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Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

customization gets nunu sexualy excited.
Re: Games Discussion Thread


Offtopic, but still on-topic for the topic!

I have been playing Super Smash Brothers Brawl for a while with my little brother(Shut up, it's fun to make stupid Mario go flying on fire off the screen).

We have been playing through the Adventure Mode, making sure to get everything along the way. We made it to the final boss, the guy behind it all. HE IS FUCKING IMPOSSIBLE. I mean, MY GOD. Almost all his attacks are 1-hot KO moves!

Re: Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

If you really want to "goddamn it bioware" there's always the sequel appreciation promotion they've got going on.

If you've purchase DA2 (or if you do before the end of the month, I think.) you can then use your sign up code to get a FREE copy of MASS EFFECT 2.

For the PC. (where the hell is that irritated smiley?)

You can buy DA2 for *any* system, but the free code is only good for a PC version of the game. Apparently EA is starting this Steam-like thing and you go there, download it, then you can download the game.

Which would be fan-freaking-tastic if I had a computer that could handle it. This is why I buy things like DA and Fallout 3 for my PS3. Because it's cheaper to buy the game than a new freaking computer every time a kickass game comes out.

So yeah. Great. Free game. If, y'know, I could play it.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Man, now that does kind of annoy me. I still haven't beaten DA:O yet, but intend to of course, and will probably eventually get around to getting DA2. ME3 is much higher on my priority list, but that's like a really good offer... if I have any of my budget left over to get DA2 at this point x.x
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Which would be fan-freaking-tastic if I had a computer that could handle it. This is why I buy things like DA and Fallout 3 for my PS3. Because it's cheaper to buy the game than a new freaking computer every time a kickass game comes out.

So yeah. Great. Free game. If, y'know, I could play it.

you dont have to buy a new computer every time a new game comes out, maybe once every three to four years and less so now days because graphics requirements are peaking (more or less).
Re: Games Discussion Thread

you dont have to buy a new computer every time a new game comes out, maybe once every three to four years and less so now days because graphics requirements are peaking (more or less).

Hmmm, oh yes, forgot to comment on that. My current computer is above average for when I got it, late 2007. To date, I've yet to come across a game I can't run on at least medium, save Homefront which is because they put in some code to specifically make the game not work past a certain point if you're below what they want you to have. (The game still ran excellent for the small part I did get to play)
Re: Games Discussion Thread

you dont have to buy a new computer every time a new game comes out, maybe once every three to four years and less so now days because graphics requirements are peaking (more or less).

Talked to my friend, whom just gave me a newer computer than I have and apparently Mass Effect *eats* the graphic cards in it. He tried it twice. It burned it out. And they were graphic cards recommended for the game.

And this is why I like gaming systems. Even if graphic requirements change, they can usually still handle it without the need for an upgrade. I never have to worry if my PS3 can handle playing the game that's been released for it. I pop the disc in, it plays. Easy.

Ah well. Will probably download my free ME2 onto one of the computers and if the EA thing is like Steam, maybe if I do get a computer that can handle it eventually, I'll be able to play it. If the price hasn't dropped for the PS3 version yet.

Like Fallout did. *Happy dance* I got the Fallout 3 GOTY edition (with the four expansion packs) for 19.99 recently. That, at least, made me a happy Copper.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Talked to my friend, whom just gave me a newer computer than I have and apparently Mass Effect *eats* the graphic cards in it. He tried it twice. It burned it out. And they were graphic cards recommended for the game.

And this is why I like gaming systems. Even if graphic requirements change, they can usually still handle it without the need for an upgrade. I never have to worry if my PS3 can handle playing the game that's been released for it. I pop the disc in, it plays. Easy.

Ah well. Will probably download my free ME2 onto one of the computers and if the EA thing is like Steam, maybe if I do get a computer that can handle it eventually, I'll be able to play it. If the price hasn't dropped for the PS3 version yet.

Like Fallout did. *Happy dance* I got the Fallout 3 GOTY edition (with the four expansion packs) for 19.99 recently. That, at least, made me a happy Copper.

That's very strange. While ME1 had its share of glitches, it was pretty good in terms of resource usage, very light on the system.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Not sure if it was ME that did it, but I know that there was one game he did go through two memory cards for. Pretty sure it was one of the MEs, since it handles just about anything else we talked about.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

So you're not pissed that we're not getting Legion or Mordin, two of the most entertaining characters from ME2 back, or the fact that they're basically pissing in the eyes of everyone who doesn't get the last ME2 DLC by continuing ME3 on from the end of the Arrival DLC? Because to me that's complete and utter bullshit on their part. Sure, I plan on getting Arrival before ME3 comes out, but I have friends who don't want to shell out the extra money for content that SHOULD'VE come with the game, especially Arrival seeing as it's, from what I can tell, the 'true' ending to ME2. But if they're doing this then I hope they at least do something for the people who bought the ME2 DLC, at least let us have the DLC characters playable from the beginning of ME3.

