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Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

I've been thinking of downloading it, of course then i wouldn't be able to play with you.

if it was an early birthday present though, wink wink nudge nudge say no more.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Four expansions!? I've only heard of the zombie one. Guess I'll be trading in my vanilla copy to get the GOTY version then. I'd be able to join you, but you'd probably have to wait until March/April time once I've got my flat and sorted out internet. Goddamn thats a ways away.

- Co-op arena, also has a storage 'bank' you can use to store loot. Starts at 12 slots, can upgrade it through the Weapons Vendor in the same area. Mostly nice for the storage, though if you just feel like killing baddies for an hour instead of going through the campaign/after you've gone through the campaign, it's nice for that, too. You can also get some decent loot. I haven't seen anything spectacular, but it's not usually ALL garbage.

- Continues the campaign a short bit, also raises the level cap to 61. Even if you're a couple levels above them, some of the enemies can still give a decent enough challenge. Also has different vehicles from the regular campaign. Oh, and there's a 'secret' boss. highly recommend going after it in a group =/

- Haven't tried this one yet. Apparently you can get 2 more skill points (1 per playthrough) and 8 more levels (still to come(?)), as well as 6 more backpack storage slots (3 per playthrough).
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Looks like I'm definitely going to have to get the GOTY edition now. Though I've actually never left the beginning area and only have just killed the boss so I'd probably start again.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread



Well played, League of Legends. This actually sounds like a pretty good system that can be made to be almost troll-proof.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I've been thinking of downloading it, of course then i wouldn't be able to play with you.

if it was an early birthday present though, wink wink nudge nudge say no more.

When you say that, do you mean you want it through Steam? Because Steam actually has a four pack sale that I might be willing to buy for four of you. Oni and Nunu have already expressed interest. And on my friend's list, I can see Newbie and Lurker want it too.

Edit- Then again, buying the GOTY edition is cheaper. If I buy four copies for you guys, you'll still have to spend about forty bucks on the DLC, versus thirty for everything if you spend the money yourself. Then again, the one that really matters is General Knoxx. All the other ones aren't as good.
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Ku plays it on Steam? Thanks for the offer though I very rarely use my laptop for gaming anymore and I use Steam even less. Hell, I don't think I've signed in for almost six months.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Nah, I just open it through Steam. I got a box copy, so I couldn't activate it on steam, just make a non-steam shortcut.

I prefer to play multi-player games on the PC whenever possible. Maye one day I'll even upgrade from this crap-top to a real computer. I mean, the games I have run fine on it right now, but it heats up pretty quickly. I'm just surprised it hasn't over-heated at all.
Definitely getting a new mouse no matter what, though. The optical mouse I have right now apparently hates any surface I try to use it on, and doesn't always respond correctly.


But yeah, if you get it on PC, I'll play with ya. Just added Dark to my friends list today in Borderlands.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

i had no idea people on here had borderlands..i may have to re-install it sometime.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Wow, I can get Borderlands GOTY edition for £13 on Amazon. I may just get it then. Well, not this week I don't have enough money now. And the reason I stopped playing nearly anything on my laptop is because pretty much everything I could play on it I could play on my 360. And TF2 got shit.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Monday Night Combat is pretty cool.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Haha, yeah it is!
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Borderlands was pretty good, but played solo, so... x.x At least my sister likes to watch me play it, dunno why, as the other games she likes to watch are minecraft and mount and blade (codenamed "jet powered horsie").
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Borderlands GOTY edition is Good, the vanilla game, not so much. I'd grab up some l4d, everyone loves to kill zombies.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Don't know if it's "video games" enough for this, but right now I'm reading my first VN , "Saya no uta" too bad I read all the possible spoilers before I played it but heck I'm still loving it. Who else here read it ?
Re: Games Discussion Thread

The ULMF Supremacy 1914 game is up! Name is ULMF, Game 104245, password ulmfgame2.

Went with 12 hour honor peroid as an average of what people voted. 7 day human peace.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

yay. I'll get in now Ampersand.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

The ULMF Supremacy 1914 game is up!
Okay, I'm in.

Limited it to 5 based on how many of us replied to you? Should probably have just PM'ed the game info out to us, then. Don't want people complaining that they couldn't get in, after all. :rolleyes:
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I am Russia. Nice place.