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SIM Loli [FreakilyCharming] Teaching Feeling 〜奴隷との生活〜 / Life With A Slave -Teaching Feeling- (RJ162718)

Re: 奴隷との生活 -Teaching Feeling-

Nope, it appears he got sick of filthy foreigners asking stupid questions and/or bragging about pirating his game and decided to lock his twitter account. Makes me wish I had a twitter before that happened. Ah well.

Really the only 'big' issue is that there's now no one-look way to know if there's a new version of TF out, or what's being worked on development-wise. You can of course manually check DLSite (~6-12 hour delay after updating), and he still streams openly on FC2, but yeah.

One of DLSite setting is to send you a mail whenever one of your products/things you've favorited has been updated.
Re: 奴隷との生活 -Teaching Feeling-

Anything new ? :3
>Improved scene transitions to work more smoothly
>Added manual and changelog to the title screen menu
>Improved main menu UI
>Changed "To bed" so that it can be selected during the final two parts of the day
>Changed "Work together" so that it can be clicked even if Sylvie isn't wearing the nurse outfit (she'll change on her own)
>Changed "Help" button in communication system so it's a phrase index instead of random suggestions
>Increased available save slots for outfits in the Closet from 10 to 20, added the ability to give the coordinations names, and added a confirmation on overwrite
>Sylvie now comments on what you did during the day at the end of each day
>Added a status message to the Sylvie Status function to indicate that she's currently in sexual withdrawl
>Added more places that you can touch Sylvie in the main menu (eyes, hair)
>Some phrases said in the communication system can now be chained together into conversation. There are plans to increase this functionality going forward.
(Compatible phrases will be indicated in the Help system as well
(The color of options that can be chained is slightly different from those that cannot
>Made it possible for Sylvie to keep wearing certain outfits in the "To bed" H-scene
(Simple Dress, Casual Outfit, Sailor Uniform, Blazer, Tie & Skirt, plus halves of those
>Added more outfits for Aurelia
>Typo fixes

Bug fixes:
>In part of the oral H-scene, Sylvie's name was not appearing correctly
>In the "Cant' wait" H-scene at the beginning when Sylvie shows herself to you, the piercings and band-aid weren't appearing correctly
>Even if Sylvie refused to call you a degrading name out loud, she would end up calling you that name regardless

One of DLSite setting is to send you a mail whenever one of your products/things you've favorited has been updated.
I've added the game to my favorites, we'll see if that works. Thanks for the tip. :cool:
Re: 奴隷との生活 -Teaching Feeling-

Wait, so Ray jumped straight from 1.8.2 to 1.9.0? Really?
Re: 奴隷との生活 -Teaching Feeling-

From 1.8.3 to 1.9.0, yes. Wouldn't be the first time, the small version numbers are usually just bugfixes. So if there are no huge bugs to speak of, then he'll skip to the next major version when he makes huge changes.

Which 1.9.0 definitely is.
Re: 奴隷との生活 -Teaching Feeling-

One of DLSite setting is to send you a mail whenever one of your products/things you've favorited has been updated.

Never knew there is such a function. Holy derp. Thanks
Re: 奴隷との生活 -Teaching Feeling-

>Improved scene transitions to work more smoothly
>Added manual and changelog to the title screen menu
>Improved main menu UI
>Changed "To bed" so that it can be selected during the final two parts of the day
>Changed "Work together" so that it can be clicked even if Sylvie isn't wearing the nurse outfit (she'll change on her own)
>Changed "Help" button in communication system so it's a phrase index instead of random suggestions
>Increased available save slots for outfits in the Closet from 10 to 20, added the ability to give the coordinations names, and added a confirmation on overwrite
>Sylvie now comments on what you did during the day at the end of each day
>Added a status message to the Sylvie Status function to indicate that she's currently in sexual withdrawl
>Added more places that you can touch Sylvie in the main menu (eyes, hair)
>Some phrases said in the communication system can now be chained together into conversation. There are plans to increase this functionality going forward.
(Compatible phrases will be indicated in the Help system as well
(The color of options that can be chained is slightly different from those that cannot
>Made it possible for Sylvie to keep wearing certain outfits in the "To bed" H-scene
(Simple Dress, Casual Outfit, Sailor Uniform, Blazer, Tie & Skirt, plus halves of those
>Added more outfits for Aurelia
>Typo fixes

