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Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

  • Yes. We want to talk to the other tamer in a calm setting.

    Votes: 6 54.5%
  • No. Yell to attract their attention, but keep going.

    Votes: 4 36.4%
  • Forget him. He's a dunce, and his sister is rude.

    Votes: 1 9.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

Also, thanks for those links; they were really helpful for information beyond the basic premise.
No prob.

Are you the actual webmaster of pokegirls.org?
No I'm not a webmaster of Pokegirls.org. That would be cool. I'm am the webmaster of another site, but I'm not proud of it... don't ask.

If somebody want the current Pokédex, drop me a Private Message. But NOT! a Profile Message!
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

I don't like this forum's poll software. I have to start a new thread to make a new poll. Doesn't matter for this anyway, as I prefer to read everyone's comments and observations.

Decision Made: Help Markus figure out how to get Venessa in a Pokéball.

I figure I may as well help the poor kid, but spoon feeding him the answer would encourage him to look to others for answers. That's a habit that would keep him from being successful. I lean in a bit closer to him before trying to explain.

"Bit of a puzzle we got here..." I comment in faux bewilderment, "It's not like there's any other kind of Pokégirl that can't be capture at all either."

To my disappointment Markus nods his head in agreement. Maggie, on the other hand, seams to get more excited, tapping on Markus' shoulder then putting her hand to her forehead and pointing up. Markus looks at her completely dumbfounded, but luckily Venessa understands. "A Unicorn," she says, frowning at her brother.

"Oh, yeah," Markus says, as if suddenly discovering the truth of the universe. "You can't capture one without their permission. They run too fast."

"No, Markus. That's Sonicas," his sister corrects. "Unicorns have a magic anti-capture field. Are you thinking I have one?" she enquires, turning to me. "I don't feel it."

"Yep. I've heard stories about uncapturable Kamichus. One of them even claimed weird circumstances would pop up to prevent this one Kamichu from being capture, like falling potted plants, or random cross breezes, or the guy with the ball bursting into flames." Markus' eyes widen in fear. "I think it this the anti-capture effect makes the balls consider you an inanimate object. Which means there's no chance of you making a Magmammary impression, Markus."

"OK. So then Venessa has an anti-capture ability. What do I do?" he asks me. Maggie suddenly has a sinister grin, as her vines slowly wave up in the air in a serpent dance. I shake my head at her, and she pouts as her vines droop.

"Venessa has an anti-capture magic like a Unicorn, and you can't capture one unless she lets you. So what would you do if Venessa was a Unicorn?" I ask.

He takes a few moments thinking before it finally clicks. Her turns to Venessa, and holds out a shrunken Pokéball. "Um, Venessa. I'm a nice guy. Would you like to join my harem?"

Venessa sighs as she takes the ball from him, expanding it and touching it to her palm. "Fine. This is dumb. What makes you thi-" she begins as the red light engulfs her. The Pokéball drops to the ground, and the red light blinks several times, indicating a successful capture.

"Hey! It worked," Markus exclaimed, reaching down to release Venessa.

"Congratulations, Markus. You've caught your first Pokégirl."

After Venessa rematerializes, she declares "I don't like it in there. Promise not to put me in it unless I'm really hurt, okay?"

Markus agrees, and we trade com numbers, before I leave for the PokéCenter. "Smell ya later!" I declare, waving back to them.

Minutes later, I'm at the front counter, handing the cheerful NurseJoy four Pokéballs. "I'd like them all put through a healing cycle, and the Bunnygirl, the Titacool and the Naga put through a level 3 conditioning cycle as well, please," I request.

"Certainly," she answers. "This will only take few minutes." I nod in thanks, causing her smile to brighten, before I take a seat, using the time to consider what to do with my captures. What to do about the ferals? On the one hand, Sunset is my only girl. On the other hand, I'm completely broke. No food, just the clothes on my back, and a belt full of Pokégirls.

