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Down we go. Sketched CYOA

Re: Down we go. Sketched CYOA

Almost worried you died or something MoT, welcome back!

In order of preference, I would go:

F (cause slimegirl armor experiment tiem!)
random door in refresh room, C, D, E

For X: slimegirl armor. attempt talk with Jude to see if possible. I guess maybe stuff about what she can/will or can/will not do as well would be fairly relevant, I suppose.

I'll vote on this
Re: Down we go. Sketched CYOA

Sorry about the lack of presence had a little art block im slowly trying to dissolve.

Voting was quite intresting with powervote use and all
However A won with (8) vs treekos plan (6)

powah votes:
xaero: 1 + (2/3) Powervotes used: 1
Kathy: 2 + (2/3)
plmnko: 3 + (1/3)
Maxentius: 3 + (2/3)
Genius700: 3
Minerve: 3 + (1/3)
MrMe: 3 + (2/3)
Freeko: 3 + (1/3)
Ayu Break: 3 + (1/3)
Firehead: 2 + (2/3) Powervotes used: 1
mc swagger: 1
gamefreak: 3
barreytor 2 + (1/3)
AngelEater 2 + (2/3)
Zchaos: 1
Diagasvesle: 2
Mark3000: 1 + (1/3)
Kasei: 1 + (2/3)
Bloodshifter: 1

Little things
>Talk with Jude! Ask about her, her plans, slimegirl armor stuff and generally get to know her.


So you turn towards Jude to talk to her but..
Oh damn. That robe looks real nice on her. It's almost made for her!

"Ah, Not bad. Gotta have a little leg show, to be more, scandalous~. Watcha think hon?"

"Uhhh.. I-it looks really good on you! Yeah..!"

"Ooh thank you~"

So with that you corrected your stance a bit and tried to get to seem bit more, hum, serious.

"So.. Ahem. Judy, I was pondering, as we're a team now, what's your plan around here? Like do you mind if I take the lead? What can you do, what won't you do and so on? Tell me a bit so we can.. Uhh.. go team? You know?"

"Ah, yes I see~. Well I don't mind it if you take the lead, I honestly haven't been here much myself to know any better. But please do take my opinions into consideration before doing anything reckless, hon~"

Jude winked a bit.
"So you wanna know what I am able huh? Well then..."


Jude's abilities updated on character follower sheet.


"And lasty, don't expect me to listen to any morale preachers, ugh, I hate those holier than thou types should we ever come across one."

"Ah, alright then. Uhhh Yes. this is nice to know. So what do you know about making slime girl armor?"


"Slime girl armor? You what?"

"Nevermind that was silly"

No really, that IS silly.
Really silly.


You decide to take a move on, the door right below this place oughta be ideal, I mean, its right next to use afterall.

Opening the door slowly, you step in and..

Tripped on a wire! A foul trap that caused..!
Small bells to ring..?



It seems you are not alone in this room.

"Here I am to tryin da make dis tentacle mah hunt beast and ahm interupted by these ho's"

"Tentacle hunting beast? Wow that's stupid, hon. It's clearly a sex toy"

The naga wasn't too amused by Jude's snarky comment.

"Oi, you gona pay for dat!" The naga prepared her bow and what seems to be blunt arrow with a bag in the end.


"Com on then!"

"Maybe you shouldn't have said that"

"Yeah I guess. ..hmm?"

Jude seemed to be distracted all of a sudden as she looked around the room.

"Hon, dont be alarmed but I think this might be a 3 vs 2."

What is that suppoused to mean?

Main vote:

A) Attack! Go on what and what
B) Apoligize for the insult (low chance to work)
C) We're not retreating we're advancing from different direction (Retreat)
D) Other?

X. Additional other?

Status: Bit drained. Highly sensitive titties and nipples.
Health: 70/70
Magic: Full mana. (60/60)
Exp: 15/50
Lewdness: 10/40
Trait: Tracer! Small chance to copy abilities and spells from other beings.

