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ACT Shota [DHM] Super Monsters'n Girls (RJ252328)

progress has been somewhat slow. He has teased a new demo, but only as some sort of punishment for missing a deadline. haven't the slightest clue when it'll drop. i really want to see all these animation and gameplay changes in action. theres probably afew features i forgot about.
This game looks great. But I'm a little confused as to its development cycle. He's been showing off lots of videos with some high quality animations. I suppose he's planning to release a mass of content at once? Someone should tell him that trickling in new demo builds with several new encounters tends to be the way to do it, as his Patreon (not sure if he has a Japanese equivalent) isn't doing too well. Wish I could speak Japanese. Or maybe Patreon is just a bonus and he plans to sell the full game.
Development is taking a long time because he's rebuilding a lot of his game, art and such.

I think it was an unnecessary step to take, a dream's a dream and all but going backwards when you're far in is just strange.
Development is taking a long time because he's rebuilding a lot of his game, art and such.

I think it was an unnecessary step to take, a dream's a dream and all but going backwards when you're far in is just strange.
To be fair he really wasn't that far in. Didn't he only really have the second level done before?
To be fair he really wasn't that far in. Didn't he only really have the second level done before?
he finished all animations for level 3 exceptthe boss and finished everything in the stage except the boss battle. only 5 stages were planned. so...halfway through the game.

he says there's a possible demo in two months
The redone game has a public demo out!

Pretty quick demo, managed to get through it in about 5 minutes. Didn't die at all so he definitely reduced the difficulty. Did encounter a bug when I fell into the water where it didn't transport/restart me back up, just left me down there. Had to wait till an enemy luckily fell down onto me and I guess breaking out of the grab reset the state and pulled me back to that particular room.
the onomatopoeia text is a bit large, and appears too much. it layers over itself, on top of getting in the way of the scene.
I'll give my verdict on things so far. Alt + enter to make the game fullscreen by the way.

-First level's difficulty has been overall toned down.
-Protag now has a hp bar rather than only taking one hit before dying.
-Protag's animations are a fair bit smoother than before.
-Snake girl and Zangief bull girl have better scenes.
-Zangief bull girl fights a bit differently but overall has a clearer pattern.
-Girls can now H you without you dying... although you still have to die to get their full scene.
-Apples to increase hp and reduce lust (the pink bar) appear fairly often.

-Some of the protag's animations have lost the personality they had before. The running animation lost its King Arthur vibes and became a sunday jog.
-Protag wields a sword yet throws full-sized rifles for some reason.
-Mushroom girls seem a bit dumber than before. They won't jump over obstacles after you.
-The new music choice doesn't really fit... why'd he change it?
-No new weapon types. Gotta wait for those to be redone again. :(
-Feels a bit two steps forward and one step back since the second level was complete before DHM did the big remake.
-The new music choice doesn't really fit... why'd he change it?
he mentioned a co-worker friend of his wanted to be a composer and was really excited to do the music and begged him to hire him.
Ah. Well hopefully he'll make some more fitting music. It doesn't work for that dark forest at all.
Demo is good a bit buggy though.
You can crash the game by dying via contact (but not suplex damage) to the boss. Also the boss music loop is really really short. There's also some background objects that were just jagged and floating in the air before the boss. My guess is if the first stage isn't exactly polished the second stage probably isn't even finished yet.

action number 1
of Create Event
for object objPlayerDamage:

Variable objPlayerDamage.sndPlayerDamageNaked(100090, -2147483648) not set before reading it.
at gml_Object_objPlayerDamage_Create_0
stack frame is
gml_Object_objPlayerDamage_Create_0 (line -1)
called from - gml_Object_objNewEnemyAbs_Step_2 (line -1) - <unknown source line>
There really was no reason to redo the whole game.

This game looks great. But I'm a little confused as to its development cycle. He's been showing off lots of videos with some high quality animations. I suppose he's planning to release a mass of content at once? Someone should tell him that trickling in new demo builds with several new encounters tends to be the way to do it, as his Patreon (not sure if he has a Japanese equivalent) isn't doing too well. Wish I could speak Japanese. Or maybe Patreon is just a bonus and he plans to sell the full game.

Ci-En is translating english text to japanese and vice versa so i'm pretty sure i am communicating with dev that way.
It's out!

edit: welp, sorry folks, i let my excitment take the better of me
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It's out!

I'm afraid not. That's just the DLsite page officially put up. The dev said he was aiming for the 28th on his ci-en.
Edit: Fuck, someone beat me to it.
Bleh, thought it was gonna be monsters IN girls.

Looks like it got delayed by a little bit, dev's looking at 4/30 or 5/1 for the release, him and a debugger were working on de-bugging the game but they found way more bugs than originally thought to be there so looks like it'll be a few more days.
I was playing ghosts and goblins resurrection the other day, and I just kept thinking about this game. If it would have kept its original design, then ghosts and goblins inspired thing would have released with an official new entry of what inspired it. It's a neat little cosmic coincidence. Especially since there was no reason to ever think ghosts and goblins would get anything else ever again. Anyway, looking forward to the eventual release. Its been a long time coming.