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[Dot_Slave3] Parasite in City

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Re: Parasite in City [New Comic!]

i get the voice file

she's deserve to get pay but maybe not deserve to using for my game

i'm try make more communication with her but she is kind busy

i need another voice actor with better understand game

Ah too bad, that always seems like a difficult part of game development. I know it might be awkward to ask a person, but maybe try asking if they've done H voice acting before and ask for a sample or something? If they think it's weird that in itself might be a good indication that they're not very professional and/or experienced. Professionalism always helps :p

I've never tried to hire a voice actor/actress but I don't know why they'd have a problem with it if they're doing H commissions.
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Re: Parasite in City [New Comic!]

Ah too bad, that always seems like a difficult part of game development. I know it might be awkward to ask a person, but maybe try asking if they've done H voice acting before and ask for a sample or something? If they think it's weird that in itself might be a good indication that they're not very professional and/or experienced. Professionalism always helps :p

I've never tried to hire a voice actor/actress but I don't know why they'd have a problem with it if they're doing H commissions.
she had no problem with H voice and she well understand about how i using her voice but always i need more detail fix
but she looks like don't have that much passion and time
Re: Parasite in City [New Comic!]

Perhaps Vanja from she makes her own games so she might be interested.
Re: Parasite in City [New Comic!]

please kill me now..
Re: Parasite in City [New Comic!]

don't be so hard on yourself, they look great... well boobs in running sprite looks bigger than in other sprites, but other than that, they're ok
what exactly is wrong with them, if I may ask?
Re: Parasite in City [New Comic!]

don't be so hard on yourself, they look great... well boobs in running sprite looks bigger than in other sprites, but other than that, they're ok
what exactly is wrong with them, if I may ask?
i don't wanna indie quality anymore
Re: Parasite in City [New Comic!]

i don't wanna indie quality anymore

I haven't followed that thread from the beginning and I don't know you or your approach to the games you're making, and I don't recall any professional games like that, but I think level of your work is way past indie (more amateurish if I understood you correctly). I think the sprites are great, but it's your project and if you want to make them even better, who am I to complain... ;)
Re: Parasite in City [New Comic!]

god.... they are... awesome

i can't sleep today
Re: Parasite in City [New Comic!]

just looks very suck to me

I think it's looking really good so far. Your sprite animation has always been really high quality.

I don't think it's fair to compare yourself to KOF sprites right now. They have entire teams and years upon years to develop those! But it is admirable that you keep pushing yourself.
Re: Parasite in City [New Comic!]

I think it's looking really good so far. Your sprite animation has always been really high quality.

I don't think it's fair to compare yourself to KOF sprites right now. They have entire teams and years upon years to develop those! But it is admirable that you keep pushing yourself.

i think they made that game an my age
i'm not a professional pixel artist but i'm a professional artist
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Re: Parasite in City [New Comic!]

god.... they are... awesome

i can't sleep today

I prefer your style way over these. Don't confuse style and quality! Your quality is great *and* it's unique.
Re: Parasite in City [New Comic!]

Where is her pants?
-surely , mobility might be one of important key for surviving from that outbreak , do like these guys then.
-hope you have fun with this comparison:)


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Re: Parasite in City [New Comic!]

Hmm, this seems like a delicate situation. I think what you had looked pretty great, but if you think it was bad and want to make it better then I would be interested to see what you would consider an improvement of your own work. Surely, the current progress doesn't have to be trashed entirely?
Re: Parasite in City [New Comic!]

well as i already said - those bimbo boobs are way too big for my taste.
But the animations in general are awesome! I really dont think you should feel bad about them
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