Spells known:
Lesser Succubi aura. Makes the air around you slightly erotic making creatures more like to get lewd. (OFF)

FireBolt - Fast cast ranged fire bolt that deals bit of damage. 4 mana.
Scorch - almost instant cast close range fire swipe move that deals damage and is good for taking distance. 7 mana
ice shard - Fast cast ice spell that creates a shard that impacts hard on the foe and shatters. Useless against armored foes. 6 mana.

Fire Ball. - Medium cast time fire ball that is pretty much twice stronger than bolt. 7 mana.
Frost breath. - Fast cast surprise spell for close range. Slows down foes quite nicely, but can't be cast repeatedly. 12 mana.
bolt strike. Fast cast medium range lightning move that deals nice damage and can shock foes. 12 mana.

Combustion - Fast cast, powerful, explosive move that is almost a last resort move. Can damage user and their items. 22 mana.
chain lightning. - Medium to long cast powerful jumping classic move. 13 mana.



Braces of Brave Girl (+1 to struggle attempts)
Boots of nice walk (No slippery)
Cute Panties.
Cute Stockings.
Kitsune Novice Mage Robes (reduces mana cast cost a little)

Unlit torch.
2x Mental Easeness Herb
3x Mana potions
2x Healing Salve
30 gold coins
wet piece of paper
Weird Bottle (???)


Status: Fine!
HP: 75/70
Mana: 60/50
Wearing: Dark Robes of Seeking Shots (Raises magic attack accuracy). Sexy succubus gear (underneath).

Passive: Succubi Aura. Makes the air erotic and tingly, those are nearer to the user get even more turned on. (ON)
Passive: Over Max. Able to drain over maximun HP/Mana
Passive: Sex Dominance. When being dominant in sex, drains HP and Mana from the foe

Known Spells:
Love Bolt. Blow kiss projectile that causes foe to become more and more influated. 5 mana.
Draining Kiss. Kiss the foe, get lewder and lewder~ and drain HP and Mana. 2 mana. Only useable when really close.
Empowered Nether Whip attack, Add mana to fuel the netherwhip to hit harder this turn. 6 mana.

Conjure NetherWhip. Makes a netherwhip that only Jude can use. Fades after Battle. 10 mana.
Fire Ball. - Medium cast time fire ball that is pretty much twice stronger than bolt. 7 mana.
Nether Tentacles. Naughty tentacles help with getting lewd~. 8 mana.

Big Charm: Completely charm a foe to become your personal tool for a while. Big Risk vs Reward factor. 25 mana.
Re: Down we go. Sketched CYOA

B, apologize while getting out of there
Re: Down we go. Sketched CYOA

A, bolt strike on the naga. prolly ask jude to make her whip and maybe make with the whippings on the naga as well. (would be fine with chain lightning as well on naga that arcs over to the tentacle)

Other shenanigans:
Weakening/killing the naga as it is almost certainly a higher threat than the tentacle beast thing. Jude having her aura on may well be able to turn the tentacle beast on the naga. Probably should make it a point to stay away from the statue at present.
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Re: Down we go. Sketched CYOA

A. Ice shard (I'm hoping we can cast it fast enough to knock the Naga's aim off with that bow)
Have Jude summon her whip.

Edit: Going to use a power vote for this
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Re: Down we go. Sketched CYOA

A: Chain lightning. Shes clearly hostile and plans to use those vile tenicles as henchmen.
Also we're a noble Kitsune, We can't stand for people taking us for some comman 'ho'. :p

X: If not in immediate danger after casting make sure the third tenticle mentioned isn't about to jump us.
If I remember my fantasy correctly, it's an AoE Wound the Naga and torch the little tenticle blighters.
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Re: Down we go. Sketched CYOA

A Focus attacks on naga. NetherWhip and bolt strike.
Re: Down we go. Sketched CYOA

A: Chain lightning. Shes clearly hostile and plans to use those vile tenicles as henchmen.
Also we're a noble Kitsune, We can't stand for people taking us for some comman 'ho'. :p

X: If not in immediate danger after casting make sure the third tenticle mentioned isn't about to jump us.
If I remember my fantasy correctly, it's an AoE Wound the Naga and torch the little tenticle blighters.

