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Diablo III Discussion

Re: Diablo III Discussion

Yeah seriously, from what I remember of WC lore, isn't Deathwing supposed to be dead?

*sigh* that's one gripe I have about fantasy worlds... nobody ever stays fucking dead... the D&D universe is absolutely AWFUL about it....
Actually, resurrections are really expensive in the grand scheme of things, so you basically have to be nobility or an adventurer to do it... unless you know a druid with reincarnation. That spell can be fun. Pixie barbarian anyone?

Edit: Also, my one problem with diablo 1 is that you can't run. You can only walk. (Or I never found the button to make myself run...)
Re: Diablo III Discussion

Diablo 1 you couldn't run. And I respect Alias's opinion, the game is definitely not for everyone. However, who knows what Blizzard is actually doing, I'm not listening to too many internet rumours about what their staff is working on, because sometimes they say they do one thing whilst actually doing another. I think it would be smarter for them to concentrate on Starcraft II and Diablo III as much as WoW for the time being... but that's just me.

I never got into Wow, tried it for a bit on someone else's account, didn't entirely like it, and there wasn't enough of a story (though there is some). Oh well.
Re: Diablo III Discussion

I... just wanted...Starcraft Ghost...
Then WoW came and destroyed it.... ;_;
Re: Diablo III Discussion

I... just wanted...Starcraft Ghost...
Then WoW came and destroyed it.... ;_;

Rep for you to this. I almost cried when I realized Ghost wasn't going to be a playable game.
Re: Diablo III Discussion

Came down partially to publishing. Blizzard had never focused on it entirely, always working with another company to do it. Still, would have been so cool.
Re: Diablo III Discussion

*laments for Ghost* Partially why I use Nova as a RP char is because I never got to use her as a game character...
Re: Diablo III Discussion

Ghost would have been sweet if they'd got it right - and they probably would have done, too. Still, I'll bet that someone makes good use of SCUM edit in Starcraft 2 and creates a First Person Ghost map very similar to the dead game. I think SCUM Edit has everything needed to make it happen, toolwise...
Re: Diablo III Discussion

Ghost would have been sweet if they'd got it right - and they probably would have done, too. Still, I'll bet that someone makes good use of SCUM edit in Starcraft 2 and creates a First Person Ghost map very similar to the dead game. I think SCUM Edit has everything needed to make it happen, toolwise...

If they can make a facsimily of Diablo 3 in Warcraft 3 (which is HAPPENING at the Hive Workshop community), they can do a fps in scumedit.
Re: Diablo III Discussion

While I've never played Starcraft (and very probably never will) I just love the Diablo games (although they get extremely difficult at the end), but I'll not play Diablo III right away - I almost only play games that look or actually are at least 5 years old, so I'll tell you in 2014 what I think about it :)
Re: Diablo III Discussion

actually if you look at the models i'd say its just well used five year old graphics. Thats why all their games run well on everything.
Re: Diablo III Discussion

If they can make a facsimily of Diablo 3 in Warcraft 3 (which is HAPPENING at the Hive Workshop community), they can do a fps in scumedit.

Dude Hive Workshop already made a ocmplete version of Diablo II; Lord of Destruction map in the Frozen Throne. I downloaded it a while ago and it's really a great tribute.

I almost only play games that look or actually are at least 5 years old

Haev you played DOOM then? How about DOOM2? Or Skulltag? :)
Re: Diablo III Discussion

I'm just curious as how long it'll take someone to make a nude patch for it. Can't be a true barbarian woman if you're not going around and killing the shit out of shit in the nude, and being naked means wizards have no spell failure from armor :)
Re: Diablo III Discussion

I'd be a naked barbarian. Could be fun. Except for the frostbite.
Re: Diablo III Discussion

double post but I don't care. I just found out who's voicing Kerrigan in Starcraft II.

Tricia Helfer.
Re: Diablo III Discussion

i don't see a reason to change from the previous voice actor. A quick bit of research shows she clearly likes starcraft (writing medieval romance novels under the pseudonym sarah mckerrigan). She had an excellent voice and it annoys me that blizzard would just throw that away so they get some starlet instead.
Re: Diablo III Discussion

I agree with Nunu. That, and I never liked Tricia Helfer anyway.
Re: Diablo III Discussion

blizzard seem to have turned evil ever since the activision merge. I'm not sure they weren't evil before that but it started coming to light around that time.
Re: Diablo III Discussion

I've never watched Battlestar, but I can guarantee I won't like the new VA. Kerrigan's voice-actor was just perfect. It'll be like switching from a dub you've watched for 50 episodes to the original, it won't ever feel right ever again.
Re: Diablo III Discussion

i don't think it will be bad, i just that its not going to be what it should.
Re: Diablo III Discussion

I agree. She'll probably do a good job, it just won't be Kerrigan as I'll always remember <_<