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Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

Heh, for a second I thought you meant they actually added that as a targetable location :D

Well it used to be one. I'm sure they could come up with some amusing new dialogue and stumbling animations for the victims if they did put it back in...
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Got nothing to do with paratroopers. Pararushing = fail and people have finally learned this.

Twas but one example of how stale it got.

Well it used to be one. I'm sure they could come up with some amusing new dialogue and stumbling animations for the victims if they did put it back in...

Yeah, I remember that. I missed it when F3 came out, was like the most effective spot too...
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I had forgotten just how addictive Patapon is.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

So, got my new PSM in today and was flipping through. They have an Old Dante vs New Dante argument in their editiorial section and the "Old Dante" argument is a little more meaty than the "New Dante" argument. Short version: "Dante's look is iconic and they turned him into an emo, Twilight wannabe." "Every game must evolve or wither away. Danted was already limping along...and hasn't evolved enough in recent outings..."

Personally, I think that has more to do with the games themselves than Dante's look. And given that this is supposed to be a *prequel* game (as if *that* weren't cliched enough) we'll just have to see how New Dante becomes Old Dante, if he is in fact Dante at all.

Also, found out they're releasing the X-Men Arcade game for the PSN. *happy bounce* Oh, how I wasted many a quarter on that one!
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Jesus christ, New Vegas is off its balls terrifying. The overworld/'dungeon' music coupled with the ambient sounds really keeps you on edge, well it did for me anyway. That, and I'm walking through the Mojave Wasteland to get to some location god knows how far from 'normal' civilisation and after wasting a couple of Ghouls I get bum rushed by about six of the fuckers. They literally came out of nowhere, no warning what so ever on my compass and they maul me to death before I could react. Fuck, this game is insane and I'm loving every minute of it.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

*happy bounce*

Yanno, I've completely forgotten what I was going to say...



So, apparently 'Torchlight II' is in the works, aimed to be released in 2011. Supposed to have 4 classes which each have more skills, in order to add more customizability in each class.

Oh, and there's also co-op.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

And by co-op you mean its going to be what passes as an MMO for dungeon crawlers. Or at least thats what the developers said in PC Gamer a couple of months back.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Jesus christ, New Vegas is off its balls terrifying. The overworld/'dungeon' music coupled with the ambient sounds really keeps you on edge, well it did for me anyway. That, and I'm walking through the Mojave Wasteland to get to some location god knows how far from 'normal' civilisation and after wasting a couple of Ghouls I get bum rushed by about six of the fuckers. They literally came out of nowhere, no warning what so ever on my compass and they maul me to death before I could react. Fuck, this game is insane and I'm loving every minute of it.

Try Hardcore mode yet?
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Hell no. I've read up on that, I'm crazy not suicidal. You should see all the ammo I'm carrying around with me, even after just rescuing the Deputy.

A shame I haven't been able to find anymore 10mm ammo, I could use some more for my Weathered Pistol. Thats my strongest gun at the moment and because of the lack of ammo for it I'm forced to use the Varmint Rifle, 9mm Machinegun and the Single Shotgun.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Thoughts on Fable 3? Another massive letdown, better then last two, or slightly less disappointing let down? Going to buy it, pass it up? I will probably pick it up just to give me another game to play.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Fable has always been a mediocre series to me, though I'll probably pick it up eventually.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

Okay, I'll admit that combat in Fable 3 does look pretty awesome. The thing that pissed me off in Fable 2 the most was that weapon fighting/magic/shooting didn't seem to gel well together when you wanted to mix and match in battle.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Okay, I'll admit that combat in Fable 3 does look pretty awesome. The thing that pissed me off in Fable 2 the most was that weapon fighting/magic/shooting didn't seem to gel well together when you wanted to mix and match in battle.

Very true. The sword and gunplay worked alright together, but the magic system felt pretty clunky to handle. It was also really dumb to have your spell's power level based on how long you hold the button down in a game where absolutely everything except for snipers will bum-rush your ass. I can't recall a time in combat where I wasn't just spamming the magic button when I needed to set something on fire or whatever.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Hell no. I've read up on that, I'm crazy not suicidal. You should see all the ammo I'm carrying around with me, even after just rescuing the Deputy.

A shame I haven't been able to find anymore 10mm ammo, I could use some more for my Weathered Pistol. Thats my strongest gun at the moment and because of the lack of ammo for it I'm forced to use the Varmint Rifle, 9mm Machinegun and the Single Shotgun.

I don't find it in too many places outside The Strip, but I'm pretty set with my basic 9mm pistol and Service Rifle.

Thoughts on Fable 3? Another massive letdown, better then last two, or slightly less disappointing let down? Going to buy it, pass it up? I will probably pick it up just to give me another game to play.

As I havn't gotten it yet I have no thoughts on it really. I'll be picking it up because I enjoy the Fable series. The other thing about this one is that Peter Molyneux (or however the fuck ye spell his damn name) hasn't been shouting "Buy my game! BEST EVER!".

For what it is I will more than likely enjoy it, but still keep coming back to New Vegas.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I refuse to believe Molyneux has a game and is not lying about it with blatant hyperbole about nonexistent features. I don't think he has the self control not to, unless marketing drugged him or something.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I refuse to believe Molyneux has a game and is not lying about it with blatant hyperbole about nonexistent features. I don't think he has the self control not to, unless marketing drugged him or something.

He's been too busy going on about Kinect.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Ah lol, I don't pay much attention to articles with his name on them, but that sounds about right. The last time I cared about him was him telling It doesn't even matter that it's likely something he made up, because it's a thoroughly amusing story.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Playing New Vegas, "Beyond the Beef" is possibly the most annoying and retarded of quests put into the story. It glitched huge for me and in the end made it physically impossible to complete. This is so far my only real complaint about the game until I come up with a bigger post of thoughts, but it was enough to make me put the game down for a bit.