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Fallout 3 / Oblivion with Guns

Fallout 3 / Oblivion with Guns

  • Fallout 3

    Votes: 16 57.1%
  • Oblivion with Guns

    Votes: 12 42.9%

  • Total voters

Re: Fallout 3 / Oblivion with Guns

AKA I would pick drinking out of a toilet full of radiation over trying to get into the mages guild anyday, not to mention that at least the mapping in Fallout 3 isn't the same 4 yards of field copypasted a million times. xD

The way he said it sounds like he was targeting Oblivion Nunu, and I disagree with him completely if he is.
Re: Fallout 3 / Oblivion with Guns

Cappy you aren't writing a fucking poem, stop it with the unnecessary uses of the enter key

Also FO3 barely resembles the first two as you most likely know, it's basically Oblivion with guns. But it's still a great game and probably pretty cheap by now.
Re: Fallout 3 / Oblivion with Guns

Yes its easy to call Fallout 3 "Oblivion with guns" but if that was the case I suppose Dragon Age is KOTOR with swords. Battlefield BC2 is Call of Duty with vehicles. SoulCalibur 4 is Tekken with weapons. Mortal Kombat is Street Fighter with blood. The Darkness is Chronicles of Riddick with Demons.

Are you fucking stupid or something

FO3 and Oblivion used the same engine and they both developed by Bethesda, you're just comparing genres

I mean wow
Re: Fallout 3 / Oblivion with Guns

99% of players will head striaght for Megaton, where they practically have the bomb/get house mission thrust into their face. Once you have the incredibly helpful house you'd be mad not to use it. It imediately wiped the nomad style of the previous Fallouts out of the game. I mean seriously? The robot butler? He's awesome and all, but that's just too freaking kind for the start of a Fallout game. The entire map is centralised around player set out from their house, and fast travelling back to sell junk.

...You...you get a house? x_____x; *had no clue that that possibility even existed*

But then again I was running around getting my ass kicked by Super Mutants and saving the people of Big Town before I did the GNR mission. I only found out that I had been doing lots of sequence breaking because a guy at work told me so. No wonder I had been having such a tough time with the game; I was fighting enemies I wasn't supposed to encounter for a couple more levels. x-x
Re: Fallout 3 / Oblivion with Guns

Are you fucking stupid or something

FO3 and Oblivion used the same engine and they both developed by Bethesda, you're just comparing genres

I mean wow

Am I fucking stupid? What about you dipshit? Are you fucking stupid? One of those comparisons was Dragon Age and KOTOR, both developed by Bioware and playing in a similar fashion to each other.

First Person Shooters often use similar engines, go out and look around and see how many fucking games use the Unreal Engine. Like Unreal Tournament III and Gears of War.

Having the same engine and developer does not make the game exactly the same, but with different weapons.

I mean, wow. You didn't even refute any of my other points except for the one that seemed easiest to go against with some angsty bullshit.

Oblivion and Fallout 3 seem the same when you look at the shell of the game, but when you start to look in a bit deeper you find plenty of differences. That's how the developers sold it.
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Re: Fallout 3 / Oblivion with Guns

...You...you get a house? x_____x; *had no clue that that possibility even existed*

But then again I was running around getting my ass kicked by Super Mutants and saving the people of Big Town before I did the GNR mission. I only found out that I had been doing lots of sequence breaking because a guy at work told me so. No wonder I had been having such a tough time with the game; I was fighting enemies I wasn't supposed to encounter for a couple more levels. x-x

I went looking for a Super Mutant the second I got out of the Vault. I was told by NPCs that DC was crawling with them. I reached DC at only level 3, and I managed to take down one using about 8-10 hand grenades, a couple of mines, a pistol, a hunting rifle, an assault rifle, and the killing blow was a BB to the face... then I saw another one... suffice to say, I ran like shit, because I had just wasted all my ammo and meds on the first one >.<
The only reason I went to Megaton after that is because, well, I kinda just stumbled upon it after returning to the town right outside the Vault because I had planned on storing stuff around the town. I saw the sign for MEGATON, and I was like "What's that?", and next thing I know, I'm defusing a bomb and getting a house.
Re: Fallout 3 / Oblivion with Guns

The shops don't have infinite cash. :p

You sure? Am I going senile a few decades early or can someone who's played the game more recently confirm how the stores/traders cash supplys work in F3? I'm pretty certain I remember selling a few hundred miscellaneous guns, patch work armour pieces and other crap to the crazy woman in Megaton. Always had more money to splash on whatever I insisted she bought. Or so I seem to remember. So easy to make me doubt my own memory... >_>

Either way, they should definitely have kept the distinctive barter system. At least in some form. Money should have just been another item that can be traded like before.

