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Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

Since I remember a small talk about the old King's Quest games in here... Tell Tales have just gotten the rights to the series and plan on making some new games across multiple platforms as well.

For those who don't know who these guys are, they're the ones who recently released the new Back to the Future episodic game, will be releasing a Jurassic Park adventure game, and also have the rights to make adventure games out of the comics "Fables" (no connection to Lionhead's Fable series) and "the Walking Dead".
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Picked up Alpha Protocol second-hand a short while ago and kinda wish I'd bought it first-hand and supported it. Anyone else think it got treated too harshly? It's got possibly the best dialogue system I've seen, among other wonderful things.

I found the dialogue system on par with that of the Mass Effect series, and hopefully the upcoming Dragon Age II. However I did love how small actions could alter the story in small or big ways. The story telling, dialogue and RPG elements were very well done.

However, the core gameplay itself was mediocre at the best of times. Innaccurate as hell weaponry, bugs, stupid AI and some outright ridiculous bosses that don't always take into account various modes of play (I excelled in firearms, so the melee boss was tedious and annoying as an example). Also, at high enough levels in the stealth skill, you're pretty much given a 'win' button as you can go invisible and run up and shank dudes.

All in all, despite an amazingly well done branching story that really was showing what this interactive medium could do, the gameplay was lacking and really held it back from being a good game in my eyes.

So in the end I don't think it was treated too harshly, I found people gave it credit for what it did right, but it was hamstrung for it's glaring fallbacks. Still if you enjoy it, that's awesome.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

To be honest i dont know much about Champions back story, but i do know its certainly fun to customize the shit out of your hero. Mine looks more like a cyborg villain than an actual hero. I chose soldier, so i fight like the punisher. I pick up Park benches and throw them, and i use shotguns and machine guns. If anybody gets into it please tell me, id like some more friends in champions, the instances are challenging.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I would love to see more attempts at something like this. It held a lot of promise. However, as I said Alpha Protocol wasn't for me in the end despite getting about half-way through the game.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Since I remember a small talk about the old King's Quest games in here... Tell Tales have just gotten the rights to the series and plan on making some new games across multiple platforms as well.

For those who don't know who these guys are, they're the ones who recently released the new Back to the Future episodic game, will be releasing a Jurassic Park adventure game, and also have the rights to make adventure games out of the comics "Fables" (no connection to Lionhead's Fable series) and "the Walking Dead".

Iiiiiinteresting. May have to keep an eye out for this. And especially the Fables one. Holy crap. I wonder what in the heck they're going to do, since, well, great story but I'm trying to think on how well it would translate into a game. And, well, Walking Dead...that just makes a lot of sense. I just hope they stick with it and make an "adventure" game rather than, y'know L4WD.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Iiiiiinteresting. May have to keep an eye out for this. And especially the Fables one. Holy crap. I wonder what in the heck they're going to do, since, well, great story but I'm trying to think on how well it would translate into a game. And, well, Walking Dead...that just makes a lot of sense. I just hope they stick with it and make an "adventure" game rather than, y'know L4WD.

I doubt very much Telltales will make Walking Dead into a L4D hybrid. Especially considering their current resume.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Telltales makes adventure games. I highly doubht they'll make a shooter anytime soon :p
Re: Games Discussion Thread

So, it seems my internet doesn't like me trying to post and resets my connection when I submit a message. >_> But!
There's so many good things in this thread, though. Dead Island has piqued my interests for a while now. Ever since playing Left 4 Dead 2, I've wanted something a lot more intense. The second game just... doesn't feel right to me. And I've always had a thing for Jurassic Park, though I'd prefer something more like Operation Genesis than another adventure game.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

The demo was too narfing short. These next two weeks are going to be hell. I'm not too keen on the change in the darkspawn (I'm sure I've said this before), but the way everything else was handled feels a lot smoother. I like it a lot. I can't wait to see how the character creator handles, and I loved the quick healing buttons. They make me a happy Chibi.

Oh, and I hate ability trees. I want to stab them in the face. Multiple times. They're one reason why I never played any later FF games.

Gonna play the demo over again, as the different classes, and see how they handle as well, and how it plays with the story.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

So I downloaded the Dragon Age II demo... I don't know. Maybe it's because you start slightly into the story, or maybe it's because you can't change your character's looks or his/her equipment, but somehow the emotional attachment that the first Dragon Age had is missing.

The game feels like it's quicker, but actually it's probably not. The main point here is that the strikes and special attacks look quicker, but not do as much damage as they should be from the looks of it. Every special move gores opponents in interesting ways, and there are body parts just flying everywhere when the darkspawn show up in the beginning. It's more stylized, and the darkspawn look very different - but that's a known fact by now.
Dialogue options have symbols showing up to indicate the tone of the selected option - kidding, peaceful, aggravated, calming etc. This makes dialogues easier to navigate, and also helps giving your character a unique personality - is he joking all the time, is he a calm hero type or a total asshole? I like that, helps character development.

The face animations look weird and the sound is not always in sync, though that may be because I played it in German. Isabela, though described as a very attractive woman, just looks weird. She almost has a square jaw.

