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Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

There'2 DLC for Deu2 Ex: Human Revolutiion?

He may be talking about the 'Missing Link' DLC. It's basically let's you play through the 'mysterious 3 days' that he's off the grid for.

Of course, there's also the Explosive and Tactical DLCs. The Explosive one gives you a Grenade Launcher, a Remote-Detonated Explosive Device (remote mine), a bonus mission, and access to the .
The Tactical one unlocks a double-barreled Shotgun, a silenced Sniper, and gives you 10000 in-game credits.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Yeah, I'm referring to the Missing Link DLC. It basically revolves around the period when you are being transported to Singapore. During the period, you are actually found and your equipment and augments are all confiscated. So the DLC, while related to the overall plot, plays separately.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Extra Credits: Lazy Game Design
(ALT Title: Why Call of Juarez is a HORRIBLE Game)

Re: Games Discussion Thread

So much want!:

Re: Games Discussion Thread

He may be talking about the 'Missing Link' DLC. It's basically let's you play through the 'mysterious 3 days' that he's off the grid for.

Of course, there's also the Explosive and Tactical DLCs. The Explosive one gives you a Grenade Launcher, a Remote-Detonated Explosive Device (remote mine), a bonus mission, and access to the .
The Tactical one unlocks a double-barreled Shotgun, a silenced Sniper, and gives you 10000 in-game credits.

Oh riight, ii'll have two look iinto that then. And yeah, ii already knew about the Explo2iive and Tactiical pack2, you got them for free when you preordered iit or bought the collector2 ediitiion.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Somebody's take on making a parody trailer for Counter Strike: Global Offensive.

Re: Games Discussion Thread

I am playing Arkham City. It's fantastic, but I keep getting the feeling that Batman's got this internal monologue going the whole way through wondering why he's having so much trouble with stuff he does all the time.

Always on the wrong roof.
Missing with batarangs.
Getting thug-punched.

Let's chase the Joker! Then a phone rings, and I'm shooting off across town on a completely unrelated mission. I am Vengeance, I am the Night. I am Batman.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Let's chase the Joker! Then a phone rings, and I'm shooting off across town on a completely unrelated mission. I am Vengeance, I am the Night. I am Batman.

Fuck the mission, there's a Riddler trophy over there!
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Ah, side quests. The only thing that will postpone the apocalypse until you're ready to deal with it.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

The best games that I’ve played and you haven’t:

Star Control 2

In my entire life, I have met one person who has ever heard of this game, mysteriously though it has occasionally been ranked as one of the best games of all time. This is because of the sheer quality of the game’s writing and backstory. The rest of the game is also good but in many ways it is incredibly simplistic by modern standards.

The core of the game is in many ways similar to a beefed up version of asteroids, with different ships battling each other one at a time. Every race has its own ship that all have their own weapons and all that, some of which are fairly imaginative and that’s all good. Your flagship is also customisable where you will have to be balancing your income between expensive modules and then your ships space with combat or strategic upgrades.

That brings us to the awesomer parts of the game. Returning to earth from your archaeological dig planet to find that an alien race has enclosed earth in an impenetrable shield, you embark on a quest to free the human race and defeat the evil Ur-Quan.

But like all well written things, are the Ur-Quan really evil though? If you bother to ask around the various races you can discover their entire star faring history. Every rise and fall brings about the reason as to just why they are dominating the galaxy.

But regardless, you can go build up your fleet and adventure throughout the stars forming allies and saving the day. So don’t be scared of this gem from 1992 just go and do it. Of course if you’re just interested in some cheap thrills maybe you shouldn’t bother, while the game is quite enjoyable it might not stand on its own without its plentiful story, imagination and writing. You can find it as freeware under the name The Ur-Quan Masters.


This is the best arcade shooter that has ever existed. It was reasonably big back in my youth in my area, but I never got the impression that it spread out much past that. Although despite that it still has a cult following and is often ranked highly by people who know of its existence as well. While Star Control’s cult following was because of the universe it showed though, Tyrian is praised for its gameplay.

