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RPG RPG Maker [ Developing Room] 開発室 Inma no Yuugi: Devil's Game 淫魔の遊戯 RE144645 RJ144645

Re: 淫魔の遊戯 (Play of Imma)

Game should be released at the end of the next week according to his blog, also the game has an official webpage now with an updated demo.

Re: 淫魔の遊戯 (Play of Imma)

Game should be released at the end of the next week according to his blog, also the game has an official webpage now with an updated demo.

updated demo? amazing i will try it out RIGHT NOW
Re: 淫魔の遊戯 (Play of Imma)

UUgh I can't win any battle that isn't a one on one fight, I seem to get insta killed and enemies randomly do team up attacks that hit for like 75% of my health.

Doesn't help that sometimes I get insta killed by selecting an attack too...
Re: 淫魔の遊戯 (Play of Imma)

Hopefully when it comes out, someone will be nice enough to translate the menu options and the attacks and such you can use. Its pretty hard to actually have any clue what youre doing in this game.
Re: 淫魔の遊戯 (Play of Imma)

Sample 1: Buttjob

So when the train comes ?
Re: 淫魔の遊戯 (Play of Imma)

Game should be released at the end of the next week according to his blog, also the game has an official webpage now with an updated demo.

any idea what the updated demo has? what was changed?
Re: 淫魔の遊戯 (Play of Imma)

You can't play any farther than the previous demo.
So far the only difference I noticed is that sometimes the attack-position indicator (breasts, ass, vagina, or kiss) has a ? marking, and neither shows a number nor the color of the attack (red, blue, gray, etc). Makes it kind of risky, since targetting that area might lead to an instant counter-attack ejaculation.
Re: 淫魔の遊戯 (Play of Imma)

You can't play any farther than the previous demo.
So far the only difference I noticed is that sometimes the attack-position indicator (breasts, ass, vagina, or kiss) has a ? marking, and neither shows a number nor the color of the attack (red, blue, gray, etc). Makes it kind of risky, since targetting that area might lead to an instant counter-attack ejaculation.

I found some stuff out. The boss in the demo (the sister?) is harder now. Also you can save right after you beat her but if you talk to the sign, it will end the demo. After beating her she will follow you around and you can level her as well it seems.

I'm not sure if this is a bug or not but if you go anywhere she shouldn't be, she will disappear and be at your home. You can't get get her to join your party again. Maybe its just the demo? I'm not sure.
Re: 淫魔の遊戯 (Play of Imma)

Well what do you know, the game is out!
Re: 淫魔の遊戯 (Play of Imma)

So... beginning of the week instead?

Nice surprises for once.

Uh oh, currently at a yellow smiley? First time seeing one in person.
Re: 淫魔の遊戯 (Play of Imma)

Honestly not really sure what to think, I liked what the demo had to offer, as well as the writing.

I know there's some controversy regarding the author and his twitter, which he turned private. There's plenty of comments on his blog who seem to hate him and others that defend him. I hypothesize that it may be from his haters who bought the game and tried to give it low reviews despite how early the game was just released to kill his overall sales to detract others from buying it.
Re: 淫魔の遊戯 (Play of Imma)

Well...the game has my interest and unfortunately I'm very impatient when it comes to waiting for links meaning I'm about to spend 14 bucks and then share it with everyone. Soon...my friends..meaning in about an hour you'll have a link to the full game. :) and I really don't know if I should post a direct like or have pm request because i'm not sure if it's loli or not.

Finished uploading

enjoy :D
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Re: 淫魔の遊戯 (Play of Imma)

No loli tags, and that's saying something since it seems like they tried to slap as many other tags as they could.
Re: 淫魔の遊戯 (Play of Imma)

Got rid of "Incomplete" in the title since games out.
Re: 淫魔の遊戯 (Play of Imma)

Could someone explain the different attack colors, and why sometimes after attacking you get instantly KO'ed? I get that they target different parts of the body, but I have no idea when its a "weak" point or when it isnt. Using the same attack twice often gets my guy instakilled.

