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Evelen (Tiffanian)

Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen focus herself to dont get caught missing in her attack, but the tentacles where so fast and graped her using their number like advantage when they saw a opening

some moans start to escape but stopted abruptly.

Evelen 4/5 -1 grapped
tentacle spawn 3/4

Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Ahhh, did I accidentally hit hard mode or something? Evelen thrashed about and tried to escape the clutches of the tentacles so that she could get the proper distance from it to attack with her spear.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The warrior suceeded in her attemp to escape and send another blow to the tentacles slashing some as other strike her and left a weir fluid on her body, she was an easy target when she get sorprised by the substance and the creatures grapped her again.

Evelen 3/2 ap 1 -2 crit grapped
Tentacle S. 2/4
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen cried out in surprise as the tentacles sprayed a strange fluid onto her; her concentration broken, they managed to grab her and hoist her up into the air. Not this again... she thought as she tried to get free again. I wish I had a sword, or something else to cut things closer to myself.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen attemp are in vain as the tentacles tie her arms and legs, but this make them lost the chance to do something more.

At the other side of the room a loud scream come from the box and then white spikes impale the box from the inside then these spikes start to hide in the box making a complete silence.

Evelen 3/5 -3 grapped ap 2
tentacle spawn 2/4
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen groaned as she struggled against the tentacles, failing miserably to do anything at all as they pulled her arms together tightly behind her, causing her to drop her spear. She was about to give up when she glanced at the chest, and heard a bloodcurdling scream as spikes exploded out of the chest, sending bits of the thing flying across the room. What the FUCK!? she cried out, not sure what to make of it. She renewed her struggles, trying to break the tentacles' hold on her.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The mother instincts of Evelen give her the streght enought to free herself of the firm grappe of the creature, with the same action she take her weapon and slaugh a great quentity of sorprised tentacles.

The box remain in a worrying deep silence.

Evelen 3/5 ap 2
Tentacke "spawn" 1/4
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen felt that it wouldn't take much more to kill the tentacle beast; it looked like it was moving a bit slower, and perhaps with less conviction. She lunged at it with a scream, stabbing at it with all the strength she could muster.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The tentacle try to escape but the Evelen` polearm stop her attemp slicing the little creature and sending her blood everywhere, without loss any time Evelen open the box prepared to kill any creature than was hurtind her beloved daughter.

She find something diferent instead there was Suzanne more palid than before washed in sweat and slime in a box completely emptly the only proofs of the other creature was a tentacle inside the mouth of Suzanne and wounds around her body.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen quickly dispatched the tentacle monster, its blood spattering the floor of the old house, and ran to the chest, throwing it open. She was shocked at the sight of the chest, empty except for her daughter, complete with tentacle in her mouth. Did... did she... eat the monster? What the fuck...? she thought, her mind racing. Still, she knelt down before the chest and reached out to hold the girl. Are you okay, Suzanne?
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen go closer her daughter forgeting the fact than the little girl devoured her foe, Suzanna try to move her body from the fetal position than she was without succest only have the strenght enough to left the tentacle on the floor to then look to the eyes of her mother and babling some incoherent words before fall sleep. Evelen saw how her eyes were brown like her maybe a sign than she have on her limit
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen gingerly picked up her daughter and held her tightly as she slept. You're going to be just fine, your mama is here for you she whispered to the sleeping girl, more to reassure herself than Suzanne. She glanced over at the corpse of the tentacle monster, the puddle of its blood slowly expanding around it, and spat on it in anger. She would sit there and wait for Suzanne to wake up; what she did after that would depend on what the girl needed.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Suzanne peacefully rested around a hour, as her mother watched how her normal skin color returned, a moments later she opened her once again golden eyes when her belly start to growl and try to go closer Evelen giving her a hug,then she looked the ample breasts of her mother" Suzanne" she said her name as she touched her hungry belly
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen smiled as Suzanne woke up. Hungry she said as she rubbed her stomach. Suzanne is hungry. She then pointed to herself. Mama. I'm Suzanne's mama. Done attempting to teach her daughter for the moment, she gently pulled the girl to her breast, sighing contentedly as she began to suckle. It was a very calming, lovely feeling, really.
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

" Hun...gry the little girl look her belly then she hugged again her mother "Mama..., Suzanne is Hungry" Evelen then feed her little girl who start to drink the milk of her mother vigorously until she was satisfied, she then kissed her cheek and stand up giving her hand to help her mother to go out the box as she smiling say mama once again. Now whit fight over and completely restore they can continue looking for items or imformation inside the house.