Mana Kersploosh! Yes this.
Re: Down we go. Sketched CYOA

A, chain lightning
Re: Down we go. Sketched CYOA

A, bolt strike on the naga. prolly ask jude to make her whip and maybe make with the whippings on the naga as well. (would be fine with chain lightning as well on naga that arcs over to the tentacle)

Other shenanigans:
Weakening/killing the naga as it is almost certainly a higher threat than the tentacle beast thing. Jude having her aura on may well be able to turn the tentacle beast on the naga. Probably should make it a point to stay away from the statue at present.

Re: Down we go. Sketched CYOA

D, retreat through the door using it as a choke point to deal with the numbers issue and to keep the naga's arrows from being useful. Turn on the Lesser Succubi aura and if you can focus it on the tentacles maybe we can turn it on it's mistress.
Re: Down we go. Sketched CYOA

A. Shard shenigans got powervoted to win.

powah votes:
xaero: 2 Powervotes used: 1
Kathy: 2 + (2/3)
plmnko: 3 + (1/3)
Maxentius: 4
Genius700: 3
Minerve: 3 + (2/3)
MrMe: 3 Powervotes used: 1
Freeko: 3 + (2/3)
Ayu Break: 3 + (2/3)
Firehead: 3 Powervotes used: 1
mc swagger: 0 + (1/3) Powervotes used: 1
gamefreak: 3
barreytor 2 + (2/3)
AngelEater 2 + (2/3)
Zchaos: 1
Diagasvesle: 2 + (1/3)
Mark3000: 1 + (1/3)
Kasei: 2
Bloodshifter: 1
Zephyrion: 1

It was clear now, there was combat to be done!
You took a look at Jude whom nodded back, yes. Action must be taken!


You cast out an ice shard as the naga's bow is dangerously well drawn and it needs to get that aim tossed off! Jude began to take out her nether whip.


But your aim was ridicilously off. ...However the naga's wasn't! She released the shot from her bow as it flinged towards you and..!
(Naga rolled natural 20 agaisnt Lea who's roll was a measly 5 on both rolls)




ow. OW!
"Eeeeeeaaaaahhhhh.... ooooowwwww....!"
Oh jeez our fox lady just got penetrated by a freaking blunt arrow.
Ow. OW. OW. Lea's cute little panties shred from the force of the arrow but luckily slowed it down a little.

The blunt sack like head was also torn and Lea could feel some sort of powder spread inside her on the walls of her uterus and womb.

With small tears from her eyes and confusion, she slowly pluged out the arrow from inside her.

"hhhheeeeeehhhhh...! Oooh ow ow ow ow ow owwwwwwww....! Oh why did it have to hit there..!"


The powder seemed to do something, Lea suddenly felt her already hurting down below to start burning with sensation and she began to feel hot and bothered..! Little bits of love juice were starting to driple too...


Lea's legs started to feel extremely heavy and weary too. Standing up started to feel rather workfull.

The Naga seemed to giggle at the event.
"You're ment to inhale that dust, but guess dis works too, go get dat ho tentacle buddy!"

The two headed tentacle creatuer gladly began to zip through the air towards the girls!

"Oh don't be too hasty little tentacle! Me first!"

Jude figured to come to help as her whip was ready, but this slippery little tentacle easily slipped past her!

Jude also discovered as she stepped forward that she stepped on a pressure plate that fired a small dart, which she managed to dodge too, but by jumping further away from vulnerable poor Lea!

"Whoa what, dart traps?!"

Something attempted to sneak up on Jude as she kept her stance.

But she turned around and made it sure she had seen this sneaky thing all along.

"Ugh. I've seen your kind enough from my old place, what are you doing here anyway?"

A little screech and Jude was facing what was another demon.

Jude didn't get anything sensible out of that demon, and from the distance the naga yelled:
"Oi! Only IM Allowed to hurt my kinky demon husband. Step away with that whip you dirty skank!"

Jude's face wasn't really too impressed.



The mutated two headed tentacle creature had gotten to Lea and was having full time fun with her!
Trusting it's both heads, the tentacle monster had easily penetrated Lea's highly sensitive vagina and her buttocks wasn't too well defended either with her panties gone to shred!

