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Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

In two of my three playthrougs I handed it over, independent of the paragon/renegade scale.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I also handed it over most of the time, simply because he made the compelling argument that the technology will be invaluable in fighting the Reapers. Of course at that point I thought you'd still be in Cerberus in ME3.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I also handed it over most of the time, simply because he made the compelling argument that the technology will be invaluable in fighting the Reapers. Of course at that point I thought you'd still be in Cerberus in ME3.

I handed it over because a) the Illusive Man had humanities best interests at heart and even if he turned it against the other races I wouldn't really care and b) I thought that, despite withholding information from Shepard he was a pretty cool guy.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I don't you if you people know it but PSN has recently gotten an update about releasing it during the ending of May (Which IS this month) with newly updates, PSN stuff and new security.

As long as it will be good after the release, I can wait......I can understand that they want to make sure it won't get hacked again and stuff. So I can't blame them. Works fine for me.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I also handed it over most of the time, simply because he made the compelling argument that the technology will be invaluable in fighting the Reapers. Of course at that point I thought you'd still be in Cerberus in ME3.

I handed it over because a) the Illusive Man had humanities best interests at heart and even if he turned it against the other races I wouldn't really care and b) I thought that, despite withholding information from Shepard he was a pretty cool guy.

Prety much what Rule said, ans Oni's point A. I can be something of a human supremacist :eek:
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Assuming an fool like the illusive man can stave off being controlled by the very object he's trying to control isn't very safe though

Seeing how the resources he has available to him would make him an extremely dangerous enemy should he fall to some kind of mind-control, its simply a risk that isn't worth taking

Its like terrorists messing around with nuclear weaponry, the likelihood of backfire is so huge that not even religious lunatics are dumb enough to risk it ;)

As a rule, use this: Intellectual people rarely take huge risks, the more willing to take risks someone is, the less likely he is capable of understanding the risks and properly dealing with the situation the risk creates
Re: Games Discussion Thread

As a rule, use this: Intellectual people rarely take huge risks, the more willing to take risks someone is, the less likely he is capable of understanding the risks and properly dealing with the situation the risk creates

You're probably wrong. Intelligent people are far more likely to try drugs and other mind altering substances than average folk, for example. It's not that they're less likely to take risks, it's that they're better informed about what the risks are and how to deal with them.

Also: We're talking about unknown alien technology from beyond the stars, and it's effects on a man who's not quite human anymore. Trying to count him among us may be futile.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

You're probably wrong. Intelligent people are far more likely to try drugs and other mind altering substances than average folk, for example. It's not that they're less likely to take risks, it's that they're better informed about what the risks are and how to deal with them.

Also: We're talking about unknown alien technology from beyond the stars, and it's effects on a man who's not quite human anymore. Trying to count him among us may be futile.

Taking drugs is not taking a risk though, not in the sense I was referring to anyway, not to mention just because there is a connection between intelligence and substance abuse it doesn't mean you can just wildly speculate about the cause, drugs don't pose a "risk" of negative side effects, they're a given, "intelligent people" just tend to find the trade-off between not dealing with their inherent depressions and suffering physical ails acceptable (I'm generalizing here though, but I hope you get the point ^^)

Here's a fact for ya (god that sounds arrogant, forgive me!) Depression is more and more common the more intelligent people become, substance abuse and depression pretty much walk hand in hand

Anyway, back to my old point, there is a difference in taking a risk and doing something risky, taking a risk is being aware of the "risk" (the possibly negative results of the action, also remember that "risk" always involves "chance" so certainty as in side-effects with drugs are not a risk) and deciding to go for it anyway
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Taking drugs is not taking a risk though, not in the sense I was referring to anyway, not to mention just because there is a connection between intelligence and substance abuse it doesn't mean you can just wildly speculate about the cause, drugs don't pose a "risk" of negative side effects, they're a given, "intelligent people" just tend to find the trade-off between not dealing with their inherent depressions and suffering physical ails acceptable (I'm generalizing here though, but I hope you get the point ^^)

Here's a fact for ya (god that sounds arrogant, forgive me!) Depression is more and more common the more intelligent people become, substance abuse and depression pretty much walk hand in hand

Anyway, back to my old point, there is a difference in taking a risk and doing something risky, taking a risk is being aware of the "risk" (the possibly negative results of the action, also remember that "risk" always involves "chance" so certainty as in side-effects with drugs are not a risk) and deciding to go for it anyway

You're implying that side effects caused by drug use are a certainty. For the most part they're not.

As for intelligent people taking less risks, I don't think any correlation can be found. Intelligent people just take different risks, being better aware of whether taking the risk is worth it.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

You're implying that side effects caused by drug use are a certainty. For the most part they're not.

As for intelligent people taking less risks, I don't think any correlation can be found. Intelligent people just take different risks, being better aware of whether taking the risk is worth it.

The fact that drugs cause negative side effects is certain, the degree to which that will affect you is not, the only true risk involved with taking drugs is getting caught ;)

Thing is, people generally take risks because they don't understand them, its like knowing 1+1=2 but not understanding what that means, intelligent people are more capable of understanding risks and will more frequently turn away from taking them, also because they are more capable of finding suitable alternatives

Again, taking a risk involves a "chance" at an undesirable outcome, there is always something at stake, there is also a difference between taking a risk and accepting a possibly negative outcome

Experiments have actually shown that the less intelligent people are the further from a 50% success chance they're willing to go (this also depends on the price that would need to be paid and how bad the worst case scenario is, but going in-depth about that would probably bore most people here ^^)

I'll conclude with this: The higher the risks someone is willing to take, the safer it is to assume a lacking intelligence (notice how carefully I phrased that ;p)
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I'll conclude with this: The higher the risks someone is willing to take, the safer it is to assume a lacking intelligence (notice how carefully I phrased that ;p)

That would be better worded as "The worse the risks...". High risks are acceptable if the pay-off is worth it.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

The thing about defining something is that there's always a hole to be found, payoff is irrelevant if the risk/price is too high, so your clarification is still a little off

Internet communication is among the most difficult form of communication for a reason, its almost impossible to take proper interpretations of your peers so its difficult to properly tune communication for success

Considering the fact that words rely heavily on context and no one speaks "dictionary" except maybe some fringe cases, its hard to interpret the messages people try to convey
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Combo breaker.

Funny how we were talking about EULAs in the hate thread and now, Escapist comes up with this.

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Re: Games Discussion Thread


Some info you may have known, some maybe not...

I'm very glad they're bringing more RPG aspects back. Granted it won't be the whole loot/drop kind of RPG business, it's still something I was hoping for in ME2.

Damn I hope I can continue my relationship with Miranda. >_>
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

I'm not going to put much stock into a website with an article that's riddled with spelling, grammar and punctuation errors though admittedly there is quite a bit on there I've known for a while now. If it's true I'm glad they'll have Zaeed in ME3, here's hoping he's recruitable for those who bought/got the DLC for ME2. And while I can't see them doing anything I really hope they put something in as a thank you to the people who bought all the DLC.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

My guess is she copied whatever was written in the UK mag, thus just being over competent. Or she's just a ditz...

Anyhow, doubt they'll give a reward for DLing all the DLC. Although it would make for a new generation of promotion.

Heh... you can smell that reward for the Xbox users though. =P
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

Well, with all the recent troubles, you might be able to get one on the cheap...
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I'm sensing a trend here.

Although now apparently, the group doing it is actually naming themselves because they don't want Anonymous to get the credit (it seems that they are a sort of "breakaway" group and that there was tons of infighting after they hacked Sony, due to stealing quite a lot of Anon's PSN data).