Also Lucas, your a hero. And I guess part of the 1% I implied that didn't go straight for the house. You don't need no convenient storage space to keep your spare stuff, no comfy bed to rest in, no work benches and cola vending machines, no robot butler to tell you jokes and pour you drinks. No. A real man roams the waste relying only on what they can carry on them and take from the land (or other people). Walking into the horizon without a clue where your going, just to see what you might find. That's the Fallout way!

Real woman can do this too...
Re: Fallout 3 / Oblivion with Guns

I'll admit, when I heard Bethesda was going to take over the project of Fallout 3, I wasn't too excited. I already knew they'd use their own system that was used in Oblivion, since it would be all too convenient, and efficient to do so, rather than spend all the funds to create another. I didn't know if it would make or break the game, so for the most part, I hung my head low until I played the game first.

I'm from my own perspective, Bethesda did a good job with keeping to the original's majesty. Despite using the same system, it felt vastly different to look at a desolate wasteland upon exiting the Vault, rather than the beautiful forest in Oblivion. I think the different art style alone at least grants Fallout 3 a right to call itself it's own game, if not for it's decent plot line.
Re: Fallout 3 / Oblivion with Guns

Am I fucking stupid? What about you dipshit? Are you fucking stupid? One of those comparisons was Dragon Age and KOTOR, both developed by Bioware and playing in a similar fashion to each other.

First Person Shooters often use similar engines, go out and look around and see how many fucking games use the Unreal Engine. Like Unreal Tournament III and Gears of War.

Having the same engine and developer does not make the game exactly the same, but with different weapons.

I mean, wow. You didn't even refute any of my other points except for the one that seemed easiest to go against with some angsty bullshit.

Oblivion and Fallout 3 seem the same when you look at the shell of the game, but when you start to look in a bit deeper you find plenty of differences. That's how the developers sold it.

He doesn't want to admit he compared genre's lol. You just don't want to admit you didn't know it sin.

Fallout 3 is different enough than oblivion in story, gameplay, and enjoyment that it was worth the buy. I agree, if you take one look at the gameplay and then check oblivion, its almost exactly the same.

I personally enjoyed oblivion far more than fallout, simply because it was more fun. I loved the medieval approach, i loved the spells, and omg were the cheats fun after you've already beaten the game. I mean there was this one spell that froze time(basically) for an entire town for a couple of minutes. Awesome cheats. Fallout......does have the same gore level of Oblivion, but its really just kind of annoying for me to play. Not only do i constantly never have enough money or bullets, Or even bullets for the right gun, I never have the will to play the game for more than a few hours. I mean yeah its fun and all, but its so tiring to walk everywhere with literally nothing but annoying bandits in my way.

Fallout 3 is a a good game. I disliked it.

But if you enter comparison perspectives, YES it is Oblivion with guns and different character models. But if you just play the game without it, it seems like its enough to be a solid game.
Re: Fallout 3 / Oblivion with Guns


Yup I'm pretty sure. In the bottom right you'll see their money. Anything you sell beyond their means to pay you means you're just giving it to them. Everytime you buy something gives them money for them to "buy" things from you.

Re: Fallout 3 / Oblivion with Guns

Thank you 24fm i lol'd when i saw that about infinate money.

I played all the fallout games and loved them. when 3 came out i was plesantly suprised with the rpg elements. It was in my opinion a great way to finally see the universe that interplay worked so hard to depict to us in awful 2d images.

Personaly there is something different when playing a top down rpg seeing a deathclaw maul your character when in F3 hes in your face and your screaming for its death.

