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Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

I've got Star Craft 2 as well, but I'm god awful terrible at it. I'm lacking in a certain area called, 'Actions Per Minute' that apparently is very important to be good at Star Craft 2. After trying to get my 'APM' up once, my hand hurt, and I decided that I'd stay shitty at SC2 because being good at it required too much effort.

Why are you so rude?

Never be nice to dark.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Hahaha, you're talking like I know what any of that means. I'm only getting it because a couple of friends have kept pestering me to get it. I've played a few matches with them, and while I've grasped the basics of it I'm not that fast when it comes to ordering my troops around. I'm maining Protoss though as from what I've seen with my friends playing online they're the biggest douchebag race.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I was put on resource duty when I was playing with my friends. All I did was share my units, and focus on gathering resources and building the units they asked for. It happened after an argument about how slow I was, and how I wanted less 'race' and more 'strategy' involved with my game.

"Well you can be on fucking resource duty," announced my friend.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Ha, they sound like a bunch of dicks. My friends, while not the best players, do pretty well. One plays Terran, one plays Zerg and the other chooses random and they all cover each others weaknesses pretty well. When I was plaing we were up against three hard level AI because I had never played before. I got completely destroyed, but as we went through each battle it took the computers longer and longer to destroy me.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Just dropping some more info...

There's also a new video on Bioware's . Episode 7 talks about the atlas (the mech we saw in the demo).
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I will pile drive you and shove my tongue into your flaccid asshole.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

This Starcraft game sounds kind of fun. Maybe someday I can play with you, Raptor. :)
Re: Games Discussion Thread

This Starcraft game sounds kind of fun. Maybe someday I can play with you, Raptor. :)


But no, you have to play this false facade of 'niceness' that makes my fucking skin crawl. Always trying to be 'helpful' all while holding the intent to manipulate and control us. "Oh, Dark's nice, let's do anything he wants!" FUCK NO! You're a manipulative succubus, and I see through your lies and deceit. I fear for my own life as I am the only one who hasn't fallen under your spell.

Re: Games Discussion Thread

It's okay, Raptor. We'll play some other time then. :)
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I fear for my own life as I am the only one who hasn't fallen under your spell.

Pssh, please. You have it easy, what with your natural immunity and all. I had to build mine up while fighting Dark over Oni.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Im concerned. I really hope valve doesn't let TF2 fall into The shit pile the Free to play Games have allowed themselves to fall into.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Im concerned. I really hope valve doesn't let TF2 fall into The shit pile the Free to play Games have allowed themselves to fall into.

I think you're confusing 'F2P' with 'Micro-transaction based Asian MMO'.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

There's also the fact the Man Co. store has been there for ages BEFORE it's gone F2P. It's pretty much allready set up who's silly enough to use it, and so on. The fact that they moved it to F2P allready tells me there's a LOOOOOT of silly people here...
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I paid 20 bucks for a free game.

Fuck my life.

Wow, shit is about to go down.

If you're upset about having to pay money for Team Fortress 2, you are a self entitled fucking prick and you need to choke on your own saliva. If you notice a movie you saw in theaters playing on fucking HBO, would you haul ass over to the movie theater and demand a refund? If you bought a game for 50 bucks and it was on sale a few months later for 30, would you get all worked up and send a message to steam support asking for your money back?

How the fuck do you think APB fans feel? They payed 50 dollars for that game AND a monthly fee for a few months, then it died. Then it was revived as free to play. I think they deserve to bitch. You don't.

Fuck you. Your 20 dollars went towards playing this game longer than anybody who's getting for free has played it. Unless you don't enjoy it and all of the time you've spend playing was boring and a waste of your time, that should be worth 20 bucks. The only people that really get to complain are people that bought TF2 literally days before it became free to play.

Here's some quotes from other sensible people knocking some sense into people like you.

Hey OP, if you've played more than 50 hours of this game you've gotten more entertainment value than just about any other recreational pay per hour activity.

I personally payed 20$ and have received 3,000 hours out of it.

That's 0.006 cents an hour.

Stop being so entitled. Products go down in value over time, this shouldn't be a surprise, it's a basic thing that is repeated all the time, and I'm willing to bet that 99.9% of the people who complain about this got their moneys worth, and Valve used that money to create 3 years worth of updates for you for free, mod tools, new content, bug fixes, etc. And you're complaining because it's free now? Really?

Valve has given you dudes more for this game than really any other game out there. Go play other normal games like Modern Warfare 2 - no dedis, no mod tools, 2 15$ map packs for content, basically abandoned, or APB - spend 50$, pay sub fees, game dies after 2 months because developers suck. Those people, they have a right to feel entitled to compensation of some sorts, you however were already compensated with 3 years of an exceptional game that is unparalled in value that will continue for a few more years and become even greater in value.

Just ask yourself this: if you knew you could have waited and gotten Team Fortress 2 for free, would you have waited and cheated yourself out of hours of fun and the excitement of experiencing updates and watching the game evolve over time just so that you could save the lifelong investment of 20 dollars?
Re: Games Discussion Thread

obi i'd rather your posts be shorter than that unless your are being cordial. and with less fucks.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Pssh, please. You have it easy, what with your natural immunity and all. I had to build mine up while fighting Dark over Oni.

You two are STILL fighting over me?

I paid 20 bucks for a free game.

Fuck my life.

But what about the free hat you get for being one of the people who purchased the game? DON'T YOU WANT MORE HATS????????
Re: Games Discussion Thread

obi i'd rather your posts be shorter than that unless your are being cordial. and with less fucks.

What if I make a one word post and it just says "fuck"?