Lea's face was bright red and all she could do was scream and moan as this two headed tentacle beast had its way with her digninity. Her burdened feeling numb body didn't allow her to struggle it off! That arrow's dust had something more on it than just that sensitivity dust, she's sure of it.

"Gah..! AH..! AAAH...!"

With a couple of intensifying trusting manouvers and one big final push later the double headed tentacle creature bursted out a load of tentacle cum and Lea felt a spark of pleasure from a big ol gasm from this fucking!

"...ohhh... ow.. w-why this thing.."

The arrow and the tentacle creature raised Lea's lewdness by 18 points!

The tentacle creature repositioned itself again, it wants a round 2!
(other rolls generally were not in poor girls favour, tentacle creature managed to roll 15+'s a lot, while Lea's rolls were still below 10, her luck is terrible)

A) Struggle, struggle! You can do it..! Right?
B) Yell Jude for help.
C) Let it have its way with you now that its that far already..
D) Other?

x. Additional other? For exsample Jude's action if not called for help.


Naga. Status: fine
Two headed tentacle creature Status: fine and having its way with Lea
Kinky Demon. Status: fine

Status: Bit drained. somewhat sensitive titties and nipples. Very sensitive downbelow!
Possibly poisoned. Weary heavy feeling body -5 to dodge and struggle. Getting fucked by a two headed tentacle creature.
Health: 50/70
Magic: Full mana. (54/60)
Exp: 15/50
Lewdness: 28/40
Trait: Tracer! Small chance to copy abilities and spells from other beings.

Spells known:
Lesser Succubi aura. Makes the air around you slightly erotic making creatures more like to get lewd. (OFF)

FireBolt - Fast cast ranged fire bolt that deals bit of damage. 4 mana.
Scorch - almost instant cast close range fire swipe move that deals damage and is good for taking distance. 7 mana
ice shard - Fast cast ice spell that creates a shard that impacts hard on the foe and shatters. Useless against armored foes. 6 mana.

Fire Ball. - Medium cast time fire ball that is pretty much twice stronger than bolt. 7 mana.
Frost breath. - Fast cast surprise spell for close range. Slows down foes quite nicely, but can't be cast repeatedly. 12 mana.
bolt strike. Fast cast medium range lightning move that deals nice damage and can shock foes. 12 mana.

Combustion - Fast cast, powerful, explosive move that is almost a last resort move. Can damage user and their items. 22 mana.
chain lightning. - Medium to long cast powerful jumping classic move. 13 mana.



Braces of Brave Girl (+1 to struggle attempts)
Boots of nice walk (No slippery)
Cute Stockings.
Kitsune Novice Mage Robes (reduces mana cast cost a little)

Unlit torch.
2x Mental Easeness Herb
3x Mana potions
2x Healing Salve
30 gold coins
wet piece of paper
Weird Bottle (???)


Status: Fine!
HP: 75/70
Mana: 50/50
Wearing: Dark Robes of Seeking Shots (Raises magic attack accuracy). Sexy succubus gear (underneath).

Passive: Succubi Aura. Makes the air erotic and tingly, those are nearer to the user get even more turned on. (ON)
Passive: Over Max. Able to drain over maximun HP/Mana
Passive: Sex Dominance. When being dominant in sex, drains HP and Mana from the foe

Known Spells:
Love Bolt. Blow kiss projectile that causes foe to become more and more influated. 5 mana.
Draining Kiss. Kiss the foe, get lewder and lewder~ and drain HP and Mana. 2 mana. Only useable when really close.
Empowered Nether Whip attack, Add mana to fuel the netherwhip to hit harder this turn. 6 mana.

Conjure NetherWhip. Makes a netherwhip that only Jude can use. Fades after Battle. 10 mana.
Fire Ball. - Medium cast time fire ball that is pretty much twice stronger than bolt. 7 mana.
Nether Tentacles. Naughty tentacles help with getting lewd~. 8 mana.

Big Charm: Completely charm a foe to become your personal tool for a while. Big Risk vs Reward factor. 25 mana.
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Re: Down we go. Sketched CYOA

A) see if you can get him with a Scorch, I doubt he'll even realize he's being attacked before it's too late.