Seeing that The Elder Scrolls were first out before the Fallout series one could say that Fallout 3 was oblivion with guns. But i tend to say Fallout 3 is the use of the engine that ran Oblivion but is in full right its own game.

(Btw Fallout New Vegas im excited.)
Re: Fallout 3 / Oblivion with Guns

He doesn't want to admit he compared genre's lol. You just don't want to admit you didn't know it sin.

No, I'll admit it.

And I've with you in that I enjoy Oblivion more than Fallout 3. Perhaps part of it is because I never got into the original fallout games save Tactics, but I've played Arena, Daggerfall, and Morrowind before I got into Oblivion. Bit of a fan girl for the series.

I've also heard rumours of an Elder Scrolls V. I do so hope they are true.
Re: Fallout 3 / Oblivion with Guns

No, I'll admit it.

And I've with you in that I enjoy Oblivion more than Fallout 3. Perhaps part of it is because I never got into the original fallout games save Tactics, but I've played Arena, Daggerfall, and Morrowind before I got into Oblivion. Bit of a fan girl for the series.

I've also heard rumours of an Elder Scrolls V. I do so hope they are true.

Just pray that it isn't an MMO. And that they don't chop off more skills like they did for Oblivion.
Re: Fallout 3 / Oblivion with Guns

I want spears back. :(
I want to be able to go jumping over mountains and running over rooftops again.
And I want elves that don't sound quite so universally camp. The Morrowind Dunmer were badasses, while I swear half the ones in Cyrodill just want your ass.

There were a lot of very significant improvements in oblivion, but also a lot of things chopped out or changed in ways that I don't feel they needed to. Very interested in seeing what the next will be like. I highly doubt that Bethesda would decide to end their longest running series now.
Re: Fallout 3 / Oblivion with Guns

Indeed, I'd like spears back, blades seperated into long and short again, axes separated from blunt, crossbows, throwing knives, and staves that you can beat people with. And that's just what I want for weapons.

I really really enjoyed Morrowind, but Oblivion drew me in deeper because of the better combat (in my opinion) and the fact that the NPCs walked around and did shit, rather than move in circles in a set spot like they did in Morrowind.

I also hope the main quest won't be as tedious (especially when you have to get the aid for Bruma... holy fuck...).

And I wonder what big celebrity voice actor's they'll have. Oblivion was Patrick Stewart (as the Emperor, reprising his role from Daggerfall) and Sean Bean (as Martin), whilst Fallout3 had Liam Neeson.
Re: Fallout 3 / Oblivion with Guns

Dear God, don't remind me of Oblivion's voice acting. It was completely and utterly butchered in Germany to the point it's almost game-breaking. The complete conversion into German was a horrible clusterfuck, and Bethesda did jack shit to fix it - the fans had to do their job. The game itself is nice and all, but that... Holy fuck.

From what I have seen from Fallout 3 it very much looks like Oblivion with Guns. But I haven't played it myself, so I can't give more than a rough estimation.
Re: Fallout 3 / Oblivion with Guns

I never liked any of the Elder Scrolls games, and the only Fallout game I played before 3 was Tactics, which I enjoyed, but never got far in. I really liked Fallout 3, whereas I couldn't stay interested in Oblivion. Everything in that world is so generic, while the Fallout world is very unique. Plus, I don't think melee weapons ever really work in first person. To me, Oblivion is "Fallout 3 without nukes" ;)
Re: Fallout 3 / Oblivion with Guns

My only complaint with Oblivion is that I could go for half an hour without meeting an enemy of some sort, while in F3, there was ALWAYS something. I dunno, maybe it's just my bad luck, but walking around for half an hour looking for something to kill... ah well, at least I found enemies more often than I did in Morrowind.

I never really understood why Axes were 'blunt' in Oblivion. I mean, you CAN make a blunt axe, but an axe is for chopping, if I want blunt damage I can use a Hammer or a Mace.
Re: Fallout 3 / Oblivion with Guns

I will say that now that I've gotten out of my whole odd sequence-breaking thing, the game has become quite a bit more enjoyable. Being able to kill enemies and have them not be super-powered in comparison against you is always a plus. X.x;