While it is an arcade shooter it’s not really a bullet hell like other things such as Raiden, instead you have armour and shields that let you take a couple of hits. More importantly though you have primary and secondary weapons, then you have 2 side ship weapons. Then all primary and secondary weapons have ten levels each. Then there are about 30 different guns, then that many again in side ships, which works out to be right about a shit load of different guns for an arcade shooter.

What really nails the whole thing together though is its campaign mode, you start off with a weak ship, shields, guns and generator then as you go through the levels you get money and build up your arsenal to deal with levels as they get harder. It sounds so simple really but the point is it works. It works really well.

So what are you waiting for, go start blowing things up with the best thing Epic (the creators of unreal and gears of war) have ever built. It’s pure old school action. Also it’s full of hidden parts and cheats, including a hidden real time Worms type game if you type “destruct” into the main menu as well as 3 secret harder difficulty levels. This game has also become freeware under the title Tyrian 2000.

Evil Genius

What do you get when you cross the sims with dungeon keeper, you get evil genius that’s what you get. Apparently some of you guys have heard of this game before but it’s been a while since it’s been brought up so it’s only fair to the newbies that I talk about it again.

So the game is basically a campy romp into the world of what it’s like to be a stereotypical bond villain. You build your rooms like in dungeon keeper in your secluded underground base on a deserted island as your little workers run around in their bright yellow jump suits and construction hats with the British announcer lady declaring everything of importance that is happening. All to a similarly campy and very fun musical score.

The game is pretty long winded though, it is going to require a while to sit down and get to grips with just how to play it properly. In fact every person I’ve known to play it has gotten four to five hours into their first playthrough and then restarted. The key thing about this is though, they have always been perfectly happy to restart, you enjoy learning to play the game and then you enjoy restarting and actually playing it with all the knowledge you’ve gained.

The game will last you a while, but it’s not condensed fun, it’s consistently fun, you will be quietly smiling and sitting there for the many hours this game will take. If you can see it for $10 get it immediately, then next time you’re bored take it out and get into it. I’m pretty sure it’s also on steam.

System Shock 2

Now this is a game I’m sure many of you have heard of, especially if you’ve seen much zero punctuation, but how many of you actually went out and played it? Well if you haven’t you should because the game is great. Although compared to the other older games here like Tyrian and Star Control the complexity of an FPS means that its cult following has had less of an impact.

Then on the other hand while the game itself is a bit dated, for instance hit boxes don’t exist and things can sometimes be a bit slow and getting it to actually run on a modern system can be a hassle, things that are generally streamlined out of modern games. Now that more or less all the bad is out of the way, everything else about the game is good. It is well designed, the story is good it has good music and enough complexity to keep it interesting.
Paragraph 3: Shodan, Glados’ bigger, eviler and considerably scarier sister. If for no other reason meeting Shodan is enough reason to play this game. You’ve probably heard little snippits of her speaking before but I think things being in context do help add to her personality.

Getting a hold of a legitimate copy of System Shock could be a problem, it’s not supported anywhere and then to get it to run you will have to go back and forth between some forums downloading little patches and special .exe’s . It’s totally worth it though, assuming you are fond of Sci Fi FPS RPG that is.

Tron 2.0

Another Sci Fi FPS RPG, although considerably more FPS than RPG, Tron 2.0 didn’t really seem to make much of a splash although unlike everything previous to this I did play it when it came out. Although the developer went onto do some other games that you’ve probably heard of, like the first two F.E.A.R games, condemned and AVP 2 (which while excellent has not dated well), so they’ve got some good ideas rattling around in their heads.
The main thing that sets this apart from many other games is the meshing of the inside a computer aspect into every part of the game. You have to find new guns within the dumps of defeated opponents or within data blocks that also hold emails and permissions, then depending on the system you are currently running on you can have a certain amount of active subroutines, which are your armour and other abilities.

The game takes place in the middle of a war between corrupted virus files and the computer’s internal security programs. It shows that the game was written by a person who knows how computers work and that is just awesome, but even if you don’t have the ability to see that the game is good in and of itself.

