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Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

Oh lord. I think that's the one we had at Media Play that came in a box that was big enough to climb in because it came with a controller that was shaped like a mecha console.

Come to think if it, I don't think we ever sold the thing, at least not until it got toward the store closing down. We might've sold one before that. Either that, or it was one of those instances where we actually had someone coming in looking for it and when I went to get it, it was "It got sold? Really? Really?"

Steel Battalion, great game, bring a book for the loading times. Two joysticks, three foot pedals, and like a bazillion buttons, dials, and switches. I have one in the basement XD
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Disgaea was great to play, I got hooked on the Nippon Ichi series of games with Phantom Brave and since then I've tracked down as many of the titles that I could. So far the only one I felt dident live up to the rest of them was Soul Nomad, the battle maps felt like they got lazy and figured we woulden't notice that it was a flat piece of cloth map with grids, but the rest of the game was interesting both good and evil sides of the story.

As for the characters they were quite unique and seeing Walnut from Phantom Brave was a nice treat and hearing Laharl bitch when you say the overlord title wasen't much got a good laugh on the evil side XD

Perhaps the strangest point in the game was when some NPC you talk to mentions Hentai man some kind of super hero, god only knows what 'super powers' he has XD only time I've seen something like that to make me have to look twice to make sure I saw right was in Mass Effect 2, when a video game desk clerk says "Those hanar and asari porn games are nasty".

Those kind of porn games would fit right in on the hentai section of this forum XD After hearing that line I thought "Does this mean they have intergalactic ULMF?"
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Those kind of porn games would fit right in on the hentai section of this forum XD After hearing that line I thought "Does this mean they have intergalactic ULMF?"

Of course they do. We are eternal.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Haha, I've been in love with the armored core series since I got nine-breaker (I think that was it's name?) for the original playstation. Unfortunately they've been straying away from anything resembeling a usable control scheme for a while now, I couldn't even play armored core 4 because of it, and there wasn't any way to customize it.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I found the current control scheme a bit more easier to adapt to, I'm glad they did away with the breakable AC parts from Last Raven, that was a bit annoying to deal with and twin kojima rifles fully charged against enemy ACs ROCKS XD took down the 4 ACs on hard mode in Armored Core 4 with utter ease.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

nunu has been looking far a copy of 4 answer on xbox but alas, the local shop doesn't have it.

Re: Games Discussion Thread

Maybe it was just me. I like having my contolls set up the old way so I can aim/strafe/boost-hop/switch weapons all at the same time. Personally I like to build heavier/medium cores, unfortunately they get raped by anything that spams boost.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

i liked the speed of AC4, but i prefer the smaller mechs that quick boost so fast they leave the screen.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I've played Armoured Core 4 and AC:4Answer. Much fun. I've completed the first two story routes on AC:4A, but never quite had the guts to finish the final "monster" ending, or whatever it's called. The one where you have to fight those four elite Nexts. Can't really mark out any favourite mech type or design. I enjoyed building all sorts really, and testing out semi random combinations to see if they could work. Hated fighting Fragile and his evil caffine injected speed machine. So hard to hit.

I'm sure if my brother was reading this he'd happily ramble on about Armoured Core for ages. Has an S rank in everything.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I've had more fun with Chrome Hounds than I did with AC:4Answer.
I like the AC series, but nothing about 4Answer really stood out to me or made really like it. It was just kinda 'meh'. Not to say Chrome Hounds is any better, and it's story is even more 'meh' since the focus for it seemed to be multi-player; then again, because it's focused on multi-player, it emphasizes teamwork over going in solo, which is a nice break from the normal mech games, IMO.

There are different classes of mechs, each with advantages and disadvantages. There are in-your-face mechs, mechs that sit around mid range to attack/defend, and long-range artillery and commander mechs that are meant as support. Oh, and scout mechs - quick little shits whose goal is to find bases and cap towers (towers reveal map, so without any, you'll be mostly blind radar-wise). The only thing I usually have issues with is figuring out exactly WHAT I'm supposed to do for the best rating in the missions, but even then I usually figure it out through trial and error.

Also, it's a bargain-bin game. Got it for 5 USD.
I haven't tried the multi-player yet. Mostly because I don't have a gold account right now, but also because I doubt there would be too many people playing this, seeing as how it feels like one of those games that flew under EVERYBODY'S radar.

EDIT: Found a video Angry Joe did in 2009 -

EDIT2: Apparently I wouldn't be able to play multi-player anyways. It appears that it was a persistent world, which I love, but not enough people played it, so SEGA (GOD DAMMIT SEGA) shut the servers down. I AM A SAD PANDA.
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

I've played Armoured Core 4 and AC:4Answer. Much fun. I've completed the first two story routes on AC:4A, but never quite had the guts to finish the final "monster" ending, or whatever it's called. The one where you have to fight those four elite Nexts. Can't really mark out any favourite mech type or design. I enjoyed building all sorts really, and testing out semi random combinations to see if they could work. Hated fighting Fragile and his evil caffine injected speed machine. So hard to hit.

I'm sure if my brother was reading this he'd happily ramble on about Armoured Core for ages. Has an S rank in everything.

so do i, just not with me... i only recently got and xbox of my very own...
Re: Games Discussion Thread

A little (well 20 minute) game review by egoraptor, a famous newgrounds flash maker, about Megaman vs. Megaman X. I personally think he has quite some insight and his presentation is enjoyable and brings out a lot of character.

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Re: Games Discussion Thread

I really liked chromehounds myself. So many ways to build your mech to deal with the enemy, and it was alot more realistic (if mechs were ever to be used on a battlefield, sadly they're not) than AC.

I was able to get online and play the multi for a few weeks before the servers went down. Very tactical gameplay, if your team wasn't working together and the enemy was, you were dead.

One of my favorite builds was to slap a medium-weight chasis on the heaviest wheels and load it up with a ton of linked missile launchers. Roll around the map just looking for someone to lock onto and once I'd done so, rain armageddon on them.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

The servers for chromehounds went down earlier this year, so you may be out of luck.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

For anyone that also enjoys slightly more grounded and methodical mech action, Battle Tech style, it seems worth pointing out that Mech Warrior 4 Mercenaries is now 100% free to download, via official legal sources, and comes with a special "MekPak" mod/expansion from the people handling it's distribution. It's retro, but still a great game and I can recommend it. (Just don't expect to be flying through the sky and quick boosting around like a heavily armed pin ball. This is more the walking tank style of mech combat.)

I've forgotten what order you need to download what in. You may need a MTX client first or something. But it's not too complex either way.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Well i'm fond of any customisable robot action, so if anyone has any other ideas...
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Trying to prod for Dungeon Defenders again, anyone played the Halloween mission yet? I've given it a few tries before, but my ranked chars are STILL rather low in the stats to make it all the way :<
Re: Games Discussion Thread

lol, I'm still waiting on the new mechwarrior for the 360. The douchebags had some kind of preview videos online a while back and it's release date is still TBA.