  1. Decision: After Sunset is all patched up, what do I do?
    • Tamer her. She did as I asked, and she seams to only want sex in return.
    • Spend some time talking to her. Get to know her and her you. You don't just want a slave.
    • Tame her, and then have her help me tame any of the ferals I decide to keep.
    • Just have her help me tame the ferals I keep. Don't want to spoil her.
    • Head out and hunt for more ferals. I really needs the mula.
  2. The Black Naga: She's Rare, which means worth a quite a bit, and her evolved forms can be useful. But she's also likely a lesbian.
    • Try to tame her. If she's a lesbian, follow up with another choice.
    • Send her through a level 4 conditioning cycle to make her bi-sexual, then tame her.
    • Sell her for money.
    • Put her up on Pok-E-bay for a trade. A more suitable girl may be available, or even a useful item.
    • Offer her to Markus next time we meet, then follow up with another choice if he refuses.
  3. The Titacool: an Uncommon, so not worth too much. She is also water reliant and will dry up quickly when outside her ball. That said, her two evolved forms are kind good, the Titacruel being stronger. But she'll also be very aggressive, sexually.
    • Tame her. We want to use her for tentacle rape later. :D
    • Sell her for money.
    • Put her up on Pok-E-bay for a trade.
    • Offer her to Markus next time we meet, then follow up with another choice if he refuses.
  4. The Bunnygirl: A common Pokégirl. Not very useful as a domestic, due to her clumsiness and likely being airhead. But any girl can be strong with enough effort, and many of her evolutions are wonderful and dynamic additions to a team.
    • Tame her. I like horny bunnies, don't you?
    • Sell her for money. It won't be much, but it'll get me some Pokéchow. I can eat Pokéchow, right?
    • Put her up on Pok-E-bay for a trade. Maybe someone will offer me an Ingeneu!
    • Offer her to Markus next time we meet. They'll make a cute couple.
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Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

1. B and C
2. A or B
3. A for sure.
4. A

((Also OOC: I joined the Pokegirl Yahoo group and browsed through the pokedex, There's tons of interesting girls in there.))
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

1C - we'll want her help for Titacool and possibly the Black Naga as well.
2 (undecided) - not sure what I want to do with her until I get a look at her information. But probably A, then B.
3A - Duh
4A - Can't be picky about which girls we keep for our team right now, sort of like how you always kept that first Ratatta/Pidgey you caught in the games even though you were going to replace them within the next two cities.
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

- B.
She's the first girl you got, and the first one is always special. Plus, I'd assume that the stronger the bond is between pokegirl and tamer, the better you are in battle with said pokegirl.
Of course, after your chat, you should use her to tame the other girls :p

- B.

- A.
When are tentacles NOT fun?
Plus, unless the Naga can fight in the water, she seems to be the only one who would be of use in a battle in/over water.

- A.
A bit more seriously, if you work at it, she can evolve into either a Cabbit -> (that one takes work, but HOLY JEBUS does it sound awesome) or a (seems pretty awesome and doesn't take as much work as a Starlight). If neither of those is still available, since you did say the pokedex I said I was bookmarking wasn't up-to-date, well then there's always the or the . And if neither of those is available... well then I just don't know. >: (
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Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

1 - C/A This really depends on choice 2, but either way she deserves a treat.

2 - A/B Snake girls are strong and sexy as hell.

3 - B/C/A We do need money, and I was never all that found of Tentacool in any Pokemon, but if we do keep her she'll make a good partner for the bisexual Naga.

4 - A I want either the Cabbit or the Gun Bunny.

Edit: Oh forgot to add that I absolutely loved Maggie's reaction to Markus wondering what he should do to get Vanessa's anti-magic field down.
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Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

1. B & C
2. B
3. A
4. A or C / D (they are common, can always find more)
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

1C, or I guess 1A if she's a one-guy kinda gal.

2B, fuck yes snake girl, never part with her ever.

3... that's pretty tough. I'd like to keep her, and as we saved her from death our starting relationship might be a little better... but we also kept the thing that tried to eat her. And they aren't much use if they're not paired up, right?