Evelen earn polearm +1
Suzanne earn +1 hp she can defend herself and use some abbilities using mp
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Okay, now that we've cleaned this house of monsters, I hope, maybe we can find something useful in here. Evelen set aside the personal trinkets she'd found thus far and continued to root around in the drawers. Check and see if there's anything under the bed she said to Suzanne, pointing to the space below the bed as she looked around. Maybe there'll be another key in here somewhere.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Suzanne nod when Evelen pointed the bed, with caution the little girl look behind the bed trying to avoid being caught by other creature, after that she go behind the bed and started to sneeze as she look for something.

Evelen continued looking finding a little key, maybe of a doorand a old yellow paper of a weird door with four crystals, unfornately the time had maken than she can read the letters around the door, she checked anothers drawers two have a few clothes of male and female (for a girl more tall than her) and a four have male underwear, also there was some slaver tools.

"Mama, show me" Suzanne had moved the bed a little revealing a hidden door open from were the tentacle beast come, she also have a little bag of money.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen put the key in her pack and looked at the clothes for a moment. Hmmm... None of these would fit me. I think this set would fit Suzanne, but it's meant for a boy. Hmm... Upon further inspection, she noticed the tools in the other drawer. Such interesting things. These people must have been slavers. Odd. I wonder how many people pass through this weird cave that it'd be profitable to be a slaver? She patted Suzanne's head when the girl found the hidden door, and the little bag of money. The trap door could lead anywhere. Maybe to where they trained the slaves... She held out a pair clothing to her daughter, a shirt that would be a bit too big for her and a pair of shorts that would likely come down halfway between her knees and ankles, along with a pair of men's underwear. Would Suzanne like to wear clothes? she asked, shaking them. Clothes? she asked again, for emphasis. If the girl seemed to want to, Evelen would help her into the clothes, if not, she would lead the girl carefully down the trap door.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Suzanne lend the little bag to her mother making a sweet sigh when she patted her head, "K..Clo thes?" she nodded "Suzanne like to wear clothes!!" happily accept it maybe believed than it was another gift of her mother. Evelen dress her daughter as she know than this could be the first time than she saw it. With the time Suzanne started to feel uncomfortable as her soft body was not used to be dressed, but she endure it as it was a gift of her mother and she trust her completely, even with that Evelen can saw the blushed face of her child and how started to stretch the shirt away of her skin.

When they go to the basement with the lamp in hand, they found a desk in the floor , maybe it fall when the monster passed close it, in the floor was a map with other documents both writed in a weird code in one of the papers was drawed the blue gemstone key than was in the box, the map maybe was used to find it, but like she cant find any clue of the others as she cant read the documents, maybe she could find a clue of how decode it in a paper somewere inside the house.

In the right wall was a hole were the criature could have come and in front of her were other 4 wooden doors one of them with a lok, in the right wall was two names inside a hearth " Henrry and Sofia" there was some bags with seeds and others imperishable food as also a training doll to fight practice. She can note than the floor and walls was maded in some parts with the redbrown stone an a little stream of water passed pass through the room as they have maded the house using a little tunnel or hole of the cave.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen giggled a bit as she watched Suzanne tug at her shirt, trying to get comfortable. You don't have to wear them if they're uncomfortable. Mama wants you to be comfortable. She nodded as she looked around in the basement. Of course all the important stuff is in code... The little key I have probably opens that door. Hmmm... She went back upstairs to try and find papers related to a code, and to skim the diary, since perhaps that would have information on the code written in it.