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FGT Scat Loli Ryona Guro [Eluku] Fairy Fighting

Re: Fairy Fighting

is there anything else perhaps apart from that in the update?
From what I've noticed:
-1 new normal attack:
-FF creates and dark orb and fires it at you, dealing multiple hits (like Tiki's Wind Slash)​
-2 special attacks:
-FF ejaculates on Tiki, causing her to masturbate. If you don't escape before FF grabs you, game over (corruption ending).
-A funny move. FF stomps and rushes Tiki, grabbing her by the neck. The screen goes black with some small flashy effects. When it comes back, Tiki has cum pouring out of her three holes and FF strikes a pose.​
-2 game over animations:
-Corruption ending (when FF finishes with her first special). Tiki's on her back getting screwed by FF while FF's "tail" fucks her. FF cums inside Tiki's pussy and the parasite implants a new parasite in FF's vagina. The newborn parasite crawls out of FF and into Tiki's ass. The scene changes to Tiki sitting up being held by FF while the parasite suckles Tiki's clit, changing it into a penis. Before the scene ends Tiki sticks her tongue out and her eyes turn black and yellow like FF.
-Same as the corruption ending, except without the parasite corruption. You get this ending if you lose the normal way.​
Re: Fairy Fighting

MU says the file is temporarily blocked, anyone else having this issue?

Edit: Never mind, its working now.
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Re: Fairy Fighting

-A funny move. FF stomps and rushes Tiki, grabbing her by the neck. The screen goes black with some small flashy effects. When it comes back, Tiki has cum pouring out of her three holes and FF strikes a pose.

For the people who don't know that much about Street Fighter, FF's other SP move is a reference to
Re: Fairy Fighting

From what I've noticed:
-1 new normal attack:
-FF creates and dark orb and fires it at you, dealing multiple hits (like Tiki's Wind Slash)​
-2 special attacks:
-FF ejaculates on Tiki, causing her to masturbate. If you don't escape before FF grabs you, game over (corruption ending).
-A funny move. FF stomps and rushes Tiki, grabbing her by the neck. The screen goes black with some small flashy effects. When it comes back, Tiki has cum pouring out of her three holes and FF strikes a pose.​
-2 game over animations:
-Corruption ending (when FF finishes with her first special). Tiki's on her back getting screwed by FF while FF's "tail" fucks her. FF cums inside Tiki's pussy and the parasite implants a new parasite in FF's vagina. The newborn parasite crawls out of FF and into Tiki's ass. The scene changes to Tiki sitting up being held by FF while the parasite suckles Tiki's clit, changing it into a penis. Before the scene ends Tiki sticks her tongue out and her eyes turn black and yellow like FF.
-Same as the corruption ending, except without the parasite corruption. You get this ending if you lose the normal way.​

so normal way is getting hit over and over again?
Re: Fairy Fighting

FF ejaculates on Tiki, causing her to masturbate. If you don't escape before FF grabs you, game over (corruption ending).
Corruption ending (when FF finishes with her first special). Tiki's on her back getting screwed by FF while FF's "tail" fucks her. FF cums inside Tiki's pussy and the parasite implants a new parasite in FF's vagina. The newborn parasite crawls out of FF and into Tiki's ass. The scene changes to Tiki sitting up being held by FF while the parasite suckles Tiki's clit, changing it into a penis. Before the scene ends Tiki sticks her tongue out and her eyes turn black and yellow like FF.
Re: Fairy Fighting

For the people who don't know that much about Street Fighter, FF's other SP move is a reference to

I really LOL when i saw this FF SP move... So we have Chun Li's rapid kick for Tiki and now FF have Akuma special attack... Eluku really have sense of comedy ;)
Re: Fairy Fighting

Luppi, I love you for that XD

BTW, FF's Shun-Goku-Satsu has to be one of the coolest moves in the game. I really wanna play as her just so I can use that.
more like Shun-Goku-FAKsu besides my boner went down a little when FF did that >.>
Re: Fairy Fighting

I really LOL when i saw this FF SP move... So we have Chun Li's rapid kick for Tiki and now FF have Akuma special attack... Eluku really have sense of comedy ;)

There's Psycho Crusher, Psycho Cannon, Standing Scissors Kick, Skull Dive, Devil's Reverse, Hundred-hand Slap, Shouryuuken, Yoga Flame...

Funny that most of Tiki's moves are based off Bison's.
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Re: Fairy Fighting

Okay. I've been messing around with Fallen Fairy in the newest version for about 15 minutes, and I've run into a bit of an annoyance.

Whenever I let her fully charge her special meter, like clockwork she'll immediate waste it doing the pointless Akuma thing






And she has a fully stored Special AND the Maxed out dong meter every time she does it. I have only seen one (failed) bukkake attempt. Am I doing something wrong, am I missing some other condition to get the corruption finisher, or am I just unlucky?
Re: Fairy Fighting

As far as I can tell, Luck hates you. FF tried the stompy move once on me, and missed. Then she immediately came on me and I got the corruption.
Re: Fairy Fighting

As far as I can tell, Luck hates you. FF tried the stompy move once on me, and missed. Then she immediately came on me and I got the corruption.

or you get out of the cum stun and she still grabs you when your panting on the ground.
Re: Fairy Fighting

No you really aren't unlucky. She tends to do that Akuma move a lot, especially if you move too far away from her. The only way to really dodge it is to be far enough away and back out but that's really hard to do. I don't think I've ever successfully jumped it.

I really think it'd be awesome if the corruption finisher move was a little harder to dodge. It's one of my favorite finishers of all the monsters but it's so easy to dodge I almost feel like I just gave up there just to see it. I don't get the same feeling of "raped" if I actually gave into it.
Re: Fairy Fighting

Does anyone know if its possible to rape Shin Gou- I mean Fallen Faerie? There are a lot of frames where they go into a position where it seems pretty possible, and I've seen a few times where she'll lay down. Is this some kind of counter attack?
Re: Fairy Fighting

Does anyone know if its possible to rape Shin Gou- I mean Fallen Faerie? There are a lot of frames where they go into a position where it seems pretty possible, and I've seen a few times where she'll lay down. Is this some kind of counter attack?

Yes, if you land on her you'll end up on sliding her cock right into you.
Re: Fairy Fighting

Does anyone know if its possible to rape Shin Gou- I mean Fallen Faerie? There are a lot of frames where they go into a position where it seems pretty possible, and I've seen a few times where she'll lay down. Is this some kind of counter attack?

enter the command (down, back, down, back, heavy punch) when your sp gauge is full. tiki will glow yellow and fly towards fallen fairy. if she makes contact, she will jump on top of her and jerk fallen off while fallen eats her out. if you fill the "escape from rape" fallen fairy will cum, but if you just let them sit, fallen will turn the rape on tiki and rape her.

NOTE: this only works on fallen fairy
Re: Fairy Fighting

not even on dark tiki?
Re: Fairy Fighting

not even on dark tiki?

You "can" do it on dark tiki lol but it's a bug that may or not have been fixed in the last version. You will attempt to grab her then start jacking off an imaginary cock in mid air while she continues to try and hit you :) So it technically has no affect on dark tiki.