It's a huge build-up. Did you really expect to be able to use everything from the previous games without either constraining gameplay or storylines? It happens to us all dude.

What's wrong with the DLC? Come now, do you actually think bioware is going to go through all the effort of setting up an amazing trilogy, only to have players stumped because of a little side quest? Spare me.

Forgot to add what I really wanted to say here.

Live-action promo:

Some gameplay footage. Chicks vs. chicks, can't go wrong?

I'm just dying to get my copy. It's my goal to reach to top of the leaderboards with Jade. ^_^
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

It's a huge build-up. Did you really expect to be able to use everything from the previous games without either constraining gameplay or storylines? It happens to us all dude.

What's wrong with the DLC? Come now, do you actually think bioware is going to go through all the effort of setting up an amazing trilogy, only to have players stumped because of a little side quest? Spare me.

Are you seriously going out of your way to attack what I said? "It's a huge build-up" doesn't stop it from being a dick move by seemingly punishing those who don't buy the Arrival DLC. If Bioware was planning on having Arrival as the 'true' ending to ME2 then they should've made that as the proper ending to the game, not the current ending it's got now.

And "what's wrong with the DLC?"? I never said there was anything wrong with DLC, that's you putting words in my mouth. That being said DLC should always be an optional part of the game for those who want some variety and extra challenges in their games for a minimal fee. It should never be used to be the proper ending of the game. That's the equivalent of someone selling you a puzzle set then finding out you need to buy the last 25 pieces to complete the puzzle. There is no way you can justify that. Don't get me wrong, I'm not only ragging on Bioware for this. If what the rumours are saying is true Bethesda/Obsidian Entertainment are also a bunch of dicks because their DLC sets for New Vegas are to finish the story of the Courier. And that's spread through four goddamn DLC. You cannot tell me with a straight face that it can be justified to do that. The only reason companies like Bioware and Bethesda do this shit is because they know their fans will lap this bullshit up and will pay out the nose if they had to.

And don't start with the whole "But they do it this way because they wouldn't be able to release the game in time otherwise!" because that would be some grade A bullshit you'd be spouting. Who gives a flying fuck if they had to hold back the release date just to put in what should rightfully be there? If the game is worth the wait then so be it. But no, they'd rather release them under the guise of "optional" packages despite the fact that if you want to know the complete story they become a whole lot less optional.

Anyway, that's all I have to say on the matter though I doubt it'll sink in and you'll just spout some more of your retarded bullshit so I'm ending it here. And if you were wondering, yes, like the rest of the fucking morons I will be buying the DLC because despite what I say I actually really enjoy the Mass Effect universe.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Are you seriously going out of your way to attack what I said? "It's a huge build-up" doesn't stop it from being a dick move by seemingly punishing those who don't buy the Arrival DLC. If Bioware was planning on having Arrival as the 'true' ending to ME2 then they should've made that as the proper ending to the game, not the current ending it's got now.

It's not really an attack. Think of it as viewing a different perspective in hopes that you'll calm down.

When I said "the DLC", I was referring to the arrival.

I'm a huge Mass Effect fan. It is my favorite all time video game (the whole series really). Below it being Final Fantasy VIII & the Resident Evil series. Still... I'm prepared to go all out a buy all of the snazzy ME merchandise, DLC or whatnot just to please my extreme fandom, but as for this latest DLC... not so much. I saw it and thought it was nothing more than an hour to pick up some achievements, so-so. I'll get it eventually, but probably sometime after the third game releases (hoping it goes down in price).

I have enough knowledge of this series to know that some little DLC isn't going to eliminate my ability to enjoy the ending to this awe-inspiring trilogy.

Now I'm not saying one opinion is better than another, but instead suggesting that one of us has invisible ants in our pants. Perhaps you should realize it.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Are you seriously going out of your way to attack what I said? "It's a huge build-up" doesn't stop it from being a dick move by seemingly punishing those who don't buy the Arrival DLC. If Bioware was planning on having Arrival as the 'true' ending to ME2 then they should've made that as the proper ending to the game, not the current ending it's got now.

And "what's wrong with the DLC?"? I never said there was anything wrong with DLC, that's you putting words in my mouth. That being said DLC should always be an optional part of the game for those who want some variety and extra challenges in their games for a minimal fee. It should never be used to be the proper ending of the game. That's the equivalent of someone selling you a puzzle set then finding out you need to buy the last 25 pieces to complete the puzzle. There is no way you can justify that. Don't get me wrong, I'm not only ragging on Bioware for this. If what the rumours are saying is true Bethesda/Obsidian Entertainment are also a bunch of dicks because their DLC sets for New Vegas are to finish the story of the Courier. And that's spread through four goddamn DLC. You cannot tell me with a straight face that it can be justified to do that. The only reason companies like Bioware and Bethesda do this shit is because they know their fans will lap this bullshit up and will pay out the nose if they had to.