EDIT: Oh yeah, the ability trees. For some reason, they wouldn't always accept me clicking on confirm. That kinda pissed me off.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Well... all of that'll be different when we start the REAL game. I'm looking forward to the character creator. As usual, lol.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I found no emotional attachment in the demo because it was basically a showcase for how the combat would go, and the leveling up system, and a bit of dialogue. For the most part, the demo was quite empty, and you don't get to make your character. I think when the full game hits the emotional attachment will return.
Re: Games Discussion Thread



They also have new updates. . Pretty pimp costumes. Lastly, has some random dialog samples from in game. I imagine it's just common dialog (stuff you hear when walking by some NPCs in the streets).
Re: Games Discussion Thread



They also have new updates. . Pretty pimp costumes. Lastly, has some random dialog samples from in game. I imagine it's just common dialog (stuff you hear when walking by some NPCs in the streets).

Hmm thanks for that, though I think almost everyone who has already seen the gameplay videos of Guild Wars 2 instantly knew the graphics were miles better :p

I've played and tried many mmos and the only one that really ever made an impression with me was Guild Wars. So I really can't wait for Guild Wars 2.

I love what they are doing with the side quests and how those will now affect the main quest. Also the dynamic quests in the persistent game world seem fun, especially if you make multiple characters as then your experience each time should differ a bit.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

So I just rewatched a trailer for the Witcher 2 today (I posted it earlier in this thread, available on Steam) and I noticed one of the things they were really emphasizing was "non-linear, deep mature storyline".

Now, I unfortunately missed out on the original game because they canceled the 360 port and I just didn't have a good enough PC at the time, however it's always intrigued me to the point I went and picked up the first book because I missed out on the game.

But back to what I was saying earlier... the guys making The Witcher 2 really seemed to want to emphasize their story. Everything from it being non-linear, to mature, to having good NPCs and characters. I've noticed this a lot more in recent years: Bioshock's big selling point was a great story and immersive setting. Dragon Age 2 and the Mass Effect series keep going on about transferring save files to continue your personal story, and how Dragon Age 2 is telling stories in an all new fashion for the medium. Hell I was reading interviews from the script writers (the guy's doing the story, not programing script) for Crysis 2, and the fast coming Homefront has a story trailer out where the game designers are going on about characters and interactions for their story... and those are FPS titles.

So, I suppose my point is, have we finally entered the age where video games are becoming a serious medium for story telling, where it will soon be expected rather than just a bonus as it has been in the past. Or have we been there for awhile? Or are we still reaching?
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Agreed. Demo was too short *laughs* but I liked it. I also agree that I prefer the look of the darkspawn from DA:O to the ones now. I don't like the emaciated brown look. I remember climbing to the top of the tower and going "OH SHIT!" when that door opened. There wasn't that "holy crap!" moment when the same monster showed up in the demo. I am liking the combat, but then, I was playing a rogue and they're hoppy little bastards. With bombs. That's fun. I like the new stat bar indicator rather than the wheel. Much easier for me to keep track of. I did not like Bethany's boobs. They seemed a little too "oomph" and too big for her waist.

Did anyone else catch the journal entry about their mother's maiden name? *arches brow*

As for what Sinful brought up, I think we're still getting there, but we're awfully damn close. Though it fully depends on the medium. I would not *expect* a FPS to have a huge sweeping story arch (if it does, like, say Bioshock, bonus. If not, I'm there for to kill things, not make friends.) Though I will say, minimal plot can get you by just fine, too (L4D, when you think about it, though more L4D2.) Games that are meant to build stories, though (primarily RPGs) are starting to get more and more grand, and I love it. It's a type of immersion. You put yourself into the story and the better it's told, the easier it is to do that. It makes it easier for you to become your character and that makes the game all the more fun to play.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Hmm thanks for that, though I think almost everyone who has already seen the gameplay videos of Guild Wars 2 instantly knew the graphics were miles better :p

I know I know. I'm just overly excited. I saw that comparison and thought "Holy shit, is the GW2 side a mesmer as well?". I mean, I know that profession is what really made GW1 unique and so it almost feels inevitable that they'd bring it back. The fact that they haven't announced the mesmer profession yet is making me twitchy as fuck.

Yea, the functions for GW2 look great. Their day/night rotation system looks bad ass. I don't know about previous games, but this one makes me think they'll be putting different kinds of rotations (I.E. a Storm one night and then clear skies the next).
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Games with brilliant story have been around nearly from the beginning, but you are right, I think the medium as a whole is gaining a lot of credibility and acceptance as something that can tell a good story. Like copper said, there's a bit further to go yet, but it's definitely getting there. As a result publishers are more ready to invest in and take seriously heavily story based games.

Rockstar's games are an interesting example. A company and series that rose to fame based on carnage, chaos and controversy, with the only story line mostly being stereotyped gangsters swearing at you. And now touted by many critics as masters of interactive story telling. Compare GTA4, Red Dead Redemption and the upcoming L.A. Noir.

Have a look at the trailers for Noir. It ties into everything Sin's talking about perfectly.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

does there always have to be a token jugs character?
Re: Games Discussion Thread

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