At the end of the day while most of the other games here are sheer awesome in some way or really stand out for some reason, Tron 2.0 doesn’t so much, it’s just a solid piece of work. It’s a game made by nerds for nerds.

Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines

First things first, I’m pretty sure that at least 70% of you have played this game, which is good because it’s a fantastic game. The other less than 30% of you, go play this god damned game. As at least an acquaintance of mine I feel it is my duty to make you play this game.

It managed to generate favourable reviews but the games development was borderline retarded, resulting in the games developers, Troika, to shut down. This mean the game has more than a couple of bugs, including one in the unpatched game that made it unfinishable. That aside, this game has everything.

It is very well written, excellent replayability, good graphics, good music (this is full songs as well), a good plot and all that jazz. The combat is a little dull and repetitive and it’s hardly a fully-fledged action title but if you are paying attention to the story of vampire politics you will not go unentertained.

If you haven’t already getting this game from steam will not do you wrong, and if you think otherwise that’s your fault. As a side note this game was designed by men, which ironically means that there are none of the downsides to playing as a girl that there are to playing as a guy. That is, every girl in this game is bisexual.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

SC2: Seen letsplays, know the plot; Ur-Quan rock major ass and the game is funny as anything. Not entirely sold on the battle system, even if I did like Space War. It does seem like the kind of thing that requires multiple playthroughs to understand or to find 'everything', which always turns me off (- the fact that content is lost simply by taking too long to find it doesn't help -) though coming into the game already knowing the story might make that moot.

Tyrian: while a “fuck yeah” is necessary, I can't choose what’s most appropriate for the remainder of the response. "FOR ZINGLON!", "Goddamnit Mircosol...", or "All mighty Carrotship."

Evil Genius: Beat it. Fun, not quite as fun as it should be, especially near the end when all the enjoyment gets ground out.

System Shock 2: Never liked horror games, and the tales I've heard of the game mark it as not just horrific, but difficult in ways I don’t like, with infinitely respawning enemies and requiring conservation of ammo. Yet, I am still mildly tempted by the chance to run through Shodan's corridors...

Tron 2.0: I'm turned off it by the idea that the game is going to be all blocky wireframes, which is probably incorrect as I've never seen shots of the game. Or watched the movies. Still, not like I have the time to play much now anyway.

Vampire: I'm allergic to its particular breed of grimdark.

Adding to the list:
Demon’s Crest. It's a platformer with a character that has impressive manoeuvrability from the beginning of the game, eventually being able to fly infinitely - something like Kirby, but without the enemy eating and with demons from the Ghosts and Goblins world (one of which you play as). Despite its ball-breakingly hard parent series, it's still not much harder than a Kirby game. I’d write a better summary, but I’m shit out of time, as I‘m finding annoyingly common.
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Star Control 2: Haven't got around to playing it yet. Another on my long list of things to try that's currently sitting on my desk and/or hard drive.

Evil Genius: Played it a little, but I didn't like it too much. Dungeon Keeper was more fun with imps and skeletons than it was with goons.

System Shock 2: Played it. Didn't beat it though. My save got deleted halfway through when Stalker killed my computer. It was pretty good, but I liked Deus Ex better.

Bloodlines: Played it. Beat it. Bought the t-shirt. More than once, actually. Despite its linearity, the breadth of different character options and well paced story still leave it as one of my favorite RPGs. The community patches add a whole lot to it as well.

Demon's Crest: I remember not getting past the first level of this back when I was playing SNES roms, mostly due to it competing with Earthbound and Actraiser for time.

Adding to the list even more!

Homeworld: A little less underground than some of the other titles, but this remains my favorite RTS. Too bad the sequels were meh (Cataclysm) and bad (HW2) respectively.

Nosferatu, The Wrath of Malachi: One of the very few games that has actually managed to startle me on a couple of occasions. The grainy look of the graphics have actually held up pretty well despite the not so great enemy polygons. The difficult combat combines extremely well with the fact that the items and NPCs are randomly distributed throughout the castle, and that you're constantly on a timer.
If you liked Clive Barkers Undying or the original Doom, I highly recommend giving this a try.

