourself not wanting to fight :p
Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

There is a difference between not wanting to fight and not being able to. One can still defend themselves without being aggresive toward the other person, but I understand what you're getting at. May want to clarify, though, if the aura just takes away one's aggressive nature or the will and means to fight back altogether.
Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Guys, we have got to work Pymndrygierge into the game...somehow...
Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

There is a difference between not wanting to fight and not being able to. One can still defend themselves without being aggresive toward the other person, but I understand what you're getting at. May want to clarify, though, if the aura just takes away one's aggressive nature or the will and means to fight back altogether.

It drains their will to fight completely.
Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Guys, we have got to work Pymndrygierge into the game...somehow...

Someone mind informing me on one question: Did that adbot bastard get to my subforum?
Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Guys, we have got to work Pymndrygierge into the game...somehow...

It would seem great minds think alike...
Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

It got to Last Resort briefly. I punted it half way to the moon before the orbital satellite shot it into a billion pieces.
Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Thank god you were here.
Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Credit where credit's due...I'm the one that told him to kick the bot's ass out *laughs* He just has mod powers that I don't *laughs*
Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

That she was, I wouldn't have been there to see it if she hadn't IM'd me that night to let me know it was there. Hmm, somehow I missed these posts after my initial reply.
Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Could another dart use the abduction beam thingy to get Sparky out of his dart? His dart is crashing, right? *is hoping she read it right*
Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Given my understanding of the beaming technology, that just might work, Tsuki. I'd say at least write up giving it a try, making a pass with the beam out or something.
Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

It's never been tested, but in theory if the beam can pass through a wall to beam a person into the storage unit then it should be able to pass through the cockpit of a dart. Go for it, I actually hadn't considered that an option until now. Very nice.