...Maybe she won't mind so much, if she's also a feral? Just how it works in the wild, maybe? Yeah right.

Whatever, fuck it, A. Depending on her reaction, we can sell/trade her later, but we can probably also get a loyal girl out of this if we play our cards right. Remind her the naga's our girl, so she's under our orders not to eat her, and that you can't guarrantee she won't get eaten or fed to stuff if she leaves you.

4D is amusing, but I'm a little reluctant to part with our very first catch. I guess A?

Of course, that leaves us with the least amount of money and the most amount of people to feed and dick. I suppose we could try hunting and foraging on the outskirts if all else fails, but are there any reasons we shouldn't whore our girls out? I'm going to assume STDs are a minimal concern in a parody porn universe - what about laws or whatever?

If there aren't, we could play WhoreMaster, except with less mafia-inheritor and more penniless trainer-bum.
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

A handy little .exe that Taken gave me. It's basically a pokedex for this universe that's up-to-date. Unfortunately he didn't specify what type of Naga we caught, so I can't update my vote yet. (I suspect it's a Lamia.)
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

- B.
She's the first girl you got, and the first one is always special. Plus, I'd assume that the stronger the bond is between pokegirl and tamer, the better you are in battle with said pokegirl.
Of course, after your chat, you should use her to tame the other girls :p

- B.

- A.
When are tentacles NOT fun?
Plus, unless the Naga can fight in the water, she seems to be the only one who would be of use in a battle in/over water.

- A.
A bit more seriously, if you work at it, she can evolve into either a Cabbit -> (that one takes work, but HOLY JEBUS does it sound awesome) or a (seems pretty awesome and doesn't take as much work as a Starlight). If neither of those is still available, since you did say the pokedex I said I was bookmarking wasn't up-to-date, well then there's always the or the . And if neither of those is available... well then I just don't know. >: (

this one
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

1. C, let her get some sex and be helpful at the same time
A then B if necessary
3. C or D - Titacruels and Titaikrakens are both generally aggressively lesbian IIRC
4. A, some of the things she can evolve into are useful
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

1B then C.
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

Unfortunately he didn't specify what type of Naga we caught, so I can't update my vote yet. (I suspect it's a Lamia.)

Nope. She's the basic Naga. Unlike the always purple Ekans, Nagas don't have a standard colouration. They do have a predictable bust size, for some reason...

I didn't elaborate enough with option 1,A. It's supposed to be like "Tame Sunset again, then go hunt for more ferals." But it looks like people want to talk to her, and start taming the other girls.

...are there any reasons we shouldn't whore our girls out? I'm going to assume STDs are a minimal concern in a parody porn universe - what about laws or whatever?

If there aren't, we could play WhoreMaster, except with less mafia-inheritor and more penniless trainer-bum.

League laws vary, but the primary problem with trying to whore out a Pokégirl is supply and demand. The Supply of dick starved women in the world if obscenely high. In the Orange Islands (Australia), PkGs outnumber humans 3 to 1. In the Blue League (AKA, Great Britain), Pokégirls outnumber humans something close to 14 to one. In what's left of continental Europe and Aisan, it's even worse. There are huge swaths of abandoned wilderness where the ratio of humnas to PkGs is 0:All of them. China is trippin' bunny girls!

There is enough of a demand for Pokégirls that Tamers can make a decent living wandering around and catching a few girls here and there and selling the ones they don't want, but it's just more economical to buy a Bunnygirl as a sex pet than to rent one out once a week.

All that, and my girls having sex with other men will mess up the bonding process. I don't want my girls having mixed loyalties.
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

Nope. She's the basic Naga. Unlike the always purple Ekans, Nagas don't have a standard colouration. They do have a predictable bust size, for some reason...