Sword of the Stars: My favorite 4X game after Master of Orion 2.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Only one on that list I've played was Evil Genius. Stremely complex game, still not figured out the correct balance of sneaky and keeping my forces funded.

However, perhaps Iron Grip: Warlords fits? I don't hear much discussion about it, however it's a bloody good time for a FPS/Strategy hybrid.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

If you liked Bloodlines you might want to try out Vampire the masquerade: Redemption.

While the gameplay is different, more akin to Diablo with a party of characters. And the key-bindings suuuuuuuuck. And the team AI refuses to stop using up their blood on disciplines, even when you've turned it off in the option menu...

Honestly, I liked it. I may just be a sucker for RPGs (it certainly isn't the vamps, I strongly dislike vampires) but despite it's many flaws, and dated look I played this game almost non-stop in my free time last week.

Also, I wish their were more world of darkness PCRPGs, unfortunately Vampire is the only one that is reasonably feasable. 5 forms for a were-wolf? not happening, hunter would just be a re-hash of any monster hunting game, and mage would translate horribly (alot of the fun is making your own spells, def not going to happen).
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Homeworld: A little less underground than some of the other titles, but this remains my favorite RTS. Too bad the sequels were meh (Cataclysm) and bad (HW2) respectively.

i kinda feel the opposite, i liked homeworld 2 a lot and then cataclysm was pretty good to (i liked the transformation from mining vessel to warship throughout the campeign)

Sword of the Stars: My favorite 4X game after Master of Orion 2.

i played sword of the stars a while back and it was good, not fantastic but good, although i also found the amature art in the loading screens to REALY detract from it. i'm looking forward to if they finish the sequal.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

i kinda feel the opposite, i liked homeworld 2 a lot and then cataclysm was pretty good to (i liked the transformation from mining vessel to warship throughout the campeign)

i played sword of the stars a while back and it was good, not fantastic but good, although i also found the amature art in the loading screens to REALY detract from it. i'm looking forward to if they finish the sequal.

The story for Cataclysm was still really good, but the gameplay had a lot of balance issues that weren't present in the original and there were a good many irritating bugs.

Homeworld 2 had the most irritating and broken AI in any RTS I've ever played, and the ships had a very skewed cost to actual value in combat ratio. That, and capturing things was impossible in that game. And I thought the story was absolute bullshit. And they killed the Bentusi.

I just ignored the art, usually, so it wasn't a really big problem. My favorite part about it was actually the tech tree and the way that research worked. And I'm looking forward to the sequel as well.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Just beat Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology for the PSP.

It was bland and okay. The end.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Future Cop: L.A.P.D.
Finally found the copy that my dad's friend gave to me.

I forgot how fun it is.

You play as a police officer piloting a hover police car that can change into a mech.
The campaign isn't too long, but it's long enough to be fun.
There's also a multi-player mode, in which you can either fight your friend or a bot.

In the campaign, your objective is to get to the end of the level and beat the boss, defeating enemies and solving the occasional puzzle along the way. I never really payed attention to the story line, but I think it's something like you're hunting down big-time crime lords, and at some point you have to rescue someone from a demon-worshipping cult... something along those lines.
In vehicle mode, you can't do much of anything, but you can move quick as hell.
As the mech, you have access to three types of weapons: Primary, Secondary, and Special. Primary is usually a fast-firing weapon, like a Minigun or a Flamethrower, or even a gun that shoots electricity. Secondary weapons are usually the heavy-hitting ones, like Rockets or Concussion Beams. Special weapons are, well, special, ranging from Mines and Mortars, to a Shockwave generator or even a Plasma Flare.

I'd definitely suggest checking it out.

Re: Games Discussion Thread

I would see this movie if I weren't already going to be losing my life to the game.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Pulled out my dreamcast. Playing some Street fighter 3 and Capcom vs SNK millennium fight 2000