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ACT Vore Ryona Guro [Eencya] Sinisistar (RJ247641)

Watch out all this talk about futanari and someone will get their panties bunched up.

Well, i think it can be a fair reaction. It isn't a fetish for everyone and it can be from a small to a big turn-off depending on tastes.
Frankly i always wanted to see some actual data about how many people like it, how many tolerate it and how many can't stand it. Possibly on a 1-10 scale to see how many people fetishes like this bring in and how many instead are turned away.
I myself have a somewhat low tolerance for it and when i see it added in an unskippable/nondismissable way to a game that i otherwise like a lot i wonder if the artist likes it or if he added it to lure specific audiences and how many are actually happy about the addition.
Luckily most game devs handle specific fetishes in a contained manner making it easy to avoid the enemies, events and characters that you don't want to see.
I apologize if it is a bit off-topic but i felt like it was a matter worth exploring. :V

To stay on topic i hope that the author focusses more on events/enemies and less on costumes. I feel that unless they are some sort of desirable cosplay/costume they add little and cost a lot of effort on animated assets. The costume he added for this game felt a little bland and he took a lot of time to implement it too.
So he's updated about new laboratory stage.
His blog mentions the environment of the new stage as well as the enemies planned wherein the boss is Rabian's clone apparently:eek:

Wait! Does this mean the laboratory is life now???
So latest update shows some sketch on new sister character for the new game and basic grab(Literally just grab no h-scene or vore-scene) animation of new enemy for laboratory stage
It's just a hunch, but I do believe the Lab section will contain quite a lot of gore/ryona scenes over h-scenes in particular. Maybe go for a Dead Space-esque violence.
Is the lab update dead? The creator's cien seems to make no reference to it and this thread has been dead for a long time now.
No, in fact the art assets for the update are all done. The delay is because the main programmer is leaving his company to focus on developing the game full time. I think he just finished the move, so in a couple of weeks the update should be up.
New Ci-en update. Work is very nearly finished, see the article for details. Update will be out either by the weekend or the week after. I'm presuming they mean next weekend rather than today given Japan timezones, so it should arrive within the next two weeks.
Damn, already? I know the last update was last August, but I guess I haven't been paying attention to the dev's progress for the game. Most of the time, I see previews on their next game.
Damn, already? I know the last update was last August, but I guess I haven't been paying attention to the dev's progress for the game. Most of the time, I see previews on their next game.
Most of their recent updates have been about the next game because the guy who runs the blog had basically completed all their work on the update a while back. They were just waiting for their programmer to be free to implement it all.
Glanced at the latest blog post, and there was an update to it that said that, due to a power outage, it'll be delayed until next week.

Further down, I also noticed that the next game will have a mechanic of showing the nun's uterine eggs being slowly inflated by semen, so it seems that game will have "sex without losing" similar to games like Night of Revenge or Mission Mermaiden, as opposed to how Sinisistar had all of it locked behind game over sequences.

I am really thrilled that we have a high quality pixelart group making games that fit nicely in my kink genre. I also love that they are nice enough to update their games to add more content as well!
vision 3.0.0 has been update!this is only window vision
Heads up. The laboratory update (ver 3.0) just dropped on ci-en.

Download the patch here

Then apply it to your copy of the game and you should get the new level.

The dlsite update will be delayed another 2 to 3 days it seems.
I'm just confused about the final phase of the final boss.
It gets a not-game over sequence, but doesn't seem to have any variants. I guess those are used up on the other phases?
But I also don't see a progressing bad end sequence like the village, farm, castle, or final boss had. I could swear the update notes over the months said it had one. Maybe I'm just missing something on the "boss continue screen?"