Ah, I was confused because the pokedex you gave me lists basic Naga as 'Uncommon,' not Rare, and where Titacools are the same rarity for some reason I read in between the lines that Naga were much more rare than anything else we already had.
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

Ah, I was confused because the pokedex you gave me lists basic Naga as 'Uncommon,' not Rare, and where Titacools are the same rarity for some reason I read in between the lines that Naga were much more rare than anything else we already had.

The 'rarity' ratings are a bit messed up. If you take into account that there are 12 PkGs rated as 'Very Uncommon" and 67 PkGs that are rated as 'Common', with the current PkG demographics based on rarity rating, there are actually more of each individual 'Uncommon' breed than there are of each 'Common' breed.

So i just up and decided that Nagas are worth more than Titacools. Besides, Nagas come in wildly varying colours, while Titacools are relatively uniform.
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

1B/C: Chat up Sunset, boink her as a present for good behaviour, then have her help tame your captures.
2A: After Sunset is up and ready, try to tame the Naga. Probably need some food for this stage, since we interrupted her earlier meal. Switch to B if she's too lesbian for Rocky to do the taming.
3A: TENTACOO WAPE! Or, y'know, not rape, because it's not rape if it's consensual.
4B: Regrettably, Rocky needs cash, and I want to keep the Naga and the Titakool.

Other thoughts: Consider asking the NurseJoy if there's any work that Rocky can do that doesn't require Pokégirls just yet. See if the Titakool will put up with being in the same harem as her former predator - if not, it'll probably be easier to find a replacement Titakool than a replacement Naga, so Rocky should sell the Titakool instead of the Bunnygirl.
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

Here are the results of the last Decision path:
1: a 1/2, b 5, c 4 1/2
2: a 4, b 5 (4), u 1
3: a 7 1/3, b 1/3, c 1/3
4: a 8 1/2, c 1/4, d 1/4

Talking to Sunset is likely to result is some sexy time, but it seams as if people are eager for some extra smexing all over. Are you guys gonna vote for boning every girl captured by Rocky Bullwinkle? :eek:

While trying to tame the Naga then putting her through a conditioning cycle if she lesbian was close, the majority just want her conditioned to dickable and tamed now.

I knew you'd all want to keep the first tentacled woman we got our grubby little fingers on. :p

This I didn't anticipate. I figured since bunnygirls were common, we could just keep selling all the ones we caught until we had a stable harem, but it looks like we're keeping all the feral girls we got in our first pass. Good thing we got a mind affecting A-bra to help us out.

I'll start writing. This round in gonna be a doozy.
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

If we could use them to fight without 'taming' them I probably would. Right now I just want to get a fully functional team as soon as we can; we can always get rid of the bunnygirl (as she is most likely not going to be helpful in the slightest). Frankly I'd like to give the bunnygirl to Markus so she can focus on keeping his diaper clean, but only after we have somebody more reliable to fall back on. I might change my opinion on her if I knew that money was actually useful in this world - after all, all you really need to spend money on in the beginning is some poke balls and we have some of those already.
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

Are you guys gonna vote for boning every girl captured by Rocky Bullwinkle? :eek:


I knew you'd all want to keep the first tentacled woman we got our grubby little fingers on. :p

Of Course!

This I didn't anticipate. I figured since bunnygirls were common, we could just keep selling all the ones we caught until we had a stable harem, but it looks like we're keeping all the feral girls we got in our first pass. Good thing we got a mind affecting A-bra to help us out.

Well, I decided to check out her evolutions before making a decision with her.
Like I said, though, dunno if the ones I listed are still viable evolutions, so yeah.

@Alias, or possibly anyone else that might know: Err, how do I view the pokedex? Apparently I don't have 'the right application' to view the .dex or the .db, and none of the text documents seem to be of any help.
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

@Alias, or possibly anyone else that might know: Err, how do I view the pokedex? Apparently I don't have 'the right application' to view the .dex or the .db, and none of the text documents seem to be of any help.

rename 'pgdex.dex' to 'pgdex.exe'

I did the reverse because Gmail doesn't allow executables to be transfered on their system.