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DnD Books

Re: DnD Books

The question is, what was your character's alignment?
Re: DnD Books

Obviously, he was LG. He was just the only one who realized, the old woman was actually Demogorgon in his new disguise.
Re: DnD Books

its not really pen and paper but you might enjoy wasting a day on this for neverwinter 2 + expansions
Re: DnD Books

Confirmed match. Rep.
Re: DnD Books

@copper: my character was CN but he had done his quota for good earlier in the day. (heres hoping this works cos im using my mobile phone)
Re: DnD Books

Makes perfect sense, then, Oni. And yup, came through fine!
Re: DnD Books

awesome, looks like I have free access to the internet and I can post on here without problem.
Re: DnD Books

Okay, admission of mistake time here.

During the week I was out one of my contacts, the one who'd found an interview with Gary Gygax about 4th edition prior to his death, alerted me of something.

He was actually looking through the 4th edition PHB, and noticed that none of the changes that Gygax had said he'd intended were there. It seems that Wizards decided to "finish" the 4th edition after Gygax's death. It's not what I'd thought it was, those thoughts coming from information that was apparently made invalid.