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Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

I only said said it four times in that post. I could do so much better.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Shifting the thread back on track here.............

I recently uncovered a new trailer for Gears of War 3's Horde mode. I must say, it has made me want this game even more.

Re: Games Discussion Thread

Once again showing that Obe fails at forum-going.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

Shifting the thread back on track here.............

You know, I'm certain that the topic in this thread was about Team Fortress 2 and that they were having about half a page's worth of discussion about the free to play decision. The only time they went off track was when they started talking about Obe's profanity for about four posts, and even then Oni and Raptor were still talking about it (Though granted, Raptor wasn't really on-topic). The only post that doesn't even remotely pertain to the topic at hand is YOURS. And no, I don't give a shit if the thread is about game discussion in general. Everybody was talking about TF2, not Gears of War. So sit the fuck down and stop acting like Obe's presence in any conversation must be an attempt to troll.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Tried downloading and playing TF2 today, my computer didn'[t have the specs to play it. :[

Oh well, have Steam now next time they're giving out free stuff. Might as well continue with FFXII tomorrow.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Tried out the free games that got put on Steam (besides Global Agenda, since I already had it).

So far, Champions Online: Free For All is the most fun for me. Even with the limitations I have as a 'silver' member, I still managed to create a decent character. So far I'm having fun, then again I'm only level... 12, I think? ANYWAYS. Definitely liking the 'Behemoth' Archetype. Takes quite a bit of punishment as well as deals quite a bit. May have to work on my energy pool, though.
Loving the Super Speed travel power, though I kinda wish I went a little bit faster. Not much, just a little.
Doubt I'll ever spend money on the game. Maybe for Adventure packs, but that'd probably be about it, and that'd only be if I felt arsed to try them in the first place.
Anyone looking to team up, look for 'Terran Ranger'.

Alliance of Valiant Arms is the runner up. It's a fun FPS, but it can get really stupid really fast. Either you're on the competent side, or you're not. I have yet to join a match where both sides were competent.
..... actually, I take that back. There was ONE match. Both sides managed to keep the Tank from reaching it's destination in the Escort match. Afterwards, the map switched to an Annihilation one and everybody sort of silently agreed to a knife battle. IT WAS EPIC.
ANYWAYS. The downsides to this game for me are
1) I keep running into fuckers whose ping allows them to shoot me before I can see them or long after I'm around a corner.
2) the majority of players seem to lack SITUATIONAL AWARENESS. I.E., they'll keep running to the SAME GOD-DAMNED SPOT TO GET SNIPED BY THE SAME GOD-DAMNED SNIPER. They'll keep doing it 'til the match is over. Though, sometimes this works in my favor, and gets me easy knife kills on idiot snipers.

Moving on: Spiral Knights.
Meh. Didn't have to get it on Steam, but I figured 'why the fuck not'.
Fun game that I should play more often than I do, my only problem with it is that to really have fun with it, you NEED a good group. Oh, and the energy crap. Sure I can just buy shit off the auction house, but DAMNIT, I WANTED TO CRAFT THAT. FUCK YOU AND YOUR 100+ ENERGY REQUIREMENT.

Finally, Forsaken World.
Yeah..... haven't played much of this. May give it a real go when I've got the time and desire to try, but my buddies who wanted me to try it with them went ahead and played it for an hour without me. Afterwards, they apparently decided to never play it again. So, yeah......
If for nothing else, I'll give it a go just because of the Vampire class. I don't think this isn't really a rare or even uncommon class to have in a game, but at the same time, it's not exactly a common class, either.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I played a bit of Forsaken World a few months back, and the intro for the vampire race was just astounding to me. Loved it entirely... then I got past the intro and got bored fairly quickly.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

vampyres r EPIC FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D:D:D:D:p:cool::cool:
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

stop acting like Obe's presence in any conversation must be an attempt to troll.

Oh, but I shall continue to do so, until he shows me that he isn't a troll. Thus far, I've seen maybe 2 posts out every hundred from him that are actually worth reading, the rest being hateful or profanity filled, or so far down on the illiteracy scale even newborns know how to speak better English than the drivel Obe often spews.

But, I've digressed, back to the topic Kusanagi has set forth.

Tried out Spiral Knights, found it to be an intriguing concept, but the limitations of energy dictating pretty much everything you do kinda ruined it for me. One of my friends bought 750 energy, ended u[ with 4-star of all the gear because he sold it all at the Auction House. Now that's just wrong, giving that massive a bonus to paying players, in a free to play game. This is slightly hypocritical of me, being an admin for Nighteam, but meh. You roll with the punches and take what you get.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Oh, but I shall continue to do so, until he shows me that he isn't a troll. Thus far, I've seen maybe 2 posts out every hundred from him that are actually worth reading, the rest being hateful or profanity filled, or so far down on the illiteracy scale even newborns know how to speak better English than the drivel Obe often spews.

Look how much you care, I'm not even trying anymore and it works like a charm <3
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Look how much you care, I'm not even trying anymore and it works like a charm <3

Well, it's not really the fact that I despise your trolling. It's more the fact that I hate that Nunu practically lets you get away with murder.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Well, it's not really the fact that I despise your trolling. It's more the fact that I hate that Nunu practically lets you get away with murder.

That's because nobody actually cares except for you, you autistic fucking retard.