And don't start with the whole "But they do it this way because they wouldn't be able to release the game in time otherwise!" because that would be some grade A bullshit you'd be spouting. Who gives a flying fuck if they had to hold back the release date just to put in what should rightfully be there? If the game is worth the wait then so be it. But no, they'd rather release them under the guise of "optional" packages despite the fact that if you want to know the complete story they become a whole lot less optional.

Anyway, that's all I have to say on the matter though I doubt it'll sink in and you'll just spout some more of your retarded bullshit so I'm ending it here. And if you were wondering, yes, like the rest of the fucking morons I will be buying the DLC because despite what I say I actually really enjoy the Mass Effect universe.

I agree with everything in this entire post.

Also, I do believe a change of subject is in order. Who's up for some scurvy space pirates spilling buckets of blood everywhere?

Nothing like blowing some monsters in half with a quad-barrel shotgun.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Bethesda/Obsidian Entertainment are also a bunch of dicks because their DLC sets for New Vegas are to finish the story of the Courier. And that's spread through four goddamn DLC. You cannot tell me with a straight face that it can be justified to do that

I agree with pretty much everything you've been saying except this part here. The DLCs for New Vegas are rather similar to expansion packs. New Vegas has it's own storyline, but the expansion DLCs move the story beyond the events of New Vegas. So while yes they do complete the story the courier, they are events that don't correlate directly with the plot of New Vegas, from my understanding.

And expansions that continue the story have been around a long time. All the way back to Warcraft II and Starcraft.

The New Vegas DLC expansions are different than what's happening with Mass Effect however. Mass Effect is bringing in a true ending for their second game, being the middle portion of their trilogy. Meanwhile New Vegas isn't setting it up that way, and the complete story of the courier won't be necessary to understand what's happening in the next Fallout game. However, if the courier's full story is necessary for the next Fallout game then I will be upset.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I agree with pretty much everything you've been saying except this part here. The DLCs for New Vegas are rather similar to expansion packs. New Vegas has it's own storyline, but the expansion DLCs move the story beyond the events of New Vegas. So while yes they do complete the story the courier, they are events that don't correlate directly with the plot of New Vegas, from my understanding.

And expansions that continue the story have been around a long time. All the way back to Warcraft II and Starcraft.

Yeah, I realised not long after that it was a poor example and didn't really convey what I meant properly but I couldn't be arsed to edit it, partly because it would've required work and partly because people would've already read it.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Yeah, I realised not long after that it was a poor example and didn't really convey what I meant properly but I couldn't be arsed to edit it, partly because it would've required work and partly because people would've already read it.

Read: I've been bested, but I'm going to make up an excuse instead of admitting it.

As for all this DLC nonsense, I say why bother debating whether it's wrong for the company to make an expansion for the storyline. If it brings more playtime to the game, and it's actually fun, what's wrong with it? You both miss the fundamental point behind videogames: They're just games. If you don't like the way that developers make them, don't play them. QED: DLC's are just that: DLC's. Buy 'em or leave 'em be.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Read: I've been bested, but I'm going to make up an excuse instead of admitting it.

How was that an excuse? I admitted that I was wrong in using New Vegas as an example and added reasons why I didn't bother editing it out.

As for all this DLC nonsense, I say why bother debating whether it's wrong for the company to make an expansion for the storyline. If it brings more playtime to the game, and it's actually fun, what's wrong with it? You both miss the fundamental point behind videogames: They're just games. If you don't like the way that developers make them, don't play them. QED: DLC's are just that: DLC's. Buy 'em or leave 'em be.

my wall-o-text

I agree with everything in this entire post.

Way to backtrack on your earlier post, dumbass.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

My post several minutes ago was addressed to Sin, more than to you, Oni. Change your tampon and clear your head then you might realize that.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

My post several minutes ago was addressed to Sin, more than to you, Oni. Change your tampon and clear your head then you might realize that.

SirOni said:
Yeah, I realised not long after that it was a poor example and didn't really convey what I meant properly but I couldn't be arsed to edit it, partly because it would've required work and partly because people would've already read it.

Read: I've been bested, but I'm going to make up an excuse instead of admitting it.

As for all this DLC nonsense, I say why bother debating whether it's wrong for the company to make an expansion for the storyline. If it brings more playtime to the game, and it's actually fun, what's wrong with it? You both miss the fundamental point behind videogames: They're just games. If you don't like the way that developers make them, don't play them. QED: DLC's are just that: DLC's. Buy 'em or leave 'em be.

Occam. Your not making any sense.

You can't directly call someone out and then pretend you weren't talking to them.