Bug fixes:
>In part of the oral H-scene, Sylvie's name was not appearing correctly
>In the "Cant' wait" H-scene at the beginning when Sylvie shows herself to you, the piercings and band-aid weren't appearing correctly
>Even if Sylvie refused to call you a degrading name out loud, she would end up calling you that name regardless

I've added the game to my favorites, we'll see if that works. Thanks for the tip. :cool:

Thanks Nomake Wan :>
I just want the wedding content :3

i want to propose to sylvie!


This gif took forever to make... Worth it.
Re: 奴隷との生活 -Teaching Feeling-

Thanks Nomake Wan :>
I just want the wedding content :3

i want to propose to sylvie!


This gif took forever to make... Worth it.

all this hype game is nothing that boring turn girl sex slave, give her some drug tea and wait she turn horny ok lets sex, sex,sex,sex........what else..yeah dress up doll...hmmm...more sex. My new masster is better that before one because he was sadist lover but this new one lets have sex hmm....pleasure over pain !
Re: 奴隷との生活 -Teaching Feeling-

all this hype game is nothing that boring turn girl sex slave, give her some drug tea and wait she turn horny ok lets sex, sex,sex,sex........what else..yeah dress up doll...hmmm...more sex. My new masster is better that before one because he was sadist lover but this new one lets have sex hmm....pleasure over pain !

I almost choked while reading your post.
I'm seriously confused and worried about you right now..
Don't take this the wrong way but, did you even read your own sentences before posting it?

There is different ways you can play "Teaching Feelings".
I can see that you like drugging sylvie and i respect that .. not.
But you can also just "love" her like a normal humen being :3
Re: 奴隷との生活 -Teaching Feeling-

While there is plenty of H-content in the game, there is a perfectly valid way to play the game without ever having sex with Sylvie. It's called the "Platonic Route" and the only thing it locks out are the H-scenes and the night shop, plus things like wearing halves of clothes. So basically, the only thing you lose is the lewd stuff. ;)
Re: 奴隷との生活 -Teaching Feeling-

Its not even about sex but shit like "When the wind goes quiet, it feels like there is only two of us in this world, ̶P̶a̶p̶a̶ Master."
Girls nowdays to say stuff like this, and they not gonna thank you for every goddamn meal you treat them to.
Re: 奴隷との生活 -Teaching Feeling-

I almost choked while reading your post.
I'm seriously confused and worried about you right now..
Don't take this the wrong way but, did you even read your own sentences before posting it?

There is different ways you can play "Teaching Feelings".
I can see that you like drugging sylvie and i respect that .. not.
But you can also just "love" her like a normal humen being :3

I should kill myself for better future of human kind, this from my own view of this Hentai Game, lets say again Hentai Game.

1. Girls is torture by his old Master, so who ever own the girl in game can do what ever he want right ? Quest why girl was give to you ? because, you dress her, make her call you with dirty name, like Bad Dad, New Lover, or anything you want to.

2. Girls truelly dont care what happen to her and so basic im not sympathy on her its not like some grazy Italian Father lock own Daugter in cellar to 15 year and impregnant her 7 time true story i sympathy that ! Who know where this kind stuff happen right now.....other that Italy.

3.Well game about what teaching feeling, i dont feeling i just playing and love eh...human being.
Re: 奴隷との生活 -Teaching Feeling-

Its not even about sex but shit like "When the wind goes quiet, it feels like there is only two of us in this world, ̶P̶a̶p̶a̶ Master."
Girls nowdays to say stuff like this, and they not gonna thank you for every goddamn meal you treat them to.
How many girls have you interacted with who were sold into slavery at a young age, physically tortured, and then was sold off to someone who was kinder to her and developed a serious case of Stockholm's? Just asking...

