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Funny/Awesome Videos tiem.

Re: Funny/Awesome Videos tiem.

Because I forgot I'm supposed to be TIVO-ing this for Sin...

Warden's Fall, Ep 5. Quiet dialogue is quiet. Ugh!

This might be the last one, I'm not sure. I couldn't hear the bloody man talk and I couldn't crank my speakers at the time. They mentioned "conclusion" in the write up of it, but I'm not entirely sure.

It's not the last one. It said "to be continued..." at the end. And really, if they end it here, I'll be pissed. Four episodes of build-up, to conclude with a rather lengthy chase that really didn't have much to do with the rest of the series... that'd just be bad.

However, I'd have to say this is the first episode I haven't liked. The chase just kept going, then ended with a throwing knife to the leg... why the hell wasn't it used earlier?
Re: Funny/Awesome Videos tiem.

Jeff Dunham, the ventriloquist - the person who brought you "Achmed the dead terrorist"! Though I kinda like Walter way better:

Re: Funny/Awesome Videos tiem.

I was always preferential to Peanut myself.
Re: Funny/Awesome Videos tiem.

Re: Funny/Awesome Videos tiem.

It's not the last one. It said "to be continued..." at the end. And really, if they end it here, I'll be pissed. Four episodes of build-up, to conclude with a rather lengthy chase that really didn't have much to do with the rest of the series... that'd just be bad.

However, I'd have to say this is the first episode I haven't liked. The chase just kept going, then ended with a throwing knife to the leg... why the hell wasn't it used earlier?

Too crowded? No potential for falling off the building? *snicker* Yeah, I'll admit, this one was a lot of filler. And dammit, they really need to up the volume in these things.
Re: Funny/Awesome Videos tiem.

Sooooo...when is it gonna hit the theaters? Seems to be a decent story.
Re: Funny/Awesome Videos tiem.


Oh! And;

Re: Funny/Awesome Videos tiem.

I don't remember seeing it, but ?

Basically ray william johnson is a guy that takes youtube videos that have gone viral and reviews them. The guy is kinda dopey and not really all that funny, but when asking my friends why they liked his channel so much, I was met with the answer "It's like the internet.... in three minutes." Which I couldn't really argue with.

Anyway, if you don't spend every second of every day surfing Youtube, Ray is kind of nice to go to if you want to keep up with the latest youtube fads. And hey, some of you might enjoy his dopey humor, even for me he has his moments.
Re: Funny/Awesome Videos tiem.

Re: Funny/Awesome Videos tiem.

Well, I know I've posted a link about this before, but I really like Linkara's "History of the Power Rangers" videos.

For the lazy people out there:


And now for something completely different (possibly):

--Crunchyroll is an online anime (well, I think they stream other stuff, too) streaming site.
------And yes, I'd tap that.
----------That being Marzgurl, not crunchyroll.

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Re: Funny/Awesome Videos tiem.

LOL 4 days.

All the other parts will show up on the sidebar and at the end of the video.

EDIT: Damn. Almost 24 hours. ANYWAYS.

Well, whether you love or hate youtube, you owe it to yourself to watch this if you like Jonathan Coulton. And then you must show it to your deaf friends.
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Re: Funny/Awesome Videos tiem.

Re: Funny/Awesome Videos tiem.


And NO, there are no chipmunks involved.
Re: Funny/Awesome Videos tiem.

It's in Japanses but theres Subtitles and it's pretty friggen funny
Re: Funny/Awesome Videos tiem.

The phone rings, you answer the call, and soon you recognize a telemarketer is on the phone. So what do you do? Fake your own death and telling the telemarketer you are the police officer working on the murder scene? Suuuuure!

Re: Funny/Awesome Videos tiem.

I don't even know if this needs any description. How the fuck do you keep a straight face when the school you're advertising has an initialism of UTI???

That's almost as bad as Pennsylvania Middle School.