Nevermind, I seem to have figured it out. If you look in battle above the little real time screen things, theres 4 Symbols, which I guess breast, butt, vagina, lips. They have a number next to them and are color coded with red / blue.. which makes red attacks do more and blue do less. If that doesnt work, match up to the one with the lowest number, and you'll be fine. Might have something to do with the number they have next to it, and the number next to yours. You can also change the difficulty menu at the red orb inside of your room. The easiest setting is way way way too easy, one hit kills on each monster, so ide recommend keeping it at normal.
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Re: 淫魔の遊戯 (Play of Imma)

Could someone explain the different attack colors, and why sometimes after attacking you get instantly KO'ed? I get that they target different parts of the body, but I have no idea when its a "weak" point or when it isnt. Using the same attack twice often gets my guy instakilled.

Nevermind, I seem to have figured it out. If you look in battle above the little real time screen things, theres 4 Symbols, which I guess mean mouth, breast, vagina and ass. They have a number next to them and are color coded to match up with the attacks. Match up to the one with the lowest number, and you'll be fine. Might have something to do with the number they have next to it, and the number next to yours. You can also change the difficulty menu at the red orb inside of your room. The easiest setting is way way way too easy, one hit kills on each monster, so ide recommend keeping it at normal.

I thought it had something to do with the color, red being more damage, blue being less damage, white being normal, and gray being the instakill. Although the gray usually does seem to be the high number, I thought that number just represents how many 'hits' are subtracted from when you attack.
Re: 淫魔の遊戯 (Play of Imma)

I thought it had something to do with the color, red being more damage, blue being less damage, white being normal, and gray being the instakill. Although the gray usually does seem to be the high number, I thought that number just represents how many 'hits' are subtracted from when you attack.

Ah yeah the hits thing would make sense. I just slightly changed what I typed, since im actually reading the manual in the game now. I had the order wrong on the icons. It goes Chest, Butt, Vagina, Lips... I dont really get the cancelling mechanic. Might be something to do with when you use the different skills.

Pretty much just aim for the one with lowest number, keeping in mind that the white circle = lips, red = vagina, green = butt, blue = chest. Just correspond those attacks to the different places you can attack on the girl (Goes in Chest, Butt, Vagina Lips).

I dont understand how you get a higher rating at the end of the battle though. Anyone know? EDIT - Ahhh, its the rank of the monster youre fighting, not your evaluation at the end of the battle.
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Re: 淫魔の遊戯 (Play of Imma)

if I recall from the demo (and I could be wrong anyway) the condition for getting instakilled is using the same attack twice in a row or too soon before using it last. It's like a counter for being predictable. Hopefully wrong, even.
Re: 淫魔の遊戯 (Play of Imma)

Honestly not really sure what to think, I liked what the demo had to offer, as well as the writing.

I know there's some controversy regarding the author and his twitter, which he turned private. There's plenty of comments on his blog who seem to hate him and others that defend him. I hypothesize that it may be from his haters who bought the game and tried to give it low reviews despite how early the game was just released to kill his overall sales to detract others from buying it.

Author shittalks about another game (Ahe Quest [RJ134091]) made by a different group on Twitter ( ), maybe left a negative review on the DLsite page (alleged accusation, unable to verify), gets accused by white knights that he is "giving negative reviews to sabotage rival sales." Now some people are trying to "give him a taste of his own medicine".

Really, there's nothing wrong with an developer talking bad about another game, like how book authors criticize each other's books. And to be fair, most of his points were pretty valid, as the game was downright buggy (and arguably unbalanced) before patches.

It's just well... from a Japanese (and incidentally, Korean and Chinese) cultural point of view, it's a very, very rude thing to do, and is considered a very severe faux pas, with all the focus on social conformity and all. But really, demonizing critics and smashing dissidents is one of those things that Eastern culture is better without (and no, I'm not speaking this as a 'privileged' Westerner who's taking smack about other cultures; I'm from the East and I have to suck up to my supervisor/boss even when what he wants to do is a very bad idea. Also, fucking teachers back in school do not tolerate questions in class).

And really, all those people writing angry comments on his blog/twitter were hypocrites.
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Re: 淫魔の遊戯 (Play of Imma)

if I recall from the demo (and I could be wrong anyway) the condition for getting instakilled is using the same attack twice in a row or too soon before using it last. It's like a counter for being predictable. Hopefully wrong, even.

Yeah, using the same attack twice will pretty much always kill you. Once you use it once, the defense value on the part you attacked goes up a lot, so when you attack again, you have a lower attack value than their defense value, you insta lose.