I should kill myself for better future of human kind, this from my own view of this Hentai Game, lets say again Hentai Game.
The game has H-content, yep. However, as I mentioned before, there's a perfectly valid way to play the game that doesn't include that content. You choose to access that content. You choose to have her call you something nasty. You choose to put aphrodisiacs in her tea. You choose to boost her stamina. These are all choices that you, the player, make. Moan about how the game lets you do that all you want, but in the end, it's you who chose to go that route when you could have avoided it. Know thyself. ;)
Re: 奴隷との生活 -Teaching Feeling-

I should kill myself for better future of human kind, this from my own view of this Hentai Game, lets say again Hentai Game.

1. Girls is torture by his old Master, so who ever own the girl in game can do what ever he want right ? Quest why girl was give to you ? because, you dress her, make her call you with dirty name, like Bad Dad, New Lover, or anything you want to.

2. Girls truelly dont care what happen to her and so basic im not sympathy on her its not like some grazy Italian Father lock own Daugter in cellar to 15 year and impregnant her 7 time true story i sympathy that ! Who know where this kind stuff happen right now.....other that Italy.

3.Well game about what teaching feeling, i dont feeling i just playing and love eh...human being.

H-have.. you even played game?

Let's take a look at your arguments.

Girls is torture by his old Master: True.
so who ever own the girl in game can do what ever he want right: True

because, you dress her, make her call you with dirty name, like Bad Dad, New Lover, or anything you want to.
I'm... sorry.. The game is named "Teaching feelings"
As i can see you're teaching "Sylvie" How to be the perfect Cumdumpster while she is moaning daddy and i'm sure you like it.

But This is not how i play the game.
You can "choose" to molest her or just be her guardian until she offers herself to you because you taught her "feelings" and she fell in love with you

2. Girls truelly dont care what happen to her and so basic im not sympathy on her its not like some grazy Italian Father lock own Daugter in cellar to 15 year and impregnant her 7 time true story i sympathy that ! Who know where this kind stuff happen right now.....other that Italy.
What does this even mean?
it's true that she doesn't care what happens with her in the start. SHE WERE A SLAVE Do you think you have some kind of rights while in slavely?
It's us that shows her how to live a her life as she sees fit. In the start of the game she ALWAYS ask for permission because this is what she had been taught and afraid. Later in the game she is smiling and happy because we are teaching the one emotion she never had experienced "Love"

3.Well game about what teaching feeling, i dont feeling i just playing and love eh...human being.
I'm not even sure what this means.
Re: 奴隷との生活 -Teaching Feeling-

Played this game 1-2 years ago and there was an ending оО ahem.... in updates there was something interesting?
Re: 奴隷との生活 -Teaching Feeling-

This game never had an ending, so I'm not sure what you're talking about. We know what the endgame will eventually be, but it's not implemented so...yeah.

As for what's interesting, if you really only played it back in 2015 then there have been tons of changes since then, too numerous to bother listing here. I mean, you almost ended up missing a full version number (1.0 versus 1.9)!
Re: 奴隷との生活 -Teaching Feeling-

Is there a translation for 1.9.0? I can't seem to get some of them to work. Like the text disappears on some of them. Thanks
Re: 奴隷との生活 -Teaching Feeling-

If it were, there would be an update in the translation thread for the game. There isn't, so no. ;)

(I'm working on it as we speak)
Re: 奴隷との生活 -Teaching Feeling-

This game's update rate seems so slow now :(
Wonder when the next major change will come, more scenes/mechanic etc.
Re: 奴隷との生活 -Teaching Feeling-

It's really not that slow. As for the next update, it'll be soon(tm), and will at least include a kimono scene. How do I know? Because he left a WIP script for that scene in